Q1: What does IMR stand for? Write its functions.
Ans: Infant mortality rate (IMR) is the number of children who die under one year of age in a year. IMR has come down from 147 in 1951 to 28 in 2020.
The function of IMR is that it indicates the increase in life expectancy and improvement in child care which is useful in assessing the future progress of the country. Reduction in infant mortality involves the protection of children from infection, ensuring nutrition along with mother and child care.
Q2: Why are domestic services performed by women not treated as economic activities?
Ans: In India, most women generally look after domestic affairs like cooking food, washing clothes, cleaning utensils, looking after children, etc. They are not treated as economic/productive activities. This is mainly because of two reasons :
Q3: Are the following activities economic or non-economic activities? Give reasons.
(a) Vilas sells fish in the village market.
(b) Vilas cooks food for his family.
(c) Sakal works in a private firm.
(d) Sakal looks after his younger brother and sister.
(a) It is an economic activity, as it involves remuneration.
(b) It is a non-economic activity, as it is a domestic service.
(c) It is an economic activity, as it is done in expectation of monetary reward.
(d) It is a non-economic activity, as it is done out of love and affection.
Q4: Differentiate between Market Activities and Non-Market Activities.
Ans: Difference between Market Activities and Non-Market Activities. Economic activities can be classified into market activities and non-market activities.Market Activities
Market activities involve remuneration to anyone who performs the activity. These include the production of goods and services for sale in the market. On the other hand, non-market activities are the production activities performed for self-consumption. These include consumption and processing of primary products and own account production of fixed assets.
Q5: Differentiate between voluntary and involuntary unemployment. Give an example.
Ans: A person is said to be unemployed when he is able and willing to work at the prevailing wage rate but does not find work. This is involuntary unemployment. If some persons are voluntarily unemployed (i.e., they prefer to remain out of work at prevailing wage rates) they will not be treated as unemployed. This is voluntary unemployment.
Q6: What is the nature of unemployment as found in India?
Ans: Nature of unemployment in India.
Q7. ‘Unemployment is an economic as well as a social evil.’ Explain the statement.
Ans: Unemployment — A Serious Problem
Q8: Discuss the factors responsible for the distribution of population in India.
Ans: Physical factors like shape and height of land, resources, climate etc. that affect the distribution of population in India like;
Resources: Areas rich in resources (e.g., coal, oil, wood etc.) tend to be densely populated like western Europe.
Shape and height of land: Low land which is flat, e.g., Ganges valley in India.Ganges Valley
Climate: Areas with moderate temperature climates tend to be densely populated as there is enough rain and heat to grow crops like the U.K.
Human factors: Political, social and economic factors also affect the distribution of population in India like good job opportunities encourage high population densities, particularly in large cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, Ahmedabad having dense populations. Countries with stable governments tend to have high population density.
Q9: Why is human resource the most important resource? What steps can be taken to improve the quality of human resource? How does an improved quality of human resource help in establishing a virtuous cycle?
Ans: Existing 'human resource' is further developed by becoming more educated and healthy, which adds to the productive power of the country just like 'physical capital formation'. So human resource is the most important resource.
Steps to be taken to improve the quality of human resource:
The quality of human resource can be improved through better education, food and health facilities. The quality of population depends upon the literacy rate, health of a person indicated by life expectancy and skill formation acquired by the people of the country.
Role of improved quality of human resource in establishing a virtuous cycle:
Q10: How does unemployment have a detrimental impact on the overall growth of an economy?
Q11: What is the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan? What are its objectives? [2010 (T-1)]
Write a short note on Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.
Ans: Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan' is a significant step towards providing elementary education to all the children of the age group 6-14 years by the year 2010.Sarva Shiksha AbhiyanIt is a time bound initiative of central government, in partnership with the states, the local government and the community for achieving the goal of universalisation of elementary education. They also took an initiative to increase the enrollment of students in elementary education by introducing the schemes like mid-day meal.
Q12: Define human resource. When does a human resource become human capital?
Ans: The population of a country available for production activities is called human resource. Human resource becomes human capital when there is investment made in the form of education, training and medical care. When the existing 'human resource' is further developed by becoming more educated and healthy, we call it 'human capital formation'. Human capital adds to the productive power of the country. It is the stock of skills and productive knowledge embodied in them.
Q13: What is unemployment? How many types it is? Explain.
Ans: Unemployment is said to exist when people who are willing to work at the prevailing wages rates cannot find jobs. When we talk of unemployed people, we refer to those in the age group of 15-59 years. Children below 15 years of age and the old people above 60 are not considered while counting the number of unemployed.
In India, unemployment is found both in rural and urban areas. In rural areas, there is seasonal and disguised unemployment. In urban areas, there is educated unemployment.
Unemployment in rural areas:
Unemployment in the urban sector:
Educated unemployment: Many people who are unable to get employment even after having academic and professional qualifications are called educated unemployed.
Q14: What is Infant Mortality Rate? Why infant mortality rate is decreasing?
Ans: Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) is the total number of children dying under one year of age in a particular period of time.
Infant Mortality Rate is decreasing due to the following reasons:
Q15: Give three measures taken by the government to improve literacy conditions in India.
Ans: Opening of Navodaya Vidyalayas: Government has started to establish Navodaya Vidyalayas in each district vocational streams have been developed to equip a large number of high school students with occupations related to knowledge and skills.
56 videos|439 docs|80 tests
1. What is meant by 'People as Resource' in economics? | ![]() |
2. How does education contribute to the development of human capital? | ![]() |
3. Why is health considered an important aspect of human resource development? | ![]() |
4. What are the challenges faced in utilizing people as a resource effectively? | ![]() |
5. How can a country maximize its human resource potential? | ![]() |