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JEE Solved Examples on Semiconductor Electronics: 
Material Devices and Circuits 
JEE Mains 
Q1:  The forbidden energy gap of a germanium semiconductor is ?? . ???????? . The minimum thermal 
energy of electrons reaching the conduction band from the valence band should be 
(A) ?? . ?????? 
(B) ?? . ???????? 
(C) ?? . ???????? 
(D) ?? . ?????? 
Ans: (B) ?? 9
= 0.75eV 
Q2:  The energy of a photon of sodium light (?? = ???????? ?? ) equal the band gap of a semiconductor. 
The minimum energy required to create an electron-hole pair is 
(A) ?? . ?????????? 
(B) ?? . ???????? 
(C) ?? . ?????? 
(D) ?? . ?????? 
Ans: (C) Minimum energy required to create e - h pair =
= 2.1eV 
Q3:  On increasing temperature the specific resistance of a semiconductor 
(A) Decreases 
(B) Increases 
(C) Remains constant 
(D) Become zero 
Ans: (B) On increasing temperature, energy of electron increases so they can easily jump in 
conductor band so resistance increase. 
Q4:  In a good conductor the energy gap between the conduction band and the valence band is - 
(A) Infinite 
(B) Wide 
(C) Narrow 
(D) Zero 
Ans:  (D) In a good conductor, energy band gap is zero as conduction and valence band overlap. 
Page 2

JEE Solved Examples on Semiconductor Electronics: 
Material Devices and Circuits 
JEE Mains 
Q1:  The forbidden energy gap of a germanium semiconductor is ?? . ???????? . The minimum thermal 
energy of electrons reaching the conduction band from the valence band should be 
(A) ?? . ?????? 
(B) ?? . ???????? 
(C) ?? . ???????? 
(D) ?? . ?????? 
Ans: (B) ?? 9
= 0.75eV 
Q2:  The energy of a photon of sodium light (?? = ???????? ?? ) equal the band gap of a semiconductor. 
The minimum energy required to create an electron-hole pair is 
(A) ?? . ?????????? 
(B) ?? . ???????? 
(C) ?? . ?????? 
(D) ?? . ?????? 
Ans: (C) Minimum energy required to create e - h pair =
= 2.1eV 
Q3:  On increasing temperature the specific resistance of a semiconductor 
(A) Decreases 
(B) Increases 
(C) Remains constant 
(D) Become zero 
Ans: (B) On increasing temperature, energy of electron increases so they can easily jump in 
conductor band so resistance increase. 
Q4:  In a good conductor the energy gap between the conduction band and the valence band is - 
(A) Infinite 
(B) Wide 
(C) Narrow 
(D) Zero 
Ans:  (D) In a good conductor, energy band gap is zero as conduction and valence band overlap. 
Q5:  In a semiconducting material the mobilities of electrons and holes are ?? ?? and ?? ?? respectively. 
Which of the following is true 
(A) ?? ?? > ?? ?? 
(B) ?? ?? < ?? ?? 
(C) ?? ?? = ?? ?? 
(D) ?? ?? < ?? ; ?? ?? > ?? 
Ans: (A) Movement of holes involve breaking and joining of bonds so mobility of holes is less than 
that of electrons. 
Q6:  Those materials in which number of holes in valence band is equal to number of electrons in 
conduction band are called 
(A) Conductors 
(B) Intrinsic semiconductors 
(C) p-type semiconductors 
(D) n-type semiconductors 
Ans: (B) No of electron and hole pairs are equal in intrinsic semiconductors. 
Q7:  In p-type semiconductor holes move in 
(A) Forbidden region 
(B) Conduction band 
(C) Valence band 
(D) all the above regions 
Ans: (C) 
Holes move in valence band in p-type semiconductors 
Q8:  Fermi level of energy of intrinsic semiconductor lies- 
(A) In the middle of forbidden gap 
(B) Below the middle of forbidden gap 
(C) Above the middle of forbidden gap 
(D) Outside the forbidden gap 
Ans: (A) For intrinsic semiconductors fermi level of energy lies in the middle of forbidden gap. 
Page 3

JEE Solved Examples on Semiconductor Electronics: 
Material Devices and Circuits 
JEE Mains 
Q1:  The forbidden energy gap of a germanium semiconductor is ?? . ???????? . The minimum thermal 
energy of electrons reaching the conduction band from the valence band should be 
(A) ?? . ?????? 
(B) ?? . ???????? 
(C) ?? . ???????? 
(D) ?? . ?????? 
Ans: (B) ?? 9
= 0.75eV 
Q2:  The energy of a photon of sodium light (?? = ???????? ?? ) equal the band gap of a semiconductor. 
The minimum energy required to create an electron-hole pair is 
(A) ?? . ?????????? 
(B) ?? . ???????? 
(C) ?? . ?????? 
(D) ?? . ?????? 
Ans: (C) Minimum energy required to create e - h pair =
= 2.1eV 
Q3:  On increasing temperature the specific resistance of a semiconductor 
(A) Decreases 
(B) Increases 
(C) Remains constant 
(D) Become zero 
Ans: (B) On increasing temperature, energy of electron increases so they can easily jump in 
conductor band so resistance increase. 
Q4:  In a good conductor the energy gap between the conduction band and the valence band is - 
(A) Infinite 
(B) Wide 
(C) Narrow 
(D) Zero 
Ans:  (D) In a good conductor, energy band gap is zero as conduction and valence band overlap. 
Q5:  In a semiconducting material the mobilities of electrons and holes are ?? ?? and ?? ?? respectively. 
Which of the following is true 
(A) ?? ?? > ?? ?? 
(B) ?? ?? < ?? ?? 
(C) ?? ?? = ?? ?? 
(D) ?? ?? < ?? ; ?? ?? > ?? 
Ans: (A) Movement of holes involve breaking and joining of bonds so mobility of holes is less than 
that of electrons. 
Q6:  Those materials in which number of holes in valence band is equal to number of electrons in 
conduction band are called 
(A) Conductors 
(B) Intrinsic semiconductors 
(C) p-type semiconductors 
(D) n-type semiconductors 
Ans: (B) No of electron and hole pairs are equal in intrinsic semiconductors. 
Q7:  In p-type semiconductor holes move in 
(A) Forbidden region 
(B) Conduction band 
(C) Valence band 
(D) all the above regions 
Ans: (C) 
Holes move in valence band in p-type semiconductors 
Q8:  Fermi level of energy of intrinsic semiconductor lies- 
(A) In the middle of forbidden gap 
(B) Below the middle of forbidden gap 
(C) Above the middle of forbidden gap 
(D) Outside the forbidden gap 
Ans: (A) For intrinsic semiconductors fermi level of energy lies in the middle of forbidden gap. 
Q9:  The electron mobility in ?? -type germanium is 3900 ????
?? / V.s and its conductivity is 
?? . ?????????? /???? , then impurity concentration will be if the effect of cotters is negligible - 
(A) ????
(B) ????
(C) ????
(D) ????
Ans: (D) ?? = ?? (?? ?? ?? ?? + ?? ?? ?? ?? ) 
?? ?? >> ?? h
So, ?? = ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ?? =
?? ?? ?? ?? =
= 10
Hence the answer is B 
Q10:  The approximate radio of resistances in the forward and reverse bias of the ???? -junction 
diode is- 
(A) ????
?? : ?? 
(B) ????
-?? : ?? 
(C) ?? : ????
(D) ?? : ????
Ans: (D) Resistance in forward bias is much less than resistance in the reverse bias and the ratio of 
resistances is approximately 1: 10
 (Theoretical fact) 
Q11:  The diode used in the circuit shown in the figure has a constant voltage drop of ?? . ?? ?? at all 
current and a maximum power rating of 100 milliwatts. What should be the value of the resistor ?? , 
connected in series with the diode for obtaining maximum current-? 
(A) ?? . ???? 
(B) ???? 
(C) ?? . ?????? 
(D) ???????? 
Ans: (B) Given: 
• Diode's Voltage Drop, V
= 0.5 V 
• Maximum Power Rating, P = 100 mW = 0.1 Watts 
• Battery EMF, E = 1.5 V 
• Resistance = ?? 
Page 4

JEE Solved Examples on Semiconductor Electronics: 
Material Devices and Circuits 
JEE Mains 
Q1:  The forbidden energy gap of a germanium semiconductor is ?? . ???????? . The minimum thermal 
energy of electrons reaching the conduction band from the valence band should be 
(A) ?? . ?????? 
(B) ?? . ???????? 
(C) ?? . ???????? 
(D) ?? . ?????? 
Ans: (B) ?? 9
= 0.75eV 
Q2:  The energy of a photon of sodium light (?? = ???????? ?? ) equal the band gap of a semiconductor. 
The minimum energy required to create an electron-hole pair is 
(A) ?? . ?????????? 
(B) ?? . ???????? 
(C) ?? . ?????? 
(D) ?? . ?????? 
Ans: (C) Minimum energy required to create e - h pair =
= 2.1eV 
Q3:  On increasing temperature the specific resistance of a semiconductor 
(A) Decreases 
(B) Increases 
(C) Remains constant 
(D) Become zero 
Ans: (B) On increasing temperature, energy of electron increases so they can easily jump in 
conductor band so resistance increase. 
Q4:  In a good conductor the energy gap between the conduction band and the valence band is - 
(A) Infinite 
(B) Wide 
(C) Narrow 
(D) Zero 
Ans:  (D) In a good conductor, energy band gap is zero as conduction and valence band overlap. 
Q5:  In a semiconducting material the mobilities of electrons and holes are ?? ?? and ?? ?? respectively. 
Which of the following is true 
(A) ?? ?? > ?? ?? 
(B) ?? ?? < ?? ?? 
(C) ?? ?? = ?? ?? 
(D) ?? ?? < ?? ; ?? ?? > ?? 
Ans: (A) Movement of holes involve breaking and joining of bonds so mobility of holes is less than 
that of electrons. 
Q6:  Those materials in which number of holes in valence band is equal to number of electrons in 
conduction band are called 
(A) Conductors 
(B) Intrinsic semiconductors 
(C) p-type semiconductors 
(D) n-type semiconductors 
Ans: (B) No of electron and hole pairs are equal in intrinsic semiconductors. 
Q7:  In p-type semiconductor holes move in 
(A) Forbidden region 
(B) Conduction band 
(C) Valence band 
(D) all the above regions 
Ans: (C) 
Holes move in valence band in p-type semiconductors 
Q8:  Fermi level of energy of intrinsic semiconductor lies- 
(A) In the middle of forbidden gap 
(B) Below the middle of forbidden gap 
(C) Above the middle of forbidden gap 
(D) Outside the forbidden gap 
Ans: (A) For intrinsic semiconductors fermi level of energy lies in the middle of forbidden gap. 
Q9:  The electron mobility in ?? -type germanium is 3900 ????
?? / V.s and its conductivity is 
?? . ?????????? /???? , then impurity concentration will be if the effect of cotters is negligible - 
(A) ????
(B) ????
(C) ????
(D) ????
Ans: (D) ?? = ?? (?? ?? ?? ?? + ?? ?? ?? ?? ) 
?? ?? >> ?? h
So, ?? = ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ?? =
?? ?? ?? ?? =
= 10
Hence the answer is B 
Q10:  The approximate radio of resistances in the forward and reverse bias of the ???? -junction 
diode is- 
(A) ????
?? : ?? 
(B) ????
-?? : ?? 
(C) ?? : ????
(D) ?? : ????
Ans: (D) Resistance in forward bias is much less than resistance in the reverse bias and the ratio of 
resistances is approximately 1: 10
 (Theoretical fact) 
Q11:  The diode used in the circuit shown in the figure has a constant voltage drop of ?? . ?? ?? at all 
current and a maximum power rating of 100 milliwatts. What should be the value of the resistor ?? , 
connected in series with the diode for obtaining maximum current-? 
(A) ?? . ???? 
(B) ???? 
(C) ?? . ?????? 
(D) ???????? 
Ans: (B) Given: 
• Diode's Voltage Drop, V
= 0.5 V 
• Maximum Power Rating, P = 100 mW = 0.1 Watts 
• Battery EMF, E = 1.5 V 
• Resistance = ?? 
1 Finding Current in the Circuit: 
So it's given E = 1.5 V and Vd = 0.5 V 
Formula: P = I
???? ? I = (P/Vd) 
I = (0.1/0.5) = 0.2 A 
2 Finding Potential Drop Across ?? 
V = E - Vd = 1.5 - 0.5 = 1 V 
3 Finding Value of ?? 
From above, 
?? = 1?? and ?? = 0.2 A
?? = ?????? = ?? /?? = 1/0.2 = 5 ohms 
Q12: In the following circuits ???? -junction diodes ?? ?? ' ?? ?? and ?? ?? are ideal for the following 
potential of ?? and ?? , the correct increasing order of resistance between ?? and ?? will be 
(i) -???? ?? , -?? ?? 
(ii) -?? ?? , -???? ?? 
(iii) -?? ?? , -???? ?? 
(A) (i) < (ii) < (iii) 
(B) (iii) < (ii) < (i) 
(C) (ii) = (iii) < (i) 
(D) (i) = (iii) < (i) 
Ans: (C) (i) 
Page 5

JEE Solved Examples on Semiconductor Electronics: 
Material Devices and Circuits 
JEE Mains 
Q1:  The forbidden energy gap of a germanium semiconductor is ?? . ???????? . The minimum thermal 
energy of electrons reaching the conduction band from the valence band should be 
(A) ?? . ?????? 
(B) ?? . ???????? 
(C) ?? . ???????? 
(D) ?? . ?????? 
Ans: (B) ?? 9
= 0.75eV 
Q2:  The energy of a photon of sodium light (?? = ???????? ?? ) equal the band gap of a semiconductor. 
The minimum energy required to create an electron-hole pair is 
(A) ?? . ?????????? 
(B) ?? . ???????? 
(C) ?? . ?????? 
(D) ?? . ?????? 
Ans: (C) Minimum energy required to create e - h pair =
= 2.1eV 
Q3:  On increasing temperature the specific resistance of a semiconductor 
(A) Decreases 
(B) Increases 
(C) Remains constant 
(D) Become zero 
Ans: (B) On increasing temperature, energy of electron increases so they can easily jump in 
conductor band so resistance increase. 
Q4:  In a good conductor the energy gap between the conduction band and the valence band is - 
(A) Infinite 
(B) Wide 
(C) Narrow 
(D) Zero 
Ans:  (D) In a good conductor, energy band gap is zero as conduction and valence band overlap. 
Q5:  In a semiconducting material the mobilities of electrons and holes are ?? ?? and ?? ?? respectively. 
Which of the following is true 
(A) ?? ?? > ?? ?? 
(B) ?? ?? < ?? ?? 
(C) ?? ?? = ?? ?? 
(D) ?? ?? < ?? ; ?? ?? > ?? 
Ans: (A) Movement of holes involve breaking and joining of bonds so mobility of holes is less than 
that of electrons. 
Q6:  Those materials in which number of holes in valence band is equal to number of electrons in 
conduction band are called 
(A) Conductors 
(B) Intrinsic semiconductors 
(C) p-type semiconductors 
(D) n-type semiconductors 
Ans: (B) No of electron and hole pairs are equal in intrinsic semiconductors. 
Q7:  In p-type semiconductor holes move in 
(A) Forbidden region 
(B) Conduction band 
(C) Valence band 
(D) all the above regions 
Ans: (C) 
Holes move in valence band in p-type semiconductors 
Q8:  Fermi level of energy of intrinsic semiconductor lies- 
(A) In the middle of forbidden gap 
(B) Below the middle of forbidden gap 
(C) Above the middle of forbidden gap 
(D) Outside the forbidden gap 
Ans: (A) For intrinsic semiconductors fermi level of energy lies in the middle of forbidden gap. 
Q9:  The electron mobility in ?? -type germanium is 3900 ????
?? / V.s and its conductivity is 
?? . ?????????? /???? , then impurity concentration will be if the effect of cotters is negligible - 
(A) ????
(B) ????
(C) ????
(D) ????
Ans: (D) ?? = ?? (?? ?? ?? ?? + ?? ?? ?? ?? ) 
?? ?? >> ?? h
So, ?? = ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ?? =
?? ?? ?? ?? =
= 10
Hence the answer is B 
Q10:  The approximate radio of resistances in the forward and reverse bias of the ???? -junction 
diode is- 
(A) ????
?? : ?? 
(B) ????
-?? : ?? 
(C) ?? : ????
(D) ?? : ????
Ans: (D) Resistance in forward bias is much less than resistance in the reverse bias and the ratio of 
resistances is approximately 1: 10
 (Theoretical fact) 
Q11:  The diode used in the circuit shown in the figure has a constant voltage drop of ?? . ?? ?? at all 
current and a maximum power rating of 100 milliwatts. What should be the value of the resistor ?? , 
connected in series with the diode for obtaining maximum current-? 
(A) ?? . ???? 
(B) ???? 
(C) ?? . ?????? 
(D) ???????? 
Ans: (B) Given: 
• Diode's Voltage Drop, V
= 0.5 V 
• Maximum Power Rating, P = 100 mW = 0.1 Watts 
• Battery EMF, E = 1.5 V 
• Resistance = ?? 
1 Finding Current in the Circuit: 
So it's given E = 1.5 V and Vd = 0.5 V 
Formula: P = I
???? ? I = (P/Vd) 
I = (0.1/0.5) = 0.2 A 
2 Finding Potential Drop Across ?? 
V = E - Vd = 1.5 - 0.5 = 1 V 
3 Finding Value of ?? 
From above, 
?? = 1?? and ?? = 0.2 A
?? = ?????? = ?? /?? = 1/0.2 = 5 ohms 
Q12: In the following circuits ???? -junction diodes ?? ?? ' ?? ?? and ?? ?? are ideal for the following 
potential of ?? and ?? , the correct increasing order of resistance between ?? and ?? will be 
(i) -???? ?? , -?? ?? 
(ii) -?? ?? , -???? ?? 
(iii) -?? ?? , -???? ?? 
(A) (i) < (ii) < (iii) 
(B) (iii) < (ii) < (i) 
(C) (ii) = (iii) < (i) 
(D) (i) = (iii) < (i) 
Ans: (C) (i) 
Q13:  Which is the correct diagram of a half-wave rectifier - 
Ans:  (B) 
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FAQs on Solved Example: Semiconductor Electronics Material Devices and Circuits - Physics for JEE Main & Advanced

1. What are the different types of semiconductor materials used in electronic devices?
Ans. The common semiconductor materials used in electronic devices are silicon, germanium, and gallium arsenide. These materials have unique electrical properties that make them suitable for various applications in electronics.
2. How do semiconductor devices, such as diodes and transistors, work in electronic circuits?
Ans. Semiconductor devices rely on the control of electron flow through the material to regulate the flow of current. Diodes allow current to flow in one direction only, while transistors can amplify or switch electronic signals.
3. What is the significance of doping in semiconductor electronics?
Ans. Doping involves introducing impurities into a semiconductor material to alter its electrical properties. This process is crucial for creating p-n junctions, which are essential for the operation of diodes and transistors in electronic circuits.
4. How do integrated circuits (ICs) revolutionize semiconductor electronics?
Ans. Integrated circuits combine multiple electronic components, such as transistors and resistors, on a single semiconductor chip. This miniaturization has significantly increased the performance and functionality of electronic devices while reducing their size and cost.
5. What are the key challenges faced in the development of advanced semiconductor devices and circuits?
Ans. Some of the challenges in semiconductor electronics include shrinking transistor sizes to increase processing speed, reducing power consumption, and ensuring reliability in high-performance applications. Researchers are constantly exploring new materials and technologies to address these challenges.
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