Static partition schemes suffer from the limitation of having the fixed number of active processes and the usage of space may also not be optimal. The buddy system is a memory allocation and management algorithm that manages memory in power of two increments. Assume the memory size is 2U, suppose a size of S is required.
System also keep the record of all the unallocated blocks each and can merge these different size blocks to make one big chunk.
Consider a system having buddy system with physical address space 128 KB.Calculate the size of partition for 18 KB process.
So, size of partition for 18 KB process = 32 KB. It divides by 2, till possible to get minimum block to fit 18 KB.
Question: Write a program to implement the buddy system of memory allocation in Operating Systems.
Explanation: The buddy system is implemented as follows- A list of free nodes, of all the different possible powers of 2, is maintained at all times (So if total memory size is 1 MB, we’d have 20 free lists to track-one for blocks of size 1 byte, 1 for 2 bytes, next for 4 bytes and so on).
When a request for allocation comes, we look for the smallest block bigger than it. If such a block is found on the free list, the allocation is done (say, the request is of 27 KB and the free list tracking 32 KB blocks has at least one element in it), else we traverse the free list upwards till we find a big enough block. Then we keep splitting it in two blocks-one for adding to the next free list (of smaller size), one to traverse down the tree till we reach the target and return the requested memory block to the user. If no such allocation is possible, we simply return null.
Let us see how the algorithm proceeds by tracking a memory block of size 128 KB. Initially, the free list is: {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, { (0, 127) }
The result will be as follows:
Buddy Allocation-128 shows the starting address of next possible block (if main memory size ever increases)
Question: Write a program to implement the buddy system of memory allocation and deallocation in Operating Systems.
Explanation: As we already know from Set 1, the allocation is done via the usage of free lists. Now, for deallocation, we will maintain an extra data structure-a Map (unordered_set in C++, HashMap in Java) with the starting address of segment as key and size of the segment as value and update it whenever an allocation request comes. Now, when deallocation request comes, we will first check the map to see if it is a valid request. If so, we will then add the block to the free list tracking blocks of its sizes. Then, we will search the free list to see if it’s buddy is free-if so, we will merge the blocks and place them on the free list above them (which tracks blocks of double the size), else we will not coalesce and simply return after that.
How to know which block is a given block’s buddy?
Let us define two terms-buddyNumber and buddyAddress. The buddyNumber of a block is calculated by the formula:
We note that this is always an integer, as both numerator and denominator are powers of 2. Now, a block will be another block’s buddy if both of them were formed by the splitting of the same bigger block. For example, if 4 consecutive allocation requests of 16 bytes come, we will end up with blocks 0-15, 16-31, 32-47, 48-63 where blocks 0-15 and 16-31 are buddies (as they were formed by splitting block 0-32) but 0-15 and 32-47 aren’t. The buddyAddress of a block is the starting index of its buddy block, given by the formula:
block_starting_address+block_size (if buddyNumber is even)
block_starting_address-block_size (if buddyNumber is odd)
Thus, all we have to do is find this buddyAddress in the free list (by comparing with all the starting addresses in that particular list), and if present, coalescing can be done.
Let us see how the algorithm proceeds by tracking a memory block of size 128 KB. Initially, the free list is: {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, { (0, 127) }
10 videos|99 docs|33 tests
1. What is the buddy system memory allocation technique? |
2. How does the buddy system memory allocation technique work? |
3. What are the advantages of using the buddy system memory allocation technique? |
4. What are the limitations of the buddy system memory allocation technique? |
5. How does the buddy system memory allocation technique compare to other memory allocation techniques? |