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RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced PDF Download

Have you ever wondered how radio wave transmitters or other communication systems work? These all systems contain special circuits called LR circuits. In this document, we will study these circuits in detail. 

What are RL Circuits?

The resistor and inductor are the most fundamental linear (element having linear relationship between voltage and current) and passive (which consume energy) elements. When resistor and inductor are connected across voltage supply, the circuit so obtained is called RL circuit

RL CircuitRL Circuit

VR is the voltage across resistor R
VL is the voltage across inductor L
V(t) is the total voltage across the circuit.

Types of RL Circuits: Series and Parallel 

RL circuit can be connected in two ways: Series and Parallel as shown in the figure below:

Types of RL CircuitTypes of RL Circuit

  1. RL Series Circuit- When resistance and inductor are connected in series with voltage supply. The circuit is called series RL circuit.
    RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & AdvancedImportant formulas for Series RL Circuit
  2. RL Parallel Circuit- When resistance and inductor are connected in parallel with each other and is driven by voltage source, the circuit so obtained is called parallel RL circuit.Important Formulas for Parallel RL CircuitImportant Formulas for Parallel RL Circuit

Example 1. Find the value of current i, i1, and i2 in the given figure at

RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

(a) time t = 0

(b) time t = ∞

Answer: (a) At time t = 0 inductor behaves as an open circuit

i = v/R

i1 = 0

i2= i = v/R            RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

(b) At time t = ∞. The inductor will behave as a simple wire

i = RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

i1 = i2 = RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced


Growth and Decay of Current in L-R Circuit

Growth of Current

  • Consider a circuit containing a resistance R, an inductance L, a two-way key, and a battery of e.m.f E connected in series as shown in the figure. 
  • When the switch S is connected to a, the current in the circuit grows from zero value. The inductor opposes the growth of the current. 
  • This is due to the fact that when the current grows through an inductor, a back e.m.f. is developed which opposes the growth of current in the circuit. 
  • So the rate of growth of the current is reduced. During the growth of current in the circuit, let i be the current in the circuit at any instant t. Using Kirchhoff's voltage law in the circuit, we obtain

RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

E - L RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced = R i or E - Ri = L RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced or RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

Multiplying by - R on both sides, we get

RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

Integrating the above equation, we have

loge(E - Ri) = - RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced + A ...(1)

where A is the integration constant. The value of this constant can be obtained by applying the condition that current i is zero just at the start i.e., at t = 0. 


loge E = 0 + A

or A = logeE ...(2)

Substituting the value of A from equation (2) in equation (1), we get

loge(E - Ri) = - RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced + loge E

or logeRL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced = RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

or RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced = exp RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

or 1 - RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced = expRL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

or RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

Therefore,     i = RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

The maximum current in the circuit i0 = E/R. 

So,    i = i0 RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced ...(3)

Equation (3) gives the current in the circuit at any instant t. It is obvious from equation (3) that i = i0, when

expRL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced = 0 i.e., at t = ∞

RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

Hence the current never attains the value i0 but it approaches it asymptotically. A graph between current and time is shown in the figure.

We observe the following points

(i) When t = (L/R) then

i = i0 RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced = i0 {1 - exp(-1)} = i0 RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced = 0.63 i0

Thus after an interval of (L/R) second, the current reaches a value that is 63% of the maximum current. The value of (L/R) is known as the time constant of the circuit and is represented by t. Thus the time constant of a circuit may be defined as the time in which the current rises from zero to 63% of its final value. In terms of t,

RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

(ii) The rate of growth of current (di/dt) is given by

RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced = RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & AdvancedRL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced ⇒ RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced ...(4)

From equation (3), exp RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced = RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

Therefore, RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced = RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced ...(5)

This shows that the rate of growth of the current decreases as i tends to i0. For any other value of current, it depends upon the value of R/L. Thus greater the value of the time constant, the smaller will be the rate of growth of the current.


RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced Final current in the circuit = RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced, which is independent of L.

RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced After one time constant, current in the circuit=63% of the final current (verify yourself)

RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced More time constant in the circuit implies slower rate of change of current.

RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced If there is any change in the circuit containing inductor then there is no instantaneous effect on the flux of inductor.

L1i1 = L2i2

Example 2. At t = 0 switch is closed (shown in figure) after a long time suddenly the inductance of the inductor is made h times lesser RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced than its initial value, find out the instant current just after the operation.

RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

Ans. Using the above result (note 4)

L1i1 = L2i2 ⇒ i2 = RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

Example 3. Which of the two curves shown has less time constant?

RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

Ans. curve 1

Decay of Current

Let the circuit be disconnected from the battery and switch S is thrown to point b in the figure. The current now begins to fall. In the absence of inductance, the current would have fallen from maximum i0 to zero almost instantaneously. However, due to the presence of inductance, which opposes the decay of current, the rate of decay of current is reduced.

suppose during the decay of current, i is the value of current at any instant t. Using Kirchhoff's voltage law in the circuit, we get

- LRL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced or RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced   

    RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

Integrating this expression, we get

loge i = - RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced + B

where B is the constant of integration. The value of B can be obtained by applying the condition that when t = 0, i = i0

Therefore, loge i0 = B

Substituting the value of B, we get

logei = - RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced + logei0

or logeRL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced = - RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

or (i/i0) = expRL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced ...(6)

or RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

where t = L/R = inductive time constant of the circuit.

It is obvious from the equation that the current in the circuit decays exponentially as shown in figure.

We observe the following points

(i) After t = L/R, the current in the circuit is given by

i = i0 expRL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced= i0 exp(-1)   RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

= (i0 / e) = i0/2.718 = 0.37 i0

So after a time (L/R) second, the current reduces to 37% of the maximum current i0. (L/R) is known as time constant t. This is defined as the time during which the current decays to 37% of the maximum current during decay.

(ii) The rate of decay of current is given by

RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced = RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced = RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advancedi0 exp RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced = RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced ...(7)

or - RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced = RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

This equation shows that when L is small, the rate of decay of current will be large i.e., the current will decay out more rapidly.

Example 4. In the following circuit, the switch is closed at t = 0. Initially, there is no current in the inductor. Find out the current of the inductor coil as a function of time.

RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

Ans: At any time t

- e + i1 R - (i - i1) R = 0

- e + 2i1 R - i R = 0

i1 = RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

Now, - e + iR + iR +L.RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced = 0 RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

- e + RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced + iR + i. RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced ⇒ - RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanceddt = - L. di ⇒ RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

- RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced ⇒ RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

- ln RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced = RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

i = + RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

Example 5. Figure shows a circuit consisting of an ideal cell, an inductor L, and a resistor R, connected in series. Let the switch S be closed at t = 0. Suppose at t = 0 current in the inductor is i0 then find out the equation of current as a function of time

RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

Ans: Let an instant t current in the circuit is i which is increasing at the rate di/dt.

Writing KVL along the circuit, we have

ε - LRL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced - iR = 0 ⇒ RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced = ε - iR

RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced             ⇒ ln RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced = - RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

⇒ ε - iR = (ε - i0R)e-Rt/L ⇒ i = RL Circuit : Working and Applications | Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

Applications of LR Circuits

  • RL circuits are frequently employed in systems utilizing Alternating Current (AC). Within AC circuits, the current continually fluctuates, resulting in a consistent induction of an Electromotive Force (EMF) across the inductor. 
  • One way in which RL circuits are utilized in AC systems is as a frequency filter, achieved by configuring the circuit in such a way that signals or alternating currents of a specific frequency are obstructed by the robust opposing EMF. This function plays a crucial role in radio communication, where the ability to select signals frequently.
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FAQs on RL Circuit : Working and Applications - Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

1. What is the difference between a series RL circuit and a parallel RL circuit?
Ans. In a series RL circuit, the inductor (L) and resistor (R) are connected in series, meaning that the same current flows through both components. In a parallel RL circuit, the inductor and resistor are connected in parallel, meaning that the voltage across both components is the same.
2. How does the current in an L-R circuit change over time?
Ans. In an L-R circuit, the current initially grows rapidly and then gradually approaches a steady-state value. The growth of current is characterized by an exponential decay function, which is determined by the time constant of the circuit (τ = L/R). The time constant represents the time it takes for the current to reach approximately 63.2% of its final value.
3. What are some applications of RL circuits?
Ans. RL circuits have various practical applications, including: - Transformers: RL circuits are used in transformers to step up or step down the voltage levels in electrical power distribution systems. - Inductive sensors: RL circuits are utilized in inductive sensors to detect the presence or absence of metallic objects. - Electric motors: RL circuits are an essential component of electric motors, which convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. - Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): MRI machines use RL circuits to generate and detect magnetic fields for medical imaging purposes.
4. How does an RL circuit work?
Ans. An RL circuit works by utilizing the properties of inductors (L) and resistors (R). When a voltage is applied to the circuit, the inductor resists the change in current flow, causing a delay in the current buildup. As the current flows, energy is stored in the inductor's magnetic field. The resistor, on the other hand, dissipates some of this stored energy as heat. The interaction between the inductor and resistor determines the behavior of the circuit.
5. What are some frequently asked questions about RL circuits in JEE exams?
Ans. Some frequently asked questions about RL circuits in JEE exams include: - How does the time constant affect the growth of current in an L-R circuit? - What is the difference between a series RL circuit and a parallel RL circuit? - How does the presence of an inductor affect the phase relationship between voltage and current in an RL circuit? - Can you explain the concept of mutual inductance in the context of RL circuits? - How are RL circuits used in the design and operation of electrical transformers?
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