Very Short Answer Type Quesitions
Q1: How many different Adivasi groups are there in India?
Ans: There are over 500 different Adivasi groups in India.
AdivasiQ2: Name any four states where Adivasis are in great numbers. [V. Imp.]
Ans: Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa.
Q3: How are Adivasi societies most distinctive? Give one point. [V. Imp.]
Ans: There is often very little hierarchy among them.
Q4: How are Adivasis usually portrayed?
Ans: They are usually portrayed in Stereotypical ways in colourful clothes, headgear and through their dancing.
Q5: What do we usually think about Adivasis?
Ans: We usually think that Adivasis are exotic, primitive and backward.
Q6: What is the population of Adivasis in Assam? [Imp.]
Ans: There are 70 lakhs Adivasis in Assam.
Q7: How is Niyamgiri viewed by Dongarria Konds?
Ans: Dongarria Konds, an Adivasi community, view Niyamgiri as the sacred mountain.
Q8: Why are Muslims considered as a marginalised community in India today?
Ans: It is because in comparison to other communities, they have always been deprived of the benefits of socioeconomic development. Q9: How are Muslims usually identified?
Ans: Muslims are usually identified by their burqa, long beard and fez.
Q10: Which factor leads to ghettoisation of the Muslim community?
Ans: Social marginalisation of Muslims leads to ghettoisation of this community.
Q11: What is commonly believed about the Muslims?
Ans: It is commonly believed that the Muslims prefer to send their children to Madarsas.
Q12: What reality is brought in light by the Sachar Committee?
Ans: Only 4% of Muslim children are in Madarsas, whereas 66% attend government school and 30% private schools.
Short Answer Type Questions
Q1: What do you know about Adivasis? [Imp.]
Q2: How are Adivasi stereotyped? [Imp.]
Ans: Stereotypes About Adivasis:
Q3: Describe various reasons that forced Adivasis to move from their lands. [V. Imp.]
(a) More than 50% of Adivasis got displaced due to mines and mining projects.
(b) Huge tracts of Adivasis’ lands have gone under the waters of hundreds of dams that have been built in independent India.
(c) In the North-east, their lands remain highly militarised and wartorn.
(d) India has 54 national parks and 372 wildlife sanctuaries covering 1,09,652 sq km. These are areas where tribals originally lived but were evicted from.
Q4:What happened to Adivasis when they lost access to their traditional homelands ? [V. Imp.]
Q5: Why are Muslims considered to be a margoinalised community in India?
Long Answer Type Questions
Q.1. Describe marginalisation in context of the Adivasi and Muslim communities.
The life of Adivasis is very much associated with the forests. About 8% of India’s population is Adivasi and many of India’s most important mining and industrial centres are located in Adivasi areas such as Jharkhand, Rourkela, etc. There are over 500 different Adivasi groups in our country. They have their own life style. They are usually seen in colourful costumes, and headgear. They can also be identified through their dancing. In the pre-colonial world, Advasis were traditionally ranged hunter-gatherers and nomads and lived by shifting agriculture. Although these remain, for the past 200 years Adivasis have been increasingly forced to migrate to work in plantations, at construction sites, in industries and as domestic .[V. Imp.]
Ans: Adivasi Community
Muslim Community
66 videos|428 docs|46 tests
1. What is marginalisation? | ![]() |
2. How does marginalisation impact individuals and communities? | ![]() |
3. What are the causes of marginalisation? | ![]() |
4. How can we address and combat marginalisation? | ![]() |
5. What are some examples of marginalised groups? | ![]() |