Q1: Explain any two reasons for the disintegration of the Soviet Union. [2024]
Ans: Reasons for the disintegration of the Soviet Union:
(i) Internal weaknesses of the Soviet political and economic institutions.
(ii) Economic stagnation for many years led to severe consumer shortages and a large section of Soviet society began to doubt and question the system.
(iii) Ordinary people were alienated by slow and stifling administration, rampant corruption, the inability of the system to correct mistakes. This led to unwillingness to allow more openness in government and the centralisation of authority in a vast land.
(iv) Maximum resources were used on nuclear weapons and other defence equipments
Q2: Name any four Republics of erstwhile USSR. [2023]
Ans. Republics of USSR: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.
Q3: Highlight any one major distinction between the Soviet economy and the Capitalist economy.
Ans: The Soviet economy was planned and controlled by the state only whereas the capitalist economy was enjoyed by the people or group of people as well as by the state.
Vladimir Lenin
Q4: Why did the one-party system, represented by the Communist Party, become a source of dissent and dissatisfaction among the Soviet people?
Ans: Reasons:
Symbol of Communist Party
Q5: Mention any three features that distinguish the Soviet economy from that of a capitalist country like the US.
Ans: The following three features distinguish the Soviet economy from that of a capitalist country like US:
Q6: How was the US benefitted from the Soviet disintegration?
Q7: Assess the major consequences of disintegration of USSR on India.
Ans: The major consequences of disintegration of USSR on India are:
Q8: Explain two reasons for the disintegration of the USSR.
Ans: Causes of disintegration:
Q9: Highlight any one consequence of ‘Shock Therapy.’
Q10: How far can Shock Therapy be called the best way to make the transition from communism to capitalism?
Ans: It was considered to be the best way because privatization of state-owned assets, replacements of collective farms by private agriculture, the introduction of free trade and Foreign Direct Investments, etc. had to be introduced in place of the features of the communist economy.
Q11: What is meant by “Shock Therapy”?
Ans: The model of transition in Russia, Central Asia, and East Europe, which was influenced by the World Bank and the IMF, came to be known as ‘Shock Therapy’. In it the transition was from an authoritarian socialist system to a democratic socialist system.
Q12: What was the main reason for the revival of the economies of most of the former Soviet Republics?
Ans: The reason for the revival of the economies of most of the former Soviet Republics was the export of natural resources like oil, natural gas, and minerals. Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan are major oil and gas producers.
Other countries have gained because of the oil pipelines that cross their territories for which they get rent. Some amount of manufacturing has also started.
Q13: Highlight any two consequences of ‘Shock Therapy.’
Mention any two consequences of Shock Therapy.
Ans: Following are the two consequences of ‘Shock Therapy’:
(i) It led to the virtual disappearance of entire industries.
(ii) The old system of social welfare was destroyed over.
Q14: What is meant by a multipolar world order as visualized by India and Russia?
Ans: They meant by a multipolar world order that the co-existence of several powers in the international system, collective security, greater regionalism, negotiated settlements of international conflicts, an independent foreign policy for all countries, and decision making through bodies like the UN that should be strengthened, democratized and empowered.
Q15: Mention any two benefits to India from its relationship with Russia.
Ans: India stands to benefit from its relationship with Russia on issues like Kashmir, energy supplies, sharing information on international terrorism, access to Central Asia, and balancing its relations with China.
34 videos|246 docs|52 tests
1. What were the main factors that led to the end of bipolarity in international relations? |
2. How did the end of bipolarity impact the balance of power in the world? |
3. What role did the United States play in the transition from bipolarity to a more multipolar world? |
4. How did the end of bipolarity impact regional conflicts and alliances around the world? |
5. What are some potential challenges and opportunities presented by the shift from bipolarity to a more multipolar world? |