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Class 12 Political Science Previous Year: Long Questions with Answers - Alternative Centres of Power

Q.1. (a) Analyse any four factors that make the European Union an influential regional organisation.       [2024]
(b) “ASEAN is rapidly growing into a very important regional organisation." Justify the statement.
Ans. (a)
(i) The EU has evolved over time from an economic union to an increasingly political one.
(ii) The EU has a common flag, anthem, founding date and currency which shows its solidarity and unity. It also has some form of a common foreign and security policy in its dealings with other nations.
(iii) The EU is the world’s second biggest economy with a GDP of more than $17 trillion in 2016, next to that of the USA.
(iv) It functions as an important bloc in the WTO.
(v) One of its members (France) is the permanent member of the UN Security Council.
(vi) Its currency, the Euro, can pose a threat to the dominance of the US dollar.
(vii) The combined armed forces of the EU are the second largest in the world. Its total spending on defense is second after the US.
(viii) It also works as a supranational organization, the EU is able to intervene in economic, political and social areas.
(b) (i) ASEAN has little desire for supranational structures like the EU.
(ii) ASEAN celebrates its way of working known as the ‘ASEAN way’ which is a form of interaction that is informal, non-confrontational and cooperative.
(iii) ASEAN has broadened its objectives beyond the economic and social spheres.
(iv) It respects the sovereignty of member countries.
(v) It has focussed on creating a Free Trade Area for investment, labor and service.
(vi) ASEAN is the only regional association in Asia that provides a political Forum where Asian countries and the major powers can discuss political and security concerns.

Q.2. (a) Analyze any four factors that make the European Union an influential regional organization of the world.     [2024]
(b) Analyze any four objectives of establishing regional organizations.

Ans. (a) Factors that make the European Union an influential regional organisation:
(i) The European Union (EU) has economic ,political, diplomatic and military influence.
(ii) The EU is the world’s second biggest economy.
(iii)  It’s currency EURO poses a threat to the dominance of the US dollar.
(iv) Its share of World Trade is larger than the United States, making it more assertive in trade disputes with US and China.
(v) It functions as an important block in international economic organisations- World Trade Organisation (WTO).
(vi) France, a member of EU holds a permanent seat in UN Security Council.
(vii) EU’s combined armed forces as well as a defence expenditure is second largest in the world.
(viii) France, is a nuclear power state.
(ix) EU is the world’s second most important source of space and communication technology.
(b) Objectives of establishing regional organisations:
(i) Evolving regional solutions to their historical enmities and weakness.
(ii) Developing alternative institutions and conventions that build a more  peaceful and cooperative regional order.
(iii) Transform the countries of a region into prosperous economics.
(iv) Promote political corporation and economic integration among member states within a geographical proximity.

Q.3. (a) While the Chinese economy has improved dramatically, why has everyone in China not received the benefits of the reforms? State any three reasons.     [2024]
(b) Describe the process of evolution of the European Union from an Economic Union to an increasingly Political one.
(i) Unemployment had risen in China with nearly 100 million people looking for jobs.
(ii) Female employment and conditions of work were bad.
(iii) Environment degradation had increased.
(iv) Corruption had increased.
(v) Economic inequality between rural and urban residents rose.
(vi) Rise in economic inequality between coastal and inland provinces.
(b) (i) America extended massive financial help for reviving Europe economy under the Marshal Plan.
(ii) In 1948 OEEC was established to extend cooperation on trade and economic issues among the western European states. In 1949 Council of Europe was established for political cooperation.
(iii) The process of economic integration of European capitalist countries led to the formation of European Economic Community in 1957. This acquired a political dimension with the creation of the European Parliament. In 1992 EU was formed.
(iv) It also laid stress on a common foreign and security policy, co-operation on justice and home affairs and the creation of a common currency.
(v) It started to act more as a nation state.
(vi) While the attempts to have a Constitution for the EU have failed still it has its own flag, anthem, founding date and currency.
(vii) It also has some form of a common foreign and security policy in its dealings with other nations.
(viii) It shows that European Union evolved over time from an economic union to an increasingly political one.

Q.4. (a) Evaluate any three steps taken by the Chinese leadership for the growth of the Chinese economy.     [2023]
(b) Analyse any three major happenings in Bangladesh that show peoples’ support to democracy.
(a) The steps taken by Chinese leadership
(i) Open Door Policy: It was announced in 1978 by Deng Yiaoping to generate higher productivity by investments of capital and technology from abroad.
(ii) Market Economy: China introduced its own market economy by the privatization of  agriculture and industry in 1982  and 1988.
(iii) Special Economic Zones: To remove the trade barriers and to  open the economy for foreign investors China set Special Economy Zones‘.
(iv) Accession to WTO: China plans to deepen its integeration into the world economy and shape the future world economic order by its accession to WTO in 2001.
(b) Happenings in Bangladesh that show their support for democracy:
(i) Sheikh Mujibur Rahman led the popular struggle against West Pakistani domination. He demanded autonomy for the eastern region. In the 1970 elections the Awami League won all the seats in East Pakistan. But the government dominated by the West Pakistani leadership refused to convene the assembly. This resulted in a war in 1971 that ended in the surrender of the Pakistani forces in East Pakistan and the formation of Banglades has an independent country.
(ii) In 1975 Sheikh Mujib got the constitution amended to shift from the parliamentary to presidential form of government. He also abolished  all parties except his own, the Awami League. His actions were to be authoritarian. People opposed it and was assassinated in a military uprising in August 1975. The new military ruler, Ziaur Rahman, formed his own Bangladesh National Party and won elections in 1979.
(iii) Later on Ziaur Rahman was assassinated and another military takeover followed under the leadership of Lt Gen H. M. Ershad. The people of Bangladesh soon rose in support of the demand fordemocracy. Ershad was forced to allow political activity on a limited scale. He was later elected as President for five years. Mass public protests made Ershad step down in 1990. Elections were held in 1991. Since then representative democracy based on multi-party elections has been working in Bangladesh.

Q.5. (a) Evaluate the strength of the European Union as the most effective regional organisation on the basis of any three facts.     [2023]
(b) “Despite various problems, the people in all the South Asian countries share the aspiration and support for democracy.” Justify the statement with any three suitable examples.
Ans. (a) 
Strength of the European Union:
(i) European Union is the world largest economy today.
(ii) Euro as a currency of European Union can pose a threat to US dollar. The GDP of EU is much larger than that of the US .
(iii) Militarily, the EU’s  combined armed forces are the second largest in the world .It has two member states which are nuclear powers .
(iv) Politically too ,EU is extremely influential. Previously two of its members UK and France (and now France only) are permanent members of the UNSC.
(b) Democratic system has not been very successful in Pakistan, Myanmar and Sri Lanka .They have  seen considerable struggle to establish complete democracy.
Examples are as follows:
(i) In Pakistan, military rule has ended and after 2006 democracy has been restored, but not truly democratic.
(ii) In Nepal, people’s movement was a long struggle to replace constitutional monarchy with a democratic government in which they succeeded.
(iii) In Bangladesh too, the early years  saw a  military dominant regime. By 1979 demand for democracy gave way to multi-party elections and a representative democracy was established in 1991.

Q.6. (a) Evaluate the role of ASEAN in the contemporary world.     [2023]
(b) “In spite of the improvement in the Chinese economy, not everyone in China has received the benefits of economic reforms.” Support the statement with three arguments.
 (a) Role of ASEAN: 

  • ASEAN aims at economic growth of the region.
  • It also work for social progress and cultural development.
  • It works for regional peace and stability based on the principle of United Nations. 
  • ASEAN way is a big  contribution which is a  form of interaction between Nations. It is informal non confrontational and cooperative. 
  • It has established three pillars for ASEAN community comprising:
    • ASEAN Security Community 
    • ASEAN Economic Community 
    • ASEAN Socio - Cultural Community 
  • It works for resolving all territorial disputes without armed Confrontation. 

(b) Arguments:
(i) Unemployment has risen in China with nearly 100 million people looking for jobs.  
(ii) Female employment  and conditions of work are as bad as in Europe of the 18th and 19th  centuries.  
(iii)  Environment Degradation has increased.
(iv) Corruption has increased.
(v) Rise in economic inequality between rural and urban resident .
(vi) Rise in economic inequality between coastal and inland provinces.

Q.7. (a) Explain the process of evolution of the European Union from an economic union to an increasingly political one.     [2023]
(b) Explain any three factors that led India to emerge as a new Centre of Power.
(a) Evolution of EU from economic union to a political one:
(i) European integration after 1945 aided  by the Cold War. America extended financial help under the 'martial plan'
(ii)  It became a forum for Western European States to cooperate on trade and economic issues. Organisations like OEEC, Council of Europe, European economic community, European parliament and finally European Union came up.
(iii) It also laid foundation for a common foreign and security policy, corporation on justice and home affairs and creation of common currency.
(iv) It has also started to act more as a nation state. EU has it's own flag, anthem, founding date and currency. It also has some form of a common foreign and security policy.
(v) The EU has economic, political and democratic and military influence.
(b) India as new centre of power:
(i) 21st  Century India is being seen as an important emerging global power. The economic,cultural, strategic position of the country  with a population of more than 135 crores, is very strong.
(ii) From an economic perspective, targeting the goal of a 5 trillion economy and a competitive huge market, help India to be a centre of power.
(iii) An ancient inclusive culture with 200 million people of Indian Diaspora spreading across the globe impart distinct meaning and salience to India as a new centre of power.
(iv) The military of India is self sufficient, with indigenous nuclear technology another nuclear power.
(v) 'Make in India' scheme in technology and science is another milestone of Indian economy.

Q.8. ‘The European Union has economic, political and diplomatic, and military influence’. Substantiate the statement.
‘The European Union has economic, political and diplomatic, and military influence.’

(i) The EU is the world’s biggest economy with a GDP of $ 12 trillion in 2015 currency.
(ii) The Euro can pose a threat to the dominance of the US dollar.
(iii) Its share of world trade is three times larger than that of the United States, allowing it to be more assertive in trade disputes with the US and China.
(iv) Its economic power gives it influence over its closest neighbours as well as in Asia and Africa. It also functions as an important bloc in international economic organisations.
(v) Two of its members, Britain and France, hold permanent seats on the UN Security Council.
(vi) The EU includes several non-permanent members of the UNSC. This has enabled the EU to influence some US policies such as the current US position on Iran’s nuclear programme.
(vii) Its use of diplomacy, economic investments, and negotiations rather than coercion and military force has been effective as in the case of its dialogue with China on human rights and environmental degradation.
(viii) Militarily, the EU’s combined armed forces are the second largest in the world. Its total spending on defense is second after the US.
(ix) It is also the world’s second most important source of space and communications technology.

Q.9. Evaluate any three major factors responsible for making the European Union a political force from being an economic force.
(i) The Council of Europe established in 1949 was a step forward in political cooperation.
(ii) European Economic Community in 1957 acquired a political discussion leading to creation of European Parliament.
(iii) Disintegration of Soviet Union put Europe on a fast track and resulted in the establishment of the European Union in 1992.
(iv) It has its own flag, anthem, founding date and currency.
(v) EU being the world’s biggest economy has its own political influence also.
Detailed Answer: The Council of Europe established in 1949, was a step forward in political co-operation.
(a) The EU has political influence. Two members of the EU, Britain and France, hold permanent seats in the UN Security Council.  The EU includes several non-permanent members of the UNSC. This has enabled the EU to influence some US policies such as the current US position on Iran’s nuclear programme. Its use of diplomacy, economic investments, and negotiations rather than coercion and military force has been effective as in the case of its dialogue with China on human rights and environmental degradation.
(b) European Economic Community in 1957 acquired a political discussion leading to creation of European Parliament.
(c) It has its own flag, anthem, founding date and currency.
(d) EU being the world’s biggest economy has its own political influence also. Its GDP is slightly larger than that of the United States. Its currency can pose a threat to the dominance of the US dollar. Its share of world trade is three times larger than that of the United States allowing it to be more assertive in trade disputes with the US and China. All these factors are responsible for making European Union a political force from being an economic force.

Q.10. Analyse any three factors responsible for the European Union to be highly influential regional organisation.
Factors responsible for the European Union to be a highly influential regional organization:
(i) Influence of EU in economic fields:
(a) The EU is the world’s biggest economy.
(b) Its currency, the Euro, can pose threat to the dominance of the US dollar also.
(c) Its economic power gives it influence over its closest neighbours as well as in Asia and Africa.
(d) Its share of world trade is 3 times larger than that of the US.
(ii) Influence of EU in political fields:
(a) Its two members, Britain and France, hold permanent seats in the UN Security Council.
(b) It also includes several non-permanent members of the UNSC.
(c) The EU has influenced some US policies such as the current US position on Iran’s nuclear programme.
(iii) Influence of EU in military fields:
(a) The EU’s combined armed forces are the second largest in the world.
(b) Its total population spending on defence is second after the US.
(c) Its two members, Britain and France, also have nuclear arsenals of approximately 550 nuclear warheads.

Q.11. Analyse the economic and political influence of the European Union.
The EU has political influence. Two members of the EU, Britain and France, hold permanent seats in the UN Security Council.  The EU includes several non-permanent members of the UNSC. This has enabled the EU to influence some US policies such as the current US position on Iran’s nuclear programme. Its use of diplomacy, economic investments, and negotiations rather than coercion and military force has been effective as in the case of its dialogue with China on human rights and environmental degradation.   Influence of EU in economic fields :
(i) The EU is the world’s biggest economy. Its GDP is slightly larger than that of the United States.
(ii) Its currency, the Euro, can pose threat to the dominance of the US dollar also.
(iii) Its economic power gives it influence over its closest neighbours as well as in Asia and Africa.
(iv) Its share of world trade is 3 times larger than that of the US allowing it to be more assertive in trade disputes with the US and China. Its economic power gives it influence over its closest neighbours as well as in Asia and Africa
(v) It also functions as an important bloc in international economic organisations such as World Trade Organisation (WTO).

Q.12. Why was the European Union established? Describe its economic, political, diplomatic and military influences.
As the Second World War came to an end, many European leaders grappled with the question of Europe. Europe should be allowed to revert to its old rivalries or be reconstructed on principles and institutions that would contribute to a positive conception of international relations. The Second World War shattered many of the assumptions and structures on which the European states had based their relations. In 1945, the European states confronted the ruin of their economies and the destruction of the assumptions and structures on which Europe had been founded. The European Union was established with a view to strengthen the economic condition of the Europe.  The foundation was laid for a common foreign and security policy, co-operation on justice and home affairs and the creation of a single currency.
(i) Influence of EU in economic fields:
(a) The EU is the world’s biggest economy.
(b) Its currency, the Euro, can pose threat to the dominance of the US dollar also.
(c) Its economic power gives it influence over its closest neighbours as well as in Asia and Africa.
(d) Its share of world trade is 3 times larger than that of the US.
(ii) Influence of EU in political fields:
(a) Its two members Britain and France hold permanent seats in the UN Security Council.(b) It also includes several non-permanent members of the UNSC.
(c) The EU has influenced some US policies such as the current US position in Iran’s nuclear programme.
(iii) Influence of EU in military fields:
(a) The EU’s combined armed forces are the second largest in the world.
(b) Its total population spending on defence is second after the US.
(c) Its two members, Britain and France, also have nuclear arsenals of approximately 550 nuclear warheads.

Q.13. How did the European countries resolve their post-Second World War problem? Briefly outline the attempts that led to the formation of the European Union. U (NCERT) Ans. The Second World War shattered many of the assumptions and structures on which the European states had based their relations. In 1945, the European states confronted the ruin of their economies and the destruction of the assumptions and structures on which Europe had been founded. The European countries resolved their postSecond World War structures mainly because of the American help. America extended massive financial help for reviving Europe’s economy under what was called the ‘Marshall Plan’. Under the Marshall Plan, the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation was established. In 1948, to channel aid to the western European states, it became a forum where the western European states began to co-operate on trade and economic issues. The Council of Europe, established in 1949, was another step forward in political cooperation. The US also created a new collective security structure under NATO. This way, the process of economic integration of European capitalist countries proceeded step by step.
Following are the main attempts for the formation of the European Union:
(i) Establishment of the Council of Europe in 1949.
(ii) Formation of European Economic Community in 1957.
(iii)The process acquired a political dimension with the creation of the European Parliament.
(iv) The collapse of the Soviet bloc put Europe on a fast track and resulted in the establishment of the European Union in 1992.

Q.14. What makes the European Union a highly influential regional organisation?
Following points make the European Union a highly influential regional organisation:
(i) The European Union has economic, political and diplomatic and military influence.
(ii) The EU is the world’s biggest economy with a GDP larger than that of the United States.
(iii) The EU’s share of world trade is three times larger than that of the United States allowing it to be more assertive in trade disputes with the US and China.
(iv) The EU has political and diplomatic influence as two members of the EU, Britain and France, hold permanent seats in the UN Security Council.
(v) Militarily, the EU’s combined armed forces are the second largest in the world.
(vi) The EU’s total spending on defence is second after the US.
(vii) The two EU’s members, France and Britain, also have nuclear arsenals.
(viii) The EU is also the world’s second most important source of space and communications technology.

Q.15. Name the pillars and the objectives of the ASEAN Community.
Following are the three pillars of the ASEAN:
(i) The ASEAN Security Community
(ii) The ASEAN Economic Community
(iii) The ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community

Following are the objectives of the ASEAN Community:
(i) The objectives of the ASEAN Community was based on the conviction that outstanding territorial disputes should not escalate into armed confrontation.
(ii) The objectives of the ASEAN Community are to create a common market and production base within ASEAN states and to aid social and economic development in the region.
(iii) To encourage negotiation over conflicts in the region.
(iv) To promote regional peace and stability in the region.
(v) It would like to improve the existing ASEAN Dispute Settlement Mechanism to resolve economic disputes.
(vi) The objectives of ASEAN Community are primarily to accelerate economic growth and through that ‘social progress and cultural development.

Q.16. The peace and prosperity of countries lay in establishment and strengthening of regional economic organisations. Justify this statement.
The statement can be well justified with the formation of the ASEAN. Before and during the Second World War, the south-eastern region of Asia suffered the economic and political consequences of repeated colonialism, both European and Japanese. At the end of the War, the region confronted problems of nation-building, the ravages of poverty and economic backwardness and pressure to align with one great power or another during the Cold War. Craving for peace and prosperity, countries of this region–Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand signed Bangkok Declaration establishing the ASEAN. ASEAN is rapidly growing into a very important regional organisation. Its Vision 2020 has defined an outward-looking role for ASEAN in the international community. This builds on the existing ASEAN policy to encourage negotiation over conflicts in the region. Thus ASEAN has mediated the end of the Cambodian conflict, the East Timor crisis and meets annually to discuss East Asian co-operation.

Q.17. Assess the three major factors responsible for the rise of the Chinese economy.
How did China rise to be an economic superpower?
In what ways does the present Chinese economy differs from its command economy?
(i) China has been the fastest growing economy.
(ii) Biggest population in the world.
(iii) Land reforms and the resources have also promoted Chinese economy.
(iv) The Soviet model, along with Soviet aid and advise, aimed at creating state owned heavy industries from the capital accumulated from agriculture sector.
(v) China decided to substitute imports by domestic goods.
Detailed Answer: After the inception of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, following the communist revolution under the leadership of Mao, its economy was based on the Soviet model.  The economically backward communist China chose to severe its links with the capitalist world. The model was to create a state-owned heavy industries sector from the capital accumulated from agriculture. As it was short of foreign exchange that it needed in order to buy technology and goods on the world market, China decided to substitute imports by domestic goods.
(a) The model allowed China to use its resources to establish the foundations of an industrial economy on a scale that did not exist before.
(b) The Chinese leadership took major policy decisions in the 1970s. China ended its political and economic isolation with establishment of relations with the United States in 1972.
(c) Premier Zhou Enlai proposed the ‘four modernisations’ in the field of agriculture, industry, science and technology and military in 1973.
(d) By 1978, the leader Deng Xiaoping announced the ‘open door’ policy and economic reforms in China. The policy was expected to generate higher productivity by investments of capital and technology from abroad.
(e) China followed its own path in introducing a market economy. The Chinese did not go for ‘shock therapy’ but opened their economy step by step. The privatisation of agriculture was followed by the privatisation of industry in 1998.
(f) Trade barriers were removed only in Special Economic Zones where foreign investors could set up enterprises.
(g) In China, the state played and continues to play a central role in setting up a market economy.
(h) All these factors helped the Chinese economy to break from stagnation.
(i) Privatisation in agriculture led to a remarkable rise in agricultural production and rural incomes.
(j) The Chinese economy, including both industry and agriculture, grew at a faster rate.
(k) The new trading laws and the creation of Special Economic Zones led to a phenomenal rise in foreign trade.

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FAQs on Class 12 Political Science Previous Year: Long Questions with Answers - Alternative Centres of Power

1. What are the contemporary centres of power in the world?
Ans. Contemporary centres of power in the world include countries like the United States, China, Russia, and the European Union, as well as multinational corporations, international organizations, and non-governmental organizations.
2. How do multinational corporations play a role as contemporary centres of power?
Ans. Multinational corporations wield significant power in the global economy through their ability to influence governments, shape policies, and control resources. They often have a presence in multiple countries and can impact local and international affairs.
3. What role do international organizations play in shaping global power dynamics?
Ans. International organizations such as the United Nations, World Bank, and International Monetary Fund play a crucial role in addressing global issues, promoting cooperation among nations, and setting standards for international relations. They have the power to influence policies and decisions on a global scale.
4. How has the balance of power among countries shifted in recent years?
Ans. The balance of power among countries has shifted in recent years due to factors such as economic growth, technological advancements, changing political landscapes, and shifting alliances. Emerging powers like China and India have gained influence, challenging the traditional dominance of Western powers.
5. What are some examples of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that are considered contemporary centres of power?
Ans. NGOs such as Amnesty International, Greenpeace, and Doctors Without Borders are considered contemporary centres of power due to their ability to mobilize public support, advocate for important causes, and influence government policies and decisions on a global scale.
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