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Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics PDF Download

Q.1. Prove that areal velocity is constant when force is central.
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics Areal velocity is constant.

Q.2. Consider a comet of mass m moving in a parabolic orbit around the Sun. the closest distance between the comet and the Sun is b, the mass of the Sun is M and the universal gravitation constant is G. Then what is angular momentum of the comet.
l/r = 1 + e cos θ for parabolic orbit e = 1.
For perihelion distance r = r= b and l/b = 2.
∵ cos θ = 1, l = J2/mk ⇒ J2/mk = 2b ∵ l = 2b
J2 = 2mbk ⇒ J = mCentral Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics∵ k = GmM

Q.3. Consider that the motion of a particle of mass m in the potential field
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physicsif l is angular momentum.
(a) Prove that equation is orbit for given potential is same as Kepler’s potential given by
V(r) = - k/r
(b) What is condition that motion is stable and unstable?

Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
If Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physicsthen orbit is bounded and solution can be y = A cosCentral Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
and if Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics then motion is unbounded y = A cosCentral Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Q.4. Given L, find the V(r) that leads to a spiral path of the form r = r0eαθ. Choose E to be zero. Hint: Obtain an expression forCentral Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physicsthat contains no θ's and then use equation
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
The given information r = r0eαθ yields (using Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics= L / mr2)
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Plugging into equation, Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
this gives, Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Therefore, V(r) = Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Q.5. If a particle of mass m is bounded by potential V (r) = kr moves in a circular orbit with angular frequency ωo. If particle is slightly disturbed with circular orbit what will be frequency of small oscillation.
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physicskr, For circular motionCentral Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
If particle is slightly perturbed from circular orbit then angular frequency is
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Q.6. Two particles of identical mass move in circular orbits under a central potential V (r) = 1/2 kr2. Let l1 and l2 be the angular momentum and r1, r2 be the radii of the orbits respectively. If l1/l2, then find the value of r1/r2 is.

Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physicswhere J is angular momentum.
Condition for circular orbit Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Thus, Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Q.7. There are three planets in circular orbits around a star at distances α,4α and 9α, respectively. At time t = t0, the star and the three planets are in a straight line. The period of revolution of the closest planet is T. How long after t0 will they again be in the same straight line?
T1 = ka3/2 = T, T2 = k(4α)3/2 = 8T, T3 = K(9α)3/2 = 27T
Common time that all three star will meet again is t= T1 x Tx T3 = 216T, which is LCM of all time period.

Q.8. A uniform distribution of dust in the solar system adds to the gravitational attraction of the Sun on a planet an additional force
F = -mCr
where m is the mass of the planet, C is a constant proportional to the gravitational constant and the density of the dust, and r is the radius vector from the Sun to the planet (both considered as points). This additional force is very small compared to the direct Sun-planet gravitational force.
(a) Calculate the period for a circular orbit of radius r0 of the planet in this combined  
(b) Calculate the period of radial oscillations for slight disturbances from the circular 
Force due to dust particle F = Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
For circular motion Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - PhysicsCentral Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
For circular motion ω0 = Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics(angular velocity)
(b) For small oscillation ω = Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Q.9. A binary star system consists of two stars S1 and S2, with masses m and 2m respectively separated by a distance r. If both S1 and S2 individually follow circular orbits around the centre of mass with instantaneous speeds v1 and v2 respectively, then what is speeds ratio v1/v2.
Ans: Distance between the stars m1 and m2 is r so external force between them is Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Let us assume r1 and r2 be the radius of circular orbit for m1 and m2 respectively.
So from equation of motion Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics 
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Hence center of circle is at center of mass then m1r1 = m2r2
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Q.10. The probe Mangalyaan was sent recently to explore the planet Mars. The inter-planetary part of the trajectory is approximately a half-ellipse with the Earth (at the time of launch), Sun and Mars (at the time the probe reaches the destination) forming the major axis. Assuming that the orbits of Earth and Mars are approximately circular with radii RE and RM, respectively, Find the speed (with respect to the Sun) of the probe during its voyage when it is at a distance r(RE << r << RM) from the Sun, neglecting the effect of Earth and Mars.
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - PhysicsAns: 
Total energy E = -K/2a where 2a major axis and 2a = RE+ RM.
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Q.11. A particle of mass m moves in a potential given by V(r) = βrk . Let the angular momentum be L.
(a) Find the radius r0 of the circular orbit
(b) If the particle is given a tiny kick so that the radius oscillates around r0, find the frequency, ωr of these small oscillations in r
(c) What is the ratio of the frequency ωr to the frequency of the (nearly) circular motion, ωθ ≡Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - PhysicsGive a few values of k for which the ratio is rational, that is, for which the path of the nearly circular motion closes back on itself.
(a) for potential V(r) = βrk . A circular orbit exists at the value of r for which the derivative of the effective potential (which is the negative of the effective force) is zero. This is simply the statement that the right-hand side of equation Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physicsequals zero, so thatCentral Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - PhysicsSince V'(r) =  βrk-1,the equation gives
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics...(i)
If k is negative, then β must also be negative if there is to be a real solution for r0.
(b)Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
If you work through the r ≡ r0 + ∈ method described above, you will find that you are basically calculating the second derivative of Veff, but in a rather cumbersome way. Using the form of the effective potential, we have
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Using the r0 from equation (i) this simplifies to
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics 
We could get rid of the r0 here by using equation (i), but this form of ωr will be more useful in part (c).
Note that we must have k >-2 for ωr to be real. If k <-2 , then V''ef (r0) < 0 , which means that we have a local maximum of Veff , instead of a local minimum. In other words, the circular orbit is unstable. Small perturbations grow, instead of oscillating around zero.
(c) for circular orbit ωc = Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
But we can also write angular frequency in term of angular momentum Since L = Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physicsfor the circular orbit, we have Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Combining this with equation
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
we find Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
A few values of k that yields rational values for this ratio are (the plots of the orbits are shown in figure above): k = -1 ⇒ ωrθ = 1:
This is the gravitational potential. The variable r makes one oscillation for each complete revolution of the (nearly) circular orbit.
k = -2 ⇒ ωrθ = 2:
This is the spring potential. The variable r makes two oscillations for each complete revolution. There is an infinite number of k values that yield closed orbits. But note that this statement applies only to orbits that are nearly circular. Also, the ''closed'' nature of the orbits is only approximate, because it is based on equation Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physicswhich is an approximate result based on small oscillations. The only k values that lead to exactly closed orbits for any initial conditions are k =-1 (gravity) and k = 2 (spring), and in both case the orbits are ellipses. This result is known as Bertrand's theorem.

Q.12. A binary system consists of two stars of equal mass m orbiting each other in a circular orbit under the influence of gravitational forces. The period of the orbit is τ. At t = 0, the motion is stopped and the stars are allowed to fall towards each other. After what time t, expressed in terms of τ, do they collide?

Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
when x = R , v = 0 , then c = - A/R
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Put x = u2 ⇒ dx = 2udu and x = 0, u = 0 and also, x = R, u = √R
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

The document Central Force: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics is a part of the Physics Course Mechanics & General Properties of Matter.
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FAQs on Central Force: Assignment - Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

1. What is the concept of central force in physics?
Ans. Central force refers to a type of force that acts on an object towards a fixed point or center. In physics, it is often used to describe the force acting on an object moving in a circular or elliptical path. The magnitude of the central force depends only on the distance of the object from the center and its direction is always directed towards the center.
2. How is central force related to the IIT JAM exam?
Ans. Central force is a topic that is included in the syllabus of the IIT JAM (Joint Admission Test for M.Sc.) physics exam. The exam aims to assess the understanding and knowledge of candidates in various areas of physics, including central force. Questions related to central force may be asked in the exam to test the conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills of the candidates.
3. What are some examples of central forces?
Ans. Some examples of central forces include the gravitational force and the electrostatic force. In both cases, the force acts towards the center of the mass or charge, respectively. Other examples include the force exerted by a spring when stretched or compressed, and the magnetic force experienced by a charged particle moving in a magnetic field.
4. How can central force be described mathematically?
Ans. Mathematically, central force can be described using polar coordinates. The magnitude of the force can be represented as F(r), where r is the distance from the center. The direction of the force can be represented by the unit vector in the radial direction. In many cases, central force can be derived from a potential function V(r), where the force is given by F(r) = -dV(r)/dr.
5. What are the applications of central force in physics?
Ans. Central force has various applications in physics. It is used to study the motion of celestial bodies in astronomy, such as planets orbiting around the Sun. Central force is also used to analyze the behavior of particles in particle accelerators, where magnetic fields are used to steer and control the motion of charged particles. Additionally, central force is relevant in the study of atomic and molecular physics, where the forces between atoms and molecules are often described as central forces.
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