Q1: What is the basis of gender division in the society?
Ans: Gender division in society is based on the concept of patriarchal society.
Q2: Suggest any two measures to check casteism in India.
Ans: The following are the two measures to check casteism in India.
The name and aim of educational institutions referring to castes need to be given up.
Q3: How can religion be used in politics in a positive manner? Express your view point.
Ans: Politics and religion can be a deadly combination if not used wisely. It should be for the good of the people rather than used as a weapon to settle scores. Religion can be used in politics in a positive manner in the following ways.
Q4: Why are caste barriers breaking down in India? Explain any five reasons.
Ans: In the recent decades, cast barriers have been breaking down in India because of the following reasons.
Q5: Is the caste system coming to an end in India? Give arguments in support of your answer.
Ans: No, I do not think that the caste system is coming to an end in India. From time immemorial, the caste system has been an inseparable part of Indian society and has been deeply rooted in our culture. It is entrenched in the society and brings about discrimination. Even though a number of government policies have been implemented, the caste system has not been completely eradicated.
The following are the instances to support this argument.
Q6: Explain any five aspects of our day-to-day life in which women are discriminated against in India.
Ans: The following points sum up how women are still discriminated against and oppressed in India.
Q7: Explain any five reasons for the declining caste system in India.
Ans: The rise in literacy and education: Following industrialization, there has been a notable increase in the literacy rate.
Q8: Mention any three constitutional provisions that make India a secular state.
Ans: The constitutional provisions which make India a ‘secular state’ are as follows.
Q9: What forms does communalism take in politics?
Ans: Communalism is a strong sense of belonging to particular community especially a religious community, which often leads to extreme behavior or violence towards others. It cannot tolerate and respect people belonging to different religious communities.
There are different forms of communalism in politics as follows.
Q10: Explain three features of the model of a secular state of India.
Ans: The concept of a secular state in India purports equal treatment all religions and to be officially neutral in the matters of religion.
The following are the features which make India a secular state.
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