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 Page 1

Date:                                        Class: XI 
Legal Studies(074) 
Time: 3 hrs                                                                 M. M: 100 
General Instructions 
i) All questions are compulsory. 
ii) Question numbers 1 to 8 are multiple choice questions and are of 1 mark each.  
iii) Question numbers 9 to 14 are of 2 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 40 words each. 
iv) Question numbers 15 to 20 are of 4 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 100 words each. 
v) Question numbers 21 to 24 are of 5 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 120 words each. 
v) Question numbers 25 to 30 are of 6 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 140 words each. 
1 The customary practice of saptapadi has been incorporated in section _______ of the 
Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. 
a) 4 
b) 6 
c) 7 
d) 9 
2 “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive and judiciary, in the same hands, 
whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may 
justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” Who said the above lines? 
a) Montesquieu 
b) Wade and Philpis 
c) James Madison 
d) Jean Bodin 
3 Which of the following is the definition of initiative? 
a) a specified number of voters prepare a bill for acceptance or approval by 
legislature or general public. If approved, it becomes a law.  
b) when the bill passed by the legislature is forwarded to the voters for final 
c) when an important issue could not be decided by the government, and is decided 
by the votes of the people.  
d) voters recall their elected representatives when they are not satisfied by their 
4 The legislature of which of the following countries is known as Grand National 
a) Bangladesh 
b) Turkey 
c) Libya 
d) None of the above 
5 Which of the played a crucial role in improving the civil and criminal Justice system in 
pre-independent India? 
a) William Bentinck 
b) Warren Hastings 
c) Cornwallis 
d) Thomas Macaulay 
Page 2

Date:                                        Class: XI 
Legal Studies(074) 
Time: 3 hrs                                                                 M. M: 100 
General Instructions 
i) All questions are compulsory. 
ii) Question numbers 1 to 8 are multiple choice questions and are of 1 mark each.  
iii) Question numbers 9 to 14 are of 2 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 40 words each. 
iv) Question numbers 15 to 20 are of 4 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 100 words each. 
v) Question numbers 21 to 24 are of 5 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 120 words each. 
v) Question numbers 25 to 30 are of 6 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 140 words each. 
1 The customary practice of saptapadi has been incorporated in section _______ of the 
Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. 
a) 4 
b) 6 
c) 7 
d) 9 
2 “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive and judiciary, in the same hands, 
whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may 
justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” Who said the above lines? 
a) Montesquieu 
b) Wade and Philpis 
c) James Madison 
d) Jean Bodin 
3 Which of the following is the definition of initiative? 
a) a specified number of voters prepare a bill for acceptance or approval by 
legislature or general public. If approved, it becomes a law.  
b) when the bill passed by the legislature is forwarded to the voters for final 
c) when an important issue could not be decided by the government, and is decided 
by the votes of the people.  
d) voters recall their elected representatives when they are not satisfied by their 
4 The legislature of which of the following countries is known as Grand National 
a) Bangladesh 
b) Turkey 
c) Libya 
d) None of the above 
5 Which of the played a crucial role in improving the civil and criminal Justice system in 
pre-independent India? 
a) William Bentinck 
b) Warren Hastings 
c) Cornwallis 
d) Thomas Macaulay 
6 The reform of electoral laws was the subject of which law commission? 
 law commission, 1999 
 law commission, 1994 
 law commission, 1988 
d)none of the above 
7 In the case of Indira Gandhi vs. Raj Narain (AIR 1975 SC 2299) the following was 
declared to constitute the basic structure of the constitution. 
a) Right to contest elections 
b) Socialism 
c) Right to free and fair elections 
d) Secularism  
8 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar explained that the use of the word ‘Union’ instead of ‘Federation’ 
has its significance. Which of the following is not one of them? 
a) The component units have no freedom to secede from the union so created. 
b) The Indian Federation is the result of an agreement between the states. 
c) The Indian union is indestructible in nature. 
d) It is symbolic of the determination of the Assembly to maintain the unity of the 
9 Explain the writ jurisdiction of Indian judiciary.  
10 Explain the legislative and judicial functions of Executive as an organ of government.  
11 What are the main characteristics of a Developmental state? Who first conceptualized the 
idea of developmental states? 
12 Give Jeremy Bentham’s views on law. 
13 Write a short note on International Court of Justice. 
14 When and under whom was the first ever law reform commission established in India? 
What was its main recommendation? 
15 Mention any four defects of the doctrine of separation of powers. 
16 What are the four categories into which legislative acts can be classified? 
17 Do a comparative study of nature of Hobbes and Locke’s social contract.  
18 What is meant by Private Municipal Law? Explain its various types.  
19 Do judges make law? Discuss.  
20 Write a short note on the Twentieth law commission of India.  
21 Natural law is generally explained as the law of nature, divine law, a law which is 
eternal and universal. However, it has been given different meanings at different points 
in time.  
i) What was St. Thomas Acquinas’ views on law and morality? 
ii) How was the natural law in its new form different from old form? 
iii) What are the two rules on which principles of natural justice are based? 
5 (1+2+2) 
Page 3

Date:                                        Class: XI 
Legal Studies(074) 
Time: 3 hrs                                                                 M. M: 100 
General Instructions 
i) All questions are compulsory. 
ii) Question numbers 1 to 8 are multiple choice questions and are of 1 mark each.  
iii) Question numbers 9 to 14 are of 2 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 40 words each. 
iv) Question numbers 15 to 20 are of 4 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 100 words each. 
v) Question numbers 21 to 24 are of 5 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 120 words each. 
v) Question numbers 25 to 30 are of 6 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 140 words each. 
1 The customary practice of saptapadi has been incorporated in section _______ of the 
Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. 
a) 4 
b) 6 
c) 7 
d) 9 
2 “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive and judiciary, in the same hands, 
whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may 
justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” Who said the above lines? 
a) Montesquieu 
b) Wade and Philpis 
c) James Madison 
d) Jean Bodin 
3 Which of the following is the definition of initiative? 
a) a specified number of voters prepare a bill for acceptance or approval by 
legislature or general public. If approved, it becomes a law.  
b) when the bill passed by the legislature is forwarded to the voters for final 
c) when an important issue could not be decided by the government, and is decided 
by the votes of the people.  
d) voters recall their elected representatives when they are not satisfied by their 
4 The legislature of which of the following countries is known as Grand National 
a) Bangladesh 
b) Turkey 
c) Libya 
d) None of the above 
5 Which of the played a crucial role in improving the civil and criminal Justice system in 
pre-independent India? 
a) William Bentinck 
b) Warren Hastings 
c) Cornwallis 
d) Thomas Macaulay 
6 The reform of electoral laws was the subject of which law commission? 
 law commission, 1999 
 law commission, 1994 
 law commission, 1988 
d)none of the above 
7 In the case of Indira Gandhi vs. Raj Narain (AIR 1975 SC 2299) the following was 
declared to constitute the basic structure of the constitution. 
a) Right to contest elections 
b) Socialism 
c) Right to free and fair elections 
d) Secularism  
8 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar explained that the use of the word ‘Union’ instead of ‘Federation’ 
has its significance. Which of the following is not one of them? 
a) The component units have no freedom to secede from the union so created. 
b) The Indian Federation is the result of an agreement between the states. 
c) The Indian union is indestructible in nature. 
d) It is symbolic of the determination of the Assembly to maintain the unity of the 
9 Explain the writ jurisdiction of Indian judiciary.  
10 Explain the legislative and judicial functions of Executive as an organ of government.  
11 What are the main characteristics of a Developmental state? Who first conceptualized the 
idea of developmental states? 
12 Give Jeremy Bentham’s views on law. 
13 Write a short note on International Court of Justice. 
14 When and under whom was the first ever law reform commission established in India? 
What was its main recommendation? 
15 Mention any four defects of the doctrine of separation of powers. 
16 What are the four categories into which legislative acts can be classified? 
17 Do a comparative study of nature of Hobbes and Locke’s social contract.  
18 What is meant by Private Municipal Law? Explain its various types.  
19 Do judges make law? Discuss.  
20 Write a short note on the Twentieth law commission of India.  
21 Natural law is generally explained as the law of nature, divine law, a law which is 
eternal and universal. However, it has been given different meanings at different points 
in time.  
i) What was St. Thomas Acquinas’ views on law and morality? 
ii) How was the natural law in its new form different from old form? 
iii) What are the two rules on which principles of natural justice are based? 
5 (1+2+2) 
In the words of Durga Das Basu, as stated in his book Introduction to the Constitution of 
India, Indian Constitution draws much of its source from Government of India Act, 1935.  
The Government of India Act, 1935 has provided the administrative details and language 
to the provisions of the Constitution. 
i) What did the Government of India Act 1935 refer to India as? 
ii) What were the two Houses of Central Legislature called? 
iii) Powers and matters were divided between Central Legislature and Provincial 
Legislatures. Besides Concurrent List, what were the other two Lists called? 
iv) Mention any two limitations on the exercise of legislative power.  
23 The theory of kinship on the origin of state is based on sociological facts. The earliest 
advocate of this theory is Aristotle………There is a difference of among the scholars 
regarding the nature of kinship.  
i) Explain briefly the patriarchal theory of kinship. 
ii) Explain briefly the matriarchal theory of kinship.  
iii) Why did the societies change from matriarchal to patriarchal? 
Answer the following questions based on the given flowchart showing the hierarchy of 
Courts in British India.  
i) Name A, B, C, and D. 
ii) When was the Federal Court established? 
iii) Write a short note on ‘A’. 
5 (2+1+2) 
25 Discuss the essentials of a valid custom.  
With reference to sources of law, explain the kinds of legislation. 
26 Do a comparative study of main features of Savigny’s historical school of jurisprudence 
and that of Roscoe Pound’s Sociological school.  
27 What are the elements of a valid contract? 
28 Explain with the help of a flow chart the operation of checks and balances mechanism 
between different organs of the government in the United States. 
29 Explain how a Bill becomes the law of land in India.  
Write a short note on Directive Principles and its relationship with Fundamental Rights.  
30 Different types of state appeared on the world geography at different times, places and as 
a result of different causes. Explain briefly the types of states that have emerged over a 
period of time.  
Federal Court 
C D 
Page 4

Date:                                        Class: XI 
Legal Studies(074) 
Time: 3 hrs                                                                 M. M: 100 
General Instructions 
i) All questions are compulsory. 
ii) Question numbers 1 to 8 are multiple choice questions and are of 1 mark each.  
iii) Question numbers 9 to 14 are of 2 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 40 words each. 
iv) Question numbers 15 to 20 are of 4 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 100 words each. 
v) Question numbers 21 to 24 are of 5 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 120 words each. 
v) Question numbers 25 to 30 are of 6 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 140 words each. 
1 The customary practice of saptapadi has been incorporated in section _______ of the 
Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. 
a) 4 
b) 6 
c) 7 
d) 9 
2 “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive and judiciary, in the same hands, 
whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may 
justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” Who said the above lines? 
a) Montesquieu 
b) Wade and Philpis 
c) James Madison 
d) Jean Bodin 
3 Which of the following is the definition of initiative? 
a) a specified number of voters prepare a bill for acceptance or approval by 
legislature or general public. If approved, it becomes a law.  
b) when the bill passed by the legislature is forwarded to the voters for final 
c) when an important issue could not be decided by the government, and is decided 
by the votes of the people.  
d) voters recall their elected representatives when they are not satisfied by their 
4 The legislature of which of the following countries is known as Grand National 
a) Bangladesh 
b) Turkey 
c) Libya 
d) None of the above 
5 Which of the played a crucial role in improving the civil and criminal Justice system in 
pre-independent India? 
a) William Bentinck 
b) Warren Hastings 
c) Cornwallis 
d) Thomas Macaulay 
6 The reform of electoral laws was the subject of which law commission? 
 law commission, 1999 
 law commission, 1994 
 law commission, 1988 
d)none of the above 
7 In the case of Indira Gandhi vs. Raj Narain (AIR 1975 SC 2299) the following was 
declared to constitute the basic structure of the constitution. 
a) Right to contest elections 
b) Socialism 
c) Right to free and fair elections 
d) Secularism  
8 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar explained that the use of the word ‘Union’ instead of ‘Federation’ 
has its significance. Which of the following is not one of them? 
a) The component units have no freedom to secede from the union so created. 
b) The Indian Federation is the result of an agreement between the states. 
c) The Indian union is indestructible in nature. 
d) It is symbolic of the determination of the Assembly to maintain the unity of the 
9 Explain the writ jurisdiction of Indian judiciary.  
10 Explain the legislative and judicial functions of Executive as an organ of government.  
11 What are the main characteristics of a Developmental state? Who first conceptualized the 
idea of developmental states? 
12 Give Jeremy Bentham’s views on law. 
13 Write a short note on International Court of Justice. 
14 When and under whom was the first ever law reform commission established in India? 
What was its main recommendation? 
15 Mention any four defects of the doctrine of separation of powers. 
16 What are the four categories into which legislative acts can be classified? 
17 Do a comparative study of nature of Hobbes and Locke’s social contract.  
18 What is meant by Private Municipal Law? Explain its various types.  
19 Do judges make law? Discuss.  
20 Write a short note on the Twentieth law commission of India.  
21 Natural law is generally explained as the law of nature, divine law, a law which is 
eternal and universal. However, it has been given different meanings at different points 
in time.  
i) What was St. Thomas Acquinas’ views on law and morality? 
ii) How was the natural law in its new form different from old form? 
iii) What are the two rules on which principles of natural justice are based? 
5 (1+2+2) 
In the words of Durga Das Basu, as stated in his book Introduction to the Constitution of 
India, Indian Constitution draws much of its source from Government of India Act, 1935.  
The Government of India Act, 1935 has provided the administrative details and language 
to the provisions of the Constitution. 
i) What did the Government of India Act 1935 refer to India as? 
ii) What were the two Houses of Central Legislature called? 
iii) Powers and matters were divided between Central Legislature and Provincial 
Legislatures. Besides Concurrent List, what were the other two Lists called? 
iv) Mention any two limitations on the exercise of legislative power.  
23 The theory of kinship on the origin of state is based on sociological facts. The earliest 
advocate of this theory is Aristotle………There is a difference of among the scholars 
regarding the nature of kinship.  
i) Explain briefly the patriarchal theory of kinship. 
ii) Explain briefly the matriarchal theory of kinship.  
iii) Why did the societies change from matriarchal to patriarchal? 
Answer the following questions based on the given flowchart showing the hierarchy of 
Courts in British India.  
i) Name A, B, C, and D. 
ii) When was the Federal Court established? 
iii) Write a short note on ‘A’. 
5 (2+1+2) 
25 Discuss the essentials of a valid custom.  
With reference to sources of law, explain the kinds of legislation. 
26 Do a comparative study of main features of Savigny’s historical school of jurisprudence 
and that of Roscoe Pound’s Sociological school.  
27 What are the elements of a valid contract? 
28 Explain with the help of a flow chart the operation of checks and balances mechanism 
between different organs of the government in the United States. 
29 Explain how a Bill becomes the law of land in India.  
Write a short note on Directive Principles and its relationship with Fundamental Rights.  
30 Different types of state appeared on the world geography at different times, places and as 
a result of different causes. Explain briefly the types of states that have emerged over a 
period of time.  
Federal Court 
C D 
Legal Studies(074) (ans key) 
Date:                                   Class: XI 
Time: 3 hrs                                                              M. M: 100 
1 The customary practice of saptapadi has been incorporated in section _______ of the 
Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. 
a) 4 
b) 6 
c) 7 
d) 9 
Ans- c 
2 “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive and judiciary, in the same hands, 
whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may 
justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” Who said the above lines? 
a) Montesquieu 
b) Wade and Philpis 
c) James Madison 
d) Jean Bodin 
Ans- c 
3 Which of the following is the definition of initiative? 
a) a specified number of voters prepare a bill for acceptance or approval by 
legislature or general public. If approved, it becomes a law.  
b) when the bill passed by the legislature is forwarded to the voters for final 
c) when an important issue could not be decided by the government, and is decided 
by the votes of the people.  
d) voters recall their elected representatives when they are not satisfied by their 
Ans- a 
4 The legislature of which of the following countries is known as Grand National 
a) Bangladesh 
b) Turkey 
c) Libya 
d) None of the above 
Ans- b 
5 Which of the played a crucial role in improving the civil and criminal Justice system in 
pre-independent India? 
a) William Bentinck 
b) Warren Hastings 
c) Cornwallis 
d) Thomas Macaulay 
Ans- a 
6 The reform of electoral laws was the subject of which law commission? 
 law commission, 1999 
 law commission, 1994 
 law commission, 1988 
d)none of the above 
Ans- a 
7 In the case of Indira Gandhi vs. Raj Narain (AIR 1975 SC 2299) the following was 
declared to constitute the basic structure of the constitution. 
a) Right to contest elections 
b) Socialism 
c) Right to free and fair elections 
Page 5

Date:                                        Class: XI 
Legal Studies(074) 
Time: 3 hrs                                                                 M. M: 100 
General Instructions 
i) All questions are compulsory. 
ii) Question numbers 1 to 8 are multiple choice questions and are of 1 mark each.  
iii) Question numbers 9 to 14 are of 2 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 40 words each. 
iv) Question numbers 15 to 20 are of 4 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 100 words each. 
v) Question numbers 21 to 24 are of 5 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 120 words each. 
v) Question numbers 25 to 30 are of 6 marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 140 words each. 
1 The customary practice of saptapadi has been incorporated in section _______ of the 
Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. 
a) 4 
b) 6 
c) 7 
d) 9 
2 “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive and judiciary, in the same hands, 
whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may 
justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” Who said the above lines? 
a) Montesquieu 
b) Wade and Philpis 
c) James Madison 
d) Jean Bodin 
3 Which of the following is the definition of initiative? 
a) a specified number of voters prepare a bill for acceptance or approval by 
legislature or general public. If approved, it becomes a law.  
b) when the bill passed by the legislature is forwarded to the voters for final 
c) when an important issue could not be decided by the government, and is decided 
by the votes of the people.  
d) voters recall their elected representatives when they are not satisfied by their 
4 The legislature of which of the following countries is known as Grand National 
a) Bangladesh 
b) Turkey 
c) Libya 
d) None of the above 
5 Which of the played a crucial role in improving the civil and criminal Justice system in 
pre-independent India? 
a) William Bentinck 
b) Warren Hastings 
c) Cornwallis 
d) Thomas Macaulay 
6 The reform of electoral laws was the subject of which law commission? 
 law commission, 1999 
 law commission, 1994 
 law commission, 1988 
d)none of the above 
7 In the case of Indira Gandhi vs. Raj Narain (AIR 1975 SC 2299) the following was 
declared to constitute the basic structure of the constitution. 
a) Right to contest elections 
b) Socialism 
c) Right to free and fair elections 
d) Secularism  
8 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar explained that the use of the word ‘Union’ instead of ‘Federation’ 
has its significance. Which of the following is not one of them? 
a) The component units have no freedom to secede from the union so created. 
b) The Indian Federation is the result of an agreement between the states. 
c) The Indian union is indestructible in nature. 
d) It is symbolic of the determination of the Assembly to maintain the unity of the 
9 Explain the writ jurisdiction of Indian judiciary.  
10 Explain the legislative and judicial functions of Executive as an organ of government.  
11 What are the main characteristics of a Developmental state? Who first conceptualized the 
idea of developmental states? 
12 Give Jeremy Bentham’s views on law. 
13 Write a short note on International Court of Justice. 
14 When and under whom was the first ever law reform commission established in India? 
What was its main recommendation? 
15 Mention any four defects of the doctrine of separation of powers. 
16 What are the four categories into which legislative acts can be classified? 
17 Do a comparative study of nature of Hobbes and Locke’s social contract.  
18 What is meant by Private Municipal Law? Explain its various types.  
19 Do judges make law? Discuss.  
20 Write a short note on the Twentieth law commission of India.  
21 Natural law is generally explained as the law of nature, divine law, a law which is 
eternal and universal. However, it has been given different meanings at different points 
in time.  
i) What was St. Thomas Acquinas’ views on law and morality? 
ii) How was the natural law in its new form different from old form? 
iii) What are the two rules on which principles of natural justice are based? 
5 (1+2+2) 
In the words of Durga Das Basu, as stated in his book Introduction to the Constitution of 
India, Indian Constitution draws much of its source from Government of India Act, 1935.  
The Government of India Act, 1935 has provided the administrative details and language 
to the provisions of the Constitution. 
i) What did the Government of India Act 1935 refer to India as? 
ii) What were the two Houses of Central Legislature called? 
iii) Powers and matters were divided between Central Legislature and Provincial 
Legislatures. Besides Concurrent List, what were the other two Lists called? 
iv) Mention any two limitations on the exercise of legislative power.  
23 The theory of kinship on the origin of state is based on sociological facts. The earliest 
advocate of this theory is Aristotle………There is a difference of among the scholars 
regarding the nature of kinship.  
i) Explain briefly the patriarchal theory of kinship. 
ii) Explain briefly the matriarchal theory of kinship.  
iii) Why did the societies change from matriarchal to patriarchal? 
Answer the following questions based on the given flowchart showing the hierarchy of 
Courts in British India.  
i) Name A, B, C, and D. 
ii) When was the Federal Court established? 
iii) Write a short note on ‘A’. 
5 (2+1+2) 
25 Discuss the essentials of a valid custom.  
With reference to sources of law, explain the kinds of legislation. 
26 Do a comparative study of main features of Savigny’s historical school of jurisprudence 
and that of Roscoe Pound’s Sociological school.  
27 What are the elements of a valid contract? 
28 Explain with the help of a flow chart the operation of checks and balances mechanism 
between different organs of the government in the United States. 
29 Explain how a Bill becomes the law of land in India.  
Write a short note on Directive Principles and its relationship with Fundamental Rights.  
30 Different types of state appeared on the world geography at different times, places and as 
a result of different causes. Explain briefly the types of states that have emerged over a 
period of time.  
Federal Court 
C D 
Legal Studies(074) (ans key) 
Date:                                   Class: XI 
Time: 3 hrs                                                              M. M: 100 
1 The customary practice of saptapadi has been incorporated in section _______ of the 
Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. 
a) 4 
b) 6 
c) 7 
d) 9 
Ans- c 
2 “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive and judiciary, in the same hands, 
whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may 
justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” Who said the above lines? 
a) Montesquieu 
b) Wade and Philpis 
c) James Madison 
d) Jean Bodin 
Ans- c 
3 Which of the following is the definition of initiative? 
a) a specified number of voters prepare a bill for acceptance or approval by 
legislature or general public. If approved, it becomes a law.  
b) when the bill passed by the legislature is forwarded to the voters for final 
c) when an important issue could not be decided by the government, and is decided 
by the votes of the people.  
d) voters recall their elected representatives when they are not satisfied by their 
Ans- a 
4 The legislature of which of the following countries is known as Grand National 
a) Bangladesh 
b) Turkey 
c) Libya 
d) None of the above 
Ans- b 
5 Which of the played a crucial role in improving the civil and criminal Justice system in 
pre-independent India? 
a) William Bentinck 
b) Warren Hastings 
c) Cornwallis 
d) Thomas Macaulay 
Ans- a 
6 The reform of electoral laws was the subject of which law commission? 
 law commission, 1999 
 law commission, 1994 
 law commission, 1988 
d)none of the above 
Ans- a 
7 In the case of Indira Gandhi vs. Raj Narain (AIR 1975 SC 2299) the following was 
declared to constitute the basic structure of the constitution. 
a) Right to contest elections 
b) Socialism 
c) Right to free and fair elections 
d) Secularism  
Ans- c 
8 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar explained that the use of the word ‘Union’ instead of ‘Federation’ 
has its significance. Which of the following is not one of them? 
a) The component units have no freedom to secede from the union so created. 
b) The Indian Federation is the result of an agreement between the states. 
c) The Indian union is indestructible in nature. 
d) It is symbolic of the determination of the Assembly to maintain the unity of the 
Ans- b 
9 Explain the writ jurisdiction of Indian judiciary.  
Art. 32 and 226.  
10 Explain the legislative and judicial functions of Executive as an organ of government.  
Delegated leg 
Power to grant pardon 
11 What are the main characteristics of a Developmental state? Who first conceptualized 
the idea of developmental states? 
1. Developmental States- also known as Hard state, main features are state led 
planning and state developmental capitalism. Also, strong state intervention, 
extensive regulation and planning. The state is focused on economic 
development and takes necessary policy measures to accomplish that objective. 
There is a distinctive policy making process. Example- Japan. Concept of 
developmental state conceptualized by Chalmers Johnson.  
12 Give Jeremy Bentham’s views on law. 
Law should aim at the greatest happiness of the greatest number. Principle of utility 
should be the basis of morality and law. Utility promotes pleasure and prevents pain. All 
qs of right and wrong should be decided on the touchstone of utility.  
13 Write a short note on International Court of Justice. 
Estbd- 1945. 193 member states. 15 judges, 9 yr term, President- Ronny Abraham.  
14 When and under whom was the first ever law reform commission established in India? 
What was its main recommendation? 
1834, under Thomas Macaulay. Recommended codification of penal code and criminal 
procedure code.  
15 Mention any four defects of the doctrine of separation of powers. 
1. Not watertight compartments 
2. Prevents coordination, creates friction 
3. Overlapping functions- may prove hazardous if S.O.P 
4. Not applicable to Parliamentary form of govt. 
5. Not possible to give equal positions to 3 organs. 
6. Concentration of power tends to corrupt.                                                              
(any 4) 
16 What are the four categories into which legislative acts can be classified? 4 
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FAQs on Class 11 Legal Studies Previous Year Paper - 1 - Legal Studies for Class 11 - Humanities/Arts

1. What are the sources of law in India?
Ans. The sources of law in India include legislation (Acts of Parliament and State legislatures), customary law, judicial precedents, and personal law.
2. What are the different types of courts in the Indian judicial system?
Ans. The Indian judicial system consists of various types of courts, including the Supreme Court of India, High Courts, District Courts, and subordinate courts such as Sessions Courts and Magistrate Courts.
3. What is the difference between civil law and criminal law?
Ans. Civil law deals with disputes between individuals or organizations, focusing on resolving conflicts and providing compensation or remedies. Criminal law, on the other hand, deals with offenses against the state and imposes punishments on individuals who have committed crimes.
4. What is the role of the judiciary in India?
Ans. The judiciary in India acts as the guardian and interpreter of the Constitution. It ensures the rule of law, protects fundamental rights, resolves disputes, and upholds justice by interpreting and applying laws.
5. What is the significance of legal aid in India?
Ans. Legal aid plays a crucial role in ensuring equal access to justice for all, regardless of their socio-economic background. It provides free legal assistance to the marginalized sections of society, thereby promoting the principles of justice, fairness, and equality.
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