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JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced PDF Download


Q1: Let P be a point on the parabola y= 4ax, where a > 0. The normal to the parabola at P meets the x-axis at a point Q. The area of the triangle PFQ, where F is the focus of the parabola, is 120 . If the slope m of the normal and a are both positive integers, then the pair (a, m) is    
(a) (2,3)
(b) (1,3)
(c) (2,4)
(d) (3,4)        [JEE Advanced 2023 Paper 1]
(a)JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

y= 4ax
Equation of normal
y = mx - 2am - am3
Point of contact
JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

and Point JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

Area of ΔPFQ = JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced
a = 2, m = 3
Satisfies the equation (1), hence (2,3) will be the correct answer. 

Q2: Let T1 and T2 be two distinct common tangents to the ellipse JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced and the parabola JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced. Suppose that the tangent Ttouches P and E at the points A1 and A2, respectively and the tangent T2 touches P and E at the points Aand A3, respectively. Then which of the following statements is(are) true?
(a) The area of the quadrilateral A1A2A3A4 is 35 square units
(b) The area of the quadrilateral A1A2A3A4 is 36 square units
(c) The tangents T1 and T2 meet the x-axis at the point (−3, 0)
(d) The tangents T1 and T2 meet the x-axis at the point (−6, 0)    [JEE Advanced 2023 Paper 1]
(a) and (c)

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

For common tangent

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

⇒ Equation of common tangents y =  x + 3 and y = −x − 3 point of contact for parabola is JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

Let A2(x1, y1)⇒ tangent to E is = JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

A3 is mirror image of A2 in x-axis  A3 (-2, -1)

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

Intersection point of T1 = 0 and T= 0 is (−3, 0)

Area of quadrilateral A1A2A3A= 12(12 + 2) × 5 = 35 square units 


Q1: Consider the hyperbola JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced with foci at S and S1, where S lies on the positive x-axis. Let P be a point on the hyperbola, in the first quadrant. Let ∠SPS= α, with α < π/2. The straight line passing through the point S and having the same slope as that of the tangent at P to the hyperbola, intersects the straight line S1P at S1. Let δ be the distance of P from the straight line SP1, and β = S1P Then the greatest integer less than or equal to  JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced is ________.      [JEE Advanced 2022 Paper 2]
7JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

From property we know, tangent and normal is bisector of the angle between focal radii.

∴ Tangent AB divides the angle ∠SPS1= α equal parts.
From another property, we know, if we draw perpendicular to the tangent on the hyperbola from two foci, then product of length of the perpendicular from foci = b2
∴ l × δ = b2
Given hyperbola, JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced
∴ a= 100
and b= 64
∴ l × δ = 64 ....... (1)
From right angle triangle S1 MP we get, sin⁡α/2 = l/β

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

Putting value of l in equation (1), we get
JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced
∴ Greatest integer = [7.1] = 7

Q2: Consider the ellipse JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced Let H(α, 0), 0 < α < 2, be a point. A straight line drawn through H parallel to the Y-axis crosses the ellipse and its auxiliary circle at points E and F respectively, in the first quadrant. The tangent to the ellipse at the point E intersects the positive x-axis at a point G. Suppose the straight line joining F and the origin makes an angle ϕ with the positive x-axis.JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

The correct option is:
B(I)→(R); (II)→(T);(III)→(S);(IV)→(P)
D(I)→(Q); (II)→(S); (III)→(Q); (IV)→(P)                [JEE Advanced 2022 Paper 1]

Given, JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

Let JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

Tangent at JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

to the ellipse is JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

This intersect x-axis at JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

Area of triangle FGH = JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

= JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

Q3: Consider the parabola y2 = 4x. Let S be the focus of the parabola. A pair of tangents drawn to the parabola from the point P = (−2, 1) meet the parabola at P1 and P2. Let Q1 and Q2 be points on the lines SP1 and SP2 respectively such that PQ1 is perpendicular to SP1 and PQ2 is perpendicular to SP2. Then, which of the following is/are TRUE?
(a) SQ1 = 2
(b) JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced
(c) PQ1 = 3
(d) SQ2 = 1                     [JEE Advanced 2022 Paper 1]
(b), (c) & (d)
Let P1(t2, 2t) then tangent at P1 will be 
ty = x + t2

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

Since, it passes through (−2,1)

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced
So, we get point P1(4, 4) and P2(1, −2)
Now finding the equation of SP1 : 4x − 3y − 4 = 0
And equation of SP2: x − 1= 0
Now finding the point by foot of point on line formula, 

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

We get, JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

Now using the distance formula we get,

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

Hence, option (B, C, D) are correct.


Q1: Let E be the ellipse JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced. For any three distinct points P, Q and Q' on E, let M(P, Q) be the mid-point of the line segment joining P and Q, and M(P, Q') be the mid-point of the line segment joining P and Q'. Then the maximum possible value of the distance between M(P, Q) and M(P, Q'), as P, Q and Q' vary on E, is _______.                    [JEE Advanced 2021 Paper 2]
As we know that, in a triangle, sides joining the mid-points of two sides is half and parallel to the third side.

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

Maximum value of QQ' is AA'
Hence, maximum value of JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced
= 4

Q2: Let E denote the parabola y2 = 8x. Let P = (−2, 4), and let Q and Q' be two distinct points on E such that the lines PQ and PQ' are tangents to E. Let F be the focus of E. Then which of the following statements is(are) TRUE?
(a) The triangle PFQ is a right-angled triangle
(b) The triangle QPQ' is a right-angled triangle
(c) The distance between P and F is 5√2
(d) F lies on the line joining Q and Q'                       [JEE Advanced 2021 Paper 2]
(a), (b) & (d)
Given, E : y2 = 8x .... (i)
and P  (2, 4)
Now, directrix of Eq. (i) is x = 2 

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

So, point P(2, 4) lies on the directrix of parabola y2 = 8x. Hence, JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced (by the definition of director circle) and chord QQ' is a focal chord and segment PQ subtends a right angle at the focus.
Slope of PF = 1 ( PF  QQ') 
Now, slope of JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced


Q1: Let a, b and λ be positive real numbers. Suppose P is an end point of the latus return of the
parabola y2 = 4λx, and suppose the ellipse JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced passes through the point P. If the tangents to the parabola and the ellipse at the point P are perpendicular to each other, then the eccentricity of the ellipse is
(a) 1/√2
(b) 1/2
(c) 1/3
(d) 2/5                     [JEE Advanced 2020 Paper 1]
Equation of given parabola is
y2 = 4λx ....(i)
So the end point of the latus rectum of the parabola (i), P(λ, 2λ) and the given ellipse JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced, passes through point P(λ, 2λ). 
On differentiating the equation of parabola, w.r.t. 'x', we get 
JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

∴ Slope of tangent to the parabola at point P is m1 = 1
Similarly, on differentiating the equation of given ellipse,  JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced, w.r.t.x, we get JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

∴ Slope of tangent to the ellipse at point P is m2 = JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced
 It is given that the tangents are perpendicular to each other. So,  m1m2 = -1

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

∴ Eccentricity of ellipse JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced will be

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

Q2: Let a and b be positive real numbers such that a > 1 and b < a. Let P be a point in the first quadrant that lies on the hyperbola JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced. Suppose the tangent to the hyperbola at P passes through the point (1, 0), and suppose the normal to the hyperbola at P cuts off equal intercepts on the coordinate axes. Let Δ denote the area of the triangle formed by the tangent at P, the normal at P and the X-axis. If e denotes the eccentricity of the hyperbola, then which of the following statements is/are TRUE?
(a) 1 < e < √2
(b) √2 < e < 2
(c) Δ = a4
(d) Δ = b4             [JEE Advanced 2020 Paper 2]
(a) & (d)
Equation of given hyperbola is
JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced, a > b and a > 1
Let point P(a secθ, b tanθ) on the hyperbola in first quadrant i.e., JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced.
Now equation of tangent to the hyperbola at point P is 

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced
 The tangent (i) passes through point A(1, 0) 
So, JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

and equation of normal to the hyperbola at point P having slope is JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced, as normal cuts off equal intercepts on the coordinate axes, so slope must be 1. 

Therefore, JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced = -1

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

∵ The eccentricity of hyperbola

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

And the area of required triangle is, which is isosceles is 

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced


Q1: Let the circles C1 : x2 + y2 = 9 and C2 : (x  3)2 + (y  4)2 = 16, intersect at the points X and Y. Suppose that another circle C3 : (x  h)2 + (y  k)2 = r2 satisfies the following conditions :
(i) Centre of C3 is collinear with the centres of C1 and C2.
(ii) C1 and C2 both lie inside C3 and
(iii) C3 touches C1 at M and C2 at N.
Let the line through X and Y intersect C3 at Z and W, and let a common tangent of C1 and C3 be a tangent to the parabola x2 = 8αy.
There are some expression given in the List-I whose values are given in List-II below. 

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

Which of the following is the only INCORRECT combination?
(a) (III), (R)
(b) (IV), (S)
(c) (I), (P)
(d) (IV), (U)                     [JEE Advanced 2019 Paper 2]
Ans: (
JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

It is given that, the centres of circles C1, C2 and C3 are co-linear, 

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

and MN is the length of diameter of circle C3, so

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

= 3 + 5 + 4 = 12
So, radius of circle C3, r = 6 ......(ii)
Since, the circle C3 touches C1 at M and C2 at N, so
|C1 C3| = |r  3|

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

From Eqs. (i) and (iii), we get

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

So, JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

Now, equation common chord XY of circles C1 and C2 is 

C1  C2 = 0
 6x + 8y = 18
 3x + 4y = 9 ....(iv)
Now, PY2 = GY2  GP2 
JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

Similarly, equation of ZW is 3x + 4y = 9.
Now, So, length of perpendicular from C3 to

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

So, JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

{∵ C3W = r = 6}

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

Now, area of

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

and area of ΔZMW = 1/2(ZW) (MP) 

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

∵ Common tangent of circles Cand C3 is C1 − C3 = 0

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

∵ Tangent (v) is also touches the parabola x2 = 8αy, 

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

So combination (iv), (S) is only incorrect.
Hence, option (b) is correct.


Q1: Let JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced, where a > b > 0, be a hyperbola in the XY-plane whose conjugate axis LM subtends an angle of 60 at one of its vertices N. Let the area of the ΔLMN be 4√3. JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

(a) P → 4 ; Q → 2 ; R → 1 ; S → 3
(b) P → 4 ; Q → 3 ; R → 1 ; S → 2
(c) P → 4 ; Q → 1 ; R → 3 ; S → 2
(d) P → 3 ; Q → 4 ; R → 2 ; S → 1                    [JEE Advanced 2018 Paper 2]
We have,
Equation of hyperbola

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & AdvancedJEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

It is given,
JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced
and Area of ΔLMN = 4√3
Now, ΔLMN is an equilateral triangle whose sides is 2b .
Area of ΔLMN = JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

Also, area of  ΔLMN = 1/2 a(2b) = ab

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

(P) Length of conjugate axis = 2b = 2(2) = 4 (Q)

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

(R) Distance between the foci
JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

(S) The length of latusrectum

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

P → 4; Q → 3; R → 1; S → 2
Hence, option (b) is correct. 

Q2: Let S be the circle in the XY-plane defined the equation x2 + y2 = 4.
Let E1E2 and F1F2 be the chords of S passing through the point P0 (1, 1) and parallel to the X-axis and the Y-axis, respectively. Let G1G2 be the chord of S passing through P0 and having slope1. Let the tangents to S at E1 and E2 meet at E3, then tangents to S at F1 and F2 meet at F3, and the tangents to S at G1 and G2 meet at G3. Then, the points E3, F3 and G3 lie on the curve 
(a) x + y = 4
(b) (x − 4)2 + (y − 4)2 = 16
(c) (x − 4)(y − 4) = 4
(d) xy = 4                  [JEE Advanced 2018 Paper 1]

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

Equation of tangent at JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced is

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

Intersection point of tangent at E1 and E2 is (0, 4)
∴ Coordinates of E3 is (0, 4)
Similarly, equation of tangent at

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

x + √3y = 4, respectively and intersection point
is (4, 0), i.e., F3(4, 0) and equation of tangent at G1(0, 2) and G2(2, 0) are 2y = 4 and 2x = 4, respectively and intersection point
is (2, 2) i.e., G3(2, 2).
Point E3(0, 4), F3(4, 0) and G3(2, 2) satisfies the line x + y = 4. 

Q3: Let S be the circle in the XY-plane defined the equation x2 + y2 = 4.
Let P be a point on the circle S with both coordinates being positive. Let the tangent to S at P intersect the coordinate axes at the points M and N. Then, the mid-point of the line segment MN must lie on the curve 
(a) (x + y)2 = 3xy
(b) x2/3 + y2/3 = 24/3
(c) x2 + y2 = 2xy
(d) x2 + y2 = x2y2                 [JEE Advanced 2018 Paper 1]
We have,
x2 + y2 = 4
Let P(2 cosθ, 2 sinθ) be a point on a circle.
 Tangent at P is
2 cosθx + 2 sinθy = 4
 x cosθ + y sinθ = 2 

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

 The coordinates at JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced
Let (h, k) is mid-point of MN 

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

∴ Mid-point of MN lie on the curve
JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced

The document JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions (2018 - 2023): Conic Sections | Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced is a part of the JEE Course Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced.
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