Shear Force and Bending Moment
1. SHEAR FORCE at the cross- section of a beam may be defined as the unbalanced vertical force to the right or left of the section.
2. BENDING MOMENT at the cross- section of a beam may be defined as the algebraic sum of the moment of the forces, to the right or left of the section.
3. BEAM is a structural number subjected to transverse loads only.
4. BEAMS can be classified as :
(i) Cantilever
(ii) Simply supported
(iii) Overhanging
(iv) Rigidly fixed OR Built- in
(v) Continuous
5. Shear force and bending moment diagrams: Sign Convention:
(i) Shear force
(ii) Bending moment
SFD and BMD for cantilever beams: (i) Cantilever of length l carrying a concentrated load W at the free end
Sx = + W
Mx = – Wx
Mmax = – WL
(ii) Cantilever of length l carrying a uniformly distributed load of 'w' per unit run over the whole length
Sx = + wx
Smax = + wl
(iii) Cantilever of length l carrying a uniformly distributed load of 'w' per unit run over the whole length and a concentrated load W at the free end Sx = wx + W
Smax = wl + W
(iv) Cantilever of length l carrying a uniformly distributed load of 'w' per unit run for a distance 'a' form free end form D to B,
Sx = + wx
form A Sx = + wa
(v) Cantilever of length 'l' carrying a load whose intensity varies uniformly from zero at free end to 'w' per unit run at the fixed end
= area of load diagram between X and B,
Mx = Moment of load acting on XB about X = area of the load diagram between X and B × distance of centroid of this diagram form X
(vi) Cantilever carrying a load whose intensity varies uniformly form zero at the fixed end to w per unit run at the free end
SFD and BMD for simply supported beams: (i) Simply supported beam of span l carrying a concentrated load at mid span
Sx = + (between AC)
Sx = – (between CB)
Mx = + x (between CB)
Mx = + x (form A to C) (at a distance 'X' form A)
Mmax = Mc =
(ii) Simply supported beam carrying a concentrated load placed eccentrically on the span
Sx = + (form A to D)
= – (form D to B)
Mx = + x (form A to D) at a distance 'x' form A
Mmax = MD =
NOTE: Maximum B.M. occurs where S.F. changes its sign.
(iii) Simply supported beam carrying a uniformly distributed load of w per unit run over the whole span
(iv) Simply supported beam carrying a load whose intensity varies uniformly from zero at each end to 'w' per unit run at the mid span
(v) Simply supported beam carrying a load whose intensity varies uniformly from zero at one end to 'w' per unit run at the other end
Mmax B.M. occurs at x = form end A
Mmax =
SFD and BMD for simply supported beams with overhang: Simply supported beam with equal overhangs and carrying a uniformly distributed load of 'w' per unit run over the whole length S.F. at any section in EA at a distance x form E,
Sx = –wx at any section in A.B,
Sx = (w/2)(l + 2a )– wx
B.M. at any section in EA,
at any section in AB.
at x = 'a' and 'a + l' i.e., at A & B,
Mc = (w/2)( l2 - 4a2 )
Case (a) :
∴ B.M.D. will be as shown in figure above of contraflexure O1 & O2 are at a distance
form centre.
Thus distance between point of contraflexure O1 O2 =
Thus distance between point of contraflexure
Case (b) :
B.M at C = Mc = 0 The beam will be subject to only hogging moments.
Points of contraflexure O1 & O2 will coincide with C.
B.M.D will be as shown in figure (a)
Mc is negative ,since l2 < 4a2
B. M. will be zero only at ends A and D and at all other sections B.M. will be of hogging type B.M. and S.F due to a couple
Case (a): Cantilever There will be no shear force
Case (b): Simple supported
Shear force is constant
B.M., Mx = – (left of C)
= + (right of C)
2 videos|122 docs|55 tests
1. What is shear force in civil engineering? | ![]() |
2. How is shear force calculated in civil engineering? | ![]() |
3. What is bending moment in civil engineering? | ![]() |
4. How is bending moment calculated in civil engineering? | ![]() |
5. What is the relationship between shear force and bending moment in civil engineering? | ![]() |