Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical) PDF Download



Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)

n = NO. of moles

Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)

γ = mole fraction of gas in mixture of gases

  •  Molecular mass of mixture

Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)

  •  Universal gas constant R = 8.314 kJ/kg mole K

Characteristic gas constant Ra =
Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)

  •  Psychometric properties:

F + P = C + 2
F = Degree of freedom
P = Phases in mixture
C = Components of mixture
For a mixture of 2 gases we need 3 properties to fix its thermodynamic state whereas for pure substance we need only 2 properties.

  •  Dry Bulb Temperature (DBT) is the actual temperature 't' of the normal by ordinary thermometer.
Dry Air Mass ma
Specific volume Va
Water Vapour Mass mw
Specific volume Vw

where,V =Volume
m =Mass
P = Pressure
T = Temperature
Specific humidity/Humidity ratio

Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)

Pv = Partial pressure of vapour
P = Total pressure of moist air

  •  Specific humidity is a function of partial pressure.

Dew point Temperature

  •  The temperature at which the super heated vapour present in a sample of unsaturated
  •  At a given partial pressure of water vapour, the saturation temperature is DBT.

Degree of Saturation

  •  The capacity of air to absorb moisture is called degree of saturation

Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)

 ω = Specific humidity at partial pressure Pv.
 ω = specific humidity at saturation pressure Ps

  •  Relative humidity

Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)
Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)


Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)

h = ha + ωhv
For 1 kg of dry air and w kg of water vapour.
ha = enthalpy of dry air
hv = enthalpy of water vapour

or Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)

hfg = Latent heat of vapourization

Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)


  •  WBT is used to measure humidity by a psychrometer The temperature measured by thermometer whose bulb is covered with wet cloth is wet bulb temperature while the bare bulb measures dry bulb temperature.
    •  Wet Bulb Temperature (WBT) is always less than Dry Bulb Temperature (DBT) except when the air saturated. That time WBT is equal to DBT.
    •  Wet bulb depression = DBT – WBT
    •  WBT is an indirect measure of the dryness of the moist air.

Thermodynamic wet bulb temperature or temperature of adiabatic saturation

  •  For any state of unsaturated moist air, there exist a temperature at which the air becomes adiabatically saturated by the evaporation of water into air. That temperature is temperature of adiabatic saturation.
    •  Only in case of saturated moist air, wet bulb temperature and thermodynamic wet bulb temperature and thermodynamic wet bulb temperature (temperature of adiabatic saturation) are equal.
      • For moist air having three degree of freedom, three of the four properties can be measured.
    • total pressure or barometer pressure.
      • dry bulb temperature
      • dew point temperature.
      • wet bulb temperature.

Thermodynamic WBT is given as

Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)


Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)

Constant enthalpy lines are along the constant wet bulb temperature lines.

  •  Mixing process
    •  Specific humidity of the mixture (w)
      Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)
    •   Enthalpy of the mixture (h)
      Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)
    •  Temperature of the mixture (t)
      Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)

where for the two moist air stream
ma1 , ma2 – Mass of the dry air
W1, W2 – Specific humidity
h1, h2 – Specific enthalpy
t1, t2 – Temperature (in ºC)

  •   Mixing with Condensation: When a cool current mixes with hot current with high relative humidity. the moisture may get condensed and relative humidity of mixed stream might be less that without condensation mass condensed per unit dry air

Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)
Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)

Basic Air Conditioning process

Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)

Process in diagramType of Air- Conditioning
OASensible Heating
OBSensible Cooling
OEHeating and Humidification
OFCooling and Dehumidification
OGCooling and Humidification
OHHeating and Dehumidification
  • If CMM be the cubic meter per minute supply of air and rair = 1.2, Cpair = 1.02

Then Qs = 0.02040 (CMM) Dt kW
QL = 50 (CMM) DwkW
Sensible Heating and Cooling
Qs = ma (1.005 + 1.88 w) (t1 – t2)
ma – mass flow rate of dry air
ω – specific humidity of moist air
t1, t2 – initial and final temperature
Latent Heating and cooling

QL = ma [h1 – h2]
ma – mass flow rate of dry air
h1, h2 – initial and final specific enthalpy

Sensible Heat Factor (SHF)

Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)
Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)

SHF = 1
Þ SensibleHeatingorCooling

  •   SHF = 0

Þ Humidification or Dehumidification
By Pass Factor (x)

  •   By Pass Factor is defined as the fraction of air which doesn't come in contact with or which by passes the cooling surface.
  •  Due to By Pass Factor, the exit state of air is a complex mixture of contacted and uncontacted air

Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)

Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)

  • By pass factor represents how much effective the coil is high by pass factor coil implies less effective and vice-versa.

Apparatus Dew point Temperature

  •  For dehumidification, the surface temperature of coil should be below the dew point temperature of the air. This surface temperature of coil is ADP. This point on the w – t graph, can be found by joining the initial and final condition of air and joining it to saturation curve which shows ADP. point S in the previous figure is ADP. Driving potential for sensible heat transfer is temperature difference whereas that for latent heat transfer is partial pressure or sp. Humidity difference i.e., (Pv – Ps) or (ω – ωs)

Heating Load and cooling Load 

  •  If a conditioned space gains heat from atmosphere it requires cooling of air to a lower temperature. This is called cooling load. If conditioned space losses heat to outside it is heating load.
  •  Both these loads can be sensible or latent loads
  •  Total heating or total cooling load is sum of sensible and latent loads.

Air Washer

Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)

  • It is a device used in conditioning of air for large spaces. Air is passed through spray of water and following processes can take place depending upon the relative temperature of water droplets and air.

1. Heating and dehumidification (ts > t1)
2. Humidification (ts = t1)
3. Cooling and humidification (t1' < ts < t1)
4. Adiabatic saturation (t1' = ts)
5. Cooling and humidification (td < ts < t1')
6. Cooling (ts = td)
7. Cooling and dehumidification (ts <td)

Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)

  • Humidifying efficiency of air washer

Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)

By pass factor

Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)
Summer Air-Conditioning System

Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)

m1 – Fresh air inducted in the room
m2 – recirculated air
m– air rejected from the room = m1

Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)

Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)

Minimum quantity of air to be supplied is

Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)

  • RSH = Room Sensible Heat 
    RLH = Room Latent Heat
    RTH = Room total heat
  •  When ventilation air is used another load, the of bringing a ventilation air from outside condition to inside condition, comes on apparatus. This is called ventilation load.

OASH = Outside air sensible heat
OALH = outside air latent heat

  •  Air conditioning equipment load

Total sensible TSH = RSH + OASH
Total latent TLH = RLH + OALH
Grand sensible heat factor

Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)

The document Properties of Moist Air | Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical) is a part of the Mechanical Engineering Course Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical).
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FAQs on Properties of Moist Air - Mechanical Engineering SSC JE (Technical)

1. What are the properties of moist air?
Ans. Moist air is a mixture of dry air and water vapor. Its properties include temperature, pressure, humidity, dew point, and specific volume. These properties determine the behavior and characteristics of the air.
2. How is the specific volume of moist air calculated?
Ans. The specific volume of moist air is calculated by dividing the volume of the air by its mass. It is expressed in terms of cubic meters per kilogram (m³/kg). The specific volume depends on the temperature, pressure, and humidity of the air.
3. What is the significance of the dew point in moist air?
Ans. The dew point is the temperature at which the water vapor in moist air begins to condense into liquid water. It is a critical parameter in determining the humidity of the air and plays a crucial role in various applications such as air conditioning, weather forecasting, and drying processes.
4. How does moisture content affect the specific heat capacity of air?
Ans. The moisture content in air affects its specific heat capacity. Moist air has a higher specific heat capacity compared to dry air due to the additional heat energy required to change the temperature of both the dry air and the water vapor present. This property is important in HVAC systems and heat transfer applications.
5. What is the relationship between relative humidity and the saturation point of moist air?
Ans. Relative humidity is a measure of how much water vapor is present in the air compared to the maximum amount it can hold at a given temperature. The saturation point of moist air occurs when the relative humidity is 100%, meaning the air is holding the maximum amount of water vapor it can at that temperature. Changes in temperature or moisture content can affect the relative humidity and the saturation point of the air.
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