Economic Models
Models are theories that summarize the relationship among economic variables. Models are useful because they help us to dispense with irrelevant details and to focus on important economic relations more clearly.
A model is a description of reality with some simplification. To simplify analysis each model makes some assumptions which must be explicitly stated when a model is formulated.
A model may be expressed in terms of equations or diagrams. Of course, a model can also be expressed verbally. However, diagrams and equations are the most convenient method of expressing relationship among economic variables.
Models have two kinds of variables
1. Exogenous variables
2. Endogenous variables
Endogenous variables come from inside the model - they are the output of the model. In other words, exogenous variables are fixed at the moment they enter the model, whereas endogenous variables are determined within the model. The purpose of a model is to show how the exogenous variables affect the endogenous variables.
Let us see how we can develop a model for bread. We assume that the quantity of bread demanded, Qd, depends on the price of bread, Pb and on aggregate income Y. This relationship is expressed in the equation Qd = D (Pb, Y) where D denotes the demand function.
Similarly, we assume that the quantity of bread supplied, Qs, depends on the price of bread, Pb, and on the price of flour, Pf, since flour is used to make bread. The relationship is expressed as Qs = S (Pb, Pf), whereas S denotes the supply function. Finally, we assume that the price of bread adjusts to equilibrate demand and supply which implies Qd = Qs.
These three equations compose a model of the market for bread. Economic relationships involved in a model may be of different types:
1. Firstly, the relations could be behavioural.
Example: Consider the saving function
S = S(Y), which states that saving (S) is a function of income (Y).
2. Secondly, relationship between the variables could be technical. The technical relationships follow from technological considerations.
Example: Consider the production function Y = F (K, L) which states that total output (Y) produced is a function of total capital employed (K) and total labour employed (L). This relationship is determined by the technological consideration underlying the production process. Hence it is a technical relationship.
3. Thirdly, the relationship may be definitional. Such relationships follow from the very definitions of the variables.
Example: If Ym represent money income, Yr represents real income and P represents price level, then Ym = Yr х P represents a definitional equation.
A model must be complete. Mathematically, this means that number of equations should be equal to the number of Variables. For example, in our demand and supply model for bread, we have three unknowns and three equations. Hence the model is determinate.
In the Simple Keynesian Model of income determination we have three equations:
(i) C = C(Y) (Consumption function)
(ii) I = I (Investment function)
(iii) Y = C + I (Equilibrium condition)
Hence the model is determinate. We need to distinguish between variables and parameters in a model.
The parameters are constants in relation to the variables in a model.
Example: In a simple linear consumption function: C = a + bY, C and Y are variables while a and b are parameters. When any of the parameters changes the consumption function shifts its position.
However, for studying short-run issues, the assumption of price flexibility is less useful. Over short periods, many prices are fixed. Thus, many economists believe that price stickiness is a better assumption for studying short-run issues.
The Keynesian View
Keynesian macro-economists are those who advocate detailed intervention to ‘fine tune’ the economy in the neighbourhood of full employment and low inflation. They seek to control inflation by direct controls of wages and prices and to reduce unemployment by stimulating aggregate demand, using monetary and fiscal policy.
They would use discretion to stimulate the economy in a depression or to hold the economy in a boom. They are not in favour of announcing policy change beforehand, so as to deter speculation. They modify their policy in the light of current and best-available forecasts. The intellectual leaders of this group are F. Modigliani, J. Tobin and many others in British universities.
The Monetarist View: Monetarists prefer the government to have policies towards a limited number of macroeconomic variables such as money supply, government expenditure, taxes, etc. They advocate the adoption of fixed rules for the behavior of these variables.
Example: A widely advocated rule is that the money supply should grow at a certain fixed percentage rate per year.
Another rule widely advocated by them is that the government budget should be balanced over a period of four to five years. In any event, all policy interventions which do occur should be announced as far ahead as possible so as to enable people to take account of them in planning their own economic affairs.
The intellectual leader of this school is M. Friedman, R. Lucas and many others in the American universities.
We should not form the impression that the Keynesian/Monetarists division is one that follows neat political boundaries. Although there is some tendency for there to be an association between monetarism and Conservatism, and between Keynesianism and liberalism/socialism, that association is far from perfect. Monetarists range all the way from die hard libertarians to orthodox Marxists. Keynesians do not go quite so far to the right, but they do go a long way in that direction.
A relationship between real growth and changes in unemployment rate is known as Okun’s law. Okun’s law says that the unemployment rate declines when the growth is above the trend rate of 2.25 per cent. Specifically, for every percentage point of growth is real GDP above the trend rate that is sustained for a year, the unemployment rate declines by one-half percentage point.
This relationship is stated in equation; ∆u = - 0.5 (y - 2.25), where ∆u denotes the change in the unemployment rate, y is the growth rate of output. The use of the formula can be seen as: Suppose growth rate in a given year is 4.25 per cent. That would imply a reduction of unemployment rate of 1.0 percent [Δu= 0.5 (4.25 - 2.25)].
Fig. 2.1 shows the change (∆u) in unemployment rate on the vertical axis and the % ∆ in real GDP on the horizontal axis. Each point represents one year.
Hence total income will always be equal to the sum of total consumption and total saving. It is true for all levels of income. Thus, it is an identity. We can write identity as Y ≡ C + S where Y is total income, C is total consumption and S is total savings. We cannot use this identity to determine the equilibrium level of income. An accounting relationship such as the equality between actual saving and actual investment represents an identity. An identity is a mere tautology and it explains nothing.
When the variables involved refer to the same point in time (or period of time), then this analysis is known as Static analysis. On the other hand, if the variables involved refer to different points of time (or periods of time) then this analysis is called Dynamic analysis.
When we say that the quantity demanded during a period of time depends on price in that period of time, then this represents a static relationship. For example, if savings of the economy during a period of time depends on the level of income of that period, then this represents a static relationship.
On the other hand, if it is said that planned supply in any period depends on the price of the previous period, i.e. xt = F(Pt-1) where xt is planned supply in period t and Pt-1 is the price in the previous period, then this represents a dynamic relationship.
Suppose, we are considering a Simple Keynesian Model of income determination, in which there are three equations: consumption is a function of income, C = C(Y), then the investment function I = I̅0 and the equilibrium condition where Expenditure equals income: Y = C + I. Solving these three equations give us equilibrium values of all these variables. This analysis is a static analysis; all the variables refer to the same period of time.
Further, the time element is not considered in the determination of equilibrium values of the variables. Similarly, the determination of equilibrium price by the equality of supply and demand is another example of static analysis.
Static analysis is concerned with the determination of equilibrium. However, it does not concern itself with the time it takes to reach an equilibrium or with the path to follow to reach the equilibrium. This is the concern of dynamic analysis.
The useful static analysis is known as Comparative statics.
In comparative static analysis one equilibrium position is compared with another equilibrium position. In static analysis there are several parameters which are assumed to be constant at a particular level. If any of these changes the equilibrium position will also change.
When we compare one equilibrium position with another corresponding to different values of the same parameter, we call it comparative static analysis. The Keynesian multiplier analysis is an example of comparative static analysis.
In the comparative static analysis one equilibrium position is compared with another equilibrium position without analyzing the process of movement. Such a process of analysis is unnecessary if the speed of adjustment is very quick. However, when the speed of adjustment is slow, we need dynamic- analysis to get a complete picture of the movement from one equilibrium to another.
Dynamic analysis is necessary for the following reasons:
1. Dynamic analysis is necessary to consider the stability of the system. An equilibrium is known as stable if any disturbance from the equilibrium brings the system back to equilibrium again.
Example: if we start from a disequilibrium position and then want to know whether the system moves towards equilibrium or not we require to analyse the time path of the relevant variable. This is known as dynamic analysis.
2. Since adjustment of one variable takes time to cause a change in another variable, there are lags in many functions. The presence of these lags requires dynamic analysis. Third, there are certain variables which depend on the rate of growth of other variables. Such problems require dynamic analysis.
Stock and flow variables are an important distinction in macroeconomics. A variable has a time dimension. It is always measured over a period of time. A stock variable has no time dimension. It is measured at a given point in time. The stock variable is just a number, not a rate flow of so much per period. For example, the concepts like total money supply, total bank deposits, etc. are stock concepts whereas the concepts like national income, national output, total consumptions, etc. are flow concepts.
When we measure the national income we consider a period of time, namely one year. Thus national income is measured as a flow per year. Similarly, total investment, total saving, total consumption etc. are expressed as amount per year - so they are flow concepts. But the total supply of money is a stock concept which is measured on a particular point in time. Thus, flow variable must specify the period of time to which this flow refers.
If we talk about the income of an individual we must mention the time period of this income flow. If we say that the individual has an income of £ 10,000, it is meaningless because we have not mentioned the time period. If the time period is one month, it means something - that the individual is earning £ 10,000 per month or £ 1,20,000 per year. Thus, the time period of a flow variable is very important.
However, the stock variable is measured without any reference to time period. In economics we use both flow variables and stock variables and it takes a little practice to master these concepts. The main test is whether a time dimension is needed to give the variable meaning.
The distinction between stock and flow variables can be explained with the help of an example. The bathtub is a classic example used to illustrate stocks and flows. The amount of water in the tub is a stock: it is the quantity of water in the tub at a given point in time.
The amount of water coming out of the tap is a flow: it is the quantity of water added to the tub per unit of time. But the units with which we measure stocks and flows differ. We say that the bathtub contains 100 gallons of water, but that water is coming out of the tub through the tap at a rate of 5 gallons per minute.
Stocks and flows are often related. In the bathtub example, these relations are clear. The stock of water in the tub represents accumulated water, and the flow of water represents the change in the stock. When developing theories to explain economic variables, it is often useful to think about whether the variables arc stocks or flows and the relationships between them.
Here are more examples of stocks and flows that we study in macroeconomics:
(i) A consumer’s wealth is a stock; his income and expenditure are flows.
(ii) The amount of capital in an economy is a stock; the amount of investment is a flow.
Example: if K0 is the stock of capital at the beginning of a year and if K1 is the stock of capital at the end of the year then (K1 – K0) = I0 is the flow of investment during the year.
(iii) The number of unemployed people in a given year is a stock; the number gaining their employment is a flow.
(iv) The government debt is a stock; the budget deficit is a flow. The ratio of two flow magnitudes having the same time dimension is a pure number without any time dimension.
Example: APC = c/y is the ratio of consumption flow to income flow and is also a pure number without any time dimension. Again, the derivative of a flow with respect to another flow is also a pure number without any time dimension. Thus, the marginal propensity to save, MPS = ∆S/∆Y has no time dimension ant is a pure number.
59 videos|61 docs|29 tests
1. What is Macroeconomics? |
2. What are the main concepts of Macroeconomics? |
3. What is the difference between Macroeconomics and Microeconomics? |
4. What are the tools used in Macroeconomic analysis? |
5. Why is Macroeconomics important? |