Page No 118
1) Mother tongue
2) Challenged
3) Tickled
4) Irritated
1) Mother Tongue: language which a person has been speaking from childhood Example sentences:
1) People should never forget their mother tongue.
2) Every mother tongue is unique in its own way.
2) Challenged: something that puts you to test Example sentences:
1) I challenged him to fight with me.
2) I accepted the challenge with dignity.
3) Tickled: a light touch that makes you laugh Example sentences:
1) My pet tickled the maid on her leg.
2) I tickled him under the ears.
4) Irritated: showing slight anger Example sentences:
1) Reena was irritated by her class teacher.
2) The street dog irritated the old man.
Page No 120
Question 1:
Who came to Akbar’s court?
A learned Pundit came to Akbar’s court.
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Question 2:
What did he claim to know?
He claimed to speak many languages fluently.
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Question 3:
How did he challenge everybody?
He challenged everybody to name his mother tongue.
Page No 120
Question 1:
What is your mother tongue?
My mother tongue is Hindi.
Disclaimer: The Ans to this Ques may vary according to the mother tongue of the student.
Page No 120
Question 2:
Tell the class a joke in your mother tongue.
Disclaimer: The Ans to this Ques may vary according to the mother tongue of the student.
Page No 120
Question 3:
Do you know any other language? Do you know a joke in English? Tell your friends.
Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. Students are advised to write the answer based on their own experience and observation.
Yes, I do know Spanish. Yes I do know a joke.
Page No 120
Question 1:
Listen to your favourite advertisement on the radio or T.V. Repeat it with stress on the words. Act, draw and write the advertisement.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the image.
Let’s Share
1. How did Birbal find out about the Pundit’s mother tongue?
At night, Birbal entered quietly into the Pundit’s room when he was asleep. He whispered something into his ear and tickled it with a feather. The Pundit, half awake, spoke suddenly in his mother tongue. In this way, Birbal found out about the Pundit’s mother tongue.
2. Act this out with your friends and make it into a class play.
Disclaimer: This is a group activity to be done along with your friends in the classroom.
The Truth Balloon
Suppose you are going on a camping holiday.
What are the four most important things you will carry with you?
Choose from the tags attached to the hot air balloon.
1) First Aid kit
2) Water Bottles
3) Food Packets
4) Money
5) Blanket
Fun Time
Crossword Fun
India is a country of many languages. Let’s see if you know what the people of the states in this crossword puzzle speak. The clues are given below. The first letter of each answer has been filled in for you.
1. This language is spoken in Orissa
2. It is spoken in Karnataka
4. The people of Assam speak this language
7. This language is used in Andhra Pradesh
8. You can hear this spoken in Maharashtra
3. The people of Kerala speak this language
5. This is our national language
6. The language of the Goan people
7. This is spoken in Tamil Nadu
9. It is widely spoken in Uttar Pradesh and elsewhere
20 videos|137 docs|46 tests
1. What is the significance of the mother tongue in a scholar's life? |
2. How does the scholar's mother tongue affect their academic performance? |
3. Can learning in the mother tongue lead to better retention of knowledge? |
4. Does promoting the mother tongue in education have any cultural benefits? |
5. Are there any challenges in implementing mother tongue-based education? |