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History: CBSE Sample Question Paper (2020-21) - 3 | History Class 12 - Humanities/Arts PDF Download

Class - XII
TIME: 3 Hrs.
M.M: 80

General Instructions:
(i) Answer all the questions. Some questions have an internal choice. Marks are indicated against each question. This question paper comprises of six section.
(ii) Section A - Question numbers 1 to 16 are objective type questions, carrying 1 mark and should be answered in one word or one sentence each (Attempt any 15).
(iii) Section B - Question numbers 17 to 19 are Case based/Source based having multiple Choice questions. Each question has 4 sub-parts. Attempt any three sub-parts from each question.
(iv) Section C - Answer to questions carrying 3 marks (Question 20 to 23) should not exceed 100 words each.
(v) Section D - Answer to questions carrying 8 marks (Question 24 to 26) should not exceed 350 words each.
(vi) Section E - Question number 27 to 29 are Source-based questions carrying 5 marks each.
(vii) Section F - Question number 30 is a Map question that includes the identification and location of significant test items. Attach the map with the answer book.


Attempt any 15 questions.
Q.1. Name any two stones which were used for making beads by Harappans.    (1 Mark)
Ans. Carnelian, Jasper, crystal, quartz etc. (Any two)

Q.2. Consider the following statements regarding the identification of Shiva, a figure represented on Harappan seals :    (1 Mark)
(i) It is shown in the form of Gajapati.
(ii) It is shown seated in Yogic posture.
(iii) It is surrounded by animals.
(iv) It is shown with a female figure identifiable with Parvati.
Which of the above are correct reasons for identifying the figure with Shiva ?
(a) 1 and 4
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 2 and 4
(d) 3 and 4
Ans. b

Q.3. Read the following information and mention the context in which the statement is connected : “ Many Kushana rulers also adopted the title ‘ Devaputra’ or ‘Son of God’.”    (1 Mark)
Ans. Divine kings

Q.4. Define Mutiny.    (1 Mark)
Ans. A Mutiny is a collective disobedience of rules and regulations within the armed forces.

Q.5. Indicate which of the following options is NOT correct ?    (1 Mark
(a) Mahabharata is written in simple Sanskrit than used in Vedas and Prashastis
(b) During Mahabharata time, polyandry was practised.
(c) The Mahabharata, like any major epic, contains vivid descriptions of battles, forests, palaces and settlements.
(d) When analysing Mahabharata, they examined whether it was written in Urdu, Sign language or English.
Ans. d

Q.6. Women were expected to give up their father’s...........and adopt that of their husband on marriage.    (1 Mark)
Ans. Gotra

Q.7. Identify the Bhakti tradition which favoured widow remarriage :    (1 Mark)
(b) Nayanars
(c) Lingayats
(d) Siddhas
Ans. c

Q.8. Give one point of difference between a Diachronic account and a Synchronic account.    (1 Mark)
A Diachronic account traces developments over time. But, a Synchronic account depicts situation at a particular point of time.

Q.9. During which period was there a striking visibility of wide range of Gods and Goddesses in sculpture and texts ?    (1 Mark)
(a) 6th to 18th century
(b) 18th to 21st century
(c) 8th to 18th century
(d) 7th to 16th century
Ans. c

Q.10. Match the following :    (1 Mark)

History: CBSE Sample Question Paper (2020-21) - 3 | History Class 12 - Humanities/Arts

Options :

History: CBSE Sample Question Paper (2020-21) - 3 | History Class 12 - Humanities/Arts

Ans. C

Q.11. With which Mughal Emperor can we associate ‘ Alamgir Nama’?    (1 Mark)
(a) Aurangzeb
(b) Shah Jahan
(c) Humayun
(d) Jahangir
Ans. a

Q.12. What is the collective name of the audience Hall and Mahanavami Dibba, as given by Paes?    (1 Mark)
Ans. House of Victory.

Q.13. Who is considered as one of the most outstanding examples of a Poet-Saint ?    (1 Mark)
Ans. Kabir

Q.14. Who was the author of Badshah Nama?    (1 Mark)
Ans. Badshah Nama was written by Abdul Hamid Lahori.

Q.15. Mahatma Gandhi illustrated his tactical wisdom by picking on Salt Monopoly .Which of the following statement (s) is/ are correct to prove this?    (1 Mark)
1. State Monopoly over salt was deeply unpopular.
2. People were forbidden from making salt for even domestic use.
3. Salt was not an essential item.
Choose the correct option:
(a) (1) and (2) only
(b) (2) and (3) only
(c) (1), (2) and (3)
(d) (2) only
Ans. a

Q.16. Mention one reason why Qandahar was a bone of contention between the Safavids and the Mughals.    (1 Mark)
Ans. Qandahar was a Gateway to the Subcontinent, both laid claims over it.


Q.17. Read the following excerpt carefully and answer any three questions :    (3 Mark)

The Anguish of the King

When the King Devanampiya Piyadassi had been ruling for eight years, the (country of the) Kalingas (present-day coastal Odisha) was conquered by him. One hundred and fifty thousand men wee deported, a hundred thousand were killed and many more died.
After that, now that (the country of) the Kalingas has been taken, Devanampiya (is devoted), to an intense study of Dhamma, to the love of Dhamma and to instructing (the people) in Dhamma. This is the repentance of Devanampiya on account of his conquest of the (country of the) Kalingas. For this consider very painful and deplorable by Devanampiya that, while one is conquering an unconquered (country) slaughter, death and deportation of people (take place) there.

(a) Who was called ‘Devanampiya Piyadassi’ ?
(i) Shah Jahan
(ii) Ashoka
(iii) Alauddin Khilji
(iv) Sidhartha
Ans. ii

(b) Devanampiya Piyadassi was from the :
Mauryan Dynasty
(ii) Mughal Dynasty
(iii) Khilji Dynasty
(iv) None of the above.
Ans. i

(c) After the war of Kalinga, Devanampiya Piyadassi devoted himself to intense study of:
(ii) Islamic traditions
(iii) Dhamma
(iv) None of the above.
Ans. iii

(d) The king  repented after the war of Kalinga because :
(i) it was very painful to him
(ii) he didn’t enjoyed the war
(iii) his father was killed in the war
(iv) None of the above.
Ans. i

Q.18. Read the following excerpt carefully and answer any three questions :    (3 Mark)

“British element is gone but they have left the mischief behind.”

Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel said: It is no use saying that we ask for separate electorates, because it is good for us. We have heard it long enough. We have heard it for years, and as a result of this agitation we are now a separate nation.... Can you show me one free country where there are separate electorates ? If so, I shall be prepared to accept it. But in this unfortunate country if this separate electorate is going to be persisted in, even after the division of the country, woe betide the country; it is this separate electorate is going to be persisted in, even after the division of the country, woe betide the country; it is not worth living in. Therefore, I say, it is not for my good alone, it is for your own good that I say it, forget the past.
One day, we may be united.... The British element is gone, but they have left the mischief behind. We do not want to perpetuate that mischief. (Hear, hear). When the British introduced this element they had not expected that they have to go so soon. They wanted it for their easy administration. That is all right. But they have left the legacy behind. Are we to get out of it or not?

(a) The above excerpt is taken from :
(i) Representations of 1857
(ii) Religious Histories : The Bhakti—Traditions
(iii) The Making of the Constitution
(iv) None of the above.
Ans. iii

(b) Separate electorate was considered as a mischief because in the name of giving representation to minorities and making the administration easy, Britishers :
Divided two major communities of India politically.
(ii) Supported the unity of India.
(iii) Left India.
(iv) None of the above.
Ans. i

(c) This policy of separate electorate separated the people on the basis of :
(ii) Religion
(iii) Nationality
(iv) None of the above.
Ans. ii

(d) Sardar Patel was urging for no separate electorates because it may harm the:
Rights of the Hindus
(ii) Rights of the Muslims
(iii) Political rights of the government
(iv) Unity of India
Ans. iv

Q.19. Study this extract of the Fifth Report and answer any three of the following questions:    (1+1+1 = 3)
Referring to the condition of Zamindars and the auction of lands, the Fifth Report stated: The revenue was not realised with punctuality, and lands to a considerable extent were periodically exposed to sale by auction. In the native year 1203, corresponding with 1796-97, the land advertised for sale comprehended a Jumma or assessment of Sicca Rupees 28,70,061, the extent of land actually sold bore a Jumma or assessment of 14,18,756, and the amount of purchase money Sicca Rupees 17,90,416. In 1204, corresponding with 1797-98, the land advertised was for Sicca Rupees 26,66,191, the quantity sold was for Sicca Rupees 22,74,076, and the purchase money Sicca Rupees 21,47,580. Among the defaulters were some of the oldest families of the country. Such were the Rajahs of Nuddea, Rajeshaye , Bishenpore (all districts of Bengal ) , … and others , the dismemberment of whose estates at the end of each succeeding year, threatened them with poverty and ruin, and in some instances presented difficulties to the revenue officers, in their efforts to preserve undiminished the amount of public assessment.
(a) Choose the correct option:
Assertion (A): Among the defaulters were some of the oldest families of the country.
Reason (R): The revenue was not realised with punctuality, and lands to a considerable extent were periodically exposed to sale by auction.
(i) Both A  and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
(ii) Both A  and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(iii) A is correct but R is wrong.
(iv) R is correct but A is wrong.
Ans. ii

(b) What are the Officials who wrote the Fifth Report trying to show through these figures?
(i) Maladministration, corruption and misrule by the East India Company Officials.(ii) Drawback of the System of Permanent Settlement.
(iii) Inefficiency in revenue collection.
(iv) Only (ii) and (iii)
Ans. i

(c) Long term generalisations from these figures of two years may lead to misinterpretation of the actual situation. How?
(i) As these were the years when Zamindars faced problems.
(ii) There could be exaggeration of facts.
(iii) Both (i) and (ii).
(iv) None of the above.
Ans. iii

(d) What do you think, according to this extract is the meaning of Jumma?
(i) The amount collected as land revenue.
(ii) The amount collected from the auction of the land.
(iii) The official assessment of land revenue.
(iv) All of the above.
Ans. iii


Q.20. The most unique feature of the Harappan civilization was the development of domestic architecture, substantiate the statement.    (3 Mark)
Ans. Development of domestic architecture :
(i) Lower Town at Mohenjadaro provides examples of residential buildings.
(ii) Many buildings had a courtyard with rooms around it.
(iii) The courtyard was probably the centre of activities such as cooking and weaving.
(iv) There were no windows in the walls along the ground level.
(v) The main entrance did not give a direct view of the interior or the courtyard, indicating a concern for privacy.
(vi) Every house had its own bathroom paved with bricks, with drains connected to the street drain.
(vii) In some houses, remains of staircases have been found to reach second storey or roof.
(viii) Many houses had wells also.

Q.21. Describe the accounts of foreign travellers about the city of Vijayanagara.    (3 Mark)
The accounts of foreign travellers about the city of Vijayanagara:
(i) Colonel Colin Machenzie—The ruins at Hampi were brought to light in 1800 by an Engineer and Antiquarian named Colonel Colin Mackenzie, and employee of the East India Company, he prepared the First survey map of the site.
(ii) Abdur Razzaq noted that fortification between the first, second and the third walls there were cultivated fields, gardens and houses.
(iii) Domingo panes observed : “From the first circuit of fortification the city there was a great distance, in which they sow rice and have many gardens and water, in which water comes from two lakes.
(iv) The sixteenth century Portuguese traveller Barbosa described the houses of ordinary people, which have not survived : “The other houses of the people were thatched, but nonetheless wellbuilt and arranged according to occupations, in long streets with many open places.

Q.22. Explain the provisions of the Subsidiary Alliance imposed on Awadh in 1801 by the British.    (3 Mark)
The British had long cherished to occupy and control Awadh. In 1857, Lord Dalhousie, the GovernorGeneral of India, had described the kingdom of Awadh as “A cherry that will drop into our mouth one day”. However, the British were able to annex Awadh to the British Empire in 1856. The first step towards the acquisition of Awadh was the imposition of the Subsidiary Alliance in 1801. It stipulated the following conditions on the Nawab:
(i) Nawab will have to disband his Military Force and permit the British to send and station their troops within the kingdom.
(ii) He will act in accordance with the advice of the British Resident and will enter into agreements with other rulers or engage in warfare only with the permission of the British.(iii) In other words, the Nawab had lost his independence and had become dependent on the British to maintain Law and Order within the kingdom. He had also lost his control over the rebellious Chiefs and Taluqdars.

Q.23. “Rumours circulate only when they resonate, with the deep fears and suspicion of the people’. How was this statement true in the context of the Revolt of 1857?    (3 Mark)
Rumours circulate only when they resonate with the deep fears and suspicion of the people:
(i) Foremost was the rumour of greased cartridges itself that infuriated the sepoys and became the final trigger of discontent.
(ii) The rumours about the British trying to pollute the religion of Indians by mixing the bone dust of cows and pigs into the flour led people to avoid touching the flour and bred animosity towards the British.
(iii) The rumour about the British rule coming to an end on the centenary to the Battle of Plassey also reinforced the call for the Revolt against the masters.
(iv) The people formed a connection between the recent British policies of introducing Western education and social reform that targeted cultural practices.
(v) The annexations on the pretext of the Doctrine of Lapse also made the masses suspicions of the British intentions.
(vi) Introduction of British system of administration, their own laws and land revenue collection.
(vii) The activities of the Christians Missionaries also bred doubt and discomfort.
(viii) Any other relevant point.


Q.24. Describe the administrative features of the Mauryan Empire.
The main features of Mauryan administration were :
(i) There were five important Political Centres in the Mauryan Empire : Patiliputra (the capital  city) and the provincial centres of Taxila, Ujjayini, Tosali and Suvarnagiri.
(ii) It was not possible for such a large Empire to have a uniform administrative system so historians believe that the administrative control was perhaps strongest in the capital and in provincial centres.
(iii) Communications along the land and riverine routes were developed to administer the Empire.
(iv) The army was an important tool for not only extending the territories of the Empire but also for administering them.
(v) Committees and sub-committees were formed for coordinating military activities. They looked after the navy, horses, chariots, elephants, recruiting soldiers and managing transport and food supplies for soldiers.
(vi) Ashoka held his Empire together by propagating the doctrine of Dhamma, whose Principles were simple and universally applicable. The doctrine propagated the ideas of peace, non-violence and respect towards elders. Dhamma mahamattas were appointed to spread the principles of Dhamma.
(vii) The last feature of the Mauryan Administration  is evident in the Ashokan inscriptions that we have studied. It is because Ashoka inscribed the main features of his policy of ‘Dhamma’. According to the inscriptions, he had also appointed Special Officers called Dhamma Mahamtras to spread Dhamma.

Explain the agricultural practices followed by the cultivators to increase productivity from 600 BCE to 600 CE.    (8 Mark)
Ans. In order to meet growing demand for taxes, cultivators took several steps to increase agricultural production.
(i) In fertile alluvial river valleys of Ganga and Kaveri where there is high rainfall, farmers began using iron-tipped ploughshares to turn the soil.
(ii) Hoe agriculture prevailed in the hilly tracts of Central and North-eastern parts of the Subcontinent.
(iii) Labour-intensive transplanation process was used to dramatically increase paddy production in the Ganga Valley.
(iv) In this process, seeds were first broadcast and saplings were allowed to grow. These saplings were then plucked and transplanted in water-logged fields, resulting in a higher survival ratio of saplings and larger yields.
(v) Arable land in the outskirts of villages was proportioned among small farmers for cultivating rice and threshing.
(vi) Wells and tanks were used for irrigation.
(vii) Sometimes, even canals were built for irrigation.
(viii) Construction of irrigation works were organised by communities as well as individuals.

Q.25. How were the ideals of Sulh-i-kul implemented through State Policies? Explain.
Ans. Sulh-i-kul Policy of Akbar :
(i) His Empire comprised of many different ethnic and religious communities–Hindus Jainas Zoroastrians and Muslims.
(ii) As the source of all peace and stability the Emperor stood above all religious and ethnic groups mediated among them and ensured that justice and peace.
(iii) In Sulh-i-kul all religions and schools of thought that freedom of expression.
(iv) The ideal of Sulh-i-kul was implemented through State Policies.
(v) The Nobility under the Mughals was a composite one comprising Iranis, Turanis, Afghans, Rajputs, Deccan, etc.
(vi) Akbar abolished the Tax on Pilgrimage in 1563 and Jizya in 1564 as the two were based on religious discrimination.
(vii) Instructions were sent to officers of the Empire to follow the precept of Sulh-i-kul in Administration.
(viii) All Mughal Emperors gave grants to support the building and maintenance of places of worship and maintenance.

Akbar consciously made Persian the leading language of the Mughal Court. Justify the statement with the efforts made by him.    (8 Mark)
Ans. Akbar consciously made Persian the leading language of the Mughal court :
(i) Mughals had cultural and intellectual contacts with Iran.
(ii) Persian was used in the Court of Iran.
(iii) Iranians and Central Asian migrants sought positions in the Mughal Courts.
(iv) Persian was elevated to a language of the Mughal Empire.
(v) The use of Persian language became a symbol of power and prestige.
(vi) It was the language of the elite.
(vii) It was spoken by the King and Royal Household.
(viii) It was language of the administration at all levels.
(ix) Official histories were written in Persian e.g. Akbarnama etc.
(x) Persian became Indianised by absorbing from Indiana languages.
(xi)  Urdu sprang from Persian.
(xii)  Many texts were translated into Persian e.g., Baburnama, Mahabharata etc.

Q.26. Describe the role of Gandhiji as peoples’ leader from 1917–1922.
Ans. The peasant involvement in Afro-Asian Nationalist Movements created a great problem. From 1917 to 1922 M.K. Gandhi did a lot of work for the Indian Peasants. He participated in rural work for social reform and the rectified particular peasant grievances, and then started passive resistance campaigns on continental issues for Mother India which had no specifically rural appeal. ‘India’s peasants’ were no monolithic group is the fact that is signified here. They different from area to area in economic and social position and were further divided by the ties of religion, tribe and caste, sex, colour, etc. Consequently the nature and range of their wider public awareness varied, and their relationships with Gandhi were diverse and became more complicated. In certain areas he gathered wide support,  even adulation, particularly in those places where he campaigned on local grievances. Peasant activists were sometimes out of Gandhi’s control and this became a threat to cohesion and discipline which made him very uncertain towards wide rural participation.

“The worst is over but Indians need to work collectively for the equality of all classes and creeds.” Substantiate the statement of Gandhiji for bringing communal peace after the partition of India.    (8 Mark)
Ans. The worst is over but Indians need to work collectively for the equality of all classes and creeds:
(a) On 26th Jan 1948, Gandhiji spoke these words at a prayer meeting.
(b) He had the hope that geographically and politically India was divided into two but the people will remain friends and brothers forever and respect and help each other.
(c) The months after Independence was called as the finest hour of Gandhiji by many scholars.
(d) He went to the riot ridden areas of bengal, Calcutta and Delhi.
(e) His meetings were disrupted by angry refugees.
(f) Gandhi was concerned about minorities in India as well as Pakistan.
(g) He appealed to the Sikhs, the Hindus and the Muslims to forget their past and live in peace.
(h) Due to the initiative of Gandhiji and Nehru, the Rights of Minorities Resolution was passed by  the Congress.
(i) Gandhiji was a one man army in his efforts to restore communal harmony.
(j) Gandhiji believed that peoples hearts could be changed with Non-Violence.
(k) Gandhiji came to Delhi is Sep 1947 and addressed the Sikhs at Sisganj Gurudwara to bring peace. Gandhiji started a fast to bring about a change in the hearts of people.

Detailed Answer:
Mahatma Gandhi was not present at the festivities in the capital on 15th August, 1947. He was in Calcutta, but he did not attend any function or hoist a flag there. He “appealed to the Sikhs, the Hindus and the Muslims to forget the past and not to dwell on their sufferings but to extent the right hand of fellowship to each other, and to determine to live in peace”. At the initiative of Gandhi, India remained a democratic secular State where all citizens enjoy full rights and are equally entitled to the protection of the state, irrespective of the religion to which they belong. After working to bring peace to Bengal, Gandhi shifted to move on the the riot-torn districts of Punjab. He was equally concerned with the sufferings of the minority community in Pakistan. He trusted that “the worst is over” that Indians would henceforth work collectively for the “equality of all classes and creeds, never the domination and superiority of the major community over a minor, however insignificant it may be in numbers or influence”. Gandhi had fought a lifelong battle for a free and United India. When the country was divided, he urged that the two parts respect and befriend one another.


Q.27. Read the following source carefully and answer the questions that follow:    1+2+2=5

The most ancient system yet discovered

About the drains, Mackay noted: “It is certainly the most complete ancient system as yet discovered.” Every house was connected to the street drains. The main channels were made of bricks set in mortar and were covered with loose bricks that could be removed for cleaning. In some cases, limestone was used for the covers. House  drains first emptied into a sump or cesspit into which solid matter settled while wastewater flowed out into the street drains. Very long drainage channels were provided at intervals with sumps for cleaning. It is a wonder of archaeology that “little  heaps of material, mostly sand, have frequently been found lying alongside drainage channels, which shows … that the debris was not always carted away when the drain was cleared”. FROM ERNEST MACKAY, Early Indus Civilisation, 1948.
1. Enumerate one reason, why, Mackay states that” it is certainly the most complete ancient systems yet discovered”
2. Define the term’ grid pattern’ of the Lower town and state one of its features.
3. Describe the features of the domestic drainage system.
1. It is the most complete ancient system, since, it is :
(i) Carefully planned drainage system.
2. Grid pattern means:
(i) Roads and streets, intersecting at right angles.
(ii) Streets with drains were laid out first and then houses built along them.
(iii) Every house needed to have at least one wall along a street. (Any one point)
3. The features of the domestic drainage system were :
(i) Every house had its own bathroom paved with bricks.
(ii) Drains connected through the wall to the street drains.

Q.28. Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow : 1 + 2 + 2 = 5

“Tomorrow we shall break the salt tax law”

On 5 April, 1930, Mahatma Gandhi spoke at Dandi:
When I left Sabarmati with my companions for this seaside hamlet of Dandi, I was not certain in my mind that we would be allowed to reach this place. Even while I was at Sabarmati there was a rumour that I might be arrested. I had thought that the Government might perhaps let my party come as far as Dandi, but not me certainly. If someone says that this betrays imperfect faith on my part, I shall not deny the charge. That I have reached here is in no small measure due to the power of peace and non-violence : that power is universally felt. the government may, if it wishes, congratulate itself on acting as it has done, for it could have arrested every one of us. Instead saying that it did not have the courage to arrest this army of peace, we praise it. It felt ashamed to arrest such an army. He is a civilised man who feels ashamed to do anything which his neighbours would disapprove. The Government deserves to be congratulated on not arresting us, even if it desisted only from fear of world opinion.
Tomorrow we shall break the salt tax law. Whether the Government will tolerate that is a different question. It may not tolerate it, but it deserves congratulations on the patience and forbearance it has displayed in regard to this party. What if I and all the eminent leaders in Gujarat and in the rest of the country are arrested ? This movement is based on the faith that when a whole nation is roused and on the march no leader is necessary.
1. What were the apprehensions of Mahatma Gandhi when he started his Dandi March ?
2. Why did Gandhiji say that the Government deserved appreciation ?
3. Why was the ‘Salt March’ very significant ?
Ans. 1. Gandhiji was apprehensive that he might not be allowed to reach Dandi. Government might perhaps let the party come to Dandi, but not Gandhi.
— He will be arrested on the way.
2. Government displayed patience and forbearance and allowed Gandhi to reach Dandi.
— That is why Mahatma Gandhi said that the Government deserved to be congratulated on not arresting, even if it desisted only from fear of World opinion.
3. Salt March was significant because :
— It brought Mahatma Gandhi into limelight and attracted the World’s attention.
— In this Movement women also participated.
— It forced the British to think that their British Raj will not continue further.
— Mahatma Gandhi mobilised a wider discontent against the British rule. The whole Nation was roused.

Q.29. read the following paragraph carefully and answer the questions that follows :

“the real minorities are the masses of this country”

Accepting Objectives Resolution introduced by Jawaharlal Nehru, N.G. Ranga said : Sir, there is a lot to talk about minorities. Who are the real minorities ? Not the Hindus in the so-called Pakistan provinces. These people are so depressed, oppressed and suppressed that they are not able to take advantage of the ordinary civil rights. What is the position ? You go to the tribal areas. According to law, their own traditional law, their tribal law, their lands cannot be alienated. Yet our merchants go there and in so called free market, they are able to snatch their lands. Thus, even though the law goes against this snatching away of their lands, still the merchants are able to turn the tribal people into veritable slaves by various kinds of bonds, and make them hereditary bonds slaves. Let us go to the ordinary villagers. There goes the moneylender with his money and he is able to get the villagers in his packet. There is the landlord himself, the Zamindar, and the Malguzar. There are various other people who are able to exploit these poor villagers. There is no elementary education even among these people. These are the real minorities that need protection and assurances of protection. In order to give them the necessary protection, we will need much more than this Resolution.
1. On which aspect did N.G. ranga draw attention ?    (1 Mark)
2. what type of problems did the ordinary villagers face ?    (2 Mark)
3. what kind of protection was needed for the real minorities ?    (2 Mark)

1. N.G. Ranga had drawn attention on minorities in economic terms who were poor and downtrodden. He felt that these people were so depressed and suppressed that they were not even able to take advantage of their civil rights. The tribal people were considered real minorities, so, they needed protection and assurances.
2. The ordinary villagers had problems with the merchants and moneylenders who took away their lands. The merchants were able to turn the tribal people into veritable slaves and compelled them to sign various kinds of bonds, made them hereditary bond-slaves. The Zamindars, Malguzars and others exploited these minorities and they had no elementary educational facilities.
3. Protection and assurance was needed for the real minorities. Minorities needed elementary education, legal protection, granting them special rights over their lands and by giving them advantage of civil rights.


Q.30. 1. On the given political outline map of India. Locate & Label the following.
(a) Kotdiji Or Rangpur    (1 Mark)
(b) Rakhigadi Or Mitathal    (1 Mark)
(c) Nageshwar    (1 Mark)

2. On the same map three place, where Ashokan Rock Inscriptions have been found, are marked as 1 & 2. Identify them and write correct names on the map.    (2 Mark)History: CBSE Sample Question Paper (2020-21) - 3 | History Class 12 - Humanities/Arts

Ans. (1) and (2)History: CBSE Sample Question Paper (2020-21) - 3 | History Class 12 - Humanities/Arts

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FAQs on History: CBSE Sample Question Paper (2020-21) - 3 - History Class 12 - Humanities/Arts

1. What is the significance of breaking the salt tax law in history?
Ans. Breaking the salt tax law holds great significance in history as it was one of the pivotal events during the Indian independence movement led by Mahatma Gandhi. The act of breaking the law symbolized civil disobedience and nonviolent resistance against British colonial rule in India.
2. How did the salt tax law impact the Indian population?
Ans. The salt tax law imposed by the British colonial government in India had a profound impact on the Indian population. It made salt, an essential commodity, expensive and unaffordable for the common people, leading to widespread discontent and economic hardship.
3. What were the consequences of breaking the salt tax law?
Ans. Breaking the salt tax law resulted in various consequences. It sparked a wave of protests and acts of civil disobedience throughout the country. Thousands of people participated in the historic Salt March led by Mahatma Gandhi, which gained international attention and fueled the Indian independence movement.
4. How did the salt tax law contribute to the Indian independence movement?
Ans. The salt tax law played a significant role in fueling the Indian independence movement. It served as a rallying point for the masses to unite against British colonial oppression. The act of breaking the law challenged the authority of the British government and showcased the power of nonviolent resistance in achieving political goals.
5. How did the salt tax law impact the British rule in India?
Ans. The salt tax law and the subsequent acts of civil disobedience had a profound impact on the British rule in India. It exposed the repressive nature of British colonial governance and led to a loss of legitimacy for the British government. The widespread protests and public support for breaking the law forced the British to reconsider their policies and ultimately contributed to India's independence in 1947.
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History: CBSE Sample Question Paper (2020-21) - 3 | History Class 12 - Humanities/Arts
