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Page 1 PART-I (Single Correct MCQs) 1. The mathematical expression for law of independent migration of ions and Ostwald’s dilution law are given by (a ) (b) (c) (d) 2. The equivalent conductance of solution of a weak monobasic acid is 8.0 mho cm 2 and at infinite dilution is 400 mho cm 2 . The dissociation constant of this acid is: (a) 1.25 × 10 –6 (b) 6.25 × 10 –4 (c) 1.25 × 10 –4 Page 2 PART-I (Single Correct MCQs) 1. The mathematical expression for law of independent migration of ions and Ostwald’s dilution law are given by (a ) (b) (c) (d) 2. The equivalent conductance of solution of a weak monobasic acid is 8.0 mho cm 2 and at infinite dilution is 400 mho cm 2 . The dissociation constant of this acid is: (a) 1.25 × 10 –6 (b) 6.25 × 10 –4 (c) 1.25 × 10 –4 (d) 1.25 × 10 –5 3. Molar ionic conductivities of a two-bivalent electrolytes x 2+ and y 2– are 57 and 73 respectively. The molar conductivity of the solution formed by them will be (a) 130 S cm 2 mol –1 (b) 65 S cm 2 mol –1 (c) 260 S cm 2 mol –1 (d) 187 S cm 2 mol –1 4. If the E° cell for a given reaction has a negative value, then which of the following gives the correct relationships for the values of ?G° and K eq ? (a) ?G° > 0 ; K eq > 1 (b) ?G° < 0 ; K eq > 1 (c) ?G° < 0 ; K eq < 1 (d) ?G° > 0 ; K eq < 1 5. Standard electrode potentials are : Fe +2 /Fe [ Eº = –0.44]; Fe +3 /Fe +2 Eº = + 0.77 ; If Fe +2 , Fe +3 and Fe blocks are kept together, then (a) Fe +3 increases (b) Fe +3 decreases (c) remains unchanged (d) Fe +2 decreases 6. An electrolytic cell contains a solution of Ag 2 SO 4 and has platinum electrodes. A current is passed until 1.6 gm of O 2 has been liberated at anode. The amount of silver deposited at cathode would be (a) 107.88 g (b) 1.6 g (c) 0.8 g (d) 21.60 g 7. For the cell reaction, Page 3 PART-I (Single Correct MCQs) 1. The mathematical expression for law of independent migration of ions and Ostwald’s dilution law are given by (a ) (b) (c) (d) 2. The equivalent conductance of solution of a weak monobasic acid is 8.0 mho cm 2 and at infinite dilution is 400 mho cm 2 . The dissociation constant of this acid is: (a) 1.25 × 10 –6 (b) 6.25 × 10 –4 (c) 1.25 × 10 –4 (d) 1.25 × 10 –5 3. Molar ionic conductivities of a two-bivalent electrolytes x 2+ and y 2– are 57 and 73 respectively. The molar conductivity of the solution formed by them will be (a) 130 S cm 2 mol –1 (b) 65 S cm 2 mol –1 (c) 260 S cm 2 mol –1 (d) 187 S cm 2 mol –1 4. If the E° cell for a given reaction has a negative value, then which of the following gives the correct relationships for the values of ?G° and K eq ? (a) ?G° > 0 ; K eq > 1 (b) ?G° < 0 ; K eq > 1 (c) ?G° < 0 ; K eq < 1 (d) ?G° > 0 ; K eq < 1 5. Standard electrode potentials are : Fe +2 /Fe [ Eº = –0.44]; Fe +3 /Fe +2 Eº = + 0.77 ; If Fe +2 , Fe +3 and Fe blocks are kept together, then (a) Fe +3 increases (b) Fe +3 decreases (c) remains unchanged (d) Fe +2 decreases 6. An electrolytic cell contains a solution of Ag 2 SO 4 and has platinum electrodes. A current is passed until 1.6 gm of O 2 has been liberated at anode. The amount of silver deposited at cathode would be (a) 107.88 g (b) 1.6 g (c) 0.8 g (d) 21.60 g 7. For the cell reaction, Cu 2+ (C 1 , aq) + Zn(s) = Zn 2+ (C 2 , aq) + Cu(s) of an electrochemical cell, the change in free energy, ?G, at a given temperature is a function of (a) ln (C 1 ) (b) ln (C 2 /C 1 ) (c) ln (C 2 ) (d) ln (C 1 + C 2 ) 8. The electrode potential of a zinc electrode at 25°C with an aqueous solution of 0.1 M ZnSO 4 is [ = – 0.76 V. Assume = 0.06 at 298 K]. (a) + 0.73 (b) – 0.79 (c) – 0.82 (d) – 0.70 9. A gas X at 1 atm is bubbled through a solution containing a mixture of 1 M Y – and M Z – at 25 °C. If the reduction potential of Z > Y > X, then, (a) Y will oxidize X and not Z (b) Y will oxidize Z and not X (c) Y will oxidize both X and Z (d) Y will reduce both X and Z 10. For the electrochemical cell, = 0.44V and (X/X – ) = 0.33V . From this data one can deduce that (a) M+X?M + +X – is the spontaneous reaction (b) M + +X – ?M+X is the spontaneous reaction (c) E cell = 0.77 V (d) E cell = –0.77 V 11. Standard electrode potential data are useful for understanding the Page 4 PART-I (Single Correct MCQs) 1. The mathematical expression for law of independent migration of ions and Ostwald’s dilution law are given by (a ) (b) (c) (d) 2. The equivalent conductance of solution of a weak monobasic acid is 8.0 mho cm 2 and at infinite dilution is 400 mho cm 2 . The dissociation constant of this acid is: (a) 1.25 × 10 –6 (b) 6.25 × 10 –4 (c) 1.25 × 10 –4 (d) 1.25 × 10 –5 3. Molar ionic conductivities of a two-bivalent electrolytes x 2+ and y 2– are 57 and 73 respectively. The molar conductivity of the solution formed by them will be (a) 130 S cm 2 mol –1 (b) 65 S cm 2 mol –1 (c) 260 S cm 2 mol –1 (d) 187 S cm 2 mol –1 4. If the E° cell for a given reaction has a negative value, then which of the following gives the correct relationships for the values of ?G° and K eq ? (a) ?G° > 0 ; K eq > 1 (b) ?G° < 0 ; K eq > 1 (c) ?G° < 0 ; K eq < 1 (d) ?G° > 0 ; K eq < 1 5. Standard electrode potentials are : Fe +2 /Fe [ Eº = –0.44]; Fe +3 /Fe +2 Eº = + 0.77 ; If Fe +2 , Fe +3 and Fe blocks are kept together, then (a) Fe +3 increases (b) Fe +3 decreases (c) remains unchanged (d) Fe +2 decreases 6. An electrolytic cell contains a solution of Ag 2 SO 4 and has platinum electrodes. A current is passed until 1.6 gm of O 2 has been liberated at anode. The amount of silver deposited at cathode would be (a) 107.88 g (b) 1.6 g (c) 0.8 g (d) 21.60 g 7. For the cell reaction, Cu 2+ (C 1 , aq) + Zn(s) = Zn 2+ (C 2 , aq) + Cu(s) of an electrochemical cell, the change in free energy, ?G, at a given temperature is a function of (a) ln (C 1 ) (b) ln (C 2 /C 1 ) (c) ln (C 2 ) (d) ln (C 1 + C 2 ) 8. The electrode potential of a zinc electrode at 25°C with an aqueous solution of 0.1 M ZnSO 4 is [ = – 0.76 V. Assume = 0.06 at 298 K]. (a) + 0.73 (b) – 0.79 (c) – 0.82 (d) – 0.70 9. A gas X at 1 atm is bubbled through a solution containing a mixture of 1 M Y – and M Z – at 25 °C. If the reduction potential of Z > Y > X, then, (a) Y will oxidize X and not Z (b) Y will oxidize Z and not X (c) Y will oxidize both X and Z (d) Y will reduce both X and Z 10. For the electrochemical cell, = 0.44V and (X/X – ) = 0.33V . From this data one can deduce that (a) M+X?M + +X – is the spontaneous reaction (b) M + +X – ?M+X is the spontaneous reaction (c) E cell = 0.77 V (d) E cell = –0.77 V 11. Standard electrode potential data are useful for understanding the suitability of an oxidant in a redox titration. Some half cell reactions and their standard potentials are given below: E° = 1.51 V E° = 1.38 V E° = 0.77 V E° = 1.40 V Identify the only incorrect statement regarding the quantitative estimation of aqueous Fe(NO 3 ) 2 (a) can be used in aqueous HCl (b) can be used in aqueous HCl (c) can be used in aqueous H 2 SO 4 (d) can be used in aqueous H 2 SO 4 ? 12. Conductance of 0.1 M KCl (conductivity = X ) filled in a conductivity cell is Y . If the conductance of 0.1 M NaOH filled in the same cell is Z , the molar conductance of NaOH will be (a) (b) (c) (d) 0.1 13. On the basis of the following E° values, the strongest oxidizing agent is : Fe(CN) 6 ] 4– ?[Fe(CN) 6 ] 3– + e – ; E° = – 0.35 V Fe 2+ ? Fe 3+ + e – ; E° = – 0.77 V (a) [Fe(CN) 6 ] 4– Page 5 PART-I (Single Correct MCQs) 1. The mathematical expression for law of independent migration of ions and Ostwald’s dilution law are given by (a ) (b) (c) (d) 2. The equivalent conductance of solution of a weak monobasic acid is 8.0 mho cm 2 and at infinite dilution is 400 mho cm 2 . The dissociation constant of this acid is: (a) 1.25 × 10 –6 (b) 6.25 × 10 –4 (c) 1.25 × 10 –4 (d) 1.25 × 10 –5 3. Molar ionic conductivities of a two-bivalent electrolytes x 2+ and y 2– are 57 and 73 respectively. The molar conductivity of the solution formed by them will be (a) 130 S cm 2 mol –1 (b) 65 S cm 2 mol –1 (c) 260 S cm 2 mol –1 (d) 187 S cm 2 mol –1 4. If the E° cell for a given reaction has a negative value, then which of the following gives the correct relationships for the values of ?G° and K eq ? (a) ?G° > 0 ; K eq > 1 (b) ?G° < 0 ; K eq > 1 (c) ?G° < 0 ; K eq < 1 (d) ?G° > 0 ; K eq < 1 5. Standard electrode potentials are : Fe +2 /Fe [ Eº = –0.44]; Fe +3 /Fe +2 Eº = + 0.77 ; If Fe +2 , Fe +3 and Fe blocks are kept together, then (a) Fe +3 increases (b) Fe +3 decreases (c) remains unchanged (d) Fe +2 decreases 6. An electrolytic cell contains a solution of Ag 2 SO 4 and has platinum electrodes. A current is passed until 1.6 gm of O 2 has been liberated at anode. The amount of silver deposited at cathode would be (a) 107.88 g (b) 1.6 g (c) 0.8 g (d) 21.60 g 7. For the cell reaction, Cu 2+ (C 1 , aq) + Zn(s) = Zn 2+ (C 2 , aq) + Cu(s) of an electrochemical cell, the change in free energy, ?G, at a given temperature is a function of (a) ln (C 1 ) (b) ln (C 2 /C 1 ) (c) ln (C 2 ) (d) ln (C 1 + C 2 ) 8. The electrode potential of a zinc electrode at 25°C with an aqueous solution of 0.1 M ZnSO 4 is [ = – 0.76 V. Assume = 0.06 at 298 K]. (a) + 0.73 (b) – 0.79 (c) – 0.82 (d) – 0.70 9. A gas X at 1 atm is bubbled through a solution containing a mixture of 1 M Y – and M Z – at 25 °C. If the reduction potential of Z > Y > X, then, (a) Y will oxidize X and not Z (b) Y will oxidize Z and not X (c) Y will oxidize both X and Z (d) Y will reduce both X and Z 10. For the electrochemical cell, = 0.44V and (X/X – ) = 0.33V . From this data one can deduce that (a) M+X?M + +X – is the spontaneous reaction (b) M + +X – ?M+X is the spontaneous reaction (c) E cell = 0.77 V (d) E cell = –0.77 V 11. Standard electrode potential data are useful for understanding the suitability of an oxidant in a redox titration. Some half cell reactions and their standard potentials are given below: E° = 1.51 V E° = 1.38 V E° = 0.77 V E° = 1.40 V Identify the only incorrect statement regarding the quantitative estimation of aqueous Fe(NO 3 ) 2 (a) can be used in aqueous HCl (b) can be used in aqueous HCl (c) can be used in aqueous H 2 SO 4 (d) can be used in aqueous H 2 SO 4 ? 12. Conductance of 0.1 M KCl (conductivity = X ) filled in a conductivity cell is Y . If the conductance of 0.1 M NaOH filled in the same cell is Z , the molar conductance of NaOH will be (a) (b) (c) (d) 0.1 13. On the basis of the following E° values, the strongest oxidizing agent is : Fe(CN) 6 ] 4– ?[Fe(CN) 6 ] 3– + e – ; E° = – 0.35 V Fe 2+ ? Fe 3+ + e – ; E° = – 0.77 V (a) [Fe(CN) 6 ] 4– (b) Fe 2+ (c) Fe 3+ (d) [Fe(CN) 6 ] 3– 14. The variation of molar conductance of strong electrolyte with (concentration) ½ is represented by (a) (b) (c) (d) 15. A device that converts energy of combustion of fuels like hydrogen and methane, directly into electrical energy is known as : (a) Electrolytic cell (b) Dynamo (c) Ni-Cd cell (d) Fuel cell 16. In acidic medium is an oxidant asRead More
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