Dotted Decimal Notation
Hexadecimal Notation
Some points to be noted about dotted decimal notation
Classful Addressing
The 32 bit IP address is divided into five sub-classes. These are:
Each of these classes has a valid range of IP addresses. Classes D and E are reserved for multicast and experimental purposes respectively. The order of bits in the first octet determine the classes of IP address.
IPv4 address is divided into two parts
The class of IP address is used to determine the bits used for network ID and host ID and the number of total networks and hosts possible in that particular class. Each ISP or network administrator assigns IP address to each device that is connected to its network.
IP address belonging to class A are assigned to the networks that contain a large number of hosts.
The higher order bit of the first octet in class A is always set to 0. The remaining 7 bits in first octet are used to determine network ID. The 24 bits of host ID are used to determine the host in any network. The default subnet mask for class A is 255.x.x.x. Therefore, class A has a total of:
IP addresses belonging to class A ranges from 1.x.x.x – 126.x.x.x
IP address belonging to class B are assigned to the networks that ranges from medium-sized to large-sized networks.
The higher order bits of the first octet of IP addresses of class B are always set to 10. The remaining 14 bits are used to determine network ID. The 16 bits of host ID is used to determine the host in any network. The default sub-net mask for class B is 255.255.x.x. Class B has a total of:
IP addresses belonging to class B ranges from 128.0.x.x – 191.255.x.x.
IP address belonging to class C are assigned to small-sized networks.
The higher order bits of the first octet of IP addresses of class C are always set to 110. The remaining 21 bits are used to determine network ID. The 8 bits of host ID is used to determine the host in any network. The default sub-net mask for class C is 255.255.255.x. Class C has a total of:
IP addresses belonging to class C ranges from 192.0.0.x – 223.255.255.x.
IP address belonging to class D are reserved for multi-casting. The higher order bits of the first octet of IP addresses belonging to class D are always set to 1110. The remaining bits are for the address that interested hosts recognize.
Class D does not posses any sub-net mask. IP addresses belonging to class D ranges from –
IP addresses belonging to class E are reserved for experimental and research purposes. IP addresses of class E ranges from – This class doesn’t have any sub-net mask. The higher order bits of first octet of class E are always set to 1111.
Range of special IP addresses
Rules for assigning Host ID
Host ID’s are used to identify a host within a network. The host ID are assigned based on the following rules:
Rules for assigning Network ID
Hosts that are located on the same physical network are identified by the network ID, as all host on the same physical network is assigned the same network ID. The network ID is assigned based on the following rules:
Summary of Classful addressing
Problems with Classful Addressing
The problem with this classful addressing method is that millions of class A address are wasted, many of the class B address are wasted, whereas, number of addresses available in class C is so small that it cannot cater the needs of organizations. Class D addresses are used for multicast routing and are therefore available as a single block only. Class E addresses are reserved.
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