1. The progesterone secretion stops, so the placenta dissolves and the foetus is separated from the walls of the uterus.
2. The pituitary gland secretes Oxytocin in more amount. This hormone induces intense contractions in the uterus.
Due to these contractions, the foetus starts moving towards the vagina. The labour pain during child-birth is due to this hormone. Oxytocin is the main parturition hormone. After parturition, Oxytocin stimulates milk-let down by milk ejection reflex.
3. Relaxin hormone is secreted by the placenta and the ovary. This hormone relaxes the pubic-symphysis i.e. the joint between the pelvic-girdles. So more space is available to the foetus to move out.
1. The time from fertilization to parturition is termed as gestation-period. Rabbit has gestation-period of 28-30 days.
2. They become normal in next 4-5 days. The young-ones of Hare are normal at the time of birth. In humans, the actual gestation period is 9 months+7 days.
3. In human expected date of delivery (EDD) = Ist day of last menstrual cycle+ 9 months + 7 days.
“Lactation is the process of milk secretion from the mammary glands of a female after childbirth.”
Lactation is the process of milk secretion from the mammary glands of a mother soon after childbirth. The milk, thus produced provides nutrition and immunity to the young one. Galactopoiesis is the stage that maintains milk production and requires prolactin and oxytocin.
The female is ready to produce milk during the fifth or sixth month of pregnancy. During the later stages of pregnancy, the female enters the first stage of lactogenesis. At this stage, the breasts make colostrum, a thick, yellow fluid, also known as the first milk a baby receives.Colostrum is highly rich in immunoglobulin A that boosts the immunity of the newborn. It prevents any pathogens from invading the baby’s body and also prevents food allergies.
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Test: Parturition and Lactation (NCERT)
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There are three hormones, which play an important role in stimulating the milk production in mammary glands of a lactating mother. Consuming medicines of these three hormones in the form of supplements would help women to produce breast milk in their mammary glands without pregnancy.
There are certain other natural tendencies were lactation happens without pregnancy. These include:
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Parturition & Lactation
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The termination of lactation slowly stops with the reduced demand from the baby.
78 videos|280 docs|174 tests
1. What is parturition? | ![]() |
2. How long is the gestation period in mammals? | ![]() |
3. What is lactation? | ![]() |
4. How long does lactation last in mammals? | ![]() |
5. What are the benefits of lactation for both the mother and the offspring? | ![]() |