Classification of Errors
Combination of Quantities With Limiting Errors
The following cases will be considered
The main part of the C.R.O. is a highly evacuated glass tube housing parts which generate a beam of electrons, accelerates them, shapes them into a narrow beam, and provides external connections to the sets of plates described m above for changing the direction of the beam.
Component of C.R.O
As well as this tube, there are several electronic circuits required to operate the tube, all within the C.R.O. along with the tube explained below
CRO (Cathode Ray Oscilloscope) and Q-meter
CRO is a device which provides accurate time and amplitude of voltage signals over a wide range of frequencies.
When an analog signal is given as an input it passes through an attenuator circuit where the unwanted noise signals are attenuated and this clean signal is applied to a vertical amplifier which performs the sampling and converts the input into digital. The digitally converted analog signal is stored in memory, which we can use as many times as we want to display on CRT. And coming to control logic it controls the ADC(Analog to Digital converter) conversion and deflection amplifiers. Both vertical and horizontal deflection amplifiers are connected to a DAC(Digital to Analog converter) which deflects the beam of electrons and so the trace on the CRT screen. This is the working of DSO.
Advantages of DSODSO is an instrument used to display and analyze electronic signals.It draws waveforms or a graph of an instantaneous signal voltage against time.
3 videos|39 docs|22 tests
1. What is a cathode ray oscilloscope? |
2. How does a cathode ray oscilloscope work? |
3. What are the main applications of a cathode ray oscilloscope? |
4. What are some common errors or sources of error when using a cathode ray oscilloscope? |
5. How can I minimize errors when using a cathode ray oscilloscope? |
3 videos|39 docs|22 tests