Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 80
General Instructions:
i. The question paper has 35 questions in all.
ii. Marks are indicated against each question.
iii. Questions from serial number 1 to 20 are objective type questions. Each question carries one mark. Answer them as instructed.
iv. Questions from serial number 21 to 28 are 3 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 80 words each.
v. Questions from serial number 29 to 34 are 5 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 120 words each.
vi. Question number 35 is a map question of 6 marks with two parts - 35 a. from History (2 marks) and 35b. from Geography (4 marks).
Q.1. Which one of the following crops is grown during the zaid season? (1 Mark)
(a) Groundnut
(b) Muskmelon
(c) Soyabean
(d) Mustard
Ans: (b) Muskmelon
Which of the following personalities painted this famous image of 'Bharat Mata' ? (1 Mark)
(a) Abanindranath Tagore
(b) Rabindranath Tagore
(c) Raja Ravi Varma
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru
Ans: Abanindranath Tagore
Q.3. In recent times which railway has been developed along the west coast ? (1 Mark)
Ans: Konkan Railway.
Q.4. Gandhiji began fast unto death when Dr. B.R. Ambedkar demanded separate electorate for Dalits because : (1 Mark)
(а) Separate electorates would create division in the Society.
(b) Separate electorates would create slow down the process of integration into society.
(c) With separate electorates, Dalits would gain respect in society.
(d) The condition of Dalits would become better.
Ans: (b)
Q.5. Why less number of girls attend school in rural areas than boys?
Communal politics is based on which idea? (1 Mark)
Ans: It is because of the gender discriminatory attitude of people. They neglect or do not give importance to girls’ education and preference is given to boys over girls.
Communal politics is based on the idea that religion is the principle basis of social community which is very dangerous.
Q.6. Name the river which is related to "National Waterways No. 1? (1 Mark)
Ans: The Ganga river, between Allahabad and Haldia (1620 km) - National Waterways No. 1.
Q.7. State any two activities that are the primary responsibilities of the government. (1 Mark)
Ans: Providing health and educational facilities.
Q.8. _______ soil is ideal for growing cotton. (1 Mark)
‘Laterite’ has been derived from the Greek word ‘later’ which means_______.
Ans: Regur soil Or Brick
Q.9. Complete the following table with correct information with regard to classification of industry on the basis of raw materials used : (1 Mark)
Ans: (A) = Cotton Textile Industry Or (B) = Iron and Steel Industry
Q.10. State any one function of gram panchayat.
State one role of State Election Commission. (1 Mark)
Ans: It is the decision making body for the entire village.
State Election Commission is a body created in each state to conduct panchayat and municipal elections.
Q.11. Name the country where ethnic struggle led to violence and revolt after 1956. (1 Mark)
(a) Sri Lanka
(6) Yugoslavia
(c) Belgium
(d) Poland
Ans: (a) Sri Lanka
Q.12. National Waterway No. 1 is navigable between which of the following places? (1 Mark)
(a) Between Sadiya and Dhubri
(b) Between Allahabad and Haldia
(c) Between Eottapurama and Komman
(d) Between Udyogamandal and Champakkara
Ans: (b)
Q.13. An annual calendar that gives astronomical data, information about movement of the Sun, Moon, eclipses etc is known as________
A small pamphlet or pocket book containing tales, ballads sold by pedlars is known as________ (1 Mark)
Ans: Almanac Or Chapbook.
Q.14. In terms of GDP the share of tertiary sector in 2013-14 is :
(a) between 20 to 30 per cent
(b) between 30 to 40 per cent
(c) between 50 to 60 per cent
(d) between 60 to 70 per cent
Ans: (d) between 60 to 70 per cent
Q.15. Belgium borders with (i) ______, (ii) ________, (iii) ________. (1 Mark)
Ans: (i) Netherlands, (ii) France, (iii) Germany
Q.16. If a government provides its citizens a right and means to examine the process of decision making, it is known as_______. (1 Mark)
Ans: Transparent government.
Q.17. The task of a supervisor for checking the loan activities of informal lenders is quite difficult because___________
The share of the formal sector credit is higher for the richer households because ___________ (1 Mark)
Ans: Informal sector constitutes many people who have different kind of business of their own, besides lending.
because the richer households are in a better position to provide collateral and other necessary documents which are required by the banks and cooperatives.
Q.18. Arrange the following in the correct sequence : (1 Mark)
(i) Delivering honey at honey collection centres.
(ii) collecting honey from honey combs
(iii) Starting beekeeping at nearby place
(iv) Selling honey in the market
(a) (iii) - (ii) - (i) - (iv)
(b) (i) - (ii) - (iii) - (iv)
(c) (iv) - (ii) - (iii) - (i)
(d) (iii) - (i) - (ii) - (iv)
Ans: (a) (iii) - (ii) - (i) - (iv)
Q.19. Lack of internal democracy is a challenge faced by political parties in India. [True/False] (1 Mark)
Ans: True.
Q.20. Choose the most appropriate option.
The past two decades of globalisation has seen rapid movements in
(а) goods, services and people between countries.
(b) goods, services and investments between countries.
(c) goods, investments and people between countries.
Ans: (b)
Q.21. Describe three major features of federalism.
Discuss the composition of Zila Parishad. (3 Mark)
Ans: Three major features of federalism are as follows :
(i) Different Levels of Government with Separate Jurisdiction The government consists of two or more levels (or tiers) which govern the same citizens, but each tier has its own jurisdiction in specific matters of legislation, taxation and administration. Sources of revenue for each level of government are clearly specified to ensure its financial autonomy.
(ii) Jurisdiction Guaranteed The jurisdictions of levels of government are specified in the Constitution. So, the existence and authority of each tier of government is constitutionally guaranteed.
(iii) Courts Settle Disputes between Levels of Government Courts have the power to interpret the Constitution and the powers of different levels of government. The highest court acts as an umpire if disputes arise between different levels of government in the exercise of their respective powers.
Q.22. Who was Menocchio ? Mention any two contributions of him in the field of print culture in the 16th century.
Why did James Augustus Hickey claim that the paper open to all Bengal Gazette was a commercial but influenced by none" ? Explain. (3 Mark)
Ans: Menocchio was a miller of sixteenth century in Italy he began to read books that were available in his . locality.
(i) He reinterpreted the message of the Bible and formulated a view of God and Creation that enraged the Roman Catholic Church.
(ii) When the Roman Church began its inquisition to repress heretical ideas, Menocchio was hauled up twice and was ultimately executed.
(i) It was a private English weekly magazine in India, independent from colonial influence.
(ii) Hickey not only published a lot of advertisement including the import and sale of slaves, but also -published lots of gossip about the Company's senior officials in India.
(iii) Governor General Warren Hastings persecuted Hickey and encouraged government sanctioned newspapers.
Q.23. Highlight any three differences between Rabi and Kharif cropping seasons. (1 Mark)
Q.24. “The Government of India has introduced various institutional and technological reforms to improve agriculture in the 1980s and .1990s.” Support this statement with examples. (3 Mark)
Ans: (i) Agriculture was given the top priority in Five Year Plans.
(ii) The development of HYV seeds of wheat in the early 60s, and those of rice in 70s laid the foundation of the Green Revolution in India.
(iii) Several schemes for irrigation were undertaken, and arid and semi-arid areas were brought under cultivation.
Q.25. Suppose you are living in a locality where many basic amenities are absent. Create a list of the basic amenities you want in your locality for better development.
Explain any three different bases of comparison of economic development of different nations. (3 Mark)
Ans: The basic amenities which I want in my locality are as follows :
(i) Sanitation The government should ensure that proper sanitation facility should be available for all the residents of the locality.
(ii) Education The government should organise such programmes which enrol all the students in schools and also make provision to establish schools with quality education in all localities.
(iii) Provision of Healthcare Facilities The government should provide better healthcare facilities in the locality where poor people can easily get treatment of any ailment. Thus, Public Health Centres (PHCs) and dispensaries should be opened in nearby areas
(iv) Security The government should provide adequate facility of security to all people of the locality by establishing police booths and CCTV camera coverage for the locality.
Three bases of economic development which form the basis of comparison of different nations are as follows :
(i) Per Capita Income This is the total national income for the year divided b y the total population.
(ii) Life Expectancy at Birth This is the number of years a newborn child is expected to live if subjected to the mortality risks prevailing for the population concerned.
(iii) Literacy Rate This is the total percentage of the population of an area at a particular time aged seven years or above which can read and write with understanding.
Q.26. How is gender division understood in Indian society? To what extent does political mobilisation on gender basis help to improve women's role in public life? (3 Mark)
Ans: (i) In Indian society, gender division tends to be understood as natural and unchangeable. It is based on social expectations and stereotypes.
(ii) This attitude leads to sexual division of labour i.e. boys and girls are brought up to believe that the main responsibility of women is housework and bringing up children whereas all the outside works are to be done by men.
(iii) The result of this division of labour is that though the women constitute almost half the population, their role in public life is minimal
(iv) Political expression and political mobilisation on this question helped to improve women's role in public life. We now find women working as scientists, doctors, engineers, teachers, etc. Now, with a lot of efforts, 33% seats are reserved for women in local government bodies.
Q.27. What is meaning of Barter system ? Why is double coincidence of wants is an essential feature of a Barter system ? (3 Mark)
Ans: (i) A system in which goods are directly exchanged without the use of money is called barter system.
(b) (i) Double coincidence of wants means when both the parties ~ seller and purchaser - agree to sell and buy each other’s commodities.
(ii) It implies that what a person desires to sell is exactly what the other wishes to buy.
(iii) No money is used in such an arrangement. Therefore, it is an essential feature of barter system.
Q.28. Distinguish between the organised and the unorganised sector.
Distinguish between final goods and the intermediate goods. (3 Mark)
Q.29. Describe the significant features of the silk routes.
Explain important features of proto-industrialisation. (5 Mark)
Ans: The significant features of the silk routes were as follows :
(i) Historians have identified several silk routes over land and by sea. They linked vast regions of Asia with Europe and Northern Africa. These are known to have existed since before the Christian era.
(ii) The silk routes were a good example of vibrant pre-modern trade and significant cultural links between distant parts of the world.
(iii) Chinese pottery, textiles and spices from India and South-East Asia travelled through these routes. In return, gold and silver were transferred from Europe to Asia.
(iv) Early Christian missionaries, Muslim preachers and Buddhist monks travelled these routes and exchanged their religious views.
The important features of proto-industrialisation are as follows :
(i) It was a decentralised system of production. Merchants were based in towns, but the work was done mostly in the countryside.
(ii) It was a system which was controlled by the merchants, but the goods were produced by a vast number of producers working within their family farms.
(iii) Under this system, the work was done by involving the whole family.
(iv) The workers remained in the countryside to cultivate their small plots and worked for producing goods during their free time.
(v) Income from proto-industrial production supplemented the shrinking income of the peasants and the cottagers.
Q.30. Read the extract and answer the questions that follow : (5 Mark)
Tea cultivation is an example of plantation agriculture. It is also an important beverage crop introduced in India initially by the British. Today; most of the tea plantations are owned by Indians. The tea plant grows well in tropical and sub-tropical climates endowed with deep and fertile well-drained soil, rich in humus and organic matter. Tea bushes require warm and moist frost-free climate all through the year. Frequent showers evenly distributed over the year ensure continuous growth of tender leaves. Tea is a labour-intensive industry. It requires abundant, cheap and skilled labour. Tea is processed within the tea garden to restore its freshness. Major tea producing states are Assam, hills of Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri districts, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Apart from these, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Meghalaya, Andhra Pradesh and Tripura are also tea-producing states in the country. In 2015 India was the second largest producer of tea after China.
(1) Name the important beverage crop introduced by the British in India.
(2) Describe any two geographical conditions required for the growth of tea.
(3) Mention any two important states where it is grown.
Ans: (1) Tea is an important beverage crop introduced by the British in India.
(2) (i) Tea grows well in tropical and sub-tropical climates.
(ii) Tea bushes require warm and moist frost-free climate all throughout the year.
(iii) It grows on deep and fertile & well-drained soil, rich in humus and organic matters.
(3) Important States: Assam, West Bengal, Kerala, Tamil Nadu.
Q.31. Explain the reasons for concentration of iron and steel industries in and around Chota nagpur region. (5 Mark)
Ans: Chota Nagpur region has the maximum concentration of steel plants due to the factors as mentioned below :
(i) Low cost iron ore and high grade raw materials are in proximity. It helps to reduce the transportation cost of iron ore of the industries. Other bulky raw materials like coking coal, limestone are also available in proximity.
(ii) Cheap labour: Cheap labour is available from the adjoining areas of Bihar, Jharkhand and Odisha. Labour is available in abundance.
(iii) Vast growth potential in the home market. Local market for finished goods are provided by other industries using steel as raw material.
(iv) Dense transport network : This region is well connected with roadways and railways that help in the swift movement of raw materials and finished goods to the industry and markets.
(v) Port facilities : Kolkata is a well developed port near to this area.
Describe the formation, distribution and uses of mica in India.
(a) Mica is a non-metallic mineral which can be split easily into thin sheets that a thousand can be layered into a mica sheet of a few centimeters height. It is made up of a series of plates or leaves.
(b) Mica can be clear, black, green, red, yellow or brown.
(c) Uses : It has excellent di-electric strength, low power loss factor, insulating properties and resistance to high voltage, and is, therefore, very useful and indispensable mineral in electric and electronic industries.
(d) Distribution : It is found in the northern edge of the Chhota Nagpur plateau, around Ajmer in Rajasthan and Nellore mica belt of Andhra Pradesh. Koderma Gaya-Hazaribagh belt of Jharkhand is the leading producer of mica.
Q.32. What are the advantages of horizontal power sharing ? Explain with the help of examples. (5 Mark)
Ans: (i) The power that is shared among different organs of government equally is known as horizontal power sharing.
(ii) Horizontal power sharing places all the organs of the government, i.e., legislature, executive and judiciary at the same level.
(iii) Under this kind of power sharing, no organ can exercise unlimited powers.
(iv) This system is also known as system of checks and balances.
(v) For example, in India, though the ministers and government officials exercise power, but they are responsible to the parliament or state legislatures. Similarly, although the judges are appointed by the executive, but they can check the functioning of executive of laws made by the legislature.
Q.33. Globalisation and MNCs have a great impact on the lives of workers. Analyse the statement. (5 Mark)
Ans: The implementation of globalisation and arrival of MNCs (Multinational Corporations) have had great impact on the lives of workers. The impacts observed are as follows :
(i) Workers in the MNCs have to work for long hours and also work in night shifts on a regular basis during the peak season.
(ii) While competition among garment exporters has allowed the MNCs to gain profits, workers are denied their share. Wages are low and workers are forced to work overtime to make both ends meet,
(iii) The working conditions in the organised sector are better than those in the unorganised sector.
(iv) Due to the implementation of globalisation, only skilled and educated workers are able to gain employment.
(v) Earlier, companies would hire on permanent basis; but now they employ workers based on requirement. Workers’ jobs are no longer secure.
Q.34. Describe the major problems created by the globalisation for a large number of small producers and workers. (5 Mark)
Problems created by the globalisation for small producers and workers :
(i) It has led to a widening of income inequalities among various countries.
(ii) Workers jobs are no longer secure.
(iii) Expansion of the unorganized sector.
(iv) Small manufacturers have been hit hard due to severe competition.
(v) Several units have been shut down rendering many workers jobless.
(vi) Lives of workers are on the whims of employers.
(vii) Workers are deprived from their fair share of benefits.
Q.35. (a) On the given political outline map of India, mark and locate the following : (2 Mark)
(i) The place where the Indian National Congress Session was held in September 1920.
(ii) The place where the Jallianwala Bagh incident took place.
(b) On the same outline map of India, identify any four features of the following with suitable symbols : (Choose any four features) (4 Mark)
(i) An oil field
(ii) An iron ore mine
(iii) A nuclear power plant
(iv) Major producer of coffee
(v) A cotton textile Industry.
(vi) An international airport.
Ans: The answer map is given below :
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