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Introduction to Mass
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Introduction to Mass
n Three fundamental transfer processes:
i) Momentum transfer
ii) Heat transfer
iii) Mass transfer
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Introduction to Mass
n Three fundamental transfer processes:
i) Momentum transfer
ii) Heat transfer
iii) Mass transfer
n Mass transfer may occur in a gas
mixture, a liquid solution or solid.
n Mass transfer occurs whenever there is
a gradient in the concentration of a
n The basic mechanisms are the same
whether the phase is a gas, liquid, or
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Introduction to Mass
n Three fundamental transfer processes:
i) Momentum transfer
ii) Heat transfer
iii) Mass transfer
n Mass transfer may occur in a gas
mixture, a liquid solution or solid.
n Mass transfer occurs whenever there is
a gradient in the concentration of a
n The basic mechanisms are the same
whether the phase is a gas, liquid, or
Definition of Concentration
i)  Number of molecules of each species
present per unit volume
ii) Molar concentration  of species i =
Number of moles of i per unit volume
iii) Mass concentration = Mass of i per
unit volume (kg/m
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Introduction to Mass
n Three fundamental transfer processes:
i) Momentum transfer
ii) Heat transfer
iii) Mass transfer
n Mass transfer may occur in a gas
mixture, a liquid solution or solid.
n Mass transfer occurs whenever there is
a gradient in the concentration of a
n The basic mechanisms are the same
whether the phase is a gas, liquid, or
Definition of Concentration
i)  Number of molecules of each species
present per unit volume
ii) Molar concentration  of species i =
Number of moles of i per unit volume
iii) Mass concentration = Mass of i per
unit volume (kg/m
Diffusion phenomena
n Fick’s law: linear relation between the rate of
diffusion of chemical species and the
concentration gradient of that species.
n Thermal diffusion: Diffusion due to a
temperature gradient. Usually negligible unless
the temperature gradient is very large.
n Pressure diffusion: Diffusion due to a pressure
gradient. Usually negligible unless the pressure
gradient is very large.
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FAQs on PPT - Introduction to Mass Transfer and Diffusion - Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering

1. What is mass transfer in chemical engineering?
Mass transfer in chemical engineering refers to the movement of substances from one location to another within a system. It involves the transfer of mass from one phase to another, such as from a liquid to a gas or from a solid to a liquid. Mass transfer is important in various industrial processes, including distillation, absorption, and extraction.
2. What is diffusion in mass transfer?
Diffusion is a fundamental process of mass transfer in which molecules or particles move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. It occurs due to the random motion of particles and plays a crucial role in various natural and industrial processes. Diffusion is commonly observed in gases, liquids, and solids, and its rate is influenced by factors such as temperature, concentration gradient, and the nature of the substances involved.
3. How is mass transfer related to chemical engineering?
Mass transfer is an essential aspect of chemical engineering as it underlies many industrial processes. Understanding and controlling mass transfer is crucial for optimizing reactions, separating mixtures, and designing efficient equipment. Chemical engineers employ mass transfer principles to develop processes for distillation, absorption, adsorption, and other unit operations involved in the production of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and various other products.
4. What are the different types of mass transfer?
There are three main types of mass transfer: molecular diffusion, convective mass transfer, and interphase mass transfer. - Molecular diffusion involves the movement of individual molecules or particles due to their random motion. - Convective mass transfer occurs when mass is transported by the bulk movement of a fluid, such as in forced convection or natural convection. - Interphase mass transfer refers to the transfer of mass across the interface between two phases, such as the transfer of solute from a gas phase to a liquid phase during absorption.
5. What factors affect the rate of mass transfer?
Several factors influence the rate of mass transfer, including: - Concentration gradient: A higher concentration gradient between two phases leads to a faster mass transfer rate. - Temperature: Increasing the temperature generally enhances the rate of mass transfer due to increased molecular activity. - Surface area: A larger surface area facilitates more contact between phases, promoting faster mass transfer. - Diffusivity: The diffusivity of the substances involved determines the speed at which mass is transferred. - Fluid velocity: Higher fluid velocities can enhance mass transfer rates through increased convective transport.
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