In this section we introduce and study connectedness.
Definition 3.2.1
(X,c) is said to be disconnected if it can be written as two disjoint nonempty subsets A and B such that cA U cB =X, cA ∩ cB = φ and cA and cB are nonempty. A space which is not disconnected is said to be connected.
Example 3.2.2
X = {a,b,c}
c can be defined on X such that
c {a}={a,b}, c{b}=c{c}=c{b,c}={b,c}, c{a,b}=c{a,c}=cX=X, cφ=φ)
Then c is a closure operation on X.
Here (X,c) is connected because we can not find nonempty subsets A and B such that cA U cB=X and cA ∩ cB=φ.
Definition 3.2.3
(X,c) is said to be feebly disconnected if it can be written as two disjoint nonempty subsets A and B such that A U cB = cA U B=X and cA ∩ B=φ=A ∩ cB.
Note 3.2.4
It is clear that (X,c) is disconnected implies (X,c) is feebly disconnected. The following example shows that the converse is not true
Example 3.2.5
c is a closure operation on X.
Here (X,c) is feebly disconnected, but not disconnected.
Result 3.2.6
(x,t) is disconnected ⇒ (X,c) is disconnected.
(X,t) is disconnected implies that it is the union of two disjoint nonempty subsets A and B such that clA U clB =X, clA ∩ clB=φ and clA, clB are nonempty. clA∩clB=φ)). So cA ∩ cB=φ. That is (X,c) is disconnected.
Note 3.2.7
(X,t) is connected need not imply that (X,c) is connected.
X={a,b,c} . Let c be a closure operation defined on X in such a way that
c {a} = {a},c {b}= {b,c},c {c}= c {a .b} = c {b ,c }= cX = X , cφ=φ)
Here (X,c) is disconnected, but (X,t) is connected.
Connectedness of a subspace Y of (X,c) can be defined in the same manner.
Note 3.2.8
Let (X ,c) be a closure space and Y be a connected subset of (X ,c). Then cY need not be connected.
Example 3.2.9
Let c be defined on X such that
c{a}= {a},c{b}= {a,b,c},c{c}= {b,c},c{d} = {b,c,d },
c{c,d}={b,c,d}, c{a,d}=c{b,d}=c{a,b,d}=c{a,c,d}=c{b,c,d}=c{a,b,c,d}={a,b,c,d},
c {e}= c {a,e}= c {b,e}= c {c ,e}= c{d,e}= c {a ,b ,e }= c {a ,c ,e }= c {a ,d ,e }= c {b ,c ,e }
= c {c,d ,e} =c{b,d,e}=c{a,b,d,e}=c{a,c,d,e}=c{b,c,d,e}=cX=X,cφ=φ
Here Y={b,c} is connected.
cY={a,b,c}; if c' isthe induced closure operation on cY, then
cY is disconnected.
Note 3.2.10
If cA and cB form a separation o f X and i f Y is a connected subset o f X, then Y need not be entirely within either cA or cB.
Example 3.2.11
Let c be a closure operation defined on X such that
c{a}={a},c{b}={b,c} c{c}={a,c},c{a,b}=c{b,c}=cX=X,c{a,c}={a,c}.
Y={a,c} is connected •
Note 3.2.12
The image of a connected space under a c -c' morphism need not be connected.
Let X={a,b,c,d,e}. A closure operation c is defined on X as in Example 3.2.9
Let Y={a,b,c}
c' be defined on Y such that
c'{a}={a},c'{b}={b,c},c'{c}=c'{a,b}=c'{b,c}=c'{a,c}=c'X=X c'φ =φ
Let f be a map from (X,c) into (Y,c') defined in such a way that f(a)=a, f(b)=c, f(c)-b,
f(d)=c, f(e)=c.
Here f is a c-c' moiphism. But f(X) is disconnected.
Result 3.2.13
Suppose c, is a closure operator on Y with degree k and f is a c-c, morphism from (X ,c) to (Y,c1). If c1 k(A) and c1k(B) form a separation of Y, then c (f-1(c1k(A)) and c(f-1(c1k(B)) form a separation on X.
In similar manner
form a separation on X •
Result 3.2.14
Let (X,c) be connected and f is a c-c1 morphism from (X,c) on to (Y, c1). Then(Y,t1) is connected.
morphism and we get f is c - cl1 morphism. Suppose cl1 A and cl1 B form a separation on Y. Then
By th e above result
form a separation on X. This is a contradiction . Hence (Y,t) is connected.
In this section we define and study pathwise connectedness and local connnectedness.
Definition 3.3.1
A space (X,c) is pathwise connected if and only if for any two points x and y in X, there is a cl1 -cmorphism f : I → X such that f(o) = x and f (l) = y where cl1 is th e usual closure on I, f is called a path from x to y.
Result 3.3.2
(X,c) is pathwise connected implies (X,t) is pathwise connected.
If (X,c) is pathwise connected, then for any two points x and y in X there is a cl1 - cmorphism f : I → X such th a t f(0)=x and f(l) = y. If f is cl1-cmorphism ,then f is cl1-cl morphism. Therefore (X,t) is pathwise connected.
Note 3.3.3
The converse of the above result is not true.
Note 3.3.4
Pathwise connected space need not be a connected space.
Definition 3.3.5
A space X is said to be locally connected at x if for every neighbourhood U of x, there is a connected neighbourhood V of x contained in U. If X is locally connected at each of its points, then X is said to be locally connected.
Definintion 3.3.6
A space X is said to be locally path connected at x if for every neighbourhood U of x, there is a path connected neighbourhood V of x contained in U. If X is locally path connected at each of its points, then it is said to be locally path connected.
Note 3.3.7
A space (X,c) is locally connected need not imply that (X,t) is locally connected and vice-versa.
A parallel study of the above concepts in the set up of closure spaces is interesting; however we are not attempting it in this thesis.
Definition 3.4.1
Let (X,c*) be a monotone space. F be a proper filter on X and x be an element of X. We shall say that x is a cluster point of F in (X,c*) if x belongs to ∩{c*F : F∈F}. That is each neighbourhood of x intersects each F ∈ F.
Definition 3.4.2
A monotone space (X,c*) is said to be compact, if every proper filter of sets on X has a cluster point in X.
Remark 3.4.3
It is clear that if (X,c*) is compact, then (X,c) is compact but the converse is not true.
Result 3.4.4
Any image under a c-c* morphism of a compact monotone space (X,c*) onto a monotone space (Y,c*) is compact.
The proof is similar to the Proof of 41 A - 15 in [CE2] .
Result 3.4.5
Every closed subspace of a compact monotone space is compact.
The proof is similar to the Proof of 41 A - 10 in [CE2] .
Result 3.4.6
If (Y , c') is a compact subspace of a Hausdorff monotone space (X ,c*),then Y is closed in X.
The proof is similar to the Proof of 41 A-11 in [CE2] .
Definition 3.4.7
A monotone space (X,c*) is said to be discomiected if it can be written as two disjoint nonempty subsets A and B such that c*A U c*B = X, c*A ∩ c*B=φ). A space which is not disconnected is said to be connected.
Remark 3.4.8
(X,c) is disconnected implies (X,c*) is disconnected,and the converse is not true.
Example 3.4. 9
c* be defined on X such that
c*{a}={a},c*{b}={b,c}, c*{c}={b,c}, c*{a,b}=c*{b,c}=c{a,c}=c*X=X,c*φ=φ
c* is a monotone operator.
(X,c*) is disconnected. But (X,c) is connected.
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