Match the column :-
Column_I Column_II
(i) Aseel (a) Gir
(ii) Catla (b) Cattle disease
(iii) Bombay duck (c) Poultry disease
(iv) Indigenous breed of cow (d) Indigenous breed of chicken
(v) Apis indica (e) Exotic breed of bee
(vi) Foot and mouth disease (f) Indigenous breed of bee
(vii) White revolution (g) Spallanzani
(viii) HH_260 (h) Marine fish
(ix) Apis mellifera (i) Jersey
(x) Artificial insemination (j) Dr. V. Kurien
(xi) Blue revolution (k) Increase in fish production
(xii) Ranikhet (l) Fresh water carp
(xiii) Exotic breed of cow (m) Cross breed of poultry
(xiv) Silver Revolution (n) Increase in egg production
True or False :-
1. Milch breeds are milk_yielding while draught breeds are working animals.
2. Animal food is usually rich is proteins.
3. Jersey is an Indian breed of cow.
4. Veterinary Research Institute of India, Izatnagar (U.P.) is the important artificial insemination centre in our country.
5. Ringworm is a viral disease of cattle.
6. Apiary is an artificial and movable beehive.
7. Sericulture is the process of rearing honey bees.
8. Tharparkar is a dual purpose breed of cow.
9. Bombay duck and Hilsa are the indigenous fresh water fishes.
10. Nosema is a disease of poultry.
Fill in the Blanks :
1. Roughage of cattle feed mainly coutains ................. while concentrate of cattle feed is rich in ..................
2. Anthrax is a ................. disease while cowpox is a ................. disease.
3. Latest techniques of improvement of cattle is ..................
4. ................. are the birds grown for providing meat.
5. Three castes in a beehive are ................. , ................. and ..................
6. The exotic variety of honey bee grown in India is ..................
7. Nursuries for raising fish are called ..................
8. The most popular desipoultry breed is ..................
9. Frieswal is a crossbreed between ................. and ..................
10. The animal which is the major source of milk in our country is ..................
Very Short Answer Questions :
1. Define animal husbandry.
2. Define livestock.
3. Name any two exetic breeds of poultry.
4. Which viral disease infects cow ?
5. Name the grains used for poultry field.
6. What are milch animals ?
7. Name any two fresh water fishes.
8. In what respect does the roughage differ from concentrates with reference to cattle feed ?
9. Name two by products of fishery.
10. Name the products obtained from honeybees.
11. Mention two uses of animal husbandry.
12. Define artificial insemination.
13. Define apiary.
14. Name two vitamins found in liver oil of certain fishes.
15. Give the full form of NDDB.
Match the column :-
(i) - d, (ii) - m, (iii) - h, (iv) - a, (v) - f, (vi) - b, (vii) - i, (viii) - m,
(ix) - e, (x) - g, (xi) - l , (xii) - c, (xiii) - j, (xiv) - k
True or False :-
1. True 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. False
6. True 7. False 8. True 9. False 10. False
Fill in the blanks :-
1. Fibres, nutrients 2. Bacterial, Viral 3. Superovulation 4. Broilers
5. Workers, Drones, Queen 6. Apis mellifera 7. Hatcheries
8. Aseel 9. Holstein-Friesian, sahiwal 10. Buffaloes
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