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CTET CDP Solved Question Paper - 1 (31 Jan - 2021) | Child Development and Pedagogy for CTET Preparation - CTET & State TET PDF Download

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 Page 1

Directions (Q.Nos.1-30) Answer the
following questions by selecting the
correct/most appropriate options.
1. Inordertoaddresslearnersfromdiverse
(a) use standardised assessment for all
(b) use statements that strengthen negative
(c) avoid talking about aspects related to diversity
(d) draw examples from diverse settings
2. Problem-solvingabilitiescanbefacilitated
(a) encouraging use of analogies
(b) generating fear among students
(c) focusing on drill and practice
(d) encouraging fixed process of solving the
3. Inordertoaddresstheneedsofstudents
(a) do individualised educational planning
(b) practice rigid structures for pedagogy and
(c) use multiple audio-visual aids
(d) use constructive pedagogical approaches
4. …………istheprimaryidentifyingfeature
(a) Hyperactivity
(b) Inattentiveness
(c) Low comprehension
(d) Divergent thinking
5. Whichofthefollowingismosteffectivemode
(a) Observation without analysis
(b) Imitation and repetition
(c) Rote memorisation of content
(d) Exploration of relationships between concepts
6. Ateachershouldanalysethevariouserrors
(a) she can segregate those who made more errors
in comparison to others
(b) learning is solely based on correction of errors
(c) she can decide degree of punishment
(d) understanding of errors are meaningful in the
teaching-learning process
7. Motivationtolearncanbesustainedby
(a) giving very easy tasks to children
(b) focusing on rote-memorisation
(c) punishing the child
(d) focusing on mastery-oriented goals
Paper - 1 (CDP)
31 Janua r y, 2021
Page 2

Directions (Q.Nos.1-30) Answer the
following questions by selecting the
correct/most appropriate options.
1. Inordertoaddresslearnersfromdiverse
(a) use standardised assessment for all
(b) use statements that strengthen negative
(c) avoid talking about aspects related to diversity
(d) draw examples from diverse settings
2. Problem-solvingabilitiescanbefacilitated
(a) encouraging use of analogies
(b) generating fear among students
(c) focusing on drill and practice
(d) encouraging fixed process of solving the
3. Inordertoaddresstheneedsofstudents
(a) do individualised educational planning
(b) practice rigid structures for pedagogy and
(c) use multiple audio-visual aids
(d) use constructive pedagogical approaches
4. …………istheprimaryidentifyingfeature
(a) Hyperactivity
(b) Inattentiveness
(c) Low comprehension
(d) Divergent thinking
5. Whichofthefollowingismosteffectivemode
(a) Observation without analysis
(b) Imitation and repetition
(c) Rote memorisation of content
(d) Exploration of relationships between concepts
6. Ateachershouldanalysethevariouserrors
(a) she can segregate those who made more errors
in comparison to others
(b) learning is solely based on correction of errors
(c) she can decide degree of punishment
(d) understanding of errors are meaningful in the
teaching-learning process
7. Motivationtolearncanbesustainedby
(a) giving very easy tasks to children
(b) focusing on rote-memorisation
(c) punishing the child
(d) focusing on mastery-oriented goals
Paper - 1 (CDP)
31 Janua r y, 2021
8. Shame…………
(a) is very effective to motivate the children to learn
(b) should be generated frequently in
teaching-learning process
(c) has no relation to cognition
(d) can have negative impact on cognition
9. Constructivistviewoflearningsuggeststhat
(a) play an active role in
(b) are solely dependent on textbooks in
(c) have no role to play in
(d) are solely dependent on adults for
10. Whichofthefollowingbeliefisgoodfor
(a) Efforts don’t make any difference
(b) Failure is uncontrollable
(c) Ability is improvable
(d) Ability is fixed
11. Conceptualunderstandingamongstudents
(a) frequent examinations
(b) inquiry and dialogue
(c) competitions
(d) textbook-centric pedagogy
12. Itisdifficultforchildrentolearnwhen
(a) learning is socially contextualised
(b) content is represented through multiple ways
(c) information is presented in disconnected
(d) they are intrinsically motivated
13. Beststateoflearningis
(a) moderate arousal, no fear
(b) no arousal, no fear
(c) high arousal, high fear
(d) low arousal, high fear
14. Individualdifferencesindevelopmentof
(a) neither heredity nor environment
(b) interplay of heredity and environment
(c) heredity only
(d) environment only
15. Duringatask, Sainaistalkingtoherself
(a) Ego-centricism
(b) Psychological disorder
(c) Cognitive immaturity
(d) Self-regulation
16. Evaluationpracticesshouldaimat
(a) identifying students’ needs and requirements
(b) identification of high-achievers for prize
(c) labelling of students
(d) segregation of students for ability based groups
17. Afterobservingthatstudentsarestruggling
(a) cause withdrawal tendency among students
(b) be meaningless in process of learning
(c) demotivate the children to learn
(d) act as a scaffold for learning
18. Aftergettinghurtduringaplayactivity,
(a) reduces gender bias
(b) promotes gender equality
(c) reflects gender stereotype
(d) challenges gender stereotype
19. Inaprogressiveclassroom
(a) ample opportunities should be provided for
construction of knowledge
(b) students should be labelled on the basis of their
academic scores
(c) a teacher should follow fixed curriculum
(d) the emphasis should be on competition among
20. AccordingtoLawrenceKohlberg’stheory,
becauseothersapproves it”,represents
(a) Post-conventional (b) Formal conventional
(c) Pre-conventional (d) Conventional
21. Whichofthefollowingiscorrectinthe
(a) Peers are primary socialisation agents and
family is a secondary socialisation agent
(b) Family and mass-media both are secondary
socialisation agents
(c) School is a secondary socialisation agent and
family is a primary socialisation agents
(d) School is a primary socialisation agent and peers
are secondary socialisation agents
2021 January (CLASS I-V)Solved Paper CTET
Page 3

Directions (Q.Nos.1-30) Answer the
following questions by selecting the
correct/most appropriate options.
1. Inordertoaddresslearnersfromdiverse
(a) use standardised assessment for all
(b) use statements that strengthen negative
(c) avoid talking about aspects related to diversity
(d) draw examples from diverse settings
2. Problem-solvingabilitiescanbefacilitated
(a) encouraging use of analogies
(b) generating fear among students
(c) focusing on drill and practice
(d) encouraging fixed process of solving the
3. Inordertoaddresstheneedsofstudents
(a) do individualised educational planning
(b) practice rigid structures for pedagogy and
(c) use multiple audio-visual aids
(d) use constructive pedagogical approaches
4. …………istheprimaryidentifyingfeature
(a) Hyperactivity
(b) Inattentiveness
(c) Low comprehension
(d) Divergent thinking
5. Whichofthefollowingismosteffectivemode
(a) Observation without analysis
(b) Imitation and repetition
(c) Rote memorisation of content
(d) Exploration of relationships between concepts
6. Ateachershouldanalysethevariouserrors
(a) she can segregate those who made more errors
in comparison to others
(b) learning is solely based on correction of errors
(c) she can decide degree of punishment
(d) understanding of errors are meaningful in the
teaching-learning process
7. Motivationtolearncanbesustainedby
(a) giving very easy tasks to children
(b) focusing on rote-memorisation
(c) punishing the child
(d) focusing on mastery-oriented goals
Paper - 1 (CDP)
31 Janua r y, 2021
8. Shame…………
(a) is very effective to motivate the children to learn
(b) should be generated frequently in
teaching-learning process
(c) has no relation to cognition
(d) can have negative impact on cognition
9. Constructivistviewoflearningsuggeststhat
(a) play an active role in
(b) are solely dependent on textbooks in
(c) have no role to play in
(d) are solely dependent on adults for
10. Whichofthefollowingbeliefisgoodfor
(a) Efforts don’t make any difference
(b) Failure is uncontrollable
(c) Ability is improvable
(d) Ability is fixed
11. Conceptualunderstandingamongstudents
(a) frequent examinations
(b) inquiry and dialogue
(c) competitions
(d) textbook-centric pedagogy
12. Itisdifficultforchildrentolearnwhen
(a) learning is socially contextualised
(b) content is represented through multiple ways
(c) information is presented in disconnected
(d) they are intrinsically motivated
13. Beststateoflearningis
(a) moderate arousal, no fear
(b) no arousal, no fear
(c) high arousal, high fear
(d) low arousal, high fear
14. Individualdifferencesindevelopmentof
(a) neither heredity nor environment
(b) interplay of heredity and environment
(c) heredity only
(d) environment only
15. Duringatask, Sainaistalkingtoherself
(a) Ego-centricism
(b) Psychological disorder
(c) Cognitive immaturity
(d) Self-regulation
16. Evaluationpracticesshouldaimat
(a) identifying students’ needs and requirements
(b) identification of high-achievers for prize
(c) labelling of students
(d) segregation of students for ability based groups
17. Afterobservingthatstudentsarestruggling
(a) cause withdrawal tendency among students
(b) be meaningless in process of learning
(c) demotivate the children to learn
(d) act as a scaffold for learning
18. Aftergettinghurtduringaplayactivity,
(a) reduces gender bias
(b) promotes gender equality
(c) reflects gender stereotype
(d) challenges gender stereotype
19. Inaprogressiveclassroom
(a) ample opportunities should be provided for
construction of knowledge
(b) students should be labelled on the basis of their
academic scores
(c) a teacher should follow fixed curriculum
(d) the emphasis should be on competition among
20. AccordingtoLawrenceKohlberg’stheory,
becauseothersapproves it”,represents
(a) Post-conventional (b) Formal conventional
(c) Pre-conventional (d) Conventional
21. Whichofthefollowingiscorrectinthe
(a) Peers are primary socialisation agents and
family is a secondary socialisation agent
(b) Family and mass-media both are secondary
socialisation agents
(c) School is a secondary socialisation agent and
family is a primary socialisation agents
(d) School is a primary socialisation agent and peers
are secondary socialisation agents
2021 January (CLASS I-V)Solved Paper CTET
22. Theoryofmultipleintelligence
(a) there are several forms of intelligences
(b) there are no individual differences in
(c) Intelligence Quotient (IQ) can be
measured only by objective tests
(d) Intelligence in one domain ensures
intelligence in all other domains
23. Pre-operationalstageinJeanPiaget’s
(a) Hypothetico deductive thinking
(b) Ability to conserve and seriate objects
(c) Development of abstract thinking
(d) Centration in thought
24. Whichofthefollowingstatementsis
(a) Development occurs only during the
period of childhood
(b) Development is multidimensional
(c) Development has the same rate of growth
across cultures for everyone
(d) Development occurs only through learning
that takes place in school
25. LevVygotsky’ssocial-cultural
(a) Motivation
(b) Equilibration
(c) Cultural tools
(d) Attribution
26. Inhistheoryofcognitivedevelopment,Jean
(a) Zone of proximal development
(b) Schemas
(c) Psychological tools
(d) Stimulus-response association
27. InanInclusiveclassroomemphasisshouldbeon
(a) segregation of students based on their social identity
(b) providing opportunities aiming at maximising
potential of individual children
(c) performance oriented goals
(d) undifferentiated instructions
28. AccordingtoRightofPersonswithDisabilitiesAct
(a) Student with physical disability
(b) Student with crippled body
(c) Retarded student
(d) Handicapped student
29. Sequenceofdevelopmentamongchildrenfrom
(a) concrete, abstract, sensory
(b) abstract, concrete, sensory
(c) sensory, concrete, abstract
(d) abstract, sensory, concrete
30. Individualdifferencesinaprogressiveclassroom
(a) criteria for making ability-based groups.
(b) important for planning of teaching-learning process.
(c) a hindrance to the process of learning.
(d) a failure on the part of teacher.
2021 January (CLASS I-V)Solved Paper CTET
1 (d) 2 (c) 3 (b) 4 (d) 5 (d) 6 (d) 7 (d) 8 (d) 9 (a) 10 (c)
11 (b) 12 (c) 13 (a) 14 (b) 15 (d) 16 (a) 17 (d) 18 (c) 19 (a) 20 (d)
21 (c) 22 (a) 23 (d) 24 (b) 25 (c) 26 (b) 27 (b) 28 (a) 29 (c) 30 (b)
Page 4

Directions (Q.Nos.1-30) Answer the
following questions by selecting the
correct/most appropriate options.
1. Inordertoaddresslearnersfromdiverse
(a) use standardised assessment for all
(b) use statements that strengthen negative
(c) avoid talking about aspects related to diversity
(d) draw examples from diverse settings
2. Problem-solvingabilitiescanbefacilitated
(a) encouraging use of analogies
(b) generating fear among students
(c) focusing on drill and practice
(d) encouraging fixed process of solving the
3. Inordertoaddresstheneedsofstudents
(a) do individualised educational planning
(b) practice rigid structures for pedagogy and
(c) use multiple audio-visual aids
(d) use constructive pedagogical approaches
4. …………istheprimaryidentifyingfeature
(a) Hyperactivity
(b) Inattentiveness
(c) Low comprehension
(d) Divergent thinking
5. Whichofthefollowingismosteffectivemode
(a) Observation without analysis
(b) Imitation and repetition
(c) Rote memorisation of content
(d) Exploration of relationships between concepts
6. Ateachershouldanalysethevariouserrors
(a) she can segregate those who made more errors
in comparison to others
(b) learning is solely based on correction of errors
(c) she can decide degree of punishment
(d) understanding of errors are meaningful in the
teaching-learning process
7. Motivationtolearncanbesustainedby
(a) giving very easy tasks to children
(b) focusing on rote-memorisation
(c) punishing the child
(d) focusing on mastery-oriented goals
Paper - 1 (CDP)
31 Janua r y, 2021
8. Shame…………
(a) is very effective to motivate the children to learn
(b) should be generated frequently in
teaching-learning process
(c) has no relation to cognition
(d) can have negative impact on cognition
9. Constructivistviewoflearningsuggeststhat
(a) play an active role in
(b) are solely dependent on textbooks in
(c) have no role to play in
(d) are solely dependent on adults for
10. Whichofthefollowingbeliefisgoodfor
(a) Efforts don’t make any difference
(b) Failure is uncontrollable
(c) Ability is improvable
(d) Ability is fixed
11. Conceptualunderstandingamongstudents
(a) frequent examinations
(b) inquiry and dialogue
(c) competitions
(d) textbook-centric pedagogy
12. Itisdifficultforchildrentolearnwhen
(a) learning is socially contextualised
(b) content is represented through multiple ways
(c) information is presented in disconnected
(d) they are intrinsically motivated
13. Beststateoflearningis
(a) moderate arousal, no fear
(b) no arousal, no fear
(c) high arousal, high fear
(d) low arousal, high fear
14. Individualdifferencesindevelopmentof
(a) neither heredity nor environment
(b) interplay of heredity and environment
(c) heredity only
(d) environment only
15. Duringatask, Sainaistalkingtoherself
(a) Ego-centricism
(b) Psychological disorder
(c) Cognitive immaturity
(d) Self-regulation
16. Evaluationpracticesshouldaimat
(a) identifying students’ needs and requirements
(b) identification of high-achievers for prize
(c) labelling of students
(d) segregation of students for ability based groups
17. Afterobservingthatstudentsarestruggling
(a) cause withdrawal tendency among students
(b) be meaningless in process of learning
(c) demotivate the children to learn
(d) act as a scaffold for learning
18. Aftergettinghurtduringaplayactivity,
(a) reduces gender bias
(b) promotes gender equality
(c) reflects gender stereotype
(d) challenges gender stereotype
19. Inaprogressiveclassroom
(a) ample opportunities should be provided for
construction of knowledge
(b) students should be labelled on the basis of their
academic scores
(c) a teacher should follow fixed curriculum
(d) the emphasis should be on competition among
20. AccordingtoLawrenceKohlberg’stheory,
becauseothersapproves it”,represents
(a) Post-conventional (b) Formal conventional
(c) Pre-conventional (d) Conventional
21. Whichofthefollowingiscorrectinthe
(a) Peers are primary socialisation agents and
family is a secondary socialisation agent
(b) Family and mass-media both are secondary
socialisation agents
(c) School is a secondary socialisation agent and
family is a primary socialisation agents
(d) School is a primary socialisation agent and peers
are secondary socialisation agents
2021 January (CLASS I-V)Solved Paper CTET
22. Theoryofmultipleintelligence
(a) there are several forms of intelligences
(b) there are no individual differences in
(c) Intelligence Quotient (IQ) can be
measured only by objective tests
(d) Intelligence in one domain ensures
intelligence in all other domains
23. Pre-operationalstageinJeanPiaget’s
(a) Hypothetico deductive thinking
(b) Ability to conserve and seriate objects
(c) Development of abstract thinking
(d) Centration in thought
24. Whichofthefollowingstatementsis
(a) Development occurs only during the
period of childhood
(b) Development is multidimensional
(c) Development has the same rate of growth
across cultures for everyone
(d) Development occurs only through learning
that takes place in school
25. LevVygotsky’ssocial-cultural
(a) Motivation
(b) Equilibration
(c) Cultural tools
(d) Attribution
26. Inhistheoryofcognitivedevelopment,Jean
(a) Zone of proximal development
(b) Schemas
(c) Psychological tools
(d) Stimulus-response association
27. InanInclusiveclassroomemphasisshouldbeon
(a) segregation of students based on their social identity
(b) providing opportunities aiming at maximising
potential of individual children
(c) performance oriented goals
(d) undifferentiated instructions
28. AccordingtoRightofPersonswithDisabilitiesAct
(a) Student with physical disability
(b) Student with crippled body
(c) Retarded student
(d) Handicapped student
29. Sequenceofdevelopmentamongchildrenfrom
(a) concrete, abstract, sensory
(b) abstract, concrete, sensory
(c) sensory, concrete, abstract
(d) abstract, sensory, concrete
30. Individualdifferencesinaprogressiveclassroom
(a) criteria for making ability-based groups.
(b) important for planning of teaching-learning process.
(c) a hindrance to the process of learning.
(d) a failure on the part of teacher.
2021 January (CLASS I-V)Solved Paper CTET
1 (d) 2 (c) 3 (b) 4 (d) 5 (d) 6 (d) 7 (d) 8 (d) 9 (a) 10 (c)
11 (b) 12 (c) 13 (a) 14 (b) 15 (d) 16 (a) 17 (d) 18 (c) 19 (a) 20 (d)
21 (c) 22 (a) 23 (d) 24 (b) 25 (c) 26 (b) 27 (b) 28 (a) 29 (c) 30 (b)
1. (d) A teacher should meet the
needs of students coming from
diverse cultures by designing and
implementing lessons that address all
the students. This will encourage
them to learn and develop an
understanding towards others. For
example, social skills such as respect
and cross-cultural understanding can
be modeled, taught, prompted and
reinforced by the teacher.
2. (c) Drill and practice involves
repetition of specific concepts. This
helps in learning the concepts
quickly. Regular practice builds up
confidence, develops thinking and
gives ability of problem solving.
3. (b) Rigid structures are like strict
lessons which do not allow any
flexibility. If a teacher practice rigid
structure then he/she may not be able
to focus on the individual needs of
students who are facing learning
4. (d) Divergent thinking is a thought
process where different solutions to a
specific problem are explored. This
helps to generate creative ideas.
Hence the primary identifying feature
of creativity is divergent thinking.
5. (d) If teachers use examples to
explain concepts then it helps learners
to relate to their own experiences. By
exploration of relationship between
concepts, effective teaching-learning
takes place in the classroom.
6. (d) Analysis of the errors made by
students assist teachers to observe the
part where mistakes are done. Those
specific areas can then be taught again
to reduce the occurrence of errors.
7. (d) Mastery orientation refers to
having the goal of learning and
mastering a task according to self set
standards. Focusing on
mastery-oriented goals develops new
skills, improves and acquires
additional knowledge, so, answer (d)
is the correct option.
8. (d) The feeling of shame can have
negative impacts as it arouses negative
feelings and low self esteem. It also
negatively impacts on cognition
including working memory.
Therefore the correct option is (d).
9. (a) The constructivist view of
learning suggest that people actively
construct or make their own
knowledge that is also determined by
their own experiences. Therefore
children play an active role in
constructing their own knowledge.
10. (c) A belief to promote among the
learners is that ability can be
improved. With regular practice,
attaining knowledge and experiences,
individual abilities related to
cognitive, physical or emotional can
be improved.
11. (b) Inquiry and dialogue
promotes greater thinking, asking
questions, seeking solutions and
group conversation. This facilitate
better understanding of the concepts
and enables students to apply facts
and skills. Thus, inquiry and dialogue
is the best way.
12. (c) By presenting information in
disconnected chunks learners will
face difficulty in relating the concepts
to each other. This makes it difficult
to gain conceptual understanding.
Hence (c) is correct option.
13. (a) No arousal means lack of
motivation. High arousal may lead to
narrowing of attention and incidence
of high fear. Low arousal and high
fear may not lead to any learning. So
the best state of learning is moderate
arousal, no fear.
14. (b) Heredity gives the capacities
to be developed and the development
of those capacities comes from the
So the individual differences in
children comes from the interplay of
heredity and environment.
15. (d) According to Vygotsky,
private speech is a means for children
to plan their activities and strategies.
This aids in their development and is
a type of self-guidance and
self-regulation of behaviour.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
16. (a) All the evaluation practices
should aim at knowing the
understanding level of students. This
assist teachers to know about the
student needs and requirements and
plan strategies for their improvement.
17. (d) According to Vygotsky,
providing small manageable steps to
reach the goal help learners achieve
independence. It facilitate effective
learning. So providing cues and hints
act as a scaffold for learning.
Scaffold is the support given to
student by an instruction throughout
the learning process.
18. (c) Gender stereotype refers to
using widely accepted biases about
certain traits, characteristics and
associated behaviours. ‘Boys don’t
cry’ is a gender stereotype as it stress
on a particular trait of males. Hence,
statement given by father, reflects
gender stereotype.
19. (a) A progressive classroom helps
students develop social skills,
emotional intelligence and group
participation. Therefore progressive
classroom provides lot of
opportunities for the construction of
20. (d) According to Kohlberg’s
stages of moral development, the
conventional stage of morality is
characterised by an acceptance of
society’s conventions concerning
right or wrong. So, answer (d) is the
correct option.
21. (c) Secondary socialisation agent
refers to social learning when children
enter social institutions like school.
Primary socialisation agent is the first
social learning that children learn in
their family and in their homes.
Hence, option (c) is correct.
22. (a) The theory of multiple
intelligences means there are member
of distinct forms of intelligence that
each individual possesses in varying
degrees. According to Gardener,
sOLVED PAPER 2021 Hints & Solutions
Page 5

Directions (Q.Nos.1-30) Answer the
following questions by selecting the
correct/most appropriate options.
1. Inordertoaddresslearnersfromdiverse
(a) use standardised assessment for all
(b) use statements that strengthen negative
(c) avoid talking about aspects related to diversity
(d) draw examples from diverse settings
2. Problem-solvingabilitiescanbefacilitated
(a) encouraging use of analogies
(b) generating fear among students
(c) focusing on drill and practice
(d) encouraging fixed process of solving the
3. Inordertoaddresstheneedsofstudents
(a) do individualised educational planning
(b) practice rigid structures for pedagogy and
(c) use multiple audio-visual aids
(d) use constructive pedagogical approaches
4. …………istheprimaryidentifyingfeature
(a) Hyperactivity
(b) Inattentiveness
(c) Low comprehension
(d) Divergent thinking
5. Whichofthefollowingismosteffectivemode
(a) Observation without analysis
(b) Imitation and repetition
(c) Rote memorisation of content
(d) Exploration of relationships between concepts
6. Ateachershouldanalysethevariouserrors
(a) she can segregate those who made more errors
in comparison to others
(b) learning is solely based on correction of errors
(c) she can decide degree of punishment
(d) understanding of errors are meaningful in the
teaching-learning process
7. Motivationtolearncanbesustainedby
(a) giving very easy tasks to children
(b) focusing on rote-memorisation
(c) punishing the child
(d) focusing on mastery-oriented goals
Paper - 1 (CDP)
31 Janua r y, 2021
8. Shame…………
(a) is very effective to motivate the children to learn
(b) should be generated frequently in
teaching-learning process
(c) has no relation to cognition
(d) can have negative impact on cognition
9. Constructivistviewoflearningsuggeststhat
(a) play an active role in
(b) are solely dependent on textbooks in
(c) have no role to play in
(d) are solely dependent on adults for
10. Whichofthefollowingbeliefisgoodfor
(a) Efforts don’t make any difference
(b) Failure is uncontrollable
(c) Ability is improvable
(d) Ability is fixed
11. Conceptualunderstandingamongstudents
(a) frequent examinations
(b) inquiry and dialogue
(c) competitions
(d) textbook-centric pedagogy
12. Itisdifficultforchildrentolearnwhen
(a) learning is socially contextualised
(b) content is represented through multiple ways
(c) information is presented in disconnected
(d) they are intrinsically motivated
13. Beststateoflearningis
(a) moderate arousal, no fear
(b) no arousal, no fear
(c) high arousal, high fear
(d) low arousal, high fear
14. Individualdifferencesindevelopmentof
(a) neither heredity nor environment
(b) interplay of heredity and environment
(c) heredity only
(d) environment only
15. Duringatask, Sainaistalkingtoherself
(a) Ego-centricism
(b) Psychological disorder
(c) Cognitive immaturity
(d) Self-regulation
16. Evaluationpracticesshouldaimat
(a) identifying students’ needs and requirements
(b) identification of high-achievers for prize
(c) labelling of students
(d) segregation of students for ability based groups
17. Afterobservingthatstudentsarestruggling
(a) cause withdrawal tendency among students
(b) be meaningless in process of learning
(c) demotivate the children to learn
(d) act as a scaffold for learning
18. Aftergettinghurtduringaplayactivity,
(a) reduces gender bias
(b) promotes gender equality
(c) reflects gender stereotype
(d) challenges gender stereotype
19. Inaprogressiveclassroom
(a) ample opportunities should be provided for
construction of knowledge
(b) students should be labelled on the basis of their
academic scores
(c) a teacher should follow fixed curriculum
(d) the emphasis should be on competition among
20. AccordingtoLawrenceKohlberg’stheory,
becauseothersapproves it”,represents
(a) Post-conventional (b) Formal conventional
(c) Pre-conventional (d) Conventional
21. Whichofthefollowingiscorrectinthe
(a) Peers are primary socialisation agents and
family is a secondary socialisation agent
(b) Family and mass-media both are secondary
socialisation agents
(c) School is a secondary socialisation agent and
family is a primary socialisation agents
(d) School is a primary socialisation agent and peers
are secondary socialisation agents
2021 January (CLASS I-V)Solved Paper CTET
22. Theoryofmultipleintelligence
(a) there are several forms of intelligences
(b) there are no individual differences in
(c) Intelligence Quotient (IQ) can be
measured only by objective tests
(d) Intelligence in one domain ensures
intelligence in all other domains
23. Pre-operationalstageinJeanPiaget’s
(a) Hypothetico deductive thinking
(b) Ability to conserve and seriate objects
(c) Development of abstract thinking
(d) Centration in thought
24. Whichofthefollowingstatementsis
(a) Development occurs only during the
period of childhood
(b) Development is multidimensional
(c) Development has the same rate of growth
across cultures for everyone
(d) Development occurs only through learning
that takes place in school
25. LevVygotsky’ssocial-cultural
(a) Motivation
(b) Equilibration
(c) Cultural tools
(d) Attribution
26. Inhistheoryofcognitivedevelopment,Jean
(a) Zone of proximal development
(b) Schemas
(c) Psychological tools
(d) Stimulus-response association
27. InanInclusiveclassroomemphasisshouldbeon
(a) segregation of students based on their social identity
(b) providing opportunities aiming at maximising
potential of individual children
(c) performance oriented goals
(d) undifferentiated instructions
28. AccordingtoRightofPersonswithDisabilitiesAct
(a) Student with physical disability
(b) Student with crippled body
(c) Retarded student
(d) Handicapped student
29. Sequenceofdevelopmentamongchildrenfrom
(a) concrete, abstract, sensory
(b) abstract, concrete, sensory
(c) sensory, concrete, abstract
(d) abstract, sensory, concrete
30. Individualdifferencesinaprogressiveclassroom
(a) criteria for making ability-based groups.
(b) important for planning of teaching-learning process.
(c) a hindrance to the process of learning.
(d) a failure on the part of teacher.
2021 January (CLASS I-V)Solved Paper CTET
1 (d) 2 (c) 3 (b) 4 (d) 5 (d) 6 (d) 7 (d) 8 (d) 9 (a) 10 (c)
11 (b) 12 (c) 13 (a) 14 (b) 15 (d) 16 (a) 17 (d) 18 (c) 19 (a) 20 (d)
21 (c) 22 (a) 23 (d) 24 (b) 25 (c) 26 (b) 27 (b) 28 (a) 29 (c) 30 (b)
1. (d) A teacher should meet the
needs of students coming from
diverse cultures by designing and
implementing lessons that address all
the students. This will encourage
them to learn and develop an
understanding towards others. For
example, social skills such as respect
and cross-cultural understanding can
be modeled, taught, prompted and
reinforced by the teacher.
2. (c) Drill and practice involves
repetition of specific concepts. This
helps in learning the concepts
quickly. Regular practice builds up
confidence, develops thinking and
gives ability of problem solving.
3. (b) Rigid structures are like strict
lessons which do not allow any
flexibility. If a teacher practice rigid
structure then he/she may not be able
to focus on the individual needs of
students who are facing learning
4. (d) Divergent thinking is a thought
process where different solutions to a
specific problem are explored. This
helps to generate creative ideas.
Hence the primary identifying feature
of creativity is divergent thinking.
5. (d) If teachers use examples to
explain concepts then it helps learners
to relate to their own experiences. By
exploration of relationship between
concepts, effective teaching-learning
takes place in the classroom.
6. (d) Analysis of the errors made by
students assist teachers to observe the
part where mistakes are done. Those
specific areas can then be taught again
to reduce the occurrence of errors.
7. (d) Mastery orientation refers to
having the goal of learning and
mastering a task according to self set
standards. Focusing on
mastery-oriented goals develops new
skills, improves and acquires
additional knowledge, so, answer (d)
is the correct option.
8. (d) The feeling of shame can have
negative impacts as it arouses negative
feelings and low self esteem. It also
negatively impacts on cognition
including working memory.
Therefore the correct option is (d).
9. (a) The constructivist view of
learning suggest that people actively
construct or make their own
knowledge that is also determined by
their own experiences. Therefore
children play an active role in
constructing their own knowledge.
10. (c) A belief to promote among the
learners is that ability can be
improved. With regular practice,
attaining knowledge and experiences,
individual abilities related to
cognitive, physical or emotional can
be improved.
11. (b) Inquiry and dialogue
promotes greater thinking, asking
questions, seeking solutions and
group conversation. This facilitate
better understanding of the concepts
and enables students to apply facts
and skills. Thus, inquiry and dialogue
is the best way.
12. (c) By presenting information in
disconnected chunks learners will
face difficulty in relating the concepts
to each other. This makes it difficult
to gain conceptual understanding.
Hence (c) is correct option.
13. (a) No arousal means lack of
motivation. High arousal may lead to
narrowing of attention and incidence
of high fear. Low arousal and high
fear may not lead to any learning. So
the best state of learning is moderate
arousal, no fear.
14. (b) Heredity gives the capacities
to be developed and the development
of those capacities comes from the
So the individual differences in
children comes from the interplay of
heredity and environment.
15. (d) According to Vygotsky,
private speech is a means for children
to plan their activities and strategies.
This aids in their development and is
a type of self-guidance and
self-regulation of behaviour.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
16. (a) All the evaluation practices
should aim at knowing the
understanding level of students. This
assist teachers to know about the
student needs and requirements and
plan strategies for their improvement.
17. (d) According to Vygotsky,
providing small manageable steps to
reach the goal help learners achieve
independence. It facilitate effective
learning. So providing cues and hints
act as a scaffold for learning.
Scaffold is the support given to
student by an instruction throughout
the learning process.
18. (c) Gender stereotype refers to
using widely accepted biases about
certain traits, characteristics and
associated behaviours. ‘Boys don’t
cry’ is a gender stereotype as it stress
on a particular trait of males. Hence,
statement given by father, reflects
gender stereotype.
19. (a) A progressive classroom helps
students develop social skills,
emotional intelligence and group
participation. Therefore progressive
classroom provides lot of
opportunities for the construction of
20. (d) According to Kohlberg’s
stages of moral development, the
conventional stage of morality is
characterised by an acceptance of
society’s conventions concerning
right or wrong. So, answer (d) is the
correct option.
21. (c) Secondary socialisation agent
refers to social learning when children
enter social institutions like school.
Primary socialisation agent is the first
social learning that children learn in
their family and in their homes.
Hence, option (c) is correct.
22. (a) The theory of multiple
intelligences means there are member
of distinct forms of intelligence that
each individual possesses in varying
degrees. According to Gardener,
sOLVED PAPER 2021 Hints & Solutions
2021 January (CLASS I-V)Solved Paper CTET
there are eight different intelligences
to account for a broad range of
potential in humans. Therefore there
are several forms of intelligences.
Hence, option (a) is correct.
23. (d) In the preoperational stage,
children are thinking at a symbolic
level. They are not using cognitive
operations so there is centration of
thought. For example, child may
insist on drinking a big glass of juice
preferring a tall narrow glass to a
smart broad one. Hence option (d)
is correct.
24. (b) Development involves
dynamic interaction of factors like
physical, emotional and
psychosocial development. So
development is multidimensional.
It’s characteristic is changeable, it
continues throughout life and its
rate of growth is different across
25. (c) Vygotsky’s social cultural
perspective of learning emphasises on
cultural tools. These are psychological
tools like language, signs, symbols that
allow children to use their abilities in a
way that is adaptive to the culture in
which they grow up.
26. (b) According to Piaget, schemas
are the basic building block which help
in organising knowledge. He believed
that people are constantly forming
structures that helps them to take new
information and learn new things.
27. (b) In an inclusive classroom, all
students are given equal access to learn
irrespective of their abilities or skills. It
helps in realising individual potential of
the students by providing maximum
28. (a) The Right of Persons with
Disabilities Act (2016) provides the
right to equality, life with dignity and
respect to persons with disabilities.
The appropriate term is student with
physical disability which emphasis
that student is not retarded, crippled
or handicapped.
29. (c)Sensory refers to gaining the
sensory motor skills like baby getting
experiences of touch, taste, smell, use
of large muscles like moving legs and
small muscles like moving fingers.
Concrete means acquiring specific
like reading, writing.Abstract means
understanding concepts, ability to
absorb information from the senses
and connect to the wider world.
30. (b) A teacher should have active
involvement with all the learners in a
progressive classroom. So the
teaching-learning process should be
planned in such a way so as to take
care of the individual differences of
the learners.
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