Q1. How can you say that the forms of government ruling in countries like Myanmar, Chile, Nepal and Saudi Arabia are not Democratic?
Ans: Democracy is a form of government where rulers are elected by the people. This definition helps us identify governments that are not democratic, such as those in Myanmar, Chile, Nepal, and Saudi Arabia. Here’s why these countries do not qualify as democratic:
Q2. ‘The elections held in China and Mexico are not fair elections.’ Explain.
Ans: Elections are held in both China and Mexico, but they are not fair. The electoral processes in these countries do not provide genuine choices for voters.
For a system to be considered a true democracy, elections must allow for a real chance of change in leadership. This means:
Q3. How are elections in India different from those of Mexico?
Ans: India and Mexico both have a multi-party system, but their election processes differ significantly:
Q4. “Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts.” Explain.
Ans: Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts.
In any society, differences in opinions and interests are inevitable, especially in a diverse country like ours. Here are some key points:
Democracy offers a peaceful way to manage these conflicts:
Additionally, democracy enhances the dignity of citizens by involving them in decision-making processes. This approach:
Q5. ‘A democratic government rules within limits set by constitutional law and citizens’ right’. Explain.
Ans: A democratic government cannot act without limits, even after winning an election. It must adhere to certain fundamental rules, particularly those that protect minority rights. Major decisions require thorough consultations.
Q6. What steps did president Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe take to remain in power?
Ans: Robert Mugabe ruled Zimbabwe from its independence in 1980 until he was ousted in 2017. His government employed several tactics to maintain power:
Q7. What is representative democracy? Why is it criticised?
Ans: Representative democracy is a system of government where elected representatives make decisions on behalf of the people. This approach is necessary because it is impractical for everyone to participate in decision-making directly. Despite its widespread acceptance and praise, representative democracy faces several criticisms:
While democracy is not a perfect solution to all societal issues, it provides a framework for governance that allows for public participation and accountability. However, it is essential to critically evaluate its effectiveness and the arguments against it.
Q8. Is it right to criticise democracy? Give your opinion.
Ans: Arguments against democracy
Despite these criticisms, it is important to note that democracy is not a perfect solution for all issues. It has not eradicated poverty in our country or globally.
Q9. How is Zimbabwe an example of non-democratic country?
Ans: Zimbabwe became independent in 1980 and has been ruled by the ZANU-PF party, led by Robert Mugabe, since then.
Mugabe was ousted in 2017, illustrating that while popular support is crucial in a democracy, it does not guarantee democratic practices.
Q10. Give broader meaning of democracy.
Ans: Democracy is often viewed as a form of government, but its meaning extends beyond that. Here are some broader interpretations:
Understanding democracy as an ideal helps us evaluate existing systems and identify their weaknesses. It emphasises that:
This principle can apply to various aspects of life, not just government. For example, in a small community, decisions can be made collectively, reflecting true democratic practice.
Q11. “Democracy allows people to correct their own mistakes.” Explain.
Ans: Democracy does not guarantee that mistakes won't happen; no government can assure that. However, it offers significant advantages:
Thus, democracy provides a way to correct mistakes and enhances the dignity of all citizens. It acknowledges that every individual, regardless of their background, has equal status and responsibility in governance.
Q12. Which is the most common form of democracy? Why is it important in today’s world? Or why is direct democracy not possible in the present day world? Or why do we need a representative democracy in the present day world?
Ans: The most common form of democracy today is representative democracy. In democratic countries, not everyone rules directly; instead, a majority makes decisions through their elected representatives. This system is crucial for several reasons:
In smaller communities, direct decision-making can occur, but for larger populations, representative democracy is necessary.
Q13. Why do we need a representative democracy in the present day world?
Ans: The most common form of democracy today is representative democracy. In democratic countries, not everyone rules directly. Instead, a majority makes decisions through their elected representatives. This system is crucial for several reasons:
Q14. How can you say that Saudi Arabia, Estonia and Fiji are not democratic countries in true sense of the term?
Ans: Although the principle of Universal Adult Franchise is widely accepted, there are still significant instances of unequal voting rights:
These factors highlight the challenges to true democratic representation in these countries.
Q15. Explain how elections are held in China. Why is the government there always formed by the Communist Party only?
Ans: Elections in China occur every five years to elect the country's parliament, known as the National People's Congress (NPC).
The NPC has the authority to appoint the President of China and consists of nearly 3,000 members elected from across the nation, including some from the military.
Key points about the electoral process include:
Q16. “Till 2000, Mexican people seem to have a choice to elect their leader, but practically they had no choice”. Support this statement with valid reasons.
Ans: The elections in Mexico until 2000 were largely undemocratic. Here are some key reasons:
These factors indicate that while it appeared people had a choice, in reality, they did not. The ruling party was virtually unstoppable, regardless of public sentiment. Therefore, these elections cannot be considered a true representation of democracy.
Q17. What arguments are given against democracy? Enlist any five.
Ans: Arguments against democracy often highlight its perceived flaws. Here are some common criticisms:
Despite these criticisms, it's important to remember that democracy is not a perfect solution for all issues. It has not eradicated poverty in many regions, including our own.
Q18. Give some of the features of non-democratic government that are also applicable to Pakistan under Pervez Musharraf.
Ans: In Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf led a military coup in October 1999, overthrowing the democratically elected government. He declared himself the 'Chief Executive' and later became President. In 2002, he held a controversial referendum that allegedly involved malpractices and fraud, granting him a five-year extension.
Key features of Musharraf's non-democratic government include:
Thus, Pakistan under Musharraf cannot be considered a democracy. The rulers were not truly elected by the people, and the final decision-making power rested with those not elected. This situation contradicts the fundamental principles of democratic governance.
Q19. What are the merits or benefits of democracy?
Ans: Democracy is rapidly gaining popularity worldwide as people seek it and fight for it. Many influential figures have praised this form of government, making it a preferred choice over other political systems. Supporters of democracy highlight several key benefits:
Q20. Compare some of the major features of democratic and non-democratic governments.
Ans: A democratic government differs significantly from a non-democratic government in several ways:
55 videos|437 docs|80 tests
1. What are the key features of democracy? |
2. Why is democracy important for society? |
3. How does democracy differ from other forms of government? |
4. What are the challenges faced by democracies today? |
5. How can citizens contribute to strengthening democracy? |