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How to Prepare Maths for JEE? | Mock Tests for JEE Main and Advanced 2025 PDF Download

JEE 2021: Step by Step Guide for learning Maths

How to Prepare Maths for JEE? | Mock Tests for JEE Main and Advanced 2025

  • Mathematics is the most scoring of all the three subjects being asked in the JEE Main 2021 exam. It is a subject that is based on calculations and formulae. However, there is a properly prescribed syllabus for JEE Main Maths which is vast even if it is mostly similar to Class XII syllabus. 
  • With the help of JEE Main 2021 preparation tips for maths, it would be easier for you to prepare well. Preparation tips for Maths for JEE Main 2021 will help you to have a clear idea of what are the must-read topics, important books to refer and much more.
  • A word of caution here would be that all topics are important for JEE Main. IIT JEE Mains Maths Syllabus is a perfect blend of easy and difficult topics. Some topics like probability, trigonometry, differential calculus, circles and straight lines in coordinate geometry, permutations and combinations in algebra are always easy to Crack in IIT JEE.

Preparation tips to help you achieve your goals:

1. Study with a Plan:

Planning is as important as executing the plan. If you do not have a plan, you won’t know the direction to proceed in. Make a list of tasks that you’ll accomplish each day. The list can contain the topics that you have to study, the questions that you have to solve etc.

The initial step in this planning should be analysing your syllabus and knowing which topics to study first and so on.

You should also make a tentative schedule for the day by deciding the amount of time that you will devote to each task on your to-do list. Try to stick to this schedule as much as you can, even if some days it doesn’t work out exactly the way you wanted it to.

2. Prepare Smartly:

Smart work is as important as hard work. You may study all day but still not end up being productive. Why? This could be because your mind is not fresh all the time and needs breaks. If you push yourself to the limits and study one thing for the whole day, your efficiency will decrease gradually, and you may not be productive at all. One should make a schedule in such a way that it includes enough breaks which improves your retaining power for the concepts. Study for a certain amount of time and then take a break for sometime so that you do not pressurise your mind with all the concepts in one go.

3. Study and make formula Sheets:

Knowing formulae in Mathematics can be a big plus point for any Math exam.  Therefore, it is all the more important that you understand all the formulas in probability, geometry and trigonometry. Again, knowing the important formulas in calculus will help you enormously.

You should revise the applications of differential equations and geometry. This applies for properties of definite integrals and results of algebraic calculations of properties of conics. A thorough revision of these applications should be done before you attempt IIT JEE.

Prepare a list of formulae:  Formulae are very important in mathematics. So if you think you might have trouble remembering all of them, you can create a table including the topics and formulas from all the chapters. You should go through it every day. Over a period of time, you will be able to remember all the formulae. Ideally, morning is the best time for revising the formulae.

4. Manage your time efficiently:

You have to show your skills in managing your board exams along with your preparation for JEE Main 2021. You can’t compromise with either one of them.

Manage your books, schedule and time such that you get the best out of it all with a seat at the IITs or the NITs.

5. Build your basics and learn from Right Content:

  • Start by studying from NCERT Textbooks as experts say the best books to start with preparation are the NCERT books not only for maths but for all the three subjects as they are the basic books that cover your Class XII syllabus and form the foundation for the JEE Main Syllabus.
  • All the important topics covered in NCERT books are in easy and understandable language.
  • It is important to study from a book that explains the theory really well and solve problems from a book that has a collection of good quality problems.
  • If you’re solving problems from a good book, solve all the problems of the topic that you are solving from the same book.

6. Attempt Practice Tests and Mock Tests:

Solving two to three mock questions papers will help you a lot as it will help you manage your time better and get your rhythm going. But, don’t overburden yourself as you have two other subjects as well. You should give adequate time to all.

7. Test with Previous Year Question Papers:

Once you study a topic and practice its problems from a good book, you should try solving the questions that actually appeared in JEE Main exams in previous years. Solving past years questions is important as it would help you to get a flavour of the type and the difficulty level of the questions actually asked in the JEE Main exam. Whenever you study tips for JEE Main Maths, you will know that solving past question papers is an important tip that you can’t ignore. This way you also get an overview of what the JEE Main Maths questions are likely to be. You won’t feel strange when you attempt the entrance for the first time. You will have a sense of already attempted and this boosts your morale too.

8. Revision is the key:

  • Revising your concepts is a very essential part of the whole JEE Mains preparation process.
  • When you have at least two to three months for the entrance, you should have completed everything in the syllabus and start revising. This will ensure that you have enough time to revise and get more confident with the subject. It is one of the most scoring subjects of the three. Practising every day without a default will give you the edge.

Maths Topics for JEE Mains:

  1. Conic Section,
  2. Probability,
  3. Definite Integration,
  4. Vector & 3D Geometry,
  5. Permutations & Combinations,
  6. Quadratic Equation,
  7. Differential Equation,
  8. Complex Numbers,
  9. Calculus; Definite Integral in Calculus,
  10. Sequences and series,
  11. Determinants,
  12. Coordinate Geometry; Matrices in Algebra: Circle, Parabola, Hyperbola in Coordinate Geometry,
  13. Application of Derivatives,
  14. Functions, Limits, Continuity & Differentiability.

Mathematics Paper for JEE Main 2020 Analysis:

The following shows the weightages of topics asked in the JEE Main Maths 2019 exam:

How to Prepare Maths for JEE? | Mock Tests for JEE Main and Advanced 2025

Topic Wise Preparation for JEE Main Maths:

There are total 16 units in JEE Main Syllabus for Maths but not all carry the same weightage. Some of the units are more important than others and must be given more importance, time and practice.

Important Topics for JEE Mains Maths Preparation:





3-D Geometry



Probability and Statistics



Vector Algebra




8% (Definite + Indefinite integration)


Complex Numbers






Trigonometric Ratios


Easy and Scoring Topics: 





Applications of Derivative



Limit and Continuity



Matrices and Determinants



Straight Lines and Pair of Straight Lines


JEE Main Maths Books:

  1. Class XI & XII- NCERT,
  2. Class XI & XII - R.D. Sharma,
  3. Trigonometry; 103 Trigonometry Problems by Titu Andreescu & Zuming Feng       S.L.Loney, Titu Andreescu & Zuming Feng,
  4. Coordinate Geometry - S.L.Loney,
  5. Higher Algebra - Hall Knight Bernard-child,
  6. Problems in Calculus of One Variable Algebra - I.A.Maron,
  7. Algebra - Arihant,
  8. Differential Calculus - Arihant,
  9. Integral Calculus - Arihant,
  10. Complete Mathematics for JEE Main - Tata McGraw Hill (TMH),
  11. New Pattern Mathematics for JEE Main/Advanced - Arihant Publications.

Syllabus with Chapter-wise Weightage:

How to Prepare Maths for JEE? | Mock Tests for JEE Main and Advanced 2025

Similarly, here are the preparation tips and tricks for Chemistry and Maths for JEE:

How to Prepare for JEE Physics? 

How to Prepare for JEE Chemistry 

The document How to Prepare Maths for JEE? | Mock Tests for JEE Main and Advanced 2025 is a part of the JEE Course Mock Tests for JEE Main and Advanced 2025.
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FAQs on How to Prepare Maths for JEE? - Mock Tests for JEE Main and Advanced 2025

1. What are some effective preparation tips for learning Maths for JEE 2021?
Ans. Some effective preparation tips for learning Maths for JEE 2021 are: 1. Understand the basic concepts and fundamentals thoroughly. 2. Practice regularly and solve as many sample papers and mock tests as possible. 3. Focus on weaker areas and work on improving them. 4. Time management is crucial, so make sure to allocate enough time for each topic. 5. Stay calm and confident during the exam.
2. What are the important Maths topics for JEE Mains?
Ans. The important Maths topics for JEE Mains are: 1. Algebra 2. Trigonometry 3. Coordinate Geometry 4. Calculus 5. Differential Equations 6. Vector Algebra 7. Probability and Statistics
3. What is the weightage of each chapter in the Maths syllabus for JEE Main?
Ans. The weightage of each chapter in the Maths syllabus for JEE Main is as follows: 1. Sets, Relations, and Functions - 3-4% 2. Limits, Continuity, and Differentiability - 10-12% 3. Integral Calculus - 12-14% 4. Differential Equations - 5-6% 5. Coordinate Geometry - 15-20% 6. Three-Dimensional Geometry - 6-8% 7. Vector Algebra - 6-8% 8. Statistics and Probability - 8-10% 9. Trigonometry - 3-4% 10. Mathematical Reasoning - 2-3% 11. Algebra - 20-25% 12. Matrices and Determinants - 4-6%
4. What are some recommended Maths books for JEE Main preparation?
Ans. Some recommended Maths books for JEE Main preparation are: 1. NCERT Maths books for Class 11 and 12 2. RD Sharma's Mathematics for Class 11 and 12 3. Cengage Mathematics for JEE Main 4. Arihant's Skills in Mathematics for JEE Main and Advanced 5. Tata McGraw Hill's Complete Mathematics for JEE Main
5. What was the analysis of the Mathematics paper in JEE Main 2020?
Ans. The Mathematics paper in JEE Main 2020 was moderately difficult and had a mix of easy, moderate, and difficult questions. The paper had a total of 25 questions, out of which 20 were multiple-choice questions and 5 were numerical-based questions. The paper had questions from all the important topics in Maths and tested the students' understanding and application of concepts. The cut-off for the Mathematics paper in JEE Main 2020 was 25-30 marks.
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How to Prepare Maths for JEE? | Mock Tests for JEE Main and Advanced 2025


How to Prepare Maths for JEE? | Mock Tests for JEE Main and Advanced 2025


