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Class 8 English: Sample Question Paper with Solutions - 7 | Sample Papers For Class 8 PDF Download

Ques 1: Read the following passage carefully:
Character is destiny. Character is that on which the destiny of a nation is built. One cannot have a great nation with men of small character. We must have young men and women who look upon others as the living image of themselves as our Shastras have so often declared.
But whether in public life or student life, we cannot reach great heights, if we are lacking in character.
We cannot climb the mountain when the ground at our feet is crumbling. When the very basis of our structure is shaky how can we reach the heights we have set before ourselves? We must all have humility. Here is a country which we all are interested in building up for whatever service we take up, we should not care for what we receive. We should know how much we can put into that service. That should be the principle which should animate our young men and women. Ours is a great country, we have had for centuries a great history.
The whole of the East reflects our culture.
(i) On the basis of your reading of the above passage answer the following questions:
(a) What is the passage about?
(b) What kind of young men and women must we have?
(c) How can we reach the great heights we have set before ourselves?
(d) That should be the principle which should animate our young men and women. The underlined word means:
(i) discourage
(ii) encourage
(iii) frighten
(iv) humour
(e) Give the adjective forms of nation
(i) Humility
(ii) reflection
(f) Why is ours a great country? 

Ans: (a) This passage deals with the importance of character formation in moulding the destiny of our nation.
(b) We must have young men and women who look upon others as the living images of themselves as our Shastras have so often declared.
(c) We can reach the great heights we have set before ourselves if our character is built on a strong foundation of sterling qualities.
(d) (ii) encourage
(e) (i) humble
(ii) reflective
(f) Ours is a great country with a history that goes back for centuries. Its rich cultural heritage makes it unique. It has also contributed a great deal to the world of knowledge and culture.

Ques 2: Read the passage below and answer the questions that follows:
Childhood obesity rates have sky-rocketed in recent years. This trend is worrisome because it greatly increases children's risk for remaining obese in adulthood, which in turn increases their risk for other health related issues such as high blood pressure/ heart disease, stroke, cancer diabetes, and respiratory problems which might increase risk of premature death as adults.
Obesity can be the stage for problems too. Obese children are more likely to suffer from low self-esteem, depression, anxiety and social ostracism. It is, therefore, extremely important for parents to see that their children live a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle includes eating nutritious meals, getting plenty of exercise and adequate sleep every day. These positive health habits will help children grow strong, stay healthy, and decrease the likelihood of obesity.
Healthy diet and adequate exercise are important in preventing Type II diabetes in childhood as well as obesity. Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which the body cells can't properly break down the sugars from food. The body then starts accumulating the sugars in the bloodstream instead and ultimately stresses out the kidneys, heart, circulatory system, and eyes. Insulin, which is created in the pancreas, is the chemical that breaks down blood sugar.
In Type II diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin to deal with all the sugars coming into the body. This medical condition is termed as "adult-onset diabetes' because the disorder primarily affects adults with poor eating and activity habits. This trend sometimes has an adverse impact on others. In contrast to those who overeat and don't get enough exercise, other children become obsessed with over-controlling their food intake and start over exercising.
Media too can sometimes play havoc. By constantly exposing children to a barrage of perfect, photo-shopped bodies on television and magazines, children get tempted to imitate those images and go on a strict diet plan. Overemphasis on extreme thinness can again put children at risk of poor self-esteem, unhealthy exercise patterns, and eating disorders such as anorexia.
Children who practice healthy eating and exercise regularly since their childhood tend to maintain a healthy lifestyle through adulthood. It is imperative for parents to teach children to choose healthy food in preference to junk food and also eat in modest portions
(i) Answer the following questions:
(a) What concern is the writer expressing in the above article?
(b) Why does the writer insist that a healthy lifestyle should be adopted right from one's childhood?
(c) Which two factors impact children negatively?
(d) How does media influence children?

Ans: (i) (a) Concern for the growing obesity rates and allied problems/risks.
(b) Then the chances of remaining obese during adulthood are reduced.
(c) Being overweight and being underweight
(d) By showing picture perfect bodies of celebrities, children want to imitate them and go on strict diet

Ques 3: Read the passage below and answer the questions that follows:
Childhood obesity rates have sky-rocketed in recent years. This trend is worrisome because it greatly increases children's risk for remaining obese in adulthood, which in turn increases their risk for other health related issues such as high blood pressure/ heart disease, stroke, cancer diabetes, and respiratory problems which might increase risk of premature death as adults.
Obesity can be the stage for problems too. Obese children are more likely to suffer from low self-esteem, depression, anxiety and social ostracism. It is, therefore, extremely important for parents to see that their children live a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle includes eating nutritious meals, getting plenty of exercise and adequate sleep every day. These positive health habits will help children grow strong, stay healthy, and decrease the likelihood of obesity.
Healthy diet and adequate exercise are important in preventing Type II diabetes in childhood as well as obesity. Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which the body cells can't properly break down the sugars from food. The body then starts accumulating the sugars in the bloodstream instead and ultimately stresses out the kidneys, heart, circulatory system, and eyes. Insulin, which is created in the pancreas, is the chemical that breaks down blood sugar.
In Type II diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin to deal with all the sugars coming into the body. This medical condition is termed as "adult-onset diabetes' because the disorder primarily affects adults with poor eating and activity habits. This trend sometimes has an adverse impact on others. In contrast to those who overeat and don't get enough exercise, other children become obsessed with over-controlling their food intake and start over exercising.
Media too can sometimes play havoc. By constantly exposing children to a barrage of perfect, photo-shopped bodies on television and magazines, children get tempted to imitate those images and go on a strict diet plan. Overemphasis on extreme thinness can again put children at risk of poor self-esteem, unhealthy exercise patterns, and eating disorders such as anorexia.
Children who practice healthy eating and exercise regularly since their childhood tend to maintain a healthy lifestyle through adulthood. It is imperative for parents to teach children to choose healthy food in preference to junk food and also eat in modest portions.

(ii) Complete the following statements in one word phrase:
(a) By saying obesity rate have ________the writer implies that they have increased drastically.
(b) Both overweight and underweight children tend to suffer from ________.
(c) Obesity can lead to _________, _________including premature death in adulthood.
(d) Type II diabetes can be prevented ____________and _________.

Ans: (ii) (a) sty-rocketed
(b) low self-esteem/inferiority complex
(c) high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems, cancer, stroke (any two)
(d) healthy eating, exercising

Ques 4: Write a paragraph in about 100 -120 words on the topic 'Beauty of Nature' 
Ans: Nature is beauty and beauty is Nature. Everywhere Nature is beautiful in one way or the other. The beauty of Nature has been a source of inspiration and delight to mankind. It is an endless source of joy. Dew drops on the green grass look like pearls. Sunrise is a lovely scene of Nature.
Setting Sun, starry night, silvery light of the Moon, snow-covered mountains, deep and dark forests, scent and fragrance of flowers are some of the beauties of Nature. The chirping of birds in trees has a music of its own. In Spring, Nature is at her best. Blooming flowers of different hues fill the air with fragrance. The beauties of Nature soothe our eyes, gladden our hearts and ennoble our souls.

Ques 5: Drug abuse is a social evil which has ruined many lives and is gradually on the rise. The youth have been affected by it the most. Write an article on the topic 'Drug Abuse-A social Evil'.
You are Garvit of Modi Public School, Bareilly. You have been asked to speak in the morning assembly on the topic 'Machines are good slaves but a bad master'. Write the same in about 150 words.

Drug Abuse?A Social Evil
(Class IX)
Drugs have become very common in society. It is a social evil which makes the person hollow from inside. Drugs are of many kinds, but basically the harmful ones are the narcotic drugs. Person once used to it cannot come out of the habit. He or she becomes addicted to it and it becomes impossible to pass a day without taking the dose. The body becomes so accustomed to it that without it the person feels lifeless. These drugs along with harming the health also harm the pocket.
They are very expensive. People try to get it by hook or by -crook and if they don't have money, they indulge in wrong activities like theft and selling off their own expensive things. These days youth is becoming addicted to it. They are harming not only themselves/their families but also the society. A watchful eye should be kept on the people who sell it and strict actions should be taken against them. People addicted to drugs should .be sent to rehabilitation centres before it becomes loo late.
Good Morning
Respected Principal/ teachers and my dear friends. Today, I, Garvit am going to express my views on the topic 'Machines are good slaves but a bad master".
We are living in the age of machines. We cannot imagine our lives without fans, vehicles, electrical appliances etc.
But it is sad that we are becoming its slaves, because we are becoming addicted to the comforts these things provide us. They are simple machines; when they stop working we become helpless.
Today even to cover a small distance we need a vehicle; we don't want to walk. If there is no electricity we behave as though we cannot live without it. Most of our household works come to a stop.
But it is really sad that we don't think that due to these habits we are putting ourselves into trouble. We are being attacked by many diseases as we don't do any physical exercise. These diseases are obesity, diabetes, heart attack etc. at a very young age and many of these diseases are fatal.
Therefore, we all should use machines judiciously. You should be its master. It should work as your slave. Thank You.

Ques 6: Read the outlines of a story given below. Write it in full using these outlines and your own ideas.
Assign a suitable title to it:
Outlines:- A dark stormy night a traveller reached a house knocked but no response knocked hard door opened no lights no body seen traveller pulled inside.
Outlines:- Cap-seller hot day tired and thirsty looking for shade ten red caps in a bundle falls asleep wakes up caps gone looks up in wonder ten monkeys on the tree each wears a cap tries several methods to recover caps no use snatches the cap off his head throws it down in anger monkey do the same recovers all his caps.

A Mysterious Night
Once a traveller was travelling on horse back with a view to explore the city. While riding he happened to come across a remote area and all of a sudden the sky was covered with dark clouds and it started raining heavily.
He rushed but due to rain the horse also couldn't run fast. Finally he came across a cottage. Without hesitating he knocked at the door but he got no response, although he could hear the sounds coming from inside. He knocked even loudly. Suddenly the door opened and he was pulled inside.
He was shocked and when he became a bit normal he realised that the people sitting there were indulging in drugs. He was shocked and soon he also started behaving as though he also needed drugs. He bought drugs from them and hid them in his pocket acting as though he was under the spell of those narcotics.
When everybody was totally doped, he slipped out of the room, climbed his horse and ran away from there. He straight away went to the police station, informed the police and with his efforts police was able to raid the place. Addicted people were sent to the rehabilitation centre and next day it was in the news headlines.
The Cap-Seller and the Monkeys
It was the month of June. A cap-seller was returning from a village fair after selling fifty red caps. He was very happy because he had made a big profit. It was noon. The Sun was very hot. The cap-seller was tired and thirsty. He was looking for a shady tree. He wanted to take rest.
Near a village he found a big tree. He took water from the village well. Then he took his lunch and lay down to rest for a while. He had ten red caps in a bundle. He had also worn a red cap. Soon he fell asleep.
When he woke up, all the caps had gone. He looked up in despair and wondered. He saw ten monkeys on the tree. Each monkey was wearing a red cap on his head. He threw stones at the monkeys but they picked unripe fruit and threw at him. He tried his best to recover the caps from the monkeys, but all in vain.
He then sat down in despair with his head between his hands. The monkeys also did so. Soon, an idea flashed across his mind. He snatched the red cap off his head and threw it away angrily. The monkeys did the same. The cap-seller hurriedly collected all the caps. He put them in his bag and went away happily.

Ques 7: Some suffix are given in the box. Add suitable suffix to the word given in the bracket and complete the sentences, ness, less, able, ily
(i) The fire fighter was _______(fear) as he ran into the burning house to save the family.
(ii) She was able to complete the work _____(easy).
(iii) I have a teddy bear which is so cute and _________(love).
(iv) My friend Meena is always so nice to people. The best thing about her is her _____(kind).
Ans: (i) fearless
(ii) easily
(iii) lovable
(iv) kindness.

Ques 8: Re-arrange the following words and phrases to make meaningful sentences:
(i) agriculture/India's/depends on/economy/mainly
(ii) positions/two/opening/of/our/batsmen/took
(iii) all alone/were/I/many/was/they/and
(iv) a horrible/sigh/what/ saw/I/was

Ans: (i) India's economy mainly depends on agriculture.
(ii) Two of our batsmen took opening positions.
(iii) They were many and I was all alone.
(iv) What I saw was a horrible sight.

Ques 9: Read the following stanza and answer the questions given below:
When the jet rose six miles height,
It was clear the earth was round
And that it had more sea than land.
But it was difficult to understand
That the men on the earth found
Causes to hate each other, to build
Wall across cities and to kill.
From that height it was not clear why.
(i) At what height was the jet?
(ii) What was clear from that height?
(iii) What was difficult to understand from that height? "
(iv) Quote any two pairs of rhyming words from the above lines?

Ans: (i) The jet was six miles high.
(ii) From that height it was clear that the earth was round and that it had more sea than land.
(iii) From that height it was difficult to understand why did the men fight with each other and why did they build walls across the cities and kill each other.
(iv) high-why, round-found, land-understand.

Ques 10: Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow:
The physical conquest of a mountain is only one part of the achievement. There is more to it than that. It is followed by the sense of fulfillment. There is a satisfaction of deep urge to rise above one's surroundings. It is the eternal love of adventure in man. The experience is not merely physical. It is emotional. It is spiritual.
(i) What is only one part of the achievement?
(ii) What satisfaction does man get after the physical conquest of a mountain?
(iii) What is the experience other than physical?
(iv) Pick out the word from the passage which means the same as 'everlasting'?

Ans: (i) The physical conquest of mountain is only one part of the achievement.
(ii) Man gets a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction of rising above one's surroundings.
(iii) The Experience is emotional as well as spiritual other than physical.
(iv) Eternal

Ques 11: How in your opinion can development work be completed successfully?
Ans: What we need most today is a team of honest politicians, the policeman and the enlightened people. We need to work speedily with a clean state. Every penny meant for rural development should be accounted for. The panchayats can surely play a major role in solving rural problems.

Ques 12: How do the hills look like in mist?
Ans: The mist in the hills provides privacy. Nothing can be seen. The hills are completely surrounded by mist making them silent. The birds sitting on the tree fly away to different places. As soon as the mist surrounds the hills, birds too fall silent.

Ques 13: What task, do you think, were assigned to the dog and ox?
Ans: The dog was assigned the task of carrying and fetching things. The ox was asked to carry the yoke on his neck and thereby plough the field.

Ques 14: How did the Djinn know the horse was complaining against the camel?
Ans: The Djinn knew that the horse was complaining about the camel through the horse's description of the camel. Also, being the in-charge of the deserts, the Djinn knew about the animals. 

Ques 15: How did Tilly's geography lesson help her?
Ans: Tilly had learnt in geography lesson about Tsunami. She saw the sea rise slowly and start forming bubbles and whirlpools. She remembered the video she had seen in school. She got hysterical and took her parents and sister away from the beach to the third floor of the hotel.

Ques 16: What did Mrs. Sappleton say about the open windows?
Ans: Mrs. Sappleton inquired Mr. Nuttle if he didn't mind the open window as she was waiting for her husband and brothers to come directly from shooting as they used to come from the same way. They had gone out for snipe in the marshes that day, so they made a fine mess over the poor carpets, stated Mrs. Sappleton about the open window, which looked very ghastly to Mr. Nuttle.

Ques 17: Why does Indrani Debt dislike Dutta's 'hobnobbing' with Dibya?
Ans: Indrani Debt disliked Duttada's "hobnobbing" with Dibya because he spent most of his time with his telescope. That night also he had gone and that too without closing the door. The cool breeze had disturbed her sleep.

Ques 18: Why did the bird refuse to be taken out in the cage?
Ans: Princess September promised to take the bird out every day to let him see the trees, the fields and the lake. But the bird refused her offer. He needed full freedom. Watching the sky and the fields from inside the cage was not as admirable as watching them from the sky.  

Ques 19: He reached home with the coins in his pocket, what happened then? (Jalebis)
Ans: He reached home with the coins in his pocket and they started to speak and shriek. So the boy got thoroughly fed up and rushed out of the house barefoot, towards the bazaar. He ordered the halwai to weigh, a whole rupee worth of jalebis for himself.

Ques 20: "For a moment James wondered if he had done his sums right." Why was James doubtful about his sums and calculations?
Ans: James was doubtful about his sums and calculations because it was a peaceful star-studded night. It was unbelievable that the calamity of the future was to occur on such a peaceful night.

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1. Can you provide a sample question paper for Class 8 English?
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3. What is the level of difficulty of the sample question paper for Class 8 English?
Ans. The level of difficulty for the sample question paper is designed to be suitable for Class 8 students. It aligns with the curriculum and is of an appropriate difficulty level for their grade.
4. Can I use this sample question paper for exam preparation?
Ans. Absolutely! This sample question paper is created with the intention of helping students prepare for their Class 8 English exams. It covers various topics and can serve as a valuable resource for practice and revision.
5. Is this sample question paper based on the latest syllabus for Class 8 English?
Ans. Yes, this sample question paper is based on the latest syllabus for Class 8 English. It covers the relevant topics and concepts that students are expected to learn as per the curriculum guidelines.
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