Q1. What was unusual about Kezia’ stuttering?
Ans: Kezia's stuttering was unusual because she could speak fluently to everyone in her household except her father. In his presence, she struggled to express herself and often stuttered while trying to speak to him.
Q2. Why was there hue and cry on the loss of the papers in the house?
Ans: There was a significant hue and cry in the house due to the loss of the papers. These papers contained the father's important speech for the Port Authority, which was crucial for his work. The family searched the rooms and questioned the servants, leading to a frantic atmosphere.
Eventually, when Mother asked Kezia about the papers, she revealed that she had torn them up for a surprise. This revelation caused shock and distress, especially for Father, who was visibly upset by the loss of his speech.
Q3. Why was Kezia afraid of her father?
Ans: Kezia was afraid of her father's strictness and his terrifying angry look. Instead of receiving love and affection, she faced harsh scolding and physical punishment from him. His giant-like size also added to her fear.
Q4. What was the morning routine of Kezia and her father?
Ans: Before going to his office, Kezia's father would visit her room and give her a casual kiss. She would reply with “Goodbye, Father.” Kezia felt relieved after he left, as she was afraid of him.
Q5. What was Kezia’s father’s routine before going to the office and after coming back in the evening?
Ans: Before going to work, Kezia's father would visit her room to give her a casual kiss before leaving. In the evening, he would return home and loudly request his tea in the drawing-room, along with his papers and slippers.
Q6. What would Kezia’s mother ask her to do when Father returned from office?
Ans: When Father returned home from the office, Mother would ask Kezia to come downstairs and remove his shoes. She was also instructed to take the shoes outside. Additionally, Father would tell her to place his teacup back on the table.
Q7. Why did Kezia go slowly towards the drawing room when the mother asked her to come downstairs?
Ans: Kezia walked slowly towards the drawing room because she felt frightened of her father. He was a dominating figure who often scolded her and never showed her any affection. This fear made her hesitant and anxious, causing her to move very slowly when asked to come downstairs to take off his shoes.
Q8. Which expressions on Kezia’s face annoyed Father?
Besides her stuttering, the expressions of gloom and wretchedness on Kezia's face annoyed her father. He believed that with such expressions, she appeared to be on the verge of suicide.
Q9. Why did Kezia stutter in the presence of Father?
Kezia stuttered in front of her father due to his domineering nature and frequent scolding, which undermined her self-confidence. She felt pressured to impress him, leading her to struggle to find the right words while speaking. This intense pressure caused her to stutter when he was around.
Q10. Why did Kezia feel that her father was like a giant?
Kezia felt that her father was like a giant because he had very big hands and a large neck. His mouth appeared especially big when he yawned. Additionally, his stern and cold behaviour contributed to her perception of him as a giant.
Q11. In what ways did Kezia’s grandmother encourage her to get to know her parents better?
Kezia's grandmother aimed to strengthen the little girl's relationship with her parents. Every Sunday afternoon, she encouraged Kezia to go to the drawing-room to have a pleasant conversation with them. This time together helped Kezia to connect and understand her parents better.
Q12. What was Kezia’s father’s routine on Sundays?
On Sundays, Kezia's father would relax in the afternoon. He would stretch out on the sofa in the drawing-room, cover his face with a handkerchief, place his feet on the best cushion, and sleep soundly while snoring. During this time, her mother would be engrossed in reading the newspaper.
Q13. What would Kezia do while her father slept on Sundays? What happened when he woke up?
Kezia would sit on a stool and watch her father quietly until he woke up and stretched, asking for the time. When he noticed her, he would tell her not to stare, saying it made her look like a brown owl.
Q14. What did Grandmother ask Kezia to make and why?
Grandmother asked Kezia to create a pin-cushion using a lovely piece of yellow silk as a birthday gift for her father. She wanted Kezia to surprise him with this gift, hoping it would bring them closer together and make her father happy.
Q15. What did Kezia make as a birthday gift for her father? How did she prepare it?
Kezia made a pin-cushion as a birthday gift for her father. To prepare it, she carefully stitched three sides using double cotton. For the filling, she searched her mother’s bedroom and found some fine paper, which she tore into small pieces. After stuffing the pin-cushion, she sewed up the fourth side, completing her thoughtful gift.
Q16. Why was there a hue and cry in Kezia’s house at night before her father’s birthday?
There was a commotion in Kezia's house at night because she had accidentally torn up important papers. These papers contained her father's speech for the Port Authority, which she had hidden in a pin-cushion meant as a surprise gift for his birthday. The noise was due to the frantic search for the missing documents.
Q17. Why was Kezia dragged down to the dining room at night?
Kezia was dragged down to the dining room at night to face her father, who was very angry. This anger stemmed from the fact that she had torn up important papers containing his significant speech for the Port Authority.
Q18. Why did Father come to Kezia’s room with a ruler?
Father was a strict disciplinarian who believed in using physical punishment to correct children. He entered Kezia's room with a ruler because he intended to punish her for touching something that did not belong to her. His aim was to teach her a lesson about respecting others' belongings.
Q19. Kezia’s efforts to please her father resulted in displeasing him very much. How did this happen?
Kezia wanted to please her father by making him a pin-cushion for his birthday, following her grandmother's suggestion. Unfortunately, she accidentally used important papers from his Port Authority speech as stuffing for the gift. When her father discovered this, he became very angry instead of pleased.
Q20. Do you think Kezia was wrong in tearing the papers of her father? What does it show about her character?
Kezia was wrong to tear her father's papers, as they were part of an important speech for the Port Authority. She should not have used his belongings without permission. This incident reveals her innocence and immaturity, as she did not understand the seriousness of her actions. Her intention was simply to please her father with a birthday gift.
Q21. How and why did Grandmother comfort Kezia after her father hit her with a ruler?
After Kezia's father hit her with a ruler, her grandmother comforted her by wrapping her in a shawl and rocking her gently in a rocking chair. The little girl clung to her grandmother's soft body, seeking solace. The grandmother provided a clean hanky for Kezia to blow her nose and spoke to her with affectionate words, trying to soothe her to sleep.
Q22. Why did Kezia ask, “What did God make fathers for?”
Kezia asked why God made fathers because she was upset with her father's strict behaviour. She felt he was too harsh and unforgiving, not giving her a chance to explain herself.
Q23. Why did Grandmother tell Kezia that her father was too Upset that night to listen to her?
Grandmother aimed to help Kezia understand her father better. She told Kezia that her father was too upset that night to listen to her. This was because she wanted to prevent Kezia from holding any grudge against him. Grandmother's intention was to maintain harmony within the family and foster a positive relationship between Kezia and her father.
Q24. How did Father punish Kezia? What was the impact of this punishment?
Father punished Kezia by hitting her little, pink palms with a ruler. This punishment had a profound impact on her; it was so painful that Kezia could never forget it. The next time she saw him, she instinctively hid her hands behind her back, her cheeks flushing with fear.
Q25. Who were Kezia’s neighbours? What did she observe about them?
The Macdonalds were Kezia's neighbours. She noticed that Mr. Macdonald played joyfully with his children. He laughed as they sprayed him with the hose and ran around the flowerbeds with his young son, Mao, on his shoulders, while his two little daughters clung to his coat pockets.
Q26. Kezia felt that Mr. Macdonald was a better father as compared to her own father. Why?
Kezia believed that Mr Macdonald was a better father than her own because he was a cheerful man who played and laughed with his children. In contrast, her father was domineering and often showed no affection or kindness towards her, making her feel neglected and fearful.
Q27. Why was Kezia left alone in the house with the cook Alice?
One day, Kezia's mother suddenly fell ill and had to go to hospital. Her grandmother also went to care for her. As a result, Kezia was left at home with Alice, the cook, who was assigned to look after her in the absence of the adults.
Q28. Why did Kezia suddenly grow afraid when Alice put her to bed? OR What did Kezia tell Alice, the cook, about her fear?
Ans: When Alice put Kezia to bed, she suddenly felt afraid because she had to sleep alone. She expressed to Alice that she was scared of the darkness and often experienced nightmares. Previously, her grandmother would take her into bed, but that night she was left alone.
Q29. What kind of dreams did Kezia usually have?
Ans: Kezia often experienced terrifying nightmares. In these dreams, she saw a butcher wielding a knife and a rope, approaching her with a dreadful smile. Overcome by fear, she felt unable to move, crying out for her grandmother as he drew closer.
Q30. How did Father comfort the little girl, Kezia, when she got scared in her sleep?
Ans: When Kezia felt scared in her sleep, her father came to her room and lifted her into his arms. He took her to his bed, allowing her to warm her feet against his legs. This made her feel secure and protected as she snuggled close to him. The darkness no longer frightened her, and she lay still, comforted by his presence.
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