Q.1. Snakes have weak muscles.
Q.2. The aquatic animals take in oxygen from air.
Q.3. Insects have small holes on their bodies called trachea.
Q.4. Penguins and Ostrich are flightless birds.
Q.5. All insectes fly.
Q.6. Match the following.
Q.7. This helps duck to move in water _________.
Webbed feet
Q.8. This body part helps a rabbit to run _________.
Padded toes
Q.9. An octopus moves with its help _________.
Q.10. Holes on the bodies of insects _________.
Q.11. Reptile that does not have limbs _________.
Q.12. How do whales and dolphins breathe?
Whales and Dolphins have lungs and they come to the surface of water to inhale oxygen but they exhale Carbon Di Oxide through their nostrills in the water.
Q.13. How do Insects breathe?
Insects breath through the holes of their bodies, called spiracles.
Q.14. Describe the limbs of land animals.
Animals on land have four limbs. The 2 in front are called forelimbs and the two at the back are called hindlimbs. Some animals use all the 4 limbs to run, hop or walk while some use their limbs to swim or burrow. A horse uses its 4 limbs for galloping. A rabbit has padded toes for running and large hindlimbs for hopping. A cheetah is able to run with a speed of 70 miles per hour with the help of its limbs.
Q.15. Snake do not have legs then how do they move?
Snakes have scales or plates on the underside of their bodies which are attatched to their ribs. These plates act like feet and ribs act like legs and enable the snake to move forward, sideways as well backyard.
Q.16. How is the breathing of a tadpole different from the breathing of a frog?
A tadpole breathes through its gills in water but an adult frog breathes through its lungs on land and through its moist skin in water.
1. What is the importance of movements and breathing in our daily lives? | ![]() |
2. Can you explain the different types of movements our body can perform? | ![]() |
3. How does breathing affect our physical and mental health? | ![]() |
4. Are there any specific breathing exercises that can be practiced for better health? | ![]() |
5. How can movements and breathing be incorporated into our daily routine? | ![]() |