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Why students choose EduRev for their JEE Exam
4.6 (150K+ ratings)

What is IIT JEE Exam?

The Indian Institutes of Technology Joint Entrance Examination (IIT JEE) is a competitive examination in India for admission to undergraduate engineering and technology programs at the IITs, NITs &other prestigious engineering institutes in India. The exam is widely considered to be one of the most difficult undergraduate admission tests in the world. 

What is IIT JEE Exam Pattern & Syllabus?

The JEE is conducted in two stages: JEE Main and JEE Advanced.  Questions in both stages of exams are asked from Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics of Class 11 and Class 12 curriculum of the CBSE in India.

  • IIT JEE Main Syllabus & Pattern
    IIT- JEE Main Paper is the first stage of the JEE and is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA). In Paper 1 of (B.E./B.Tech.) each section contains 30 MCQs, for a total of 90 questions. 
  • IIT JEE Advanced Syllabus & Pattern  
    Jee advanced paper is the second stage of the JEE  and is only open to candidates who rank within the top 2,50,000 in JEE Main. JEE Advanced consists of two papers: Paper 1 and Paper 2.

Each section contains 20 multiple-choice questions, for a total of 60 questions.

Check in detail IIT JEE Mains & Advanced syllabus through the doc: JEE Syllabus, Pattern and Scheme of Examination

How to Prepare for IIT JEE Mains & IIT JEE Advanced with EduRev App?

Here is a list of things that EduRev App provides, which gives you the right direction and makes sure that you study what actually matters for your JEE Mains 2023 and JEE Advanced 2023 Preparation.

1. IIT JEE Main Study Material

2. IIT JEE Advanced Study Material 


Important Links for IIT JEE

Physics For JEE

Chemistry for JEE

Mathematics For JEE

JEE Main & Advanced Mock Test Series

How to prepare for JEE

JEE Bible: 10 Steps to Clear JEE Exam

NCERT Exemplar & Revision Notes for JEE

HC Verma and Irodov Solutions

Subject-Wise Mind Maps for Class 11

Subject-Wise Mind Maps for Class 12

DC Pandey Solutions for JEE Physics

DPP: Daily Practice Problems for JEE

JEE Revision Notes

PPTs for JEE Preparation

Physics 35 Years JEE Main & Advanced Past year Papers

Maths 35 Years JEE Main & Advanced Past year Papers

Chemistry 35 Years JEE Main & Advanced Past year Papers

I. E. Irodov Solutions for Physics Class 11 & Class 12

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for IIT JEE Exam

Q.1. How can I prepare for IIT JEE exam?

You can prepare for IIT JEE Exam through EduRev Infinity Package for IIT JEE.

  • EduRev Infinity Package for IIT JEE is a comprehensive learning package for students preparing for the IIT JEE Exam. The package includes video lectures, study notes, practice questions, mock tests, previous year papers, and many other resources to help you prepare for the IIT JEE exam in a great manner.
  • Create a schedule that covers all necessary topics, Practice with past papers, Take EduRev's online test series, Stay focused and motivated, Read in detail: How to Prepare for JEE

Q.2. Is IIT JEE difficult? Can I crack JEE in 1st attempt?

  • IIT JEE is considered to be a highly competitive and difficult exam, due to the level of knowledge and skills required to excel in it. It tests the knowledge of students in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, and the questions are designed to challenge the students to think critically and apply their knowledge to solve problems. However, with proper preparation and the right approach, it is definitely possible to do well in the exam.
  • Cracking the JEE in the first attempt is definitely possible, but it depends on several factors such as your dedication, hard work, and the approach you take to prepare for the exam. It is possible to crack JEE in first attempt with proper preparation, study plan, practice and focus. It also depends on individual ability to perform on the exam day.

Q.3. Is 1 year enough for IIT JEE preparation?

  • It depends on the individual's current level of knowledge and skills, as well as the amount of time and effort they are willing to put in. 
  • While some students may be able to prepare for the IIT JEE in one year, others may require more time. A comprehensive study plan and consistent effort are crucial for success on the IIT JEE.

Q.4. From where can I get IIT JEE Questions & Study Material?

  • You can get IIT JEE Questions & Study Material through EduRev app. Candidates can go through the study material provided by EduRev app that contains everything that actually matters for your JEE Mains and Advanced Preparation.
  • With tried and tested tricks, cracking JEE would become an easy task. Go through the course How to Prepare for JEE to know about the strategy to crack the exam.

Q.5. Who is eligible to appear for JEE Advanced Paper and what is the JEE Advanced cut off ?

The top 2,50,000 candidates who qualified for JEE Main are eligible to apply and write the JEE Advanced exam. The cut-off for JEE Advanced varies year on year depending on various factors like number of applicants, marks scored in JEE advanced, etc. So there is no fixed cut-off as such.

Q.6. Tell me something about JEE Main Registration and JEE Main Result.

  • JEE Main registration is a process that candidates must complete in order to be able to take the JEE Main exam. During the registration process, candidates must provide personal and academic information, upload necessary documents, and pay the registration fee.
  • JEE Main Result: After the JEE Main exam is completed, the NTA releases the results on its official website. Candidates can check their results by logging in with their registration number and date of birth.
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