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How to solve Facts, Judgement & Inferences questions? Video Lecture | Crash Course for XAT - CAT

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FAQs on How to solve Facts, Judgement & Inferences questions? Video Lecture - Crash Course for XAT - CAT

1. What are Facts, Judgement, and Inferences?
Ans. Facts, Judgement, and Inferences are three different types of information or statements that can be found in texts or articles. Facts are objective statements that can be proven to be true or false. Judgements are subjective statements that express an opinion or evaluation. Inferences are logical conclusions or interpretations based on available evidence.
2. How can I identify facts in a text?
Ans. To identify facts in a text, look for statements that can be proven to be true or false. Facts are usually based on concrete evidence, statistics, or established knowledge. They are not influenced by personal opinions or interpretations.
3. What is the difference between a judgement and an inference?
Ans. The main difference between a judgement and an inference is that a judgement is a subjective statement based on personal opinions or evaluations, while an inference is a logical conclusion drawn from available evidence or information. Judgements can vary among individuals, whereas inferences are based on objective reasoning.
4. How can I make accurate inferences from a text?
Ans. To make accurate inferences from a text, it is important to carefully analyze the available evidence and information. Look for clues, patterns, or connections within the text that can support your inference. Consider the context and the author's purpose or perspective to make logical and well-supported conclusions.
5. Why is it important to distinguish between facts, judgements, and inferences?
Ans. Distinguishing between facts, judgements, and inferences is important for critical thinking and understanding the content of a text. It helps to evaluate the reliability and credibility of information, differentiate between objective and subjective statements, and avoid making assumptions or misinterpretations. By recognizing the different types of information, one can develop a more objective and informed perspective.
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