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Maratha Rule-Culture development of Literature and ART | Tamil Nadu State PSC (TNPSC): Preparation - TNPSC (Tamil Nadu) PDF Download

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 Page 1

Marathas played an important role in the history of India. Shahji
Bonsle had two popular sons namely Shivaji and V enkaji.  Shivaji
established a separate Maratha kingdom in the Maharastra region.
V enkaji established a Maratha kingdom in Tanjore region of Tamil
country .
Life of Shivaji: Shivaji was the greatest Maratha king.  Shahjibonsle
was his father.  His mother’s name was Jijabai.  Shivaji’s mother taught
Shivaji the stories of Ramayanam and Mahabharatham and imbibed
the art of bravery and patriotism. Dadajikondadev taught him the art of
administration.  At the young age he got military training.  He aimed to
free India from the Mughal rule.   He established a strong army .  Shivaji
captured Torna, Raigarh, Baramati, Indrapura  and purandhar forts.
He had successfully tackled the treacherous attempts on his life by Afzal
Khan and finally Shivaji killed him.  Shivaji defeated the Mughal army
which came under the leadership of Shayeista Khan.
Page 2

Marathas played an important role in the history of India. Shahji
Bonsle had two popular sons namely Shivaji and V enkaji.  Shivaji
established a separate Maratha kingdom in the Maharastra region.
V enkaji established a Maratha kingdom in Tanjore region of Tamil
country .
Life of Shivaji: Shivaji was the greatest Maratha king.  Shahjibonsle
was his father.  His mother’s name was Jijabai.  Shivaji’s mother taught
Shivaji the stories of Ramayanam and Mahabharatham and imbibed
the art of bravery and patriotism. Dadajikondadev taught him the art of
administration.  At the young age he got military training.  He aimed to
free India from the Mughal rule.   He established a strong army .  Shivaji
captured Torna, Raigarh, Baramati, Indrapura  and purandhar forts.
He had successfully tackled the treacherous attempts on his life by Afzal
Khan and finally Shivaji killed him.  Shivaji defeated the Mughal army
which came under the leadership of Shayeista Khan.
72 73
Shivaji’s southern conquests:  Marathas emerged as a formidable
military power.  Shivaji’s army consisted of 30,000 horses and 40,000
foot soldiers.  Shivaji invaded the T amil country .  He defeated the rulers
of Ginjee, V ellore, T anjore and occupied these regions.  He appointed
Shantaji as his representative to rule there.  Shivaji spent 10 months in
T amil Country .  Shivaji met his brother V enkaji and asked his due share
in his father’s property.  V enkaji agreed and gave Tanjore to Shivaji.
Some time later when Shivaji died V enkaji captured T anjore and became
independent ruler of T anjore.
Request your teacher to tell more about the great ruler
Chattrapathi Shivaji and his achievements
Establishment of Maratha rule in T anjore:  Shivaji’s father Shahji
was serving as a general under the sultan of Bijapur. Sultan captured
Tanjore, Ginjee and the Carnatic region and made shahji as governor
of that region. V enkaji also served under the Bijapur Sultan.
A conflict between Chokkanathanayak of Madurai and his governor
Alagirinayak of T anjore was brought to the notice of the Bijapur Sultan.
Adilshah the Bijapur Sultan sent his army under the leadership of V enkaji
in support of Chokkanathanayak.  V enkaji defeated Alagirinayak at
the battle of A yyampet and made Sengamaladas as nayak of Tanjore.
Sultan made V enkaji as Jagirdar of Karnataka.  When Adilshah passed
away V enkaji removed Sengamala das and occupied the throne.  V enkaj,
established the Maratha rule in T amilnadu in 1675 AD.
Shivaji established the Maratha kingdom and provided an
efficient administration.  Shivaji was a creative genious of a very high
order .  He rose from the level of petty Jagirdar to the status of Chatrapati.
He had a very high standard of morality .  He established an indigenious
Government against a muslim rule.  Shivaji created a very big impact in
the history of India.
Page 3

Marathas played an important role in the history of India. Shahji
Bonsle had two popular sons namely Shivaji and V enkaji.  Shivaji
established a separate Maratha kingdom in the Maharastra region.
V enkaji established a Maratha kingdom in Tanjore region of Tamil
country .
Life of Shivaji: Shivaji was the greatest Maratha king.  Shahjibonsle
was his father.  His mother’s name was Jijabai.  Shivaji’s mother taught
Shivaji the stories of Ramayanam and Mahabharatham and imbibed
the art of bravery and patriotism. Dadajikondadev taught him the art of
administration.  At the young age he got military training.  He aimed to
free India from the Mughal rule.   He established a strong army .  Shivaji
captured Torna, Raigarh, Baramati, Indrapura  and purandhar forts.
He had successfully tackled the treacherous attempts on his life by Afzal
Khan and finally Shivaji killed him.  Shivaji defeated the Mughal army
which came under the leadership of Shayeista Khan.
72 73
Shivaji’s southern conquests:  Marathas emerged as a formidable
military power.  Shivaji’s army consisted of 30,000 horses and 40,000
foot soldiers.  Shivaji invaded the T amil country .  He defeated the rulers
of Ginjee, V ellore, T anjore and occupied these regions.  He appointed
Shantaji as his representative to rule there.  Shivaji spent 10 months in
T amil Country .  Shivaji met his brother V enkaji and asked his due share
in his father’s property.  V enkaji agreed and gave Tanjore to Shivaji.
Some time later when Shivaji died V enkaji captured T anjore and became
independent ruler of T anjore.
Request your teacher to tell more about the great ruler
Chattrapathi Shivaji and his achievements
Establishment of Maratha rule in T anjore:  Shivaji’s father Shahji
was serving as a general under the sultan of Bijapur. Sultan captured
Tanjore, Ginjee and the Carnatic region and made shahji as governor
of that region. V enkaji also served under the Bijapur Sultan.
A conflict between Chokkanathanayak of Madurai and his governor
Alagirinayak of T anjore was brought to the notice of the Bijapur Sultan.
Adilshah the Bijapur Sultan sent his army under the leadership of V enkaji
in support of Chokkanathanayak.  V enkaji defeated Alagirinayak at
the battle of A yyampet and made Sengamaladas as nayak of Tanjore.
Sultan made V enkaji as Jagirdar of Karnataka.  When Adilshah passed
away V enkaji removed Sengamala das and occupied the throne.  V enkaj,
established the Maratha rule in T amilnadu in 1675 AD.
Shivaji established the Maratha kingdom and provided an
efficient administration.  Shivaji was a creative genious of a very high
order .  He rose from the level of petty Jagirdar to the status of Chatrapati.
He had a very high standard of morality .  He established an indigenious
Government against a muslim rule.  Shivaji created a very big impact in
the history of India.
72 73
Shivaji’s southern conquests:  Marathas emerged as a formidable
military power.  Shivaji’s army consisted of 30,000 horses and 40,000
foot soldiers.  Shivaji invaded the T amil country .  He defeated the rulers
of Ginjee, V ellore, T anjore and occupied these regions.  He appointed
Shantaji as his representative to rule there.  Shivaji spent 10 months in
T amil Country .  Shivaji met his brother V enkaji and asked his due share
in his father’s property.  V enkaji agreed and gave Tanjore to Shivaji.
Some time later when Shivaji died V enkaji captured T anjore and became
independent ruler of T anjore.
Request your teacher to tell more about the great ruler
Chattrapathi Shivaji and his achievements
Establishment of Maratha rule in T anjore:  Shivaji’s father Shahji
was serving as a general under the sultan of Bijapur. Sultan captured
Tanjore, Ginjee and the Carnatic region and made shahji as governor
of that region. V enkaji also served under the Bijapur Sultan.
A conflict between Chokkanathanayak of Madurai and his governor
Alagirinayak of T anjore was brought to the notice of the Bijapur Sultan.
Adilshah the Bijapur Sultan sent his army under the leadership of V enkaji
in support of Chokkanathanayak.  V enkaji defeated Alagirinayak at
the battle of A yyampet and made Sengamaladas as nayak of Tanjore.
Sultan made V enkaji as Jagirdar of Karnataka.  When Adilshah passed
away V enkaji removed Sengamala das and occupied the throne.  V enkaj,
established the Maratha rule in T amilnadu in 1675 AD.
Shivaji established the Maratha kingdom and provided an
efficient administration.  Shivaji was a creative genious of a very high
order .  He rose from the level of petty Jagirdar to the status of Chatrapati.
He had a very high standard of morality .  He established an indigenious
Government against a muslim rule.  Shivaji created a very big impact in
the history of India.
Page 4

Marathas played an important role in the history of India. Shahji
Bonsle had two popular sons namely Shivaji and V enkaji.  Shivaji
established a separate Maratha kingdom in the Maharastra region.
V enkaji established a Maratha kingdom in Tanjore region of Tamil
country .
Life of Shivaji: Shivaji was the greatest Maratha king.  Shahjibonsle
was his father.  His mother’s name was Jijabai.  Shivaji’s mother taught
Shivaji the stories of Ramayanam and Mahabharatham and imbibed
the art of bravery and patriotism. Dadajikondadev taught him the art of
administration.  At the young age he got military training.  He aimed to
free India from the Mughal rule.   He established a strong army .  Shivaji
captured Torna, Raigarh, Baramati, Indrapura  and purandhar forts.
He had successfully tackled the treacherous attempts on his life by Afzal
Khan and finally Shivaji killed him.  Shivaji defeated the Mughal army
which came under the leadership of Shayeista Khan.
72 73
Shivaji’s southern conquests:  Marathas emerged as a formidable
military power.  Shivaji’s army consisted of 30,000 horses and 40,000
foot soldiers.  Shivaji invaded the T amil country .  He defeated the rulers
of Ginjee, V ellore, T anjore and occupied these regions.  He appointed
Shantaji as his representative to rule there.  Shivaji spent 10 months in
T amil Country .  Shivaji met his brother V enkaji and asked his due share
in his father’s property.  V enkaji agreed and gave Tanjore to Shivaji.
Some time later when Shivaji died V enkaji captured T anjore and became
independent ruler of T anjore.
Request your teacher to tell more about the great ruler
Chattrapathi Shivaji and his achievements
Establishment of Maratha rule in T anjore:  Shivaji’s father Shahji
was serving as a general under the sultan of Bijapur. Sultan captured
Tanjore, Ginjee and the Carnatic region and made shahji as governor
of that region. V enkaji also served under the Bijapur Sultan.
A conflict between Chokkanathanayak of Madurai and his governor
Alagirinayak of T anjore was brought to the notice of the Bijapur Sultan.
Adilshah the Bijapur Sultan sent his army under the leadership of V enkaji
in support of Chokkanathanayak.  V enkaji defeated Alagirinayak at
the battle of A yyampet and made Sengamaladas as nayak of Tanjore.
Sultan made V enkaji as Jagirdar of Karnataka.  When Adilshah passed
away V enkaji removed Sengamala das and occupied the throne.  V enkaj,
established the Maratha rule in T amilnadu in 1675 AD.
Shivaji established the Maratha kingdom and provided an
efficient administration.  Shivaji was a creative genious of a very high
order .  He rose from the level of petty Jagirdar to the status of Chatrapati.
He had a very high standard of morality .  He established an indigenious
Government against a muslim rule.  Shivaji created a very big impact in
the history of India.
72 73
Shivaji’s southern conquests:  Marathas emerged as a formidable
military power.  Shivaji’s army consisted of 30,000 horses and 40,000
foot soldiers.  Shivaji invaded the T amil country .  He defeated the rulers
of Ginjee, V ellore, T anjore and occupied these regions.  He appointed
Shantaji as his representative to rule there.  Shivaji spent 10 months in
T amil Country .  Shivaji met his brother V enkaji and asked his due share
in his father’s property.  V enkaji agreed and gave Tanjore to Shivaji.
Some time later when Shivaji died V enkaji captured T anjore and became
independent ruler of T anjore.
Request your teacher to tell more about the great ruler
Chattrapathi Shivaji and his achievements
Establishment of Maratha rule in T anjore:  Shivaji’s father Shahji
was serving as a general under the sultan of Bijapur. Sultan captured
Tanjore, Ginjee and the Carnatic region and made shahji as governor
of that region. V enkaji also served under the Bijapur Sultan.
A conflict between Chokkanathanayak of Madurai and his governor
Alagirinayak of T anjore was brought to the notice of the Bijapur Sultan.
Adilshah the Bijapur Sultan sent his army under the leadership of V enkaji
in support of Chokkanathanayak.  V enkaji defeated Alagirinayak at
the battle of A yyampet and made Sengamaladas as nayak of Tanjore.
Sultan made V enkaji as Jagirdar of Karnataka.  When Adilshah passed
away V enkaji removed Sengamala das and occupied the throne.  V enkaj,
established the Maratha rule in T amilnadu in 1675 AD.
Shivaji established the Maratha kingdom and provided an
efficient administration.  Shivaji was a creative genious of a very high
order .  He rose from the level of petty Jagirdar to the status of Chatrapati.
He had a very high standard of morality .  He established an indigenious
Government against a muslim rule.  Shivaji created a very big impact in
the history of India.
74 75
V enkaji 1675AD-1684AD: V enkaji was the first ruler of the Tanjore
Maratha empire. He was also called as Ekoji.  He consolidated his
empire by conquering Tanjore, Trichy, South Arcot and Bangalore.
The nayaks and the muslim rulers frequently invaded his kingdom. He
strengthened and re-organised his administration. The Marathas took
away the fertile lands from the T amil agriculturists.  Apart from making
a major sections of the people as landless the Government collected
heavy taxes from them with harassment.  During his rule common people
suffered, because of famine and flood.
Shahji-I 1684AD – 1712AD: V enkaji’s son Shahji became the next
ruler .  He controlled the nayaks.  He captured the territories of Madurai
and Pudukkottai.  He fought frequent wars. He built many hospitals for
poor people. He also established a civil and criminal courts.  He
patronised art and literature.
Sarfoji–I – 1712AD–1728AD:  Shahji-I was succeeded by his younger
brother Sarfoji.  T aking advantage of the civil war in the Ramnad region
he annexed some more areas with Tanjore.  An independent state of
Sivaganga was created. He was finally supported by  the British
Sarfoji – II: Sarfoji–II was the next ruler. The British Government
recognised Sarfoji –II as King in 1798.  He surrendered the principality
of T anjore to the British East India Company . Later T anjore was annexed
with Madras presidency .  Sarfoji – II was succeeded by his son Shivaji
to the Maratha throne.  Shivaji was the last ruler of Tanjore Maratha
empire. With him the Maratha rule in Tanjore was brought to an end.
Sarfoji got pension from the East Indian Company Government.
Architecture.  With huge collections of literature and other sources
Saraswathi mahal became centre of learning and research Institute. It
had a huge collections of Marathi and Sanskrit manuscripts-2200 palm
leaves are preserved there. Books in English, French, German, Greek,
Latin, and Sanskrit languages are arranged in ten shelves.  In 1805
Safroji II established a printing press at T anjore
Maratha administration: Marathas of T anjore ruled the fertile areas
of Tamil country from 1676 to 1856. Ministers and officials carried
on administration. For administrative purpose the Maratha country
was divided into Pudukottai, Mannargudi and Kumbakonam region.
Each region was divided into Seemai or Mahanam.  They were further
divided as villages.  There were 5753 villages.
Literature: The Maratha Kings of Tanjore, Tukkoji, Tuljaji, and
Sarfoji–II Patronised the Scholars and poets.  They contributed much
Saraswathi Mahal: When Sarfoji
II was relieved from the political
activities he developed interest in
English literature and engaged
himself in the scholarly activities. He
collected books, palm leaves
manuscripts, old records and
preserved them in Saraswathi
mahal.  Collections covered the
subjects of Vedanda, Kaviya,
Grammar, Music, Dance,
Astronomy, Medicine and
Page 5

Marathas played an important role in the history of India. Shahji
Bonsle had two popular sons namely Shivaji and V enkaji.  Shivaji
established a separate Maratha kingdom in the Maharastra region.
V enkaji established a Maratha kingdom in Tanjore region of Tamil
country .
Life of Shivaji: Shivaji was the greatest Maratha king.  Shahjibonsle
was his father.  His mother’s name was Jijabai.  Shivaji’s mother taught
Shivaji the stories of Ramayanam and Mahabharatham and imbibed
the art of bravery and patriotism. Dadajikondadev taught him the art of
administration.  At the young age he got military training.  He aimed to
free India from the Mughal rule.   He established a strong army .  Shivaji
captured Torna, Raigarh, Baramati, Indrapura  and purandhar forts.
He had successfully tackled the treacherous attempts on his life by Afzal
Khan and finally Shivaji killed him.  Shivaji defeated the Mughal army
which came under the leadership of Shayeista Khan.
72 73
Shivaji’s southern conquests:  Marathas emerged as a formidable
military power.  Shivaji’s army consisted of 30,000 horses and 40,000
foot soldiers.  Shivaji invaded the T amil country .  He defeated the rulers
of Ginjee, V ellore, T anjore and occupied these regions.  He appointed
Shantaji as his representative to rule there.  Shivaji spent 10 months in
T amil Country .  Shivaji met his brother V enkaji and asked his due share
in his father’s property.  V enkaji agreed and gave Tanjore to Shivaji.
Some time later when Shivaji died V enkaji captured T anjore and became
independent ruler of T anjore.
Request your teacher to tell more about the great ruler
Chattrapathi Shivaji and his achievements
Establishment of Maratha rule in T anjore:  Shivaji’s father Shahji
was serving as a general under the sultan of Bijapur. Sultan captured
Tanjore, Ginjee and the Carnatic region and made shahji as governor
of that region. V enkaji also served under the Bijapur Sultan.
A conflict between Chokkanathanayak of Madurai and his governor
Alagirinayak of T anjore was brought to the notice of the Bijapur Sultan.
Adilshah the Bijapur Sultan sent his army under the leadership of V enkaji
in support of Chokkanathanayak.  V enkaji defeated Alagirinayak at
the battle of A yyampet and made Sengamaladas as nayak of Tanjore.
Sultan made V enkaji as Jagirdar of Karnataka.  When Adilshah passed
away V enkaji removed Sengamala das and occupied the throne.  V enkaj,
established the Maratha rule in T amilnadu in 1675 AD.
Shivaji established the Maratha kingdom and provided an
efficient administration.  Shivaji was a creative genious of a very high
order .  He rose from the level of petty Jagirdar to the status of Chatrapati.
He had a very high standard of morality .  He established an indigenious
Government against a muslim rule.  Shivaji created a very big impact in
the history of India.
72 73
Shivaji’s southern conquests:  Marathas emerged as a formidable
military power.  Shivaji’s army consisted of 30,000 horses and 40,000
foot soldiers.  Shivaji invaded the T amil country .  He defeated the rulers
of Ginjee, V ellore, T anjore and occupied these regions.  He appointed
Shantaji as his representative to rule there.  Shivaji spent 10 months in
T amil Country .  Shivaji met his brother V enkaji and asked his due share
in his father’s property.  V enkaji agreed and gave Tanjore to Shivaji.
Some time later when Shivaji died V enkaji captured T anjore and became
independent ruler of T anjore.
Request your teacher to tell more about the great ruler
Chattrapathi Shivaji and his achievements
Establishment of Maratha rule in T anjore:  Shivaji’s father Shahji
was serving as a general under the sultan of Bijapur. Sultan captured
Tanjore, Ginjee and the Carnatic region and made shahji as governor
of that region. V enkaji also served under the Bijapur Sultan.
A conflict between Chokkanathanayak of Madurai and his governor
Alagirinayak of T anjore was brought to the notice of the Bijapur Sultan.
Adilshah the Bijapur Sultan sent his army under the leadership of V enkaji
in support of Chokkanathanayak.  V enkaji defeated Alagirinayak at
the battle of A yyampet and made Sengamaladas as nayak of Tanjore.
Sultan made V enkaji as Jagirdar of Karnataka.  When Adilshah passed
away V enkaji removed Sengamala das and occupied the throne.  V enkaj,
established the Maratha rule in T amilnadu in 1675 AD.
Shivaji established the Maratha kingdom and provided an
efficient administration.  Shivaji was a creative genious of a very high
order .  He rose from the level of petty Jagirdar to the status of Chatrapati.
He had a very high standard of morality .  He established an indigenious
Government against a muslim rule.  Shivaji created a very big impact in
the history of India.
74 75
V enkaji 1675AD-1684AD: V enkaji was the first ruler of the Tanjore
Maratha empire. He was also called as Ekoji.  He consolidated his
empire by conquering Tanjore, Trichy, South Arcot and Bangalore.
The nayaks and the muslim rulers frequently invaded his kingdom. He
strengthened and re-organised his administration. The Marathas took
away the fertile lands from the T amil agriculturists.  Apart from making
a major sections of the people as landless the Government collected
heavy taxes from them with harassment.  During his rule common people
suffered, because of famine and flood.
Shahji-I 1684AD – 1712AD: V enkaji’s son Shahji became the next
ruler .  He controlled the nayaks.  He captured the territories of Madurai
and Pudukkottai.  He fought frequent wars. He built many hospitals for
poor people. He also established a civil and criminal courts.  He
patronised art and literature.
Sarfoji–I – 1712AD–1728AD:  Shahji-I was succeeded by his younger
brother Sarfoji.  T aking advantage of the civil war in the Ramnad region
he annexed some more areas with Tanjore.  An independent state of
Sivaganga was created. He was finally supported by  the British
Sarfoji – II: Sarfoji–II was the next ruler. The British Government
recognised Sarfoji –II as King in 1798.  He surrendered the principality
of T anjore to the British East India Company . Later T anjore was annexed
with Madras presidency .  Sarfoji – II was succeeded by his son Shivaji
to the Maratha throne.  Shivaji was the last ruler of Tanjore Maratha
empire. With him the Maratha rule in Tanjore was brought to an end.
Sarfoji got pension from the East Indian Company Government.
Architecture.  With huge collections of literature and other sources
Saraswathi mahal became centre of learning and research Institute. It
had a huge collections of Marathi and Sanskrit manuscripts-2200 palm
leaves are preserved there. Books in English, French, German, Greek,
Latin, and Sanskrit languages are arranged in ten shelves.  In 1805
Safroji II established a printing press at T anjore
Maratha administration: Marathas of T anjore ruled the fertile areas
of Tamil country from 1676 to 1856. Ministers and officials carried
on administration. For administrative purpose the Maratha country
was divided into Pudukottai, Mannargudi and Kumbakonam region.
Each region was divided into Seemai or Mahanam.  They were further
divided as villages.  There were 5753 villages.
Literature: The Maratha Kings of Tanjore, Tukkoji, Tuljaji, and
Sarfoji–II Patronised the Scholars and poets.  They contributed much
Saraswathi Mahal: When Sarfoji
II was relieved from the political
activities he developed interest in
English literature and engaged
himself in the scholarly activities. He
collected books, palm leaves
manuscripts, old records and
preserved them in Saraswathi
mahal.  Collections covered the
subjects of Vedanda, Kaviya,
Grammar, Music, Dance,
Astronomy, Medicine and
74 75
V enkaji 1675AD-1684AD: V enkaji was the first ruler of the Tanjore
Maratha empire. He was also called as Ekoji.  He consolidated his
empire by conquering Tanjore, Trichy, South Arcot and Bangalore.
The nayaks and the muslim rulers frequently invaded his kingdom. He
strengthened and re-organised his administration. The Marathas took
away the fertile lands from the T amil agriculturists.  Apart from making
a major sections of the people as landless the Government collected
heavy taxes from them with harassment.  During his rule common people
suffered, because of famine and flood.
Shahji-I 1684AD – 1712AD: V enkaji’s son Shahji became the next
ruler .  He controlled the nayaks.  He captured the territories of Madurai
and Pudukkottai.  He fought frequent wars. He built many hospitals for
poor people. He also established a civil and criminal courts.  He
patronised art and literature.
Sarfoji–I – 1712AD–1728AD:  Shahji-I was succeeded by his younger
brother Sarfoji.  T aking advantage of the civil war in the Ramnad region
he annexed some more areas with Tanjore.  An independent state of
Sivaganga was created. He was finally supported by  the British
Sarfoji – II: Sarfoji–II was the next ruler. The British Government
recognised Sarfoji –II as King in 1798.  He surrendered the principality
of T anjore to the British East India Company . Later T anjore was annexed
with Madras presidency .  Sarfoji – II was succeeded by his son Shivaji
to the Maratha throne.  Shivaji was the last ruler of Tanjore Maratha
empire. With him the Maratha rule in Tanjore was brought to an end.
Sarfoji got pension from the East Indian Company Government.
Architecture.  With huge collections of literature and other sources
Saraswathi mahal became centre of learning and research Institute. It
had a huge collections of Marathi and Sanskrit manuscripts-2200 palm
leaves are preserved there. Books in English, French, German, Greek,
Latin, and Sanskrit languages are arranged in ten shelves.  In 1805
Safroji II established a printing press at T anjore
Maratha administration: Marathas of T anjore ruled the fertile areas
of Tamil country from 1676 to 1856. Ministers and officials carried
on administration. For administrative purpose the Maratha country
was divided into Pudukottai, Mannargudi and Kumbakonam region.
Each region was divided into Seemai or Mahanam.  They were further
divided as villages.  There were 5753 villages.
Literature: The Maratha Kings of Tanjore, Tukkoji, Tuljaji, and
Sarfoji–II Patronised the Scholars and poets.  They contributed much
Saraswathi Mahal: When Sarfoji
II was relieved from the political
activities he developed interest in
English literature and engaged
himself in the scholarly activities. He
collected books, palm leaves
manuscripts, old records and
preserved them in Saraswathi
mahal.  Collections covered the
subjects of Vedanda, Kaviya,
Grammar, Music, Dance,
Astronomy, Medicine and
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FAQs on Maratha Rule-Culture development of Literature and ART - Tamil Nadu State PSC (TNPSC): Preparation - TNPSC (Tamil Nadu)

1. மரதா கொள்கை - இலக்கிய மற்றும் கலைக்கல்வியாண்டு வளர்ச்சி என்ன?
Ans. மரதாக்களின் ஆட்சியில், இலக்கியம் மற்றும் கலையின் வளர்ச்சி அதிகரித்தது. இது இலக்கிய மற்றும் கலை போதுமான மேம்பாடுகளை உருவாக்கினது.
2. மரதா ஆட்சியில் இலக்கிய மற்றும் கலை படையாக்கப்பட்டதா?
Ans. ஆம், மரதா ஆட்சியில் இலக்கிய மற்றும் கலை படையாக்கப்பட்டது. இதன் மூலம் இலக்கியம் மற்றும் கலை வளர்ச்சியை அதிகரித்தது.
3. மரதா ஆட்சியில் இலக்கிய மற்றும் கலை வளர்ச்சியின் பல்வேறு அடிப்படைகள் என்ன?
Ans. மரதா ஆட்சியில், இலக்கியம் மற்றும் கலை போதுமான மேம்பாடுகள், வளர்ச்சியை அதிகரித்தன.
4. மரதா ஆட்சியில் இலக்கிய மற்றும் கலைக்கல்வியாண்டு வளர்ச்சியின் பயனுள்ளது என்ன?
Ans. மரதா ஆட்சியில் இலக்கிய மற்றும் கலைக்கல்வியாண்டு வளர்ச்சி, இலக்கியம் மற்றும் கலையை மேம்பாடு செய்வதன் மூலம் கல்வியின் வளர்ச்சியை அதிகரித்தது.
5. மரதா ஆட்சியில் இலக்கிய மற்றும் கலைக்கல்வியாண்டு வளர்ச்சியில் உள்ள முக்கிய நடப்புகள் யாது?
Ans. மரதா ஆட்சியில் இலக்கிய மற்றும் கலைக்கல்வியாண்டு வளர்ச்சியில், இலக்கியம் மற்றும் கலைக்குப் படுவதற்கான மேம்பாடுகள் மிகவும் முக்கியமானவைகளாகும்.
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