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JEE Syllabus, Pattern, and Scheme of Examination | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced PDF Download

What is JEE Main Exam?

  • The National Testing Agency (NTA) administers the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main to facilitate entry into B.E, B. Tech, B. Arch, and B. Planning programs at esteemed institutions nationwide. 
  • Successful candidates gain access to top-tier institutes. 
  • Additionally, JEE Main serves as the qualifying examination for JEE (Advanced), a prerequisite for admission to the prestigious IITs
  • In the JEE Main 2025 exam, Paper 1 is dedicated to B. Tech/B.E courses, while Paper 2 comprises two segments - 2A for B.Arch programs and 2B for B.Plan courses. 

JEE Syllabus, Pattern, and Scheme of Examination | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Main Exam Pattern for B. Tech/ B.E. (Paper 1)

  • JEE Main Exam is conducted in an online format and is divided into two sections for each subject: Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) in Section A and Numerical Answer Type Questions in Section B. 
  • The time allotted for JEE Main exam Paper 1 is 3 hours, with an extended duration of 4 hours for Persons with Disabilities (PwD) candidates. 
  • Section A includes 20 compulsory questions from each subject. 
    JEE Syllabus, Pattern, and Scheme of Examination | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced
  • Section B presents 5 questions, from each subject whose answers are to be filled as a numerical value.

JEE Syllabus, Pattern, and Scheme of Examination | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

  • So, Total number of questions to be answered in 3 hours is 60.

JEE Main Exam Pattern for B. Arch and B. Plan (Paper 2)

The structure of JEE Main exam Paper 2 varies for B. Arch and B. Planning, yet both papers allow 3 hours.

1. B. Arch (Paper 2A)

For B. Arch (Paper 2A), the exam is conducted in a combination of online and offline modes. The Aptitude and Mathematics sections are held online, while the Art or Structure Drawing test is in pen and paper or offline mode.
  • The Drawing section comprises only 2 questions, evaluating candidates' drawing skills.
    JEE Syllabus, Pattern, and Scheme of Examination | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced
  • The Mathematics section consists of 20 MCQs and 5 numerical questions.

JEE Syllabus, Pattern, and Scheme of Examination | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

  • The Aptitude Test consists of 50 MCQs. Only one Out of four options is the best answer.
    JEE Syllabus, Pattern, and Scheme of Examination | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced
Here's a detailed breakdown of the subject-wise distribution of marks for B.Arch in the JEE Main exam pattern:
  • Paper 2A: B.Arch 
  • Subjects: Mathematics, Aptitude and Drawing
  • Number of Questions: 77
  • Total Marks: 400
    JEE Syllabus, Pattern, and Scheme of Examination | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

2. B. Plan (Paper 2B)

On the other hand, for B. Plan (Paper 2B), the exam is entirely conducted online. The questions cover three subjects: Mathematics,  Aptitude and Planning Based Questions.

JEE Syllabus, Pattern, and Scheme of Examination | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

  • B.PLan Exam includes 25 MCQs in Planning Based Questions, and the Mathematics section comprises 20 MCQs and 5 numerical questions. Additionally, the Aptitude section consists of 50 questions.
Here's a detailed breakdown of the subject-wise distribution of marks for B.Plan in the JEE Main exam pattern:

JEE Syllabus, Pattern, and Scheme of Examination | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

  • Paper 2B: B.Planning
  • Subjects: Mathematics, General Aptitude, and Planning
  • Number of Questions: 100
  • Total Marks: 400

Marking Scheme for BE/B. Tech & B. Arch/B. Plan 

Paper 1 (BE/B. Tech): 

  • The JEE Main exam Paper 1 carries a total of 300 marks
  • Each correct response of both MCQs and Numerical Answer Type Questions give you 4 marks, while a wrong response results in a deduction of 1 mark. 
  • No marks are subtracted for unanswered questions. In the Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry sections combined, a maximum of 100 marks is allocated for all 25 questions. 

JEE Syllabus, Pattern, and Scheme of Examination | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

Paper 2 (B. Arch/B. Planning): 

  • JEE Main exam Paper 2 has a total of 800 marks, divided equally into 400 marks each for B.Arch (2A) and B. Plan (2B). 
  • A correct response earns 4 marks, while an incorrect response results in a deduction of 1 mark. Unattempted questions do not incur any mark deductions. 
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Paper 2A (B. Arch):

  • In the drawing section, each of the 2 drawing questions has the potential to earn a maximum of 50 marks, totaling 100 marks. 
  • In the Mathematics section, candidates can accumulate a maximum of 100 marks by attempting 25 questions out of the 30 available, with each question worth 4 marks. 
  • The Aptitude section offers a maximum of 200 marks, with 4 marks awarded for each of the 50 questions.

Paper 2B (B.Plan):

  • In the planning-based section, each of the 25 questions carries a value of 4 marks, resulting in a total of 100 marks. 
  • Similarly, in the Mathematics section, candidates can earn a maximum of 100 marks by receiving 4 marks for each of the 25 questions. 
  • The Aptitude section allows for a total of 200 marks, with 4 marks awarded for each of the 50 questions.  

Syllabus for JEE

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Syllabus for JEE (Main) Paper 2A (B.Arch.) - Mathematics, Aptitude Test and Drawing Test 


Same as above


  • UNIT - 1: Awareness of persons, Buildings, Materials, Objects and Textures related to Architecture andBuild-environment, Visualizing three-dimensional objects from two-dimensional drawings.Visualizing different sidesof three-dimensional objects, Analytical Reasoning Mental Ability (Visual, Numerical and Verbal) 
  • UNIT – 2: Three dimensional- perception: Understanding and appreciation of scale and proportions of objects,building forms and elements, colour texture harmony and contrast Design and drawing of geometrical orabstract shapes and patterns in pencil. Transformation of forms both 2D and 3D union, subtractionrotation,development of surfaces and volumes, Generation of plans, elevations and 3D views of objects, creatingtwo-dimensional and three-dimensional compositions using given shapes and forms.


Sketching of scenes and activities from memory of urbanscape (public space, market, festivals, street scenes, monuments, recreational spaces, etc.). landscape (riverfronts. Jungle. Gardens, trees. Plants, etc.)and rural life. 
To be conducted in a Drawing sheet. 
Note: Candidates are advised to bring pencils, own geometry box set, crasets and colour pencils andcrayons for the Drawing Test.

Syllabus for JEE (Main) Paper 2B (B.Planning) - Mathematics, Aptitude Test and Planning 


Same as above


  • UNIT - 1: Awareness of persons, Buildings, Materials, Objects and Textures related to Architecture andBuild-environment, Visualizing three-dimensional objects from two-dimensional drawings.Visualizing different sidesof three-dimensional objects, Analytical Reasoning Mental Ability (Visual, Numerical and Verbal) 
  • UNIT – 2: Three dimensional- perception: Understanding and appreciation of scale and proportions of objects,building forms and elements, colour texture harmony and contrast Design and drawing of geometrical orabstract shapes and patterns in pencil. Transformation of forms both 2D and 3D union, subtractionrotation,development of surfaces and volumes, Generation of plans, elevations and 3D views of objects, creatingtwo-dimensional and three-dimensional compositions using given shapes and forms.


  • UNIT-1: GENERAL AWARENESS. General knowledge questions and knowledge about prominent cities, development issues, governmentprograms etc. 
  • UNIT-2: SOCIAL SCIENCES. The idea of nationalism, nationalism in India, pre-modern world, 19 th-century global economy, colonialismandcolonial cities, industrialization, resources and development, types of resources, agriculture, water, mineralresources, industries, national economy; Human Settlements. Power-sharing, federalism, political parties, democracy, the constitution of India. Economic development- economic sectors, globalization, the concept of development, poverty; Populationstructure, social exclusion and inequality, urbanization, rural development, colonial cities. 
  • UNIT-3: THINKING SKILLS Comprehension (unseen passage); map reading skills, scale, distance, direction, area etc.; critical reasoning;understanding of charts, graphs and tables; basic concepts of statistics and quantitative reasoning
The document JEE Syllabus, Pattern, and Scheme of Examination | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced is a part of the JEE Course Physics for JEE Main & Advanced.
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FAQs on JEE Syllabus, Pattern, and Scheme of Examination - Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

1. What is the JEE Main Exam, and why is it important?
Ans. The JEE Main Exam (Joint Entrance Examination Main) is a national-level entrance test in India conducted for admission to undergraduate engineering programs (B.E./B.Tech) in various colleges, including the National Institutes of Technology (NITs) and Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs). It is an essential gateway for students aspiring to pursue engineering careers, as performance in this exam determines eligibility for various engineering colleges across the country.
2. What is the exam pattern for JEE Main Paper 1 for B.Tech/B.E.?
Ans. JEE Main Paper 1 is conducted in a Computer-Based Test (CBT) format. The exam consists of 75 questions, with 25 questions each from Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Each question carries 4 marks, and there is a negative marking of 1 mark for each incorrect answer. The total score for Paper 1 is 300 marks, and the duration of the exam is 3 hours.
3. How is the exam pattern for JEE Main Paper 2 different for B.Arch and B.Planning?
Ans. JEE Main Paper 2 is designed for admission to B.Arch and B.Planning courses. It consists of three sections: Mathematics, General Aptitude, and Drawing. The exam has a total of 82 questions, with varying marks assigned to each section (Mathematics: 20 questions, General Aptitude: 50 questions, and Drawing: 2 questions). The total score for Paper 2 is 400 marks, and the exam lasts for 3 hours.
4. What is the marking scheme for JEE Main for B.E/B.Tech and B.Arch/B.Planning?
Ans. For JEE Main Paper 1 (B.E/B.Tech), each correct answer awards 4 marks, and 1 mark is deducted for each incorrect answer. Unattempted questions do not affect the score. For JEE Main Paper 2 (B.Arch/B.Planning), the marking scheme is similar for Mathematics and General Aptitude, while the Drawing section is evaluated based on the quality of the drawing and creativity, without a specific marking scheme.
5. What is included in the JEE Main syllabus?
Ans. The JEE Main syllabus is based on the NCERT curriculum for classes 11 and 12 and includes topics from Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Key subjects cover areas such as mechanics, thermodynamics, electrostatics, organic chemistry, calculus, algebra, and geometry. Students are advised to refer to the official JEE Main website for detailed syllabus guidance and updates.
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