Q1: What other factors besides politics keep the federations united?
Ans: Besides politics other factors that keep federations united are:
Q2: How many seats are reserved for women in the local bodies in India?
Ans: At least one-third of the seats are reserved for women in the local bodies in India.
Q3: What is the official post for the chairperson of a municipal corporation?
Ans: Mayor is the official post for the chairperson of a municipal corporation.
Q4: Define the term federalism.
Ans: Federalism is a system of government in which the power is divided between a central authority and various constituent units of the country. Both these levels of the government the central and the state—enjoy their powers independent of each other.
Q5: Name any two subjects which are included in the Union List.
Ans: Foreign affairs and defence are included in the Union List.
Q6: Explain the vertical division of power giving example from India.
Ans: The power shared among the different levels of the government is known as the vertical distribution of power. It involves higher and lower levels of government. These levels are the Union government, the State government and the Local government. In India, the Union government is at the highest level. The government at the provincial or regional level is the State government. The Indian Constitution has further laid down the provision of distribution of power. This division of power is further extended to the levels of the government lower than the state governments. They are also called Municipal Corporations and the Municipalities in urban areas and Panchayati Raj in rural areas. Each level of the government exercises its power. There is no specification of the system of checks and balances. Each level has its own powers and areas of jurisdiction and no level can interfere in each other’s functioning. Such an arrangement ensures deepening of democracy.
Q7: Explain democratic policies adopted by Government of India which made it a successful federation.
Ans: The following democratic policies have helped India to be a successful federation.
Q8: How are the legislative powers divided between the Union government and the State Governments?
Ans: The legislative powers are divided between the Union Government and the State Governments by the Constitution of India. The constitution is supreme in the country and the legislative powers are divided into various areas of government jurisdiction into three lists—Union List, State List, Concurrent List.
Q9: Which five provisions of Indian Constitution make India a full-fledged federation?
Ans: A federation is a country in which the powers are divided between the union and its constituents. India is an example of holding together federation, where the country decides to create constituent units, thereby dividing the powers and duties between the centre and the states.
The following are the five provisions that make India a full-fledged federation.
Q10: The creation of linguistic states was the first and the major test of democratic politics in our country. Justify the statement.
Ans: The creation of linguistic states was the first and the major test of democratic politics in our country.
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