It includes the brain and the spinal-cord. These are formed from the neural-tube which develops from the ectoderm after the gastrula stage of embryo.
Development of CNS :– It develops from neural tube in intrauterine life (I.U.L.). Anterior part of neural tube develops into brain while caudal part of neural tube develops into spinal cord.
Brain's approximately 70-80% part of brain develops in 2 year of age & complete development is achieved in 6 years of age & spinal cord develops completely in 4 to 5 years of age.
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Test: CNS ( Forebrain, Midbrain, Hindbrain)
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It is situated in cranial box which is made up of 1 frontal bone, 2 parietal bone, 2 temporal bone, 1 occipital bone. The weight of brain of an adult man is 1400 gm and of female is 1250 gm.
Brain is covered by three membranes of connective tissue termed as meninges or menix.
(1) Dura Mater
(2) Arachnoid
(3) Piamater
Sub Dural Space :– Space between duramater & arachnoid. It is filled with serous fluid.
Sub Arachnoid Space :– Space between Arachnoid & Piamater is filled with C.S.F. Cranial nerves also pass through this space
Meningitis : Any inflammation of menix is called as meningitis. It may be caused by viruses, bacteria or protozoa.
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The Human Brain
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Human brain divided into three parts –
(1) Fore brain – Cerebrum, Diencephalon.
(2) Mid brain – Optic lobes and Crura cerebrai.
(3) Hind Brain – Pons, Cerebellum, Medulla During embryonic stage, brain develops from three hollow vesicles –
Diencephalon :– It is small and posterior part of fore brain. It is covered by cerebrum. It consists of Thalamus, hypothalamus, Epithalamus & Metathalamus.
(i) Thalamus : It forms upper lateral walls of Diencephalon. It forms 80% part of Diencephalon. Gate keeper of brain.
It acts as a relay centre. It receives all sensory impulses from all part of body & these impulses are send to the cerebral cortex.
(ii) Hypothalamus : It forms lower or ventral part of Diencephalon.
A cross like structure is found on anterior surface of hypothalamus called as optic chiasma.
Pituitary body is attached to middle part of hypothalamus by infundibulum.
Corpus mamillare or Corpus albicans or mammillary body is found on the posterior part of hypothalamus. It is a character of mammalian brain.
Epithalamus – It forms the roof of diencephalon. Pineal body (Epiphysis cerebri) is found in epithalamus.
Metathalamus – It consists of medial geniculate body & lateral geniculate body. It is located in the floor of Diencephalon.
Mid brain – It is small & contracted part of brain. Anterior part of mid brain contains two longitudinal myelinated nerve fibres peduncles called Cerebral peduncles or crus cerebri or crura cerebri. On the posterior part of mid brain are found four spherical projection called colliculus or optic lobes. Four colliculus are collectively called as corpora quadrigemina (2 upper & 2 lower)..
Only 2 colliculus or optic lobes are found in mid brain of frog called as corpora bigemina.
Hind Brain : 3 Parts –
(1) Pons (2) Cerebellum (3) Medulla Oblongata (M.O.)
(1) Pons or Pons varolii : It is small spherical projection, which is situated below the midbrain & upper side of the M.O. It consists of many transverse & longitudinal nerve fibres. Transverse nerve fibres connect with cerebellum (Lateral lobes of cerebellum).
Longitudinal fibres connect cerebrum to M.O.
(2) Cerebellum : Made up of 3 lobe [2 lateral lobe & 1 vermis (divide in 9 segments)].
Both lateral lobes become enlarged & spherical in shape, so lateral lobe of cerebellum are also called as cerebellar hemisphere. Due to this reason, regulation & Coordination of voluntary muscle is more developed as compared to other animals.
In terminal part of vermis, one pair of flocculonodular lobes are found. These continue in the form of flocculus. Three cerebellar peduncle are formed, superior cerebellar peduncle attach with mid brain.
Middle cerebellar peduncle attach with pons and Inferior cerebellar peduncle attach with M.O.
(3) Medulla Oblongata (M.O.) : Posterior part of brain is tubular & cylindrical in shape.
Mid brain, pons & medulla are situated in one axis and called as Brain stem.
Internal Structure of Brain – One pair of olfactory lobes are small spherical & solid in human brain. No ventricle is found in it. Both olfactory lobe are separate with each other & are embedded into ventral surface of the both Frontal lobe of cerebral Hemisphere. Olfactory centre is situated in temporal lobe.
Histology of Brain
Choroid plexus : Tela choroidea (Pia mater which is merge in ventricle) +
Blood capillaries + Ependymal epithelium Site : Two major plexuses in lateral ventricles. 2 minor plexuses in IIIrd ventricle 1 minor plexus in IVth ventricle.
Function : Formation of CSF by secretion of plasma.
Some time (Congenitally or Infection) Iter or aqueduct become blocked therefore improper circulation of CSF or blockage of CSF circulation occur therefore Intra cranial pressure increases, head becomes enlarged, this condition called Hydrocephalus.
Circulation :- From the ventricles CSF comes into subarachnoid space through foramen of Magendie & foramen of Luschka.
In sub arachnoid space, CSF is absorbed by arachnoid villi which pour it into cranial venous sinus. From venous sinus CSF enters in blood circulation.
Basal Nuclei/ Basal ganglie :
Situated in the wall of cerebral hemisphere.
Function :
(1) It maintains muscle tone.
(2) It regulates automatic associated movement like swinging of arms during walking
(3) In lower animals, when cerebral cortex is not developed basal nuclei acts as motor centre.
Lesion in basal nuclei leads to a disease called as parkinsonism (Rigidity, Tremor at rest, mask like face)
(4) Regulate stereotypic movements.
(5) Releated to initiation & termination of movements.
Reticular activating System :– It is special sensory fibre which is situated in Brain stem & further go into Thalamus. It is related with consiousness, alertness & awakening. Therefore it is also called gate keeper of consiousness.
Limbic System:– It is visible like a wish bone, tuning fork or liplike.
Limbic lobe (area of temporal Lobe) +
Hippocampus + Hypothalamus including septum + Part of Thalamus + Mammalary bodies + Amygdaloid complex
Functions of Limbic System :
(1) Behaviour, Emotion, rage and anger (Hypothalamus, amygdaloid body)
(2) Recent memory & short term memory converts into long term memory. (Hippocampal lobe)
(3) Food habit
(4) Sexual Behaviour
(5) Olfaction (Hypothalamus) (Hypothalamus) (Hippocampal lobe and Limbic lobe)
S.No. | Name of Area | Location | Relation or Analysis |
1. | Prefrontal cortex | Eontal lobe | Seat of intelligence, knowledge, creative ideas, ability to abstract, memory, (organ of mind). |
2. | Premotor area | Eontal lobe |
3. | Motor area | Eontal lobe | Analysis of all type of voluntary muscle |
4. | Eontal Eye field | Eontal lobe | Responsible for conjugate movement of eye. Opening & closing of eye lid |
5. | Broca' s Area In Ft handed person In Lt handed person | Erontal lobe present of Lt. side present of Rt. side (Motor speech area) | Analysis for speak if injury to this region inability to speak (aphasia) even though muscle concerned are not paralysed |
6. | Auditory area | Temporal | Analysis for sound. |
7. | Olfactory | Temporal or Hippocampal gyrus | Analysis for smell. |
8. | Wernicke' s area (Sensory area of speech) | Temporal | Analysis for language ,Sensory analysis for speech |
9. | Gustatory area | Earidal | Analysis for Taste |
10. | Somesthetic area | Earidal | Analysis for touch, pressure, pain, knowledge about position in space. taking in information from environment etc. |
11. | Angular gyrus | Earidal | Sansory analysis for writing |
12. | Occipital area | Occipital | Analysis for vision |
Special point :
Association area responsible for complex functions like intersensory association, memory and communications.
1. Olfactory lobe :– It is supposed to be centre of smelling power. Its size is small in mammals comparatively because most of its parts become a part of cerebrum (including olfactory tract) some animals like sharks and dogs have well developed olfactory lobes.
2. Cerebral hemispheres :– It is the most developed part in mammals. It is the most important part of brain because it controls and regulates different parts of brain. This is the centre of conscious senses, will power, voluntary movements, knowledge, memory, speech and thinking, reasoning etc.
Different sense organs send impulses here, and in this part of brain analysis and coordination of impulses is done then messages are transferred according to the reactions through voluntary muscles.
All the voluntary actions are controlled by cerebral hemispheres.
3. Diencephalon :– Its dorsal side is called epithalamus in which pineal body is situated, that controls the sexual maturity of animal.
It is related with RAS.
It is also act as limbic part
(1) Thermoregulation
(2) Behaviour and emotion
(3) Endocrine control
(4) Biological clock system
(5) ANS control.
These are found centres of animal feelings/ Emotions like sleep, anger, intercourse, hate, love, affection, and temperature control emotional, pain, hunger, thirst and satisfaction in the hypothalamus.
Animal becomes blind if this part is destroyed by chance.
Metathalamus – It is related with MGB & LGB. MGB related with hearing & LGB related with vision. Nerve fibre of concerning place go through Metathalamus.
4. Mid - Brain :–
5. Cerebellum:- By this portion of hind brain, impulses are received from different voluntary muscles, joints and then controlling of the their movements. Their regulation and coordination is the main function of this part of brain i.e. cerebellum maintains the body balance of persons which take alcohol in excess, their cerebellum gets affected,as a result of that they can not maintain their balance and their walking is disturbed.
Thus It is related with fine & skillful voluntary movement & also related with body balance, equillibrium, posture & tone
6. Pons :- It regulates the breathing reaction through pneumotaxic centre.
7. Medulla Oblongata:- It is the most important part of brain which controls all the involuntary activities of the body e.g. heart beats, respiration , metabolism, secretory actions of different cells rate of engulfing food etc.
Except this it acts as conduction path for all impulses between spinal cord and remaining portions of brain.
It is also concerned with Reflex– Sneezing reflex , salivation reflex, coughing reflex, swallowing reflex, vomiting reflex, yawning reflex.
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