Problems based on Module –I (Metric Spaces)
Ex.1. Let d be a metric on X. Determine all constants K such that
(i) kd , (ii) d + k is a metric on X
Hint.1: Use definition . Ans (i) k>0 (ii) k=0
Ex.2. Show that
Hint.2: Use Triangle inequality d
Ex.3. Find a sequence x which is in lp with p >1 but
Hint.3: Choose x = (xk) where xk = 1/k
Ex.4. Let (X,d) be a metric space and A,B are any two non empty subsets of X. Is D(A,B) = inf d (a,b)a metric on the power set of X?
Hint.4: No. Because D(A,B)=0 ≠ > A=B e.g. Choose where ai ≠ bi clearly
Ex.5. Let ( X, d) be any metric space. Is a Metric space where
Hint.5: Yes. ;
Ex.6. Let (X1, d1) and (X2, d2) be metric Spaces and X = X1 X2. Are as defined below A metric on X?
Hint.6: Yes.
Ex.7. Show that in a discrete metric space X, every subset is open and closed.
Hint.7: Any subset is open since for any a ∈ A, the open ball Similarly Ac is open, so that (Ac)c = A is closed.
Ex.8. Describe the closure of each of the following Subsets:
(a) The integers on R.
(b) The rational numbers on R.
(c) The complex number with real and imaginary parts as rational in.
(d) The disk
Hint.8: use Definition
Ans (a) The integer, (b) R, (c)
Ex.9. Show that a metric space X is separable if and only if X has a countable subset Y with the property: For every ∈ > 0 and every x ∈ X there is a y ∈ Y such that d (x ,y) < ∈.
Hint.9: Let X be separable .So it has a countable dense subset Y i.e. be given.Since Y is dense in X and
so that the ∈ neibourhood B(x;∈) of x contains a y ∈ Y, and d (x, y) < ∈. Conversely, if X has a countable subset Y with the property given in the problem, every x ∈ X is a point of Y or an accumulation point of Y. Hence x ∈ Y, s result follows.
Ex.10. If (xn) and (yn) are Cauchy sequences in a metric space (X,d), show that (an), where an = d(xn.yn) converges.
Hint.10: Since which shows that (an) is a Cauchy sequence of real numbers . Hence convergent.
Ex.11. Let ab ∈ R and a < b.Show that the open interval (a, b) is an incomplete subspace of R.
Hint.11: Choose which is a Cauchy sequence in (a,b) but does not converge.
Ex.12. Let be the subspace consisting of all sequence
with at most finitely many nonzero terms .Find a Cauchy sequence in M which does not converge in M, so that M is not complete.
Hint.12: Choose (xn), where which is Cauchy in M but does not converge.
Ex.13. Show that the set X of all integers with metric d defined by d (m,n) = |m - n| is a complete metric space.
Hint.13: Consider a sequence
Where xk = α for k ≥ n, α is an integer.This is a Cauchy and converges to α ∈ X.
Ex.14.Let X be the set of all positive integers and d (m, n) = |m-1 - n-1|. Show that (X , d) is not complete.
Hint.14: Choose (xn) when xn = n which is Cauchy but does not converge.
Ex.15. Show that a discrete metric space is complete.
Hint.15: Constant sequence are Cauchy and convergent.
Ex.16. Let X be metric space of all real sequences each of which has only finitely Nonzero terms, and
when y = (ηj). Show that
for j > n is Cauchy but does not converge.
Hint.16: For every ∈ > 0, ,there is an N s. t. for n > m >N,
But (xn) does not converge to any Because
so that for n >
And d(xn, x) → 0 as n → ∞ is imposible.
Ex.17. Show that,by given a example ,that a complete and an incomplete metric spaces may be Homeomorphic.
Hint.17: (Def) A homeomorphism is a continuous bijective mapping.
T: X → Y : whose inverse is continuous; the metric space X and Y are then said to be homeomorphic. e g. . A mapping T: R: → (-1 ,1) defined as with metric d(x,y) = |x - y| on R. .Clearly T is 1-1,into & bi continuous so
But R is complete while (-1,1) is an incomplete metric space.
Ex.18. If (X , d) is complete, show that where
is complete.
Hence if (xn) is Cauchy is it is Cauchy in (X, d), and its limit in
Problems on Module-II (Normed and Banach Spaces)
Ex.1. Let (X, i= 1, 2, ∞ be normed spaces of all ordered pairs
of real numbers where
are defined as
How does unit sphere in these norms look like?
Ex.2. Show that the discrete metric on a vector space X ≠{0} can not be obtained from a norm.
Ex.3. In l∞ ,let γ be the subset of all sequences with only finitely many non zero terms. Show that γ is a subspace of l∞ but not a closed subspace.
Hint.3: where
has 0 value after j>n. Clearly
as well as x(n)∈ γ but
Ex.4. Give examples of subspaces of l∞ and l2 which are not closed.
Hint.4: Let γ be the subset of all sequences with only finitely many non zero terms.
but not closed.
Ex.5. Show that a discrete metric space X consisting of infinitely many points is not compact.
Hint.5: By def. of Discrete metric, any sequences (nx) cannot have convergent subsequence as
Ex.6. Give examples of compact and non compact curves in the plane R2.
Hint.6: As R2 is of finite dimension, So every closed & bounded set is compact.
Choose which is compact But
is not compact.
Ex.7. Show that are locally compact.
Hint.7: (def.) A metric space X is said to be locally compact if every point of X has a compact neighbourhood. Result follows (obviously).
Ex.8. Let X and Y be metric spaces. X is compact and T: X→ Y bijective and continuous. Show that T is homeomorphism.
Hint.8: Only to show T-1 is continuous i.e. Inverse image of open set under T-1 is open.
If It will follow from the fact that X is compact.
Ex.9. What are the domain, range and null space of T1,T2,T3 in exercise 9.
Hint.9: The domain is R2 . The ranges are the The null spaces are the
the origin.
Ex.10. Let T : X → Y be a linear operator. Show that the image of a subspace V of X is a vector space, and so is the inverse image of a subspace W of X.
αx1 + βx2 is an element of that inverse image.
Ex.11. Let X be the vector space of all complex 2 x 2 matrices and define T: X → X by Tx=bx, where b ∈ X is fixed and bx denotes the usual product of matrices. Show that T is linear. Under what condition does T-1 exist?
Hint.11. |b| ≠ 0
Ex.12. Let T : D(T) → Y be a linear operator whose inverse exists. If {x1,x2,....,xn) is a Linearly Independant set in D(T), show that the set {Tx1,Tx2,....Txn} is L.I.
Ex.13. Consider the vector space X of all real-valued functions which are defined on R and have derivatives of all orders everywhere on R. Define T : X → X by y(t) = Tx(t) = x'(t), show that R(T) is all of X but T-1 does not exist.
Hint.13: R (T) = X since for every y ∈ X we have y = Tx, where x(t) = But n T-1 does not exist since Tx=0 for every constant function.
Ex.14. Let X and Y be normed spaces. Show that a linear operator T: X → Y is bounded if and only if T maps bounded sets in X into bounded set in Y.
Hint.14: Apply definition of bounded operator.
Ex.15. If T ≠ 0 is a bounded linear operator, show that for any we have the strict inequality
Hint.15: Since
Ex.16. Find the norm of the linear functional f defined on C[-1, 1] by
Hint.16: For converse, choose x(t) = -1 on [-1,1]. So
Problems on Module III (IPS/Hilbert space)
Ex.1. If x ⊥ y in an IPS X,Show that
Hint.1: Use and the fact that < x y > = 0, if x ⊥ y.
Ex.2. If X in exercise 1 is a real vector space, show that ,conversely, the given relation implies that x ⊥ y . Show that this may not hold if X is complex. Give examples.
Hint. 2: By Assumption,
Ex.3. If an IPS X is real vector space, show that the condition implies <x +y,x-y>= 0. What does this mean geometrically if X = R2?
Hint.3: Start <x +y,x-y> = <x,x> + <y,-y> = as X is real. Geometrically: If x & y are the vectors representing the sides of a parallelogram, then x+y and x-y will represent the diagonal which are⊥.
Ex.4. (Apollonius identity): For any elements x, y, z in an IPS X, show that
Hint 4: Use OR use parallelogram equality.
Ex.5. Let x ≠ 0 and y ≠ 0. If x ⊥ y, show that {x,y} is a Linearly Independent set.
Hint.5: Suppose where α1,α2 are scalars. Consider
.Similarly, one can show that
is L.I.set.
Ex.6. If in an IPS X, <x,u> = <x,v> for all x, show that u = v.
Hint.6 : Given <x,u-v> = 0. Choose x = u - v.
Ex.7. Let X be the vector space of all ordered pairs of complex numbers. Can we obtain the norm defined on X by from an Inner product?
Hint. 7: No. because the vectors x= (1,1), y = (1,1) do not satisfy parallelogram equality.
Ex.8. If X is a finite dimensional vector space and (ej ) is a basis for X, show that an inner product on X is completely determined by its values . Can we choose scalars γjk in a completely arbitrary fashion?
Hint.8: Use
Open it so we get that it depends on
II Part: Answer:- NO. Because
Ex.9. Show that for a sequence (xn ) in an IPS X , the conditions
Hint.9 : We have
Ex.10. Show that in an IPS X, for all scalars α.
Hint.10 : From condition follows as x ⊥ y.
Choose α = 1 if the space is real which implies x ⊥ y.
Choose α = 1, α = i if the space is complex then we get <x,y> = 0 ⇒x ⊥ y.
Ex.11. Show that in an IPS X, for all scalars.
Hint.11 : Follows from the hint given in Ex.-10.
Ex.12. Let V be the vector space of all continuous complex valued functions on J = [a,b].
where Show that the identity mapping
of X1 onto X2 is continuous. Is it Homeomorphism?
Hint.12 : Since
Hence I is continuous.
Part-II: Answer No. because X2 is not complete.
Ex.13. Let H be a Hilbert space, a convex subset, and (xn) is a sequence in M such that
, where
Show that (xn) converges in H.
Hint.13 : (xn) is Cauchy, since from the assumption and the parallelogram equality, we have,
Ex.14. If (ek) is an orthonormal sequence in an IPS X, and x ∈ X, show that x-y with y given by is orthogonal to the subspace
Hint.14 :
Ex.15. Let (ek) be any orthonormal sequence in an IPS X. Show that for any , x y ∈ X,
Hint.15: Use Cauchy Schwaz’s Inequality & Bessel’s Inequality, we get
Ex.-16. Show that in a Hilbert Space H,convergence of implies convergence of
Hint.16 : Let is a Cauchy. Since H is complete, hence
will converge.
converge in H.
Problems On Module IV (On Fundamental theorems)
Ex.1. Let be a sequence of bounded linear functionals defined as
. show that (fn)converge strongly to 0 but not uniformly.
Hint.1 : Since
Ex.2. Let where X is a Banach space and Y a normed space. If (Tn) is strongly convergent with limit T, then
Hint.2 T linear follows
T is bounded :- Since
So (Tnx) is bounded for every x.Since X is complete, so is bounded by uniform bounded ness theorem. Hence
Taking limit ⇒ T is bounded.
Ex.3. If . Show that (xn) is point wise convergent on [a,b].
Hint .3 : A bounded linear functional on
Ex.4. If in a normed space X. Show that
Hint.4 : Use Lemma:- ‘’Let Y be a proper closed sub-space of a normed space X and let be arbitrary point and
then there exists an
, dual of X such that
for all y ∈ Y and
suppose which is a closed sub space of X. so by the above result ,
hence there exists
which is a contradiction that
Ex.5. Let Tn = Sn, where the operator is defined by S
Find a bound for
Hint.5 : For converse, choose x =
Ex.6. Let X be a Banach space, Y a normed space and such that (Tnx) is Cauchy in Y for every x ∈ X. .show that
is bounded.
Hint. 6 : Since (Tnx)is Cauchy in Y for every x, so it is bounded for each x ∈ X. Hence by uniform bounded ness theorem is bounded.
Ex.7. If (xn) in a Banach space X is such that is bounded for all
.Show that
is bounded.
Hint.7 : Suppose Then
is bounded for every
. So by uniform bounded ness theorem
is bounded and
Ex.8. If a normed space X is reflexive, Show that X' is reflexive.
Hint. 8 : Let there is an x ∈ X such that g = Cx since X is reflexive. Hence h(g) = h (Cx) = f(x) defines a bounded linear functional f on X and
is the canonical mapping. Hence C1 is surjective, so that X' is reflexive.
Ex.9. If x0 in a normed space X is such that of norm1. show that
Hint. 9 : suppose Then by Lemma: Let X be a normed space and let
be any elementof X. Then there exist a bounded linear functional
would imply the existence of an
Ex.10. Let Y be a closed sub space of a normed space X such that every f ∈ X which is zero every where on Y is zero every where on the whole space X. Show that Y = X
Hint. 10 : If , Y ≠ X there is an since Y is closed.
Use the Lemma as given in Ex 4 ( Hint ).
By this Lemma, there is on which is zero on Y but not zero at x0, which contradicts our assumption.
Ex.11. Prove that Where Tx is the adjoint operator of T.
Hint. 11 :
Similarly others.
Ex.12. Prove (ST)x = TxSx
Hint. 12 :
Ex.13. Show that (Tn)x = (Tx)n.
Hint. 13 : Follows from Induction.
Ex.14. Of what category is the set of all rational number (a) in , ( b ) in itself, (Taken usual metric)
Hint 14 : (a) first (b) first.
Ex.15. Find all rare sets in a discrete metric space X.
Hint.15 : because every subset of X is open
Ex.16. Show that a subset M of a metric space X is rare in X if and only if is is dense in X.
Hint. 16 : The closure of is all of X if and if
has no interior points, So that every
is a point of accumulation of
Ex.17. Show that completeness of X is essential in uniform bounded ness theorem and cannot be omitted.
Hint.17 : Consider the sub space consisting of all
where J depends on x, and let Tn be defined by
is bounded
is not bounded.
2 videos|44 docs|4 tests
1. What is a normed linear space? | ![]() |
2. What are some examples of normed linear spaces? | ![]() |
3. What is the difference between a normed linear space and a metric space? | ![]() |
4. How is the norm of a vector calculated in a normed linear space? | ![]() |
5. What are some applications of normed linear spaces in mathematics? | ![]() |