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GATE Past Year Questions: Psychrometric Process | Thermodynamics - Mechanical Engineering PDF Download

Q1: A rigid tank of volume 50m3 contains a pure substance as a saturated liquid vapour mixture at 400 kPa. Of the total mass of the mixture, 20% mass is liquid and 80% mass is vapour. Properties at 400 kPa are : Tsat = 143.61ºC, vf = 0.001084 m3/kg, vg = 0.46242m3/kg. The total mass of liquid vapour mixture in the tank is _______kg (round off to the nearest integer). [GATE ME 2021 SET-2]
134 to 136
Vtotal = vl + vv
= vf × ml + v× mv
50 = 0.001084 x 0.2m + 0.46242 x 0.8 m
m = 135.08 kg = 135 kg

Q2: An air-conditioning system provides a continuous flow of air to a room using an intake duct and an exit duct, as shown in the figure. To maintain the quality of the indoor air, the intake duct supplies a mixture of fresh air with a cold air stream. The two streams are mixed in an insulated mixing chamber located upstream of the intake duct. Cold air enters the mixing chamber at 5ºC, 105 kPa with a volume flow rate of 1.25 m3/s during steady state operation. Fresh air enters the mixing chamber at 34ºC and 105 kPa. The mass flow rate of the fresh air is 1.6 times of the cold air stream. Air leaves the room through the exit duct at 24ºC.
GATE Past Year Questions: Psychrometric Process | Thermodynamics - Mechanical EngineeringAssuming the air behaves as an ideal gas with cp = 1.005 kJ/kg.K and R = 0.287 kJ/kg.K, the rate of heat gain by the air from the room is ________kW(round off to two decimal places). [GATE ME 2021 SET-1]
4.9 to 5.1
1: Cold air
2: Hot air
GATE Past Year Questions: Psychrometric Process | Thermodynamics - Mechanical Engineering
After mixing: 0
GATE Past Year Questions: Psychrometric Process | Thermodynamics - Mechanical Engineering
1.645 × 5 + 2.632 × 34 = 4.277 t3
t3 = 22.85ºC
Heat gain : = h4 − h3
GATE Past Year Questions: Psychrometric Process | Thermodynamics - Mechanical Engineering
= 4.277 x 1.005 (24 - 22.85)
= 4.963 kW

Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Psychrometric Process
Try yourself:Wet bulb depression, under saturated ambient air conditions:


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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Psychrometric Process
Try yourself:During the Chemical dehumidification process of air


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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Psychrometric Process
Try yourself:Water at 42°C is sprayed into a stream of air at atmospheric pressure, dry bulb temperature of 40ºC and a wet bulb temperature of 20°C. The air leaving the spray humidifier is not saturated. Which of the following statements is true?


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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Psychrometric Process
Try yourself:Various psychrometric processes are shown in the figure below.
Process in Figure
P. 0-1
Q. 0-2
R. 0-3
S. 0-4
T. 0-5

Name of the process
(i) Chemical dehumidification
(ii) Sensible heating
(iii) Cooling and dehumidification
(iv) Humidification with steam injection
(v) Humidification with water injection

GATE Past Year Questions: Psychrometric Process | Thermodynamics - Mechanical Engineering
The matching pair are


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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Psychrometric Process
Try yourself:Dew point temperature is the temperature at which condensation begins when the air is cooled at constant


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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Psychrometric Process
Try yourself:The statements concern psychrometric chart.
1. Constant relative humidity lines are uphill straight lines to the right.
2. Constant wet bulb temperature lines are downhill straight lines to the right.
3. Constant specific volume lines are downhill straight lines to the right.
4. Constant enthalpy lines are coincident with constant wet bulb temperature lines.
Which of the statements are correct?


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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Psychrometric Process
Try yourself:Atmospheric air at a flow rate of 3 kg/s (on dry basis) enters a cooling and dehumidifying coil with an enthalpy of 85 kJ/kg of dry air and a humidity ratio of 19 grams/kg of dry air. The air leaves the coil with an enthalpy of 43 kJ/kg of dry air and a humidity ratio of 8 grams/kg of dry air. If the condensate water leaves the coil with an enthalpy of 67 kJ/kg, the required cooling capacity of the coil in kW is


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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Psychrometric Process
Try yourself:Air (at atmospheric pressure) at a dry bulb temperature of 40°C and wet bulb temperature of 20°C is humidified in an air washer operating with continuous water recirculation. The wet bulb depression, the difference between the dry and wet bulb temperatures) at the exit is 25% of that at the inlet. The dry bulb temperature at the exit of the air washer is closest to


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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Psychrometric Process
Try yourself:Moist air at 35°C and 100% relative humidity is entering a psychrometric device and leaving at 25°C and 100% relative humidity. The name of the device is


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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Psychrometric Process
Try yourself:If a mass of moist air contained in a closed metallic vessel is heated, then its


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The document GATE Past Year Questions: Psychrometric Process | Thermodynamics - Mechanical Engineering is a part of the Mechanical Engineering Course Thermodynamics.
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FAQs on GATE Past Year Questions: Psychrometric Process - Thermodynamics - Mechanical Engineering

1. What is a psychrometric process and why is it important in engineering?
Ans. A psychrometric process refers to the study of the thermodynamic properties of moist air. It is crucial in engineering because it helps in understanding how air interacts with water vapor, which is essential for designing HVAC systems, moisture control in buildings, and processes in industries like food and pharmaceuticals.
2. How do you read a psychrometric chart?
Ans. To read a psychrometric chart, you start by identifying the dry bulb temperature and the relative humidity of the air. You can then locate the corresponding point on the chart, which provides various properties such as wet bulb temperature, enthalpy, and specific volume. The lines on the chart represent different properties, allowing engineers to analyze air conditions effectively.
3. What are the key processes in psychrometrics?
Ans. The key processes in psychrometrics include cooling, heating, humidifying, and dehumidifying air. Each process alters the state of the air, which can be analyzed using the psychrometric chart to determine the energy required and the resulting air conditions.
4. How does the psychrometric process apply to HVAC systems?
Ans. In HVAC systems, the psychrometric process is applied to control the temperature and humidity of indoor air for comfort. Engineers use psychrometric principles to design systems that efficiently heat, cool, or dehumidify air, ensuring optimal indoor air quality and energy efficiency.
5. What are the common equations used in psychrometrics?
Ans. Common equations in psychrometrics include the equations for calculating specific humidity, enthalpy, and the relationships between dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature, and relative humidity. These equations help engineers quantify air properties and design effective thermal systems.
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