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Compactness and connectedness: Linear Functional Analysis - 2 | Mathematics for IIT JAM, GATE, CSIR NET, UGC NET PDF Download


In this section we introduce and study connectedness.

Definition 3.2.1

(X,c) is said to be disconnected if it can be written as two disjoint nonempty subsets A and B such that cA U cB =X, cA ∩ cB = φ and cA and cB are nonempty. A space which is not disconnected is said to be connected.

Example 3.2.2

X = {a,b,c}

c can be defined on X such that

c {a}={a,b}, c{b}=c{c}=c{b,c}={b,c}, c{a,b}=c{a,c}=cX=X, cφ=φ)

Then c is a closure operation on X.

Here (X,c) is connected because we can not find nonempty subsets A and B such that cA U cB=X and cA ∩ cB=φ.

Definition 3.2.3

(X,c) is said to be feebly disconnected if it can be written as two disjoint nonempty subsets A and B such that A U cB = cA U B=X and cA ∩ B=φ=A ∩ cB.

Note 3.2.4

It is clear that (X,c) is disconnected implies (X,c) is feebly disconnected. The following example shows that the converse is not true

Example 3.2.5



c is a closure operation on X.

Here (X,c) is feebly disconnected, but not disconnected.

Result 3.2.6

(x,t) is disconnected ⇒ (X,c) is disconnected.


(X,t) is disconnected implies that it is the union of two disjoint nonempty subsets A and B such that clA U clB =X, clA ∩ clB=φ and clA, clB are nonempty. clA∩clB=φ)). So cA ∩ cB=φ. That is (X,c) is disconnected.

Note 3.2.7

(X,t) is connected need not imply that (X,c) is connected.


X={a,b,c} . Let c be a closure operation defined on X in such a way that

c {a} = {a},c {b}= {b,c},c {c}= c {a .b} = c {b ,c }= cX = X , cφ=φ)


Here (X,c) is disconnected, but (X,t) is connected.


Connectedness of a subspace Y of (X,c) can be defined in the same manner.

Note 3.2.8

Let (X ,c) be a closure space and Y be a connected subset of (X ,c). Then cY  need not be connected.

Example 3.2.9


Let c be defined on X such that

c{a}= {a},c{b}= {a,b,c},c{c}= {b,c},c{d} = {b,c,d },


c{c,d}={b,c,d}, c{a,d}=c{b,d}=c{a,b,d}=c{a,c,d}=c{b,c,d}=c{a,b,c,d}={a,b,c,d},

c {e}= c {a,e}= c {b,e}= c {c ,e}= c{d,e}= c {a ,b ,e }= c {a ,c ,e }= c {a ,d ,e }= c {b ,c ,e }

= c {c,d ,e} =c{b,d,e}=c{a,b,d,e}=c{a,c,d,e}=c{b,c,d,e}=cX=X,cφ=φ

Here Y={b,c} is connected.

cY={a,b,c}; if c' isthe induced closure operation on cY, then 


cY is disconnected.

Note 3.2.10

If cA and cB form a separation o f X and i f Y is a connected subset o f X, then Y need not be entirely within either cA or cB.

Example 3.2.11


Let c be a closure operation defined on X such that 

c{a}={a},c{b}={b,c} c{c}={a,c},c{a,b}=c{b,c}=cX=X,c{a,c}={a,c}.

Y={a,c} is connected •

Note 3.2.12

The image of a connected space under a c -c' morphism need not be connected. 


Let X={a,b,c,d,e}. A closure operation c is defined on X as in Example 3.2.9

Let Y={a,b,c}

c' be defined on Y such that

c'{a}={a},c'{b}={b,c},c'{c}=c'{a,b}=c'{b,c}=c'{a,c}=c'X=X c'φ =φ

Let f be a map from (X,c) into (Y,c') defined in such a way that f(a)=a, f(b)=c, f(c)-b, 

f(d)=c, f(e)=c.

Here f is a c-c' moiphism. But f(X) is disconnected.

Result 3.2.13 

Suppose c, is a closure operator on Y with degree k and f is a c-c, morphism from (X ,c) to (Y,c1). If c1 k(A) and c1k(B) form a separation of Y, then c (f-1(c1k(A)) and c(f-1(c1k(B)) form a separation on X.


Compactness and connectedness: Linear Functional Analysis - 2 | Mathematics for IIT JAM, GATE, CSIR NET, UGC NET

Compactness and connectedness: Linear Functional Analysis - 2 | Mathematics for IIT JAM, GATE, CSIR NET, UGC NET

Compactness and connectedness: Linear Functional Analysis - 2 | Mathematics for IIT JAM, GATE, CSIR NET, UGC NET

Compactness and connectedness: Linear Functional Analysis - 2 | Mathematics for IIT JAM, GATE, CSIR NET, UGC NET

Compactness and connectedness: Linear Functional Analysis - 2 | Mathematics for IIT JAM, GATE, CSIR NET, UGC NET

In similar manner

Compactness and connectedness: Linear Functional Analysis - 2 | Mathematics for IIT JAM, GATE, CSIR NET, UGC NET

Compactness and connectedness: Linear Functional Analysis - 2 | Mathematics for IIT JAM, GATE, CSIR NET, UGC NET form a separation on X •

Result 3.2.14

Let (X,c) be connected and f is a c-c1 morphism from (X,c) on to (Y, c1). Then(Y,t1) is connected.


Compactness and connectedness: Linear Functional Analysis - 2 | Mathematics for IIT JAM, GATE, CSIR NET, UGC NET morphism and we get f is c - cl1 morphism. Suppose cl1 A and cl1 B form a separation on Y. Then  Compactness and connectedness: Linear Functional Analysis - 2 | Mathematics for IIT JAM, GATE, CSIR NET, UGC NET and  Compactness and connectedness: Linear Functional Analysis - 2 | Mathematics for IIT JAM, GATE, CSIR NET, UGC NET By th e above  result  Compactness and connectedness: Linear Functional Analysis - 2 | Mathematics for IIT JAM, GATE, CSIR NET, UGC NET form a separation on X. This is a contradiction . Hence (Y,t) is connected.


In this section we define and study pathwise connectedness and local connnectedness.

Definition 3.3.1

A space (X,c) is pathwise connected if and only if for any two points x and y in X, there is a cl1 -cmorphism f : I → X such that f(o) = x and f (l) = y where cl1 is th e usual closure on I, f is called a path from x to y.

Result 3.3.2

(X,c) is pathwise connected implies (X,t) is pathwise connected.


If (X,c) is pathwise connected, then for any two points x and y in X there is a cl1 - cmorphism f : I → X such th a t f(0)=x and f(l) = y. If f is cl1-cmorphism ,then f is cl1-cl morphism. Therefore (X,t) is pathwise connected.

Note 3.3.3

The converse of the above result is not true.

Note 3.3.4

Pathwise connected space need not be a connected space.

Definition 3.3.5

A space X is said to be locally connected at x if for every neighbourhood U of x, there is a connected neighbourhood V of x contained in U. If X is locally connected at each of its points, then X is said to be locally connected.

Definintion 3.3.6

A space X is said to be locally path connected at x if for every neighbourhood U of x, there is a path connected neighbourhood V of x contained in U. If X is locally path connected at each of its points, then it is said to be locally path connected.

Note 3.3.7

A space (X,c) is locally connected need not imply that (X,t) is locally connected and vice-versa.

A parallel study of the above concepts in the set up of closure spaces is interesting; however we are not attempting it in this thesis.


Definition 3.4.1

Let (X,c*) be a monotone space. F be a proper filter on X and x be an element of X. We shall say that x is a cluster point of F in (X,c*) if x belongs to ∩{c*F : F∈F}. That is each neighbourhood of x intersects each F ∈ F.

Definition 3.4.2

A monotone space (X,c*) is said to be compact, if every proper filter of sets on X has a cluster point in X.

Remark 3.4.3

It is clear that if (X,c*) is compact, then (X,c) is compact but the converse is not true.

Result 3.4.4

Any image under a c-c* morphism of a compact monotone space (X,c*) onto a monotone space (Y,c*) is compact.

The proof is similar to the Proof of 41 A - 15 in [CE2] .

Result 3.4.5

Every closed subspace of a compact monotone space is compact.

The proof is similar to the Proof of 41 A - 10 in [CE2] .

Result 3.4.6

If (Y , c') is a compact subspace of a Hausdorff monotone space (X ,c*),then Y is closed in X.

The proof is similar to the Proof of 41 A-11 in [CE2] .

Definition 3.4.7

A monotone space (X,c*) is said to be discomiected if it can be written as two disjoint nonempty subsets A and B such that c*A U c*B = X, c*A ∩ c*B=φ). A space which is not disconnected is said to be connected.

Remark 3.4.8

(X,c) is disconnected implies (X,c*) is disconnected,and the converse is not true. 

Example 3.4. 9


c* be defined on X such that

c*{a}={a},c*{b}={b,c}, c*{c}={b,c}, c*{a,b}=c*{b,c}=c{a,c}=c*X=X,c*φ=φ

c* is a monotone operator.

(X,c*) is disconnected. But (X,c) is connected.

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Compactness and connectedness: Linear Functional Analysis - 2 | Mathematics for IIT JAM
