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Class 10 Social Science: CBSE Sample Question Paper (2019-20) - 8 | Social Studies (SST) Class 10 PDF Download


Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions:
i. The question paper has 35 questions in all.
ii. Marks are indicated against each question.
iii. Questions from serial number 1 to 20 are objective type questions. Each question carries one mark. Answer them as instructed.
iv. Questions from serial number 21 to 28 are 3 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 80 words each.
v. Questions from serial number 29 to 34 are 5 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 120 words each.
vi. Question number 35 is a map question of 6 marks with two parts - 35 a. from History (2 marks) and 35b. from Geography (4 marks).


Q.1. Identify the country where the earliest kind of print technology i.e., the system of hand printing was developed :    (1 Mark)
(a) India
(b) Korea
(c) England
(d) France

Q.2. What was the cause of land degradation in Punjab ?    (1 Mark) 
(a) Drought
(b) Excess rain
(c) Over irrigation
(d) Deficient rain
(c) Over irrigation

Q.3. Study the picture and answer the question that follows:    (1 Mark) 
Class 10 Social Science: CBSE Sample Question Paper (2019-20) - 8 | Social Studies (SST) Class 10
Which of the following inventions was invented by this personality? 
(a) Radio 
(b) Television 
(c) Motorcar 
(d) Printing press
Ans: (d) Printing press

Q.4. In which one of the following sectors are natural products changed through manufacturing?    (1 Mark) 
(a) Primary sector
(b) Secondary sector
(c) Tertiary sector
(d) All of these
(b) Secondary sector

Q.5 ________hosted the Congress at Vietnam in 1815.    (1 Mark)
Duke Mettemic

Q.6. Which of the following words/photo is not on a ten rupee note in India ?    (1 Mark)
(a) Reserve Bank of India Guaranteed by the central Government.
(b) I promise to pay the bearer the sum of Ten Rupees - Governor.
(c) Photo of Sardar Patel.
(d) None of the above.

Ans: (c) Photo of Sardar Patel

Q.7. Which communication service in India is the largest in the world?    (1 Mark)
Ans: Postal network

Q.8. India comes in which categoiy of countries in terms of Per Capita Izncome (PCI)?    (1 Mark)
India comes in the category of low middle income countries in terms of Per Capita Income (PCI)

Q.9. Define biotic resources.    (1 Mark)
These are obtained from biosphere and have life such as human beings, flora and fauna, fisheries, livestock, etc.

Q.10. The grinding of ___________ for cement industry is responsible for land degradation.    (1 Mark)
Ans: lime stone

Q.11. Which local body has a Mayor' as its head?    (1 Mark)
Communalism refers to a division based on which idea?
Ans: Municipal Corporation

Q.12. Correct the following statement and rewrite.    (1 Mark)
The money that is spent to buy assets such as land, building, machines and other equipment is called input.

Or Cargill Foods, a very large European MNC, has bought over smaller Indian companies such as Parakh Foods.
Ans: The money that is spent to buy assets such as land, building, machines and other equipment is called investment, Or Cargill Foods, a very large American MNC, has bought over smaller Indian companies such as Parakh Foods.

Q.13. Which ethnic group constituted a majority in Brussels ?    (1 Mark)
(a) French speaking
(b) Dutch speaking
(c) German speaking
(d) English speaking
Power can be shared in modern democracies in the following ways:
(a) Among different organs of the government.
(b) Among various levels
(c) Among different social groups
(d) All the above
(a) Or (d)

Q.14. _________ sectors covers those enterprises or places of work where terms of employment are regular and have assured work.    (1 Mark)
Ans: Organised

Q.15. The most common route for investments by MNCs in countries around the world is to:    (1 Mark)
(a) set up new factories
(b) buy existing local companies
(c) form partnerships with local companies
(d) None of the above

Ans: (b) buy existing local companies

Q.16. Changing party allegiance from the party on which a person got elected (to a legislative body) to a different party is known as___________.    (1 Mark)
Ans: defection.

Q.17. Which of the following neighbouring countries of India has better performance in terms of human development than India?    (1 Mark)
(a) Bangladesh
(b) Nepal
(c) Sri Lanka
(d) Pakistan

Q.18. Who is a feminist ?    (1 Mark)
Ans: A women or a man who believes in equal rights and opportunities for women and men.

Q.19. In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the correct option:    (1 Mark)
Assertion (A) : No individual or organisation is allowed to issue currency notes in India, Reason (R) : In In d ia , only RBI issues currency notes on behalf of the Central Governm ent.

(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct - explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong.
(d) A is wrong but (R) is correct.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation of (A).

Q.20. Technical facilities like irrigation, availability of hybrid seeds, awareness about modern techniques of agriculture increase the productivity of arable land and increase the requirement of human force in agriculture.
Institutional support like market, transportation, storage facility and other processing units in the nearby sub-urban area, would increase employment of the farmers in other sectors. Analyse the above information, by consic ering one of the following correct options.    (1 Mark)
(a) Technical and Institutional measures
(b) Input measures
(c) Physical measures
(d) Human resources
(a) Technical and Institutional measures


Q.21. "Napoleon had destroyed democracy in France but in the administrative field he had incorporated revolutionary principles in order to make the whole system more rational and efficient.” Analyse the statement with arguments.
‘The 1830s were the years of great economic hardships in Europe.' Give 
reasons.    (3 Mark)
Ans: (i) Napoleon introduced the Napoleonic Code which did away with all privileges based on birth, established equality before the law and secured the right to property.
(ii) In many parts o f Europe like in the D u tch Republic, Switzerland, Italy and Germany, he simplified the administrative divisions, abolished the feudal system and freed peasants from serfdom and manorial dues.
(iii) Napoleon removed the guild restrictions from the towns.

(i) Population Explosion : The first half of the nineteenth century saw an enormous increase in population all over Europe.
(ii) Mass migration : In most o f the European countries, the supply of workers exceeded the demand. Population from rural areas migrated to the cities to live in overcrowded slums.
(iii) Industrialisation and its impact on local producers : Small producers in towns were often faced with stiff competition from import of cheap machine-made goods from England.

Q.22. Describe any three main features of ‘Rabi crop season’.    (3 Mark)
Ans: (a) Rabi crops are wheat, barley, peas, gram and mustard.
(b) Rabi crops are sown in winter from October to December. These are harvested in summer from April to June.
(c) Availability of precipitation during winter months due to western temperate cyclones help in the success of these crops.
Describe any three main features of ‘Kharif crops season’.
(a) Paddy (rice), maize, jowar, bajra, tur, moong, urad, cotton, jute, groundnut and soyabean are important kharif crops.
(b) Kharif crops are grown with the onset of monsson and harvested in September- October.
(c) These crops are grown in different parts of the country in 80 per cent of net sown area.

Q.23. Read the source given below and answer the questions that follows:    (3 Mark)
Source-A: Print Comes to India The printing press first came to Goa with Portuguese missionaries in the mid-sixteenth century Jesuit priests learnt Konkani and printed several tracts. By 1674, about 50 books had been printed in the Konkani and in Kanara languages. Catholic priests printed the first Tamil book in 1579 at Cochin, and in 1713 the first Malayalam book was printed by them. By 1710, Dutch Protestant missionaries had printed 32 Tamil texts, many of them translations of older works.
Source-B: Religious Reform and Public Debates
This was a time of intense controversies between social and religious reformers and the Hindu orthodoxy over matters like widow immolation, monotheism, Brahmanical priesthood and idolatry. In Bengal, as the debate developed, tracts and newspapers proliferated, circulating a variety of arguments. To reach a wider audience, the ideas were printed in the everyday, spoken language of ordinary people.
Source-C: New Forms of Publication
The novel, a literary form which had developed in Europe, ideally catered to this need. It soon acquired distinctively Indian forms and styles. For readers, it opened up new worlds of experience, and gave a vivid sense of the diversity of human lives. Other new literary forms also entered the world of reading - lyrics, short stories, essays about social and political matters. In different ways, they reinforced the new emphasis on human lives and intimate feelings, about the political and social rules that shaped such things.

Source-A: Print Comes to India
(1) Who made initial efforts to introduce printing press in India?
Source-B: Religions Reform and Public Debates
(2) Which orthodox rituals were prevalent in Hindu society during early nineteenth century?
Source-C: New Forms of Publication
(3) Besides novel, which new forms of literature emerged in Europe?
Ans: (1) The Portuguese missionaries made initial efforts to introduce printing press in India in the mid 16th century.
(2) Rituals like widow immolation (sati), monotheism, Brahamanical priesthood and idol worship were prevalent in Hindu society during early 19th century.

(3) Other literary forms like - lyrics, short stories and essays emerged in Europe. 

Q.24. Development goals of a person is different from another person. Justify the statement.    (3 Mark)
Different persons have different notions of development because life situations of different persons are different. Development goals of a girl from a rich urban family will surely be different from a girl of farmer family of a village. It is because their situations, lifestyle and status are very different from each other. A goal of a person is something, which is entirely dependent on his or her present life situation. Over a period of time, if the situation changes, automatically goals of a person will also get changed.

Q.25. Explain, how power is shared among different organs of government. 
“Both Belgium and Sri Lanka are democracies but they follow different systems of power-sharing.” Support the statement by giving three points of difference.    (3 Mark)
Ans: (i) In a democracy, power is shared among the different organs of the government such as the legislature, executive and the judiciary. This is called the horizontal distribution of power because it allows different organs of the government placed at the same level to exercise different powers.
(ii) Under this kind of power sharing arrangement, one can exercise unlimited powers.
(iii) Each organ has its own powers, and it can also check the powers of other. So this, results in a balance of power among the various institutions. - 

(i) Type of Government: Sri Lanka continues to be, for all practical purpose, a unitary system where the national government has all the powers. Tamil leaders want Sri Lanka to become a federal system under which the regional governments were given constitutional powers that were no longer dependent on the central government. Belgium shifted from a unitary to a federal form of government.
(ii) Religion and Government : To accommodate, people belonging to different ethnic groups Belgium formed a ‘community government’ whereas Sri Lankan government passed a law to protect and promote Buddhism.
(iii) Language and government : In 1956 Sri Lankan government passed an act to recognize Sinhala as the only official language whereas Belgium government tried to protect and foster all the languages spoken by the people.

Q.26. Why is the ‘tertiary sector’ becoming important in India ? Explain any three reasons.    (3 Mark)
(i) Under the concept of welfare state it is the duty of the state to provide basic services such as hospitals post and telegraphs etc. All these services come in the category of tertiary sector.
(ii) The development of agriculture and industry leads to the development of transport, storage and other services. As these sectors make more development, the service sector too expands and its importance increases accordingly. (iii) In the recent years, there has been a rise in the income of certain sections of people. As a result of it, the demand for tourism, shopping and private hospitals etc. has increased. This has led to importance of tertiary sector.
Describe the bad effects of inform al sources of credit on borrowers.
Ans: (i) Informal sector charge higher rate of interest i.e., 3 to 5 percent per month.
(ii) Higher rate of interest results in less income for the borrowers.
(iii) Sometimes a larger part of the earnings of the borrowers is used to repay the loan. In same cases, the amount to be repaid becomes greater than the income of the borrower. This leads to debt trap.
(iv) There is no organisation which supervises the credit activities of the lenders in the informal sector. They do whatever is in their interest.

Q.27. "Barriers on foreign trade and foreign investment were removed to a large extent in India since 1991." Justify the statement.
Describe any three ways in which countries can be linked through globalisation.    (3 Mark)
: Removal of barriers on foreign trade and foreign investment:
(i) Barriers on foreign trade and foreign investment were partially removed.
(ii) Goods could be imported and exported easily.
(iii) Foreign companies could setup factories and offices here.

Q.28. Which features make the secondary sector important for Indian economy? State any three features.    (3 Mark)
Ans: The following chief features of the secondary sector make it important for Indian economy:
(i) The secondary sector plays a significant role in shaping the Indian economy. It is the second largest contributor to the nation's GDP next to the sorvlco soctor.
(ii) The final goods are not produced by nature but has to be made and therefore, some processes of manufacturing are essential, e.g. From cotton fibre, we spin yarn and weave cloth or by using sugarcane as raw material, we make sugar.
(iii) This sector became associated with different kinds of industries that came up. So, it is also called as Industrial sector.


Q.29. The indentured workers had discovered their own ways of surviving. Analyse the statement.
How did the abundance of labour in the market affect the lives of the workers in Britain during the nineteenth century ? Explain with examples.    (5 Mark)

Ans: (i) Many of the indentured labourers escaped into the jungles.
(ii) They started celebrating festivals like Homy in which both the Hindus and Muslims, who had migrated from India participated.
(iii) Many of the migrants joined or became part of the Rastafarianism, i.e., a religious movement born out of black slums of Jamaica. ;
(iv) They started creating their own way of enjoyment like Chutney Music, The Chutney Music has been created by Indo-Caribbean people. The Music derives elements from Indian film songs.
(v) They developed a new culture which was a blend of the new culture and the traditional culture of the indentured labourers.
(i) More workers than the demand : There was an abundance of workers in the market than the ddmand. This bad an adverse impact on the lives of the workers. Due to the shortage of work, most of the workers failed to get jobs. So they offered their services at lower wages.
(ii) Seasonality of work : Seasonality of work in many industries meant prolonged periods without work. After the busy season was over, the poor were on the streets again.
(iii) Low real wages : Though the wages increased somewhat in the early 19th century, but the increase was nullified by increase in prices. During the Napoleonic wars, the real wages fell significantly.
(iv) Poverty and unemployment: At the best of times, till the mid-nineteenth century, about 10 per cent of the urban population was extremely poor. The unemployment rate was also very high.
(v) Housing problem : Factory or workshop owners did not house the migrant workers. Many job seekers had to wait weeks, spending nights under bridges or night in shelter.

Q.30. “Indian trade had played a crucial role in the late nineteenth century world economy.” Analyse the statement.    (5 Mark)
Ans: Britain had a trade surplus with India because over the 19th century exports from India to Britain and the rest of the world increased. The value of British exports to India was much higher than the value of British imports from India. Thus, Britain had "Trade Surplus’ with India.
(i) Britain used this surplus to balance its trade deficits with other countries Le., with countries from which Britain was importing more than it was selling to.
(ii) In this, way, India helped not only Britain to maintain balance but also played a crucial role in the late nineteenth century world economy.
(iii) Britain’s trade surplus in India also helped to pay the so-called ‘home charges’ that included private remittances home by British officials and traders, interest payments on India’s external debt and pensions of British officials in India.

Q.31. Which crop is known as the 'golden fibre'? Explain any two geographical conditions essential for the cultivation of this crop. Mention if s any four uses.    (5 Mark)
  Jute is called the 'golden fibre'.
Geographical conditions suitable for production of jute :
(a) Grows well in the drained fertile soil of the flood plains where the soil is renewed every year
(b) High temperature is required during the time of growth.
Uses of jute: Used to manufacture gunny bags, mats, ropes, yam, carpets and other artefacts.

Q.32. Due to which factors tourism industry can flourish in India? State the factors.
Compare personal communication with that of mass communication. Also state two points of importance of mass communication.    (5 Mark)

Ans: Due to following factors, tourism industry can flourish in India:
(i) India has many historical places and beautiful landscapes that tourists like to visit.
(ii) A stable political climate like in India facilitates more Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in tourism and other support services.
(iii) India has a very widespread and efficient network of transport and communications which helps in ' growth of tourism.
(iv) India has a large pool of computer literate skilled people employed in the tourism industry, who can provide services like ticketing, hotel bookings, tour planning etc.
(v) There are possibilities of different types of tourism in India like medical tourism, eco-tourism etc.
Differences between personal and mass communication are as follows:
Class 10 Social Science: CBSE Sample Question Paper (2019-20) - 8 | Social Studies (SST) Class 10
The importance of mass communication is stated in the points below :
(i) it provides entertainment and. information to people at their homes efficiently and quickly,
(ii) it provides jobs to miliion of people enabling them to earn their living.

Q.33. How can the formal sector loans be made beneficial for poor farmers and workers ? Suggest any five measures.    (5 Mark)
Ans: (i) Formal sector loans include commercial banks, cooperatives etc.
(ii) Cheap and affordable loans should be provided to the poor farmers and the workers. (iii) Poor farmers and workers may be exempted from any kind of collateral.
(iv) Government can encourage to form several types of cooperatives like weavers cooperatives, workers cooperatives etc.
(v) Formal credit should be distributed more equally.

Q.34. Why do multinational corporations (MNCs) set up their offices and factories in certain areas only ? Explain any five reasons.    (5 Mark)
MNCs set up their offices and factories in certain areas only because of the reasons as mentioned below :
(i) Set up factories for following factories :
(a) Closeness of the place to the markets.
(b) Availability of skilled and unskilled labour at low costs.
(c) Availability of other factors of production i.e., raw material etc.
(d) Government’s favourable policies.
(ii) After considering above factors MNCs buy assets such as land, buildings, machines etc. (iii) At times MNCs set up factories jointly with local companies due to their knowledge about the local trade. MNCs may provide money and latest technology in such cases.
(iv) MNCs buy up local companies.
(v) After ensuring favourable and profitable conditions, MNCs may start as an independent entity right from the beginning. With huge wealth, MNCs can do it easily.
Do you agree with the view that primary, secondary and tertiary sectors are dependent on each other ?
Primary, secondary and tertiary sectors are interdependent as mentioned below :
(1) When we produce goods by exploiting natural resources, it is an activity of the primary sector. It is primary because it forms the base for all other products that we subsequently make.
(2) The secondary sector covers activities in which natural products are changed into other forms manually or by machines. For example wheat is used to manufacture bread. So there is mutual dependency between primary and secondary sectors.
(3) The activities that help in the development of the primary and secondary sectors fall under the tertiary sector. These activities by themselves do not produce a good but they are an aid or a support for the production process. Transport, storage, communication and banking are some examples of tertiary activities.


Q.35. Locate and label any three of the following with appropriate symbols on the same given outline political map of India:    (6 Mark)
(i) Kalpakkam - Nuclear Power Plant
(ii) Vijayanagar - Iron and Steel Plant
(iii) M um bai - Software Technology Part
(iv ) Paradweep - Sea Port
(v) Sardar Sarovar Dam
(vi) Bokaro - Coal Mines

Class 10 Social Science: CBSE Sample Question Paper (2019-20) - 8 | Social Studies (SST) Class 10
Class 10 Social Science: CBSE Sample Question Paper (2019-20) - 8 | Social Studies (SST) Class 10

(i) Kalpakkam
(ii) Vijayanagar

(iii) Mumbai
(iv) Paradweep

(v) Sardar Sarovar Dam
(vi) Bokaro

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FAQs on Class 10 Social Science: CBSE Sample Question Paper (2019-20) - 8 - Social Studies (SST) Class 10

1. What is the importance of sample question papers in preparing for the CBSE Class 10 Social Science exam?
Ans. Sample question papers are important as they give students an idea about the exam pattern, marking scheme, and the types of questions that can be expected in the CBSE Class 10 Social Science exam. By practicing with these papers, students can become familiar with the format of the exam and gain confidence in their preparation.
2. How can sample question papers help in time management during the CBSE Class 10 Social Science exam?
Ans. Sample question papers are designed to be similar to the actual exam papers, including the time duration. By solving these papers within the given time limit, students can practice managing their time effectively during the exam. This helps them become more efficient in answering questions and reduces the chances of leaving any questions unanswered due to time constraints.
3. Are the questions in the sample question papers exactly the same as the ones in the CBSE Class 10 Social Science exam?
Ans. While the sample question papers are created to mimic the format and difficulty level of the actual exam, the questions may not be exactly the same. However, the sample papers include a variety of questions that cover the entire syllabus, giving students a good understanding of the types of questions that can be expected in the CBSE Class 10 Social Science exam.
4. Can solving sample question papers help in identifying weak areas in my preparation for the CBSE Class 10 Social Science exam?
Ans. Yes, solving sample question papers can be helpful in identifying weak areas in your preparation for the CBSE Class 10 Social Science exam. By analyzing your performance in these papers, you can identify the topics or types of questions where you struggle the most. This allows you to focus on those areas and allocate more time for revision, thereby improving your overall performance in the exam.
5. Are there any specific strategies or tips for effectively using sample question papers to prepare for the CBSE Class 10 Social Science exam?
Ans. Yes, here are some strategies to make the most out of sample question papers: - Start by solving one paper at a time, within the given time limit, to simulate the actual exam conditions. - After solving a paper, carefully review your answers and identify any mistakes or areas that need improvement. - Make note of the topics or types of questions that you struggle with and revise those areas thoroughly. - Practice solving sample papers regularly to build speed and accuracy. - Try to solve previous years' question papers in addition to the sample papers for a comprehensive preparation. By following these strategies, you can effectively use sample question papers to enhance your preparation for the CBSE Class 10 Social Science exam.
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