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Importance of Hedging Exchange Rate Risk |
iShares Currency Hedged MSCI EAFE ETF |
FX Options Product Specifications |
Options Trading Concepts |
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For investors, managing exchange rate risk is crucial to protect returns on international investments. When the U.S. dollar strengthens, U.S. investors should hedge to prevent erosion of returns from overseas investments. Conversely, foreign investors benefit when their local currency weakens against the USD, boosting returns on U.S. investments.
It is advisable to leave exchange rate risk unhedged when the local currency is depreciating against the foreign-investment currency. On the other hand, it is prudent to hedge this risk when the local currency is appreciating against the foreign-investment currency.
One approach to mitigate forex risk is through natural hedging. For example, a U.S. company with operations in Europe may receive revenue in euros, naturally offsetting currency fluctuations.
Financial instruments such as forward contracts or options can be utilized to hedge against exchange rate risk. For instance, a company can use forward contracts to lock in a future exchange rate for a currency transaction, reducing uncertainty.
While complete avoidance of exchange rate risk in overseas investments is challenging, it can be significantly reduced through various hedging techniques. One straightforward method involves investing in hedged instruments like hedged ETFs.
The fund manager of a hedged ETF can effectively hedge forex risk at a lower cost.
Investors holding foreign-currency stocks, bonds, or ADRs should consider hedging exchange rate risk using various tools like currency forwards, futures, ETFs, or options.
iShares offer the "iShares MSCI EAFE ETF" for investors interested in international equity exposure.
The "iShares Currency Hedged MSCI EAFE ETF" provided by iShares helps mitigate currency risk for investors. offers comprehensive details on FX Options Product Specifications for investors looking to participate in the foreign exchange market.
Fraption, an options trading term, remains essential in understanding and executing options strategies.
Exploration of concepts like Bull Put Spread, Credit Default Swap Index (CDX), Exercise Price, Forward Rate, and Put enhances investors' knowledge in options trading.
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