Table of contents |
Permanent Tissues |
[A] Simple Permanent Tissues |
I. Parenchyma |
II. Collenchyma |
III. Sclerenchyma |
[B] Complex Permanent Tissue |
(a) Xylem |
(b) Phloem |
Permanent tissues are of three types :-
A. Simple tissue (Homogenous tissue)
B. Complex tissues (Heterogenous tissue)
C. Special tissue
These tissues are made up of similar type of cells or only one type of cells that perform a common function.
Simple tissues are of three types:
It is very primitive type of tissue. It is first evolved tissue. Remaining all different types of tissues are derived from this tissue. so it is also called as fundamental tissue l Parenchyma name coined by Grew.
1. Prosenchyma :- The cells of this parenchyma are long with pointed ends. This parenchyma forms the pericyle of roots. Function : Provide support to plant organ.
2. Aerenchyma :- This parenchyma is made up of rounded cells. These cells surrounds the large air chambers.
Air chambers are lysigenous in origin. Aerenchyma is found in cortex region. It provide buoyancy to hydrophyte plants.
3. Stellate Parenchyma :-The cells of this tissue are stellate and branched. Air spaces are also present but they are less developed. Main function of this parenchyma is to provide mechanical support and provide mechanical strength to leaf bases of banana.
4. Chlorenchyma :- Such type of parenchyma in which abundant quantity of chloroplasts are found. Two types of chlorenchyma are present in dorsiventral leaves :-
(a) Palisade Tissues :- Inter cellular spaces are absent. Their cells are tightly fitted together. They are present towards adaxial/ ventral/upper side of leaf. Number of chloroplasts are more in palisade tissue as compare to spongy tissue. So upper surface of a leaf appears more green as compared to lower surface.
(b) Spongy Tissues :- Large intercellular spaces are present. So they facilitates transpiration and gaseous exchange.They are present towards abaxial/dorsal/lower side of leaf.
5. Mucilage Parenchyma :- In the Mucilage parenchyma large vacuoles and Mucilage will be found. e.g. Succulent xerophytic plants. e.g. Aloe. Function -storage of water.
1. The main function of this tissue is storage of food.
2. Some cells of parenchyma store waste materials. They are called "idioblast cells". Idioblast cells store oils, tannin and crystal of calcium oxalate .
Term coined by Schleiden.
On the basis of place of deposition, it is classify into three types by:-
1. Lamellar/Plate Collenchyma :- The cells of collenchyma arranged in lamellar forms. The cell have thickening on the tangential walls. Due to such type of deposition, cell looks like a lamellar or plates. Ex. Sunflower stem.
2. Angular Collenchyma :- This type of collenchyma abundantly found in plants. The cells of this tissue are angular. The deposition of pectocellulose at the angles of cell wall. e.g., Stem of Datura, Solanum and tomato
3. Lacunar Collenchyma/Tubular Collenchyma :- Large intercellular spaces are present in the cells of this tissue. Deposition of pectocellulose on the walls of intercellular spaces. e.g. Cucurbita stem and aerial roots of Monstera.
Name coined by Mettenius.
On the basis of length of cells and amount of deposition of wall materials (Lignin), sclerenchyma cells are of two types:
(i) Sclereids
(ii) Sclerenchymatous Fibres
These cells are small, extremely thick walled and their ends are not pointed. Sclereids are isodiametric or irregular in shape. Sclereids cells have more pits and lumen is almost very small.
Their pit cavity is branched.
Sclereids are classified on the basis of their shapes :-
(A) Stone Cells or Brachy- Sclereids or Grit Cells:-These cells are spherical or oval in shape. They are found in endocarp of drupe fruits, so endocarp becomes hard.
(B) Trichosclereids : These are also known as internal hairs. They are spines like, bifurcated cells. These are found in floating leaves of hydrophytes.
(C) Astro Sclereids or Stellate Sclerenchyma : These cells are stellate (star) shaped. They are found in floating leaves.
Example :- Both Astro and Tricho sclereids are present in floating leaves. |
Note – Astro sclercids are also found in tea leaves.
(D) Macro-Sclereids or Rod Cells or Malpighi Cells :-They are small and rod like cells. They are present in seed coats. Ex. legume seeds.
In leguminous plants, hardest seed coat is found in french bean (Phaseolus vulgaris).
(E) Osteo- Sclereids :-These are known asprop-cells. These are pillar like cells. Both end of pillar like cells spreads to form bone like structure.
Example :- These cells are found in leaves of Hakea and Osmanthus.
These cells are fibrous. They are longest cells in plant body. Their both ends are pointed (tapering). Due to thick cell wall, lumen is reduced.
Their cell wall contains simple and bordered pits.
On the basis of structure fibres are classified into two groups:
(a) Libriform Fibres :- They are highly thickened long fibres. They posses simple pits and narrow lumen.
Libriform fibres are found in phloem, xylem, pericycle and hypodermis (Maximum in phloem).
(b) Fibre Tracheids :- They are also highly thickened. Bordered pits are present in these fibres and lumen is broad. They are only found in xylem.
On the basis of position, fibres are divided into three types:
They are present on the surface of plant. These fibres also called as filling fibres.
(i) Seed surface fibre
Example 1 : Cotton fibres - Cotton fibres are out growth of seed coat/out growth of testa. Cotton fibres are composed of cellulose. They are non-lignified. So cotton fibres are not true fibres. Two types of fibres are found in cotton. Long fibres are called 'lint' and small fibres are known as'fuzz'. Lint fibres are used in cloth industry. Fuzz are filling fibre.
Example 2 : Red silk cotton (Semal fibre) - Obtained from Salmalia malabaricum
Example 3 : White silk cotton (Kapok) - Obtained from Ceiba pentendra (Both red and white silk cotton fibres are not true fibres and they are also an example of seed surface fibre.)
(ii) Coir of coconut is also a type of surface fibre. They are derived from the mesocarp. These are true fibres, becouse they are lignified.
These are hard fibres. They fibres are not flexible. They can not be knitted (weaved) easily so they are not useful. These are obtained from xylem.
Ex. Munj fibre (Saccharum munja)
These are also known as commercial fibres. These fibres are flexible and can be knitted (weaved) easily. They have great economic value.
Fibres which are obtained from pericycle are called perivascular fibres.
Complex tissues are of two types:
(a) Xylem
(b) Phloem
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Permanent Tissues: Simple & Complex
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The term 'Xylem' is coined by Nageli.
The function of xylem is to conduct water & minerals salts upwards from the roots to stem & leaves and to give mechanical strength to the plant body.
For conduction of water death of protoplasm is must. Dead tissues are more develop in water scares condition.
On the basis of origin, xylem is divided into primary xylem and secondary xylem.
1. Primary xylem originates from procambium during vascularization.
On the basis of development primary xylem divided into two parts
(1) Protoxylem
(2) Metaxylem
Cells of protoxylem are small as compare to metaxylem
2. Secondary xylem originates from vascular cambium during secondary growth.
The elements of xylem are
Tracheids are primitive conducting elements of xylem.
A single tracheid is a highly elongated cell with hard, thick and lignified wall and a narrow lumen. The ends of tracheids are tapering or chisel like.
The tracheids found one above, the other are separated by cross wall which bear bordered pits.
Tracheids are dead and lignified cells. The deposition of lignin on cell wall is responsible to form a different type of thickenings.i.e., annular (primitive type), spiral, scalariform, reticulate and pitted.
Note :
1. Usually bordered pits are present at the end wall of tracheids.
The maximum bordered pits are found in the tracheids of Gymnosperm plants. |
2. Maximum deposition of lignin is found in pitted type of thickening and pits are formed in this type of thickening.
3. Annular and Spiral type of thickening of lignin is found in protoxylem.
4. Reticulate and Pitted (mainly) type of thickening of lignin is found in metaxylem.
5. Scalariform type of thickening is found in metaxylem tracheids of pteridophytes and in metaxylem tracheids of Cycas.
6. End wall of tracheids are imperforated/pitted.
7. Tracheids are unicellular.
Note: Pits are unlignified areas on lignified wall
It is an advance conducting element of xylem. Vessels is a long cylindrical, tube like structure with lignified walls and, a wide central lumen.
The end wall is perforated (Transverse septum is absent between two vessel elements. If present then porous.) Thus vessels are more capable for conduction of water than tracheids. Due to presence of perforated end wall, vessels work as a pipe line during conduction of water.
The perforation may be simple (only one pore) or multiple (several pores). Vessels contain usually simple pits on their lateral walls. Types of thickening on the walls of vessels is the same as tracheids.
Note :
1. Vessels are found in most of the angiosperm but also present in some gymnosperms like Ephedra, Gnetum and Welwitschia.
2. Vessels are absent in some Angiospermic plants such as Dracaena, Yucca, Dagenaria, Drimys.
There are some angiosperm families in which vessel less angiosperms are included.
E.g.: Winteraceae, tetracentraceae and trochodendraceae.
3. Vessels are example of dead syncyte.
4. Vessels are multicellular.
Syncyte : Cell which is formed by fusion of cells, called as syncyte |
Xylem fibres provides strength to the tracheids and vessels. Mainly these fibres provide strength to the vessels.
They may be either septate or aseptate. They have obliterated central lumen.
They are abundantly found in secondary xylem.
It's cell wall is made up of cellulose.
Function : Radial conduction of water and store food material in the form of starch or fats and tannin etc.
Their walls possess pits.
Note :Function of ray paranchymatus cells - radial conduction of water. |
Hadrom : – Tracheids and Vessels are collectively known as water conducting elements or "Hadrom". Hadrom term was proposed by Haberlandt.
The term 'Phloem' is coined by Nageli.
The main function of the phloem is to conduct of food materials, usually from the leaf to other plant parts (eg. storage organ and growing regions) On the basis of origin, phloem is classified into two categories primary and secondary phloem.
Primary phloem originates from procambium during vascularisation and secondary phloem originates from vascular cambium during secondary growth.
On the basis of development primary phloem categorised into protophloem and metaphloem.
The protophloem has narrow sieve tubes whereas metaphloem has bigger sieve tubes.
Phloem remains active for less duration as compared to xylem.
Phloem consist of 4 types of cells:
Sieve element was discovered by Hartig.
Sieve cells/sieve tube element are living and thin walled.
Mature sieve tube elements are enucleated living cells.
Central vacuole is present in each sieve cells/sieve tube element and around the central vacuole thin layer of cytoplasm is present.
In Angiosperm plants, sieve tube elements are joined their ends and form sieve tube. Their end walls are perforated (Sieve Pores) in a sieve like manner to form the sieve plate. Translocation of food material takes place through these pores.
Sieve elements contain special type of protein-P-protein (p-phloem). Most likely function of p-protein is sealing mechanism on wounding and it is also related with conduction of food.
Note :
1. Food conduction is bidirectional in sieve tube.
2. In sieve tube, oblique transverse perforated septa (sieve plates) are present at their end wall.
3. Sieve tube is an example of living syncyte.
These are thin walled living cells. The sieve tube elements and companion cells are connected by pit fields present in their longitudinal walls, which is common wall for both and, with the death of one, other cell also dies.
A companion cell is laterally associated with each sieve tube element in Angiospermic plants.(In carrot more than one)
Sieve tube element and companion cell originates together. Both of them originates from a single mother cell. So called as sister cells.
The companion cells and sieve tube elements maintain close cytoplasmic connections with each other through plasmodesmata.
Companion cell is a living cell with large nucleus. This nucleus also controls the activity of cytoplasm of sieve tube element.
Companion cells are only found in Angiosperms. (exception - Austrobaileya is angiosperm plant but companion cells are absent).
Special type of cells are attached with the sieve cells in gymnosperm (mainly) and in pteridophytes in place of companion cells. These cells are called as albuminous cells/ strasburger cell.
Note :
(1) Albuminous cells in conifers are analogous to companion cells of angiosperms. They are modified phloem parenchyma cells.
(2) The companion cells play an important role in the maintenance of a pressure gradient in the sieve tubes.
(3) In phloem of pteridophytes and gymnosperms sieve cell are present which are comparable to the tracheids.
These are made up of sclerenchymatous cells.
These fibres are generally not found in primary phloem.
These fibres provide mechanical support to sieve elements (sieve cells and sieve tube).
It's cells are living and thin walled. It store various materials. eg. Resin, Latex, Mucilage etc.
The main function of phloem parenchyma is conduction of food in radial direction and storage of food. The conducting element of pholem is called Leptom.
Leptom term was proposed by Haberlandt.
Note :
(1) Phloem parenchyma is absent in the stems of monocotyledon plants.
(2) Phloem Parenchyma is absent in the stems of Ranunculaceae plants (dicot family).e.g. Thallictrum
I. Lactiferous tissue :
These are made up of long, highly branched and thin walled cells. These cells are filled with milky juice, called as Latex.
Latex is the mixture of saccharides, starch granules, alkaloids, minerals and waste materials.
Starch granules present in latex are dumble shaped.
Function :
(1) Latex provide protection to the plant.
(2) It prevents the plants from infection of bacteria and fungus. In laticiferous tissue there are two types of cells.
1. Latex vessels and 2. Latex cells
1. Latex vessels :
These are articulated.
These are syncytic cells and coenocytic (multinucleated).
Example :- Latex vessels are present in Hevea, Ficus, Papaver, papaya, Argemone and Sonchus.
Highly developed latex vessels are found in the fruit wall of unripe fruit (capsule) of Poppy |
Opium is obtained from the latex of Papaver somniferum. It contains an alkaloid named as morphine.
An enzyme papain is obtained from the latex of papaya (Carica papaya).
Para rubber/Commercial rubber is obtained from Hevea bransiliensis and Indian rubber is obtained from Ficus elastica Mostly latex is white in colour but in some plants latex is coloured.
Ex. Papaver – Dark brown
Yellow colour
In some plants latex is colourless Ex. Banana (Family - musaceae).
2. Latex cells :
These are non articulated. These are long, branched and multinucleated cells (coenocytic cells).
Example - Latex cells are found in Calotropis, Euphorbia and Nerium (Apocyanaceae), Ficus religiosa Note : Latex vessels and latex cells are found in cortex.
II. Glandular tissue :
As the name indicates that this tissue is made up of glands. These glands contain secretory or excretory materials.
Glandular tissues have two types of glands :-
(1) Unicellular. Ex. - Urtica-dioica. These cells are present on the surface of the leaves. These are spiny glands.
(2) Multicellular : Multicellular glands are of two types.
1. External Glands :- These are located on the surface of the plants and arising as an outgrowth from the epidermis. These glands are of various types :-
Glandular hairs :- They secrete gum - like sticky substances in tobacco and Plumbago.
Nectar Glands :- These glands secrete sugar solution. These are found in floral parts mainly in thalamus.
These glands secrete nectar to attracting the insects.
Exception- In Passiflora, nectar glands are found in leaves.
2. Internal Glands :- These glands are embedded in the tissues. Internal glands are of following types.
Digestive glands :- Digestive glands are found in insectivorous plants. These glands compensate the deficiency of N2 in insectivorous plants. These are found in Utricularia, Drosera, Dionaea etc. plants. they secrete proteolytic juice.
Mucous glands :- These glands secretes mucous. These are found in the leaves of betel.
Oil glands :- These secretes Volatile oil. It act as antiseptic. These glands are found in fruits & leaves of lemon & orange. Mostly, Oil glands are lysigenous but in sunflower these glands are schizogenous.
Note : Oil glands which secrete volatile oils called osmophores. Osmophores develop fragrance in flowers. Oils which are obtained from Eucalyptus leaves are used in medicines.
(d) Tannin, resin, gum secretory glands are also internal glands.These are schizogenous. Maximum resin glands are found in Pinus. Resin ducts are schizogenous. Gum glands are found in Acacia.
(e) Water glands/Hydathode.
These glands are related with guttation. Hydathodes are present in Tomato, Pistia and
Eichhornia etc.
208 videos|226 docs|136 tests
1. What are permanent tissues? | ![]() |
2. What are the types of simple permanent tissues? | ![]() |
3. What is the function of xylem and phloem? | ![]() |
4. How do simple permanent tissues differ from complex permanent tissues? | ![]() |
5. What is the significance of permanent tissues in plants? | ![]() |