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Features of Waves | Physics for GCSE/IGCSE - Year 11 PDF Download

Waves - Basic

  • Waves serve as carriers of both energy and information.
  • Waves are characterized as oscillations or vibrations around a fixed point.
    • For instance, ripples induce particles of water to oscillate vertically.
    • Sound waves cause particles of air to oscillate horizontally.
  • In all instances, waves transmit energy without transferring material.
    • In the case of water waves, it is the wave itself, not the water, that travels.
    • Similarly, for sound waves, it is the wave itself, not the air molecules, that moves.
  • The behavior of floating objects on water offers evidence that waves solely transmit energy, not matter.

Wave Motion

  • Wave vibrations can be demonstrated using ropes (transverse) and springs (longitudinal).

Features of Waves | Physics for GCSE/IGCSE - Year 11

Demonstrating Wave Motion

  • Characteristics of waves, like frequency, wavelength, and speed, can be studied using water waves in a ripple tank.

Features of Waves | Physics for GCSE/IGCSE - Year 11

  • Determining the wavelength of waves involves:
    • Utilizing a ruler to measure the screen's length.
    • Dividing this measured distance by the number of wavefronts.
  • Calculating the frequency entails:
    • Timing the passage of a specific number of waves past a designated point.
    • Dividing the count of wavefronts by the recorded time.
  • Finally, determining the wave speed is achieved by:
    • Applying the formula: wave speed = frequency × wavelength.

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Features of a Wave

In explaining wave motion, it's crucial to understand various terms, including:

  • Crest (Peak)
  • Trough
  • Amplitude
  • Wavelength
  • Frequency
  • Wave speed
  • Wavefront

Crest (Peak)

  • A crest, or a peak, is the highest point on a wave above the equilibrium, or rest, position.
  • For example, the topmost point of a water wave before it crashes onto the shore represents the crest.


  • A trough is the lowest point on a wave below the equilibrium, or rest, position.
  • Imagine the lowest point between two waves in an ocean; that is where the trough can be found.

Features of Waves | Physics for GCSE/IGCSE - Year 11


  • Amplitude is defined as:
    • The distance between the wave's undisturbed position and its peak or trough.
  • Denoted by the symbol A and typically measured in meters (m).
  • It represents the maximum or minimum displacement from the undisturbed position.


  • Wavelength is defined as:
    • The distance between a point on a wave to the corresponding point on the subsequent wave.
  • In a transverse wave, it can be measured from one peak to the next peak.
  • In a longitudinal wave, it can be measured from the center of one compression to the center of the next.
  • Represented by the symbol λ (lambda) and typically measured in meters (m).
  • The distance along a wave is usually depicted on the x-axis of a wave diagram.

Features of Waves | Physics for GCSE/IGCSE - Year 11


  • Frequency is the number of waves that pass a point in one second.
  • It is represented by the symbol 'f' and is measured in Hertz (Hz).

Wave Speed

  • Wave speed is the rate at which energy is transmitted through a medium.
  • It is defined as the distance traveled by a wave per second.
  • The symbol for wave speed is 'ν' and is measured in meters per second (m/s).
  • Wave speed can be calculated using the formula: wave speed = frequency × wavelength.


  • Wavefronts provide a helpful way to visualize waves from above, with each wavefront representing a single wave.
  • The illustration below demonstrates how wavefronts are depicted, with the arrow indicating the wave's direction, also known as a ray.
  • The spacing between wavefronts corresponds to the wavelength: closer wavefronts indicate a shorter wavelength, while distant wavefronts signify a longer wavelength.

Features of Waves | Physics for GCSE/IGCSE - Year 11

The document Features of Waves | Physics for GCSE/IGCSE - Year 11 is a part of the Year 11 Course Physics for GCSE/IGCSE.
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FAQs on Features of Waves - Physics for GCSE/IGCSE - Year 11

1. What are the basic features of waves?
Ans. Waves have properties such as amplitude, wavelength, frequency, and speed. They can be transverse or longitudinal in nature.
2. How can we identify different types of waves?
Ans. Different types of waves can be identified based on their motion - whether they move in a straight line or in a circular or oscillating motion.
3. How can we describe the motion of a toy duck in relation to waves?
Ans. The motion of a toy duck floating on water can be affected by waves, causing it to move up and down or rock back and forth.
4. Can waves transfer matter from one place to another?
Ans. Waves do not transfer matter from one place to another. They only transfer energy from one point to another.
5. How can we measure the characteristics of waves?
Ans. The characteristics of waves, such as amplitude and frequency, can be measured using instruments like rulers, oscilloscopes, and frequency counters.
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