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Extract Based Questions: Keeping Quiet | English Class 12 PDF Download

Read the given extract and answer the questions

Those who prepare green wars,
wars with gas, wars with fire,
victories with no survivors,
would put on clean clothes
and walk about with their brothers
(Keeping Quiet)

Question (i): What is the rhyme scheme of the extract? 

Ans: (d) ABABA
Step-by-step explanation of the Ans:

  • Rhyme scheme is the pattern of sounds that repeats at the end of a line or stanza in a poem. To find the rhyme scheme of a poem, we need to label each line with a letter that corresponds to its end sound. For example, if two lines rhyme with each other, they get the same letter. If they don't rhyme, they get different letters.
  • Let's look at the extract and label each line with a letter:
    • Those who prepare green wars, (A)
    • wars with gas, wars with fire, (B)
    • victories with no survivors, (A)
    • would put on clean clothes, (B)
    • and walk about with their brothers, (A)
  • As you can see, the first, third, and fifth lines rhyme with each other. They all have the same /ərz/ sound at the end. The second and fourth lines rhyme with each other. They both have the same /oʊz/ sound at the end. So the rhyme scheme is ABABA. That's why the correct answer is (d) ABABA.

Question (ii): What does the use of the word "green" suggest?
(a) The wars are environmentally friendly.
(b) The wars are new and fresh.
(c) The wars are related to money or greed.
(d) The wars are caused by jealousy or envy.

Ans: (c) The wars are related to money or greed.
Step-by-step explanation of the Ans:

  • Word choice is the use of specific words to convey meaning and tone in a text. The word "green" can have different meanings depending on the context and the connotation. Connotation is the implied or associated meaning of a word beyond its literal definition. For example, "green" can have a positive connotation when it refers to nature or health, but it can have a negative connotation when it refers to sickness or inexperience.
  • In the extract, the word "green" has a negative connotation because it refers to wars that are prepared by those who are greedy or selfish for money or power. The word "green" also contrasts with the words "gas" and "fire", which are colors that suggest destruction and violence. The word "green" also creates irony because it usually implies something good or natural, but here it implies something evil or unnatural. Therefore, the correct answer is (c) The wars are related to money or greed.

Question (iii): Select the option that is NOT true about the lack of punctuation at the end of line 2 in the extract. (a) It creates a sense of continuity and movement.
(b) It reflects the speaker's stream of consciousness.
(c) It emphasizes the contrast between green wars and other wars.
(d) It indicates a pause or a change of direction.

Ans: (d) It indicates a pause or a change of direction.
Step-by-step explanation of the Ans:

  • Punctuation is the use of marks such as commas, periods, dashes, etc., to separate sentences and parts of sentences in a text. Punctuation can affect the meaning, tone, and rhythm of a text.
  • The lack of punctuation at the end of line 2 in the extract creates a sense of continuity and movement because it connects the second line with the third line without a break or a stop. It also reflects the speaker's stream of consciousness because it shows that he is listing different types of wars without stopping to think or analyze them. It also emphasizes the contrast between green wars and other wars because it shows that they are all equally bad and destructive.
  • However, the lack of punctuation at the end of line 2 in the extract does not indicate a pause or a change of direction because it does not create a gap or a shift in the speaker's thought or speech. It does not signal that he is moving on to a different topic or idea. Therefore, the correct answer is (d) It indicates a pause or a change of direction.

Question (iv): What is the tone of the speaker in the extract?
(a) Joyful and optimistic
(b) Sad and nostalgic
(c) Angry and resentful
(d) Neutral and factual

Ans: (c) Angry and resentful
Step-by-step explanation of the Ans:

  • Tone is the attitude or emotion that the speaker or writer conveys through their words and style. To determine the tone, we need to analyze the words and phrases used in the poem.
  • The speaker uses words and phrases that show his anger and resentment towards those who prepare wars that cause death and destruction. For example, he uses words like "green", "gas", "fire", and "no survivors" to describe the wars that they prepare. These are words that suggest greed, violence, and cruelty. He also uses words like "would" and "clean" to show his sarcasm and disbelief that they would ever change their ways or repent for their actions. He also uses words like "brothers" to show his irony and bitterness that they would ever treat others as their equals or with respect. By using these words and phrases, the speaker creates a tone of anger and resentment in the extract. He expresses his frustration and disgust for those who prepare wars that harm others and the earth. Therefore, the correct answer is (c) Angry and resentful.

Question (v): Complete the sentence with the best word from the options given: The speaker's use of the word "brothers" is an example of _________. (a) metaphor
(b) simile
(c) symbol
(d) irony

Ans: (d) irony
Step-by-step explanation of the Ans:

  • Irony is a figure of speech that uses words or expressions that convey a meaning that is opposite or different from their literal or expected meaning, usually for humorous or critical effect. To understand how the word "brothers" creates irony in the extract, we need to look at its literal and implied meanings.
  • The word "brothers" literally means male siblings who share the same parents or ancestors. It can also mean male friends or companions who share a common bond or interest. However, in the extract, the speaker uses the word "brothers" to refer to those who prepare wars that kill and hurt other people and animals. He does this to create irony because he does not really mean that they are brothers or that they act like brothers. He means the opposite: that they are enemies or strangers who do not care about others or the earth. He uses the word "brothers" to mock and criticize them for their hypocrisy and cruelty. Therefore, the correct answer is (d) irony.

Question (vi): True or false: The extract has a regular rhythm and rhyme scheme.

Ans: False
Step-by-step explanation of the Ans:

  • Rhythm is the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line or stanza of a poem. Rhyme scheme is the pattern of sounds that repeats at the end of a line or stanza in a poem.
  • The extract does not have a regular rhythm and rhyme scheme. The extract has five lines, but they do not have the same number of syllables or stresses. For example, the first line has nine syllables and four stresses, while the second line has six syllables and three stresses. The extract also does not have a consistent rhyme scheme. The first and third lines rhyme with each other, but the second, fourth, and fifth lines do not rhyme with any other line. Therefore, the extract does not follow a regular pattern of rhythm and rhyme. That’s why the correct answer is False. The extract does not have a regular rhythm and rhyme scheme.

Read the given extract and answer the questions
It would be an exotic moment
without rush, without engines;
we would all be together
in a sudden strangeness.
(Keeping Quiet)

Question (i) What is the meaning of the word "exotic" in line 1 of the extract?
(A) Strange and unfamiliar
(B) Beautiful and attractive
(C) Foreign and distant
(D) Expensive and luxurious

Ans: Answer written by student: (A) Strange and unfamiliar
Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to understand the meaning and context of the word "exotic" in line 1 of the extract.
  • The word "exotic" is an adjective that describes something that is very different from what is normal or usual. It can have positive or negative connotations depending on how it is used.
  • In this extract, the word "exotic" is used to describe the moment that the speaker imagines if everyone stopped for a while. It means that it would be strange and unfamiliar to everyone because they are used to living in a noisy and busy world.
  • Option A is correct because it matches the meaning and context of the word "exotic" in line 1 of the extract. It shows that the speaker thinks that the moment would be strange and unfamiliar to everyone.
  • Option B is incorrect because it does not match the meaning and context of the word "exotic" in line 1 of the extract. It shows a different meaning of the word "exotic", which is beautiful and attractive. This is not what the speaker means by the word "exotic" in this context.
  • Option C is incorrect because it does not match the meaning and context of the word "exotic" in line 1 of the extract. It shows another meaning of the word "exotic", which is foreign and distant. This is not what the speaker means by the word "exotic" in this context.
  • Option D is incorrect because it does not match the meaning and context of the word "exotic" in line 1 of the extract. It shows yet another meaning of the word "exotic", which is expensive and luxurious. This is not what the speaker means by the word "exotic" in this context.
  • Therefore, option A is correct and the rest are incorrect.

Question (ii) True or false: The speaker wants everyone to be together in line 3 of the extract.

Ans:Answer written by student: True
Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to read and understand line 3 of the extract.
  • In line 3 of the extract, the speaker says "we would all be together". This means that he wants everyone to be united and connected as one. He wants everyone to feel a sense of belonging and harmony.
  • It is true because it matches what the speaker says and wants in line 3 of the extract. It shows that the speaker wants everyone to be together.
  • False because it contradicts what the speaker says and wants in line 3 of the extract. It shows that the speaker does not want everyone to be together.
  • Therefore, option A is true and option B is false.

Question (iii) Complete the sentence with the best option: The speaker uses _____________ to create a contrast in line 4 of the extract.
(A) Alliteration
(B) Assonance
(C) Repetition
(D) Parallelism

Ans: Answer written by student: (D) Parallelism
Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to identify the literary device that the speaker uses to create a contrast in line 4 of the extract.
  • A literary device is a technique that a writer uses to enhance the style, meaning, or effect of a text. It can also create different effects on the reader.
  • In line 4 of the extract, the speaker says "let's not speak in any language". This creates a contrast with the previous lines, where he uses words and sounds to communicate his idea. He also creates a contrast with the usual way of speaking, where people use different languages to express themselves.
  • Option D is correct because it matches the literary device that the speaker uses to create a contrast in line 4 of the extract. It shows that he uses parallelism, which is a technique that involves using similar words, phrases, or structures to emphasize a comparison or a contrast.
  • Option A is incorrect because it does not match the literary device that the speaker uses to create a contrast in line 4 of the extract. It shows that he uses alliteration, which is a technique that involves using words that start with the same sound or letter. This is not what he does in this line.
  • Option B is incorrect because it does not match the literary device that the speaker uses to create a contrast in line 4 of the extract. It shows that he uses assonance, which is a technique that involves using words that have similar vowel sounds. This is not what he does in this line.
  • Option C is incorrect because it does not match the literary device that the speaker uses to create a contrast in line 4 of the extract. It shows that he uses repetition, which is a technique that involves using words or phrases more than once for emphasis or effect. This is not what he does in this line.
  • Therefore, option D is correct and the rest are incorrect.

Question (iv) What is the tone of this extract?

(A) Angry and bitter
(B) Sad and hopeless
(C) Joyful and optimistic
(D) Calm and hopeful
Ans: Answer written by student: (D) Calm and hopeful
Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to understand the tone of this extract.
  • The tone of a text is the attitude or emotion that the writer conveys through their words and style. It can also affect how the reader feels about the text.
  • In this extract, the tone is calm and hopeful. The writer uses words and phrases that suggest a peaceful and positive mood, such as "without rush", "without engines", "we would all be together", "let's stop for a second", etc. He also expresses his desire for a change and a new understanding among people and nature.
  • Option D is correct because it matches the tone of this extract. It shows that the writer conveys a calm and hopeful attitude or emotion through his words and style.
  • Option A is incorrect because it does not match the tone of this extract. It shows that the writer conveys an angry and bitter attitude or emotion through his words and style. This is not what he does in this extract.
  • Option B is incorrect because it does not match the tone of this extract. It shows that the writer conveys a sad and hopeless attitude or emotion through his words and style. This is not what he does in this extract.
  • Option C is incorrect because it does not match the tone of this extract. It shows that the writer conveys a joyful and optimistic attitude or emotion through his words and style. This is not what he does in this extract.
  • Therefore, option D is correct and the rest are incorrect.

Question (v) What does the use of the word "strangeness" suggest in line 4 of the extract?

(A) The speaker thinks that the moment would be weird and uncomfortable.
(B) The speaker thinks that the moment would be mysterious and intriguing.
(C) The speaker thinks that the moment would be different and unexpected.
(D) The speaker thinks that the moment would be scary and dangerous.
Ans: Answer written by student: (C) The speaker thinks that the moment would be different and unexpected.
Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to understand the meaning and context of the word "strangeness" in line 4 of the extract.
  • The word "strangeness" is a noun that describes the quality or state of being strange. It can have positive or negative connotations depending on how it is used.
  • In this extract, the word "strangeness" is used to describe how the moment would feel if everyone stopped for a while. It means that it would be different and unexpected from what people are used to. It would also create a sense of curiosity and wonder among people.
  • Option C is correct because it matches the meaning and context of the word "strangeness" in line 4 of the extract. It shows that the speaker thinks that the moment would be different and unexpected.
  • Option A is incorrect because it does not match the meaning and context of the word "strangeness" in line 4 of the extract. It shows that the speaker thinks that the moment would be weird and uncomfortable. He wants people to enjoy and appreciate the moment, not to feel awkward or uneasy.
  • Option B is incorrect because it does not match the meaning and context of the word "strangeness" in line 4 of the extract. It shows that the speaker thinks that the moment would be mysterious and intriguing. He wants people to understand and learn from the moment, not to be puzzled or fascinated by it.
  • Option D is incorrect because it does not match the meaning and context of the word "strangeness" in line 4 of the extract. It shows that the speaker thinks that the moment would be scary and dangerous. He wants people to feel safe and peaceful in the moment, not to be afraid or threatened by it.
  • Therefore, option C is correct and the rest are incorrect.

Question (vi) What is the main theme or message of this extract?

(A) The importance of silence and stillness in a noisy and violent world.
(B) The importance of communication and language in a diverse and complex world.
(C) The importance of action and movement in a stagnant and dull world.
(D) The importance of change and progress in a traditional and conservative world.
Ans: Answer written by student: (A) The importance of silence and stillness in a noisy and violent world.
Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to understand the main theme or message of this extract.
  • The theme or message of a text is the main idea or lesson that the writer wants to convey through their words and style. It can also reflect their views or opinions on a topic or issue.
  • In this extract, the main theme or message is the importance of silence and stillness in a noisy and violent world. The writer wants us to stop for a moment and reflect on our actions and their consequences. He wants us to become more aware of ourselves, each other, and nature. He wants us to realize that we are all connected and that we should not harm anyone or anything. He hopes that this silence and stillness would lead to a new understanding and a new way of living.
  • Option A is correct because it matches the main theme or message of this extract. It shows that the writer wants to convey the importance of silence and stillness in a noisy and violent world.
  • Option B is incorrect because it does not match the main theme or message of this extract. It shows that the writer wants to convey the importance of communication and language in a diverse and complex world. This is not what he does in this extract. He actually wants people to stop speaking in any language for a while.
  • Option C is incorrect because it does not match the main theme or message of this extract. It shows that the writer wants to convey the importance of action and movement in a stagnant and dull world. This is not what he does in this extract. He actually wants people to stop moving their arms so much for a while.
  • Option D is incorrect because it does not match the main theme or message of this extract. It shows that the writer wants to convey the importance of change and progress in a traditional and conservative world. This is not what he does in this extract. He actually wants people to experience a different and unexpected moment for a while.
  • Therefore, option A is correct and the rest are incorrect.
The document Extract Based Questions: Keeping Quiet | English Class 12 is a part of the Class 12 Course English Class 12.
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FAQs on Extract Based Questions: Keeping Quiet - English Class 12

1. What is the main theme of the poem "Keeping Quiet"?
Ans. The main theme of the poem "Keeping Quiet" is the importance of introspection, silence, and the need for global peace and unity.
2. Who is the speaker in the poem "Keeping Quiet"?
Ans. The speaker in the poem "Keeping Quiet" is the poet, Pablo Neruda, who reflects on the significance of staying silent and the potential impact it can have on the world.
3. How does the speaker suggest we can achieve global unity in the poem "Keeping Quiet"?
Ans. The speaker suggests that by taking a moment of silence and contemplation, we can connect with one another and break down barriers, leading to a sense of unity and peace.
4. What is the tone of the poem "Keeping Quiet"?
Ans. The tone of the poem "Keeping Quiet" is reflective, contemplative, and hopeful, as the speaker encourages the reader to consider the power of silence and its ability to bring people together.
5. How does the poem "Keeping Quiet" relate to the concept of mindfulness?
Ans. The poem "Keeping Quiet" emphasizes the importance of being present in the moment, reflecting on our actions, and fostering a sense of mindfulness in order to promote understanding and harmony among individuals and nations.
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