Countable Set is a set having cardinality same as that of some subset of N the set of natural numbers . A countable set is the one which is listable.
Cardinality of a countable set can be a finite number. For example, B: {1, 5, 4}, |B| = 3, in this case its termed countably finite or the cardinality of countable set can be infinite. For example, A: {2, 4, 6, 8 …}, in this case its termed countably infinite.
Common Traces for Countable Set
Set of Rational numbers is Countably Infinite
Follow along the red line to build roaster set containing all rational numbers. Hence an exhaustive set containing every element atleast once can be build therefore set of rational numbers is countably infinite.
Uncountable Sets
A set such that its elements cannot be listed, or to put intuitively, there exists no sequence which can list every element of the set atleast once.
R : {set of real numbers is uncountable}
B : {set of all binary sequences of infinite length}
Common Traces for Uncountable Set:
Union Operations quick Reference
Example 1: Let N be the set of natural numbers. Consider the following sets,
P: Set of Rational numbers (positive and negative)
Q: Set of functions from {0, 1} to N
R: Set of functions from N to {0, 1}
S: Set of finite subsets of N
Which of the above sets are countable?
(a) Q and S only
(b) P and S only
(c) P and R only
(d) P, Q and S only
Correct Answer is Option (b)
Set of Rational numbers (+ve or -ve) are countable.
Example 2: Consider the following sets:
Which of the above sets are uncountable?
(a) S1 and S2
(b) S3 and S4
(c) S1 and S4
(d) S2 and S3
Correct Answer is Option (b)
- Recursively enumerable languages are countable.
- Syntactically valid C program can be represented with CFG. CFG generates CFL, CFL is countable.
- All languages over {0, 1} may not be countable, because they may also lie in the region of 2Σ*.
- Set of regular languages are countable, non-regular languages may not be countable.
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