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Cayley Hamilton Theorem Video Lecture | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

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FAQs on Cayley Hamilton Theorem Video Lecture - Basic Physics for IIT JAM

1. What is Cayley-Hamilton Theorem?
Ans. The Cayley-Hamilton Theorem states that every square matrix satisfies its own characteristic equation. In other words, if A is a square matrix and p(x) is its characteristic polynomial, then substituting A into p(x) will give the zero matrix.
2. How is Cayley-Hamilton Theorem used in linear algebra?
Ans. Cayley-Hamilton Theorem is a fundamental result in linear algebra that allows us to compute powers of a matrix. By applying the theorem, we can express higher powers of a matrix in terms of its lower powers, making calculations simpler and more efficient.
3. Can the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem be used to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors?
Ans. No, the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem itself does not directly provide eigenvalues or eigenvectors. However, it can be used in conjunction with other techniques to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors. For example, by substituting A into its characteristic polynomial, we can obtain a system of linear equations that can be solved to find the eigenvectors.
4. Is Cayley-Hamilton Theorem applicable to non-square matrices?
Ans. No, the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem only applies to square matrices. Non-square matrices do not have characteristic polynomials, and therefore the theorem cannot be used in such cases.
5. What are some applications of the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem?
Ans. The Cayley-Hamilton Theorem has various applications in fields such as control theory, signal processing, and quantum mechanics. It is used to simplify computations involving matrices, solve linear systems of equations, analyze stability of dynamical systems, and study the behavior of quantum mechanical systems.
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