Table of contents |
Mathematics as a Language |
Objectives of Language of Mathematics |
Merits of Mathematical Language |
Use of Mathematical Language in Acquiring Knowledge |
Conclusion |
In this chapter, we will explore the language of Mathematics, including its symbols, vocabulary, algorithms, and methods for representing word problems as equations, and applying suitable algorithms to solve them. An analysis of previous years' CTET and state TET exams indicates that typically 1 to 2 questions are asked from this chapter each year.
In the classroom, teachers use ordinary language to explain mathematics—concepts, formulae, operations, procedures, and propositions. Every mathematical concept can be explained to children through ordinary language.
A primary aim of learning mathematics is to develop the ability to convert real-life problems into mathematical problems, solve them using known techniques, and interpret the results as meaningful solutions to real-life problems. Children develop this ability through exposure to appropriate word problems, where language plays a crucial role.
Mathematics is itself a language with its own symbols, words, and rules of syntax. It is based on a consistent set of assumptions and built up according to the rules of logic. The understanding and application of such logic, necessary for developing mathematical thought, depend on the level of development of ordinary language.
For example, children need to develop the ability to use conjunctions such as 'and', 'but', 'therefore', and 'or' before they are ready for mathematically logical statements such as "Every square is a rectangle, but every rectangle is not a square."
Mathematics and ordinary language also share common words, but with precise mathematical meanings, such as difference, add, multiply, and power.
While discussing the different aspects of the interface between mathematics and language, we will mainly focus on examples involving numbers, but this relationship applies to all areas of mathematics. As you proceed through the subsequent sections, observe how often this occurs. Such observations will help you internalize the objectives of this unit.
Mathematics is a language composed of concepts, terminology, symbols, algorithms, and syntax unique to it. Children can only acquire this language by using it—speaking, writing, and listening to it. Throughout earlier units, we emphasized the importance of engaging children in mathematical conversations, encouraging them to discuss the activities they are doing, which helps build their mathematical language and thought.
Unfortunately, many teachers do not have the type of interactive engagement with their students that we have suggested. For instance, in Class 1, about 30 hours are allocated in the curriculum for teaching the concept of numbers and numerals from 1 to 9. How is this typically taught? The teacher picks up various objects like a bag, an umbrella, or a pen, and calls each one 'one'. She then writes its numeral, '1', on the blackboard, which the students copy. This is done in 2 or 3 minutes, and the teacher believes the concept of 'one' has been taught. Similarly, she introduces other number names and symbols, expecting the children to absorb this new spoken and written language. She is often surprised that children may be confused by this sudden introduction of terminology.
Children somehow manage to cope with such teaching methods with the help of adults around them, although many children, especially those from rural areas, lack this support. Consequently, children end up with misconceptions about mathematical concepts, processes, and skills. An example is their misunderstanding of algorithms for arithmetic operations.
Mathematical Symbols
To Understand the means of mathematics we should know about mathematical symbols and make connections between text and symbols. There are several signs and symbols used while teaching and learning mathematical concepts. Some of the notable terms are mentioned below:
Equal Sign (=)
Ohm Sign (Ω)
Not Equal to (≠)
Addition (+)
when we write 3+2 which means to add two to three. the pattern of speaking the number statement is different from its symbolic representation.
The inability to understand the basis of an algorithm often results from an inadequate understanding of why numerals are written as they are. This leads to errors like the following:
But when she did the sum orally, she got 21.3 1 2
0 4 7
2 6 5
1 5
When asked why he changed 4 to 5, he said, "Because 2 is less than 7. So, I take one away. Then, I have to put one back below." When questioned further about why he added it to the bottom, he defensively replied, "But this isn’t wrong! If I add 265 and 47, I get 312."These examples illustrate that while many children know what hundreds, tens, and ones are and what adding or subtracting a number means, they struggle to relate this understanding to written algorithms. They do not comprehend the steps and procedures suggested in the algorithms.
Children also encounter difficulties with various symbols, such as:
As children progress, they need to move from simple sentences like "5 + 3 = 8" to more complex expressions like "5 + 3 = 3 + 5." This requires them to view equations not just as sentences but as relationships between numbers.
These difficulties have been gathered from interactions with children, indicating that the language in which mathematical questions are stated plays a crucial role in how children interpret and solve problems. Therefore, it is essential to present problems and solutions in different ways to help children develop a deeper understanding of mathematical language.
The linguistic theory can be used to analyze the mathematical texts in order to promote the interest of learners and comprehend the concepts of mathematics. This article provides valuable insights into the language with specific reference to mathematics as an area of study.
All of the above discussion shows that there is a significant relationship between language and mathematics. Though both areas of study are different from each other. However, they are the two sides of the same coin. Both complement each other. The design and development of technology (software, database management systems) are notable examples of how they work hand-in-hand to perform various functions in less time and with better results. Computation has transformed the lives of people by making a balance between the two.
75 videos|230 docs|70 tests
1. What are the key topics covered in the Language of Mathematics for CTET & State TET exams? | ![]() |
2. How important is it to have a good understanding of the Language of Mathematics for CTET & State TET exams? | ![]() |
3. How can one improve their proficiency in the Language of Mathematics for CTET & State TET exams? | ![]() |
4. Are there any specific strategies or tips for mastering the Language of Mathematics for CTET & State TET exams? | ![]() |
5. How can one stay updated with any changes or updates in the Language of Mathematics syllabus for CTET & State TET exams? | ![]() |