Theory of Columns | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical) PDF Download


Compression Member : A compression member is a structural member which is straight and subjected to two equal and opposite compressive forces applied at its ends.
Column: It is defined as a vertical member which is fixed at both the ends and subjected to an axial compressive load.Column, is a compression member that is so slender compared to its length that under gradually increasing loads, it fails by buckling at loads
considerably less that those required to cause failure by crushing.
• A compression member is generally considered to be a long column when its unsupported length is more than 10 times its least lateral dimension.
• Column, Stanchion or post is a vertical compression member supporting floors or girders in a building.
• Principal rafter is a top chord member in a roof truss.
• Boom is the principal compression member in a crane.
• Strut is commonly used for compression member in a roof truss. It may either be in vertical position or in inclined position.
Elastic instability
A column subjected to axial load, may fail under the following modes:
(i) Crushing
(ii) Buckling
(iii) Mixed mode of Buckling and Crushing.
Euler's Theory (Buckling failure)

  •  Assumption of Euler's theory:

(i) Axis of the column is perfectly straight when unloaded.
(ii) The line of thrust coincides exactly with the unstrained of the column.
(iii) Flexural rigidity EI is uniform
(iv) Material is isotropic and homogeneous.
(v) The buckling value of load is assumed to obtain for all degrees of flexure.
(vi) Length is assumed to be too large with respect to cross section.

  •   Limitation of Euler's Formula:

(i) The critical load that causes buckling depends not on strength of the material, but only on its dimensions and modulus of elasticity. This converts the strut problem from the problem of instability to a problem of stress, of which Euler's theory takes no account.
(ii) In order for Euler's formula to be applicable, the critical stress p1 must not exceed the proportional limit.

Depending upon various combinations of restraints, there may be the following four cases of end condition:
End condition Euler's load or critical load Equivalent length (Le)
Case 1 : Both ends hinged

Theory of Columns | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)
Case 2 : One end fixed and other end free
Theory of Columns | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)
Case 3 : Both ends fixed
Theory of Columns | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)
Theory of Columns | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)
As per IS : 800 - 1984, following table can be used for finding effective length:
Effective length of compression members
Radius of Gyration and Slenderness Ratio:

  •  The radius of gyration of a section is given by

Theory of Columns | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)
where, I = Moment of Inertia
A = area of section

  •  Rankine's formula

The Rankine's formula is applicable for all columns ranging form very short to very long struts.
Ranking proposed,
Theory of Columns | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)
Where, Pc = fc.A= ultimate load for a strut
Theory of Columns | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)
= Euler crippling load for the standard case
After rearranging above relations,
Theory of Columns | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)
= Rankine's constant for a particular material

The document Theory of Columns | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical) is a part of the Mechanical Engineering Course Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical).
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FAQs on Theory of Columns - Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)

1. What is the theory of columns in mechanical engineering?
The theory of columns in mechanical engineering refers to the study of the behavior and stability of slender structural elements that are subjected to axial loads. It involves analyzing the buckling and failure modes of columns and determining their load-carrying capacity.
2. What are the different types of column failure modes?
There are several types of column failure modes, including elastic buckling, inelastic buckling, local buckling, and crippling. Elastic buckling occurs when a column deflects laterally under an axial load, while inelastic buckling refers to the column's behavior after it has yielded. Local buckling occurs when only a portion of the column's cross-section undergoes buckling, and crippling happens when the column's compressive strength is reached.
3. How is the load-carrying capacity of a column determined?
The load-carrying capacity of a column is determined by conducting a stability analysis, which involves calculating the critical buckling load. This can be done using various methods, such as Euler's formula, Johnson's formula, and the Perry-Robertson formula. These formulas take into account factors such as the column's material properties, geometry, and end conditions to estimate the load at which buckling will occur.
4. What factors affect the stability of a column?
Several factors can affect the stability of a column, including its material properties, cross-sectional shape, length, and end conditions. The material's modulus of elasticity, yield strength, and compressive strength play a significant role in determining the column's stability. Additionally, columns with larger cross-sectional areas and shorter lengths are generally more stable. The type of end conditions, such as fixed, pinned, or free, also influence the column's stability.
5. How does column slenderness affect its behavior?
Column slenderness refers to the ratio of the column's effective length to its least radius of gyration. It has a significant impact on the column's behavior and stability. As the slenderness ratio increases, the column becomes more susceptible to buckling and its load-carrying capacity decreases. Slender columns are more prone to elastic buckling, while shorter and stouter columns are less likely to buckle under axial loads. The slenderness ratio is an essential parameter in determining the design requirements for columns to prevent buckling failure.
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