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Summary: The Little Bully | English Marigold Class 5 PDF Download

Key Points of the Story

  • The story is about a small boy named Hari who enjoys teasing and pinching other children at school.
  • Hari is strong for his size, which makes it easy for him to bully his classmates without fear of retaliation.
  • One day, the class goes on a picnic at the seaside, and all the children are excited, but no one wants to sit next to Hari because of his bullying behaviour.
  • When they arrive at the seaside, Hari feels left out and goes to sit alone in a sandy corner near a pool.
  • Hari has a big lunch that he decides not to share with anyone, feeling angry about being excluded.
  • A crab appears and surprisingly greets Hari, but when Hari tries to shake its claw, the crab pinches him hard.
  • Other sea creatures, including lobsters and shrimps, join in and pinch Hari, causing him pain just like he inflicted on others.
  • Realizing that the creatures are treating him like he treated his classmates, Hari feels sad and frightened.
  • After losing his lunch to the sea creatures, Hari runs away, understanding that his actions hurt others.
  • By the end of the story, Hari vows not to pinch or prick anyone anymore, realizing the pain he caused.

Detailed Summary

Once upon a time, there was a small boy named Hari. Even though he was not very big, he was strong and loved to tease his classmates. He had a special talent for pinching others, which could leave a big bruise very quickly. Hari also liked to poke people with a pin. Because of this, all the other children disliked him. They tried to pinch him back, but he was always stronger, so it did not work. They didn’t want to tell their teacher because they thought it would be telling tales.

One day, the whole class went on a picnic to the seaside. Everyone was excited and happy, and they all rushed onto the train. However, no one wanted to sit next to Hari because they were afraid he would pinch them. When they arrived at the beach, all the children ran down to the sand, but nobody wanted to hold Hari’s hand. Feeling angry and lonely, Hari sat down by himself in a quiet corner by a rocky pool. He took out his lunch, which was very good. He had two hard-boiled eggs, six jam sandwiches, three pieces of bread and butter, a ginger cake, and a bar of chocolate. He decided he would eat everything by himself and wouldn’t share with anyone.

As he started eating his eggs, he heard a strange voice nearby. To his surprise, he saw a monster crab coming out of the pool. The crab had funny eyes on stalks and greeted Hari. When Hari reached out to shake the crab's claw, the crab pinched him hard, making him yell in pain. Then, a large lobster came out of the water and pinched him too. Soon, more crabs and lobsters appeared, and they all started pinching Hari. They thought he would enjoy it because he was known as a champion pincher himself.

Hari was shocked and frightened. He realized that the crabs and lobsters were doing to him what he had done to the other children. It hurt a lot, and he felt very upset. As he cried, his lunch rolled into the water, and the creatures began to eat it. Seeing this, Hari took the chance to run away, crying with tears on his cheeks. He thought about how he hurt others and understood that he did not want to pinch or poke anyone again. He learned a valuable lesson that day about how it feels to be hurt, and he decided to change his ways.

Theme/ Message

  • The main theme of the story is about the consequences of bullying. It shows that those who hurt others may one day experience similar pain.
  • The story teaches that kindness is important and that teasing others can lead to loneliness and sadness.
  • It emphasizes the idea that understanding how our actions affect others is crucial for building friendships.
  • The message of the story encourages children to treat others with respect and to think about how their actions make others feel.
  • It shows that everyone deserves kindness and that hurtful actions can lead to feelings of regret and isolation.
  • Ultimately, the story conveys that changing one's behaviour for the better can lead to stronger and more positive relationships with peers.

Difficult Words

  • Tease: To make fun of someone in a playful or annoying way.
  • Bruise: A purple mark on the skin caused by an injury.
  • Excited: Feeling very happy and eager.
  • Angry: Feeling strong feelings of annoyance or displeasure.
  • Surprise: To feel shock or wonder at something unexpected.
  • Cousin: A child of one's uncle or aunt.
  • Pinch: To squeeze something tightly, causing pain.
  • Feast: To eat a lot of food with great enjoyment.
  • Horrified: Feeling very shocked or frightened.
  • Realizing: To become aware of something or to understand it clearly.
The document Summary: The Little Bully | English Marigold Class 5 is a part of the Class 5 Course English Marigold Class 5.
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FAQs on Summary: The Little Bully - English Marigold Class 5

1. What is the main conflict in "The Little Bully"?
Ans. The main conflict in "The Little Bully" revolves around a young character who exhibits bullying behavior towards others, which causes tension and challenges in their relationships with peers.
2. How does the character of the little bully change throughout the story?
Ans. Throughout the story, the little bully experiences moments of reflection and realization about the impact of their actions, leading to personal growth and a desire to change their behavior towards others.
3. What message does "The Little Bully" convey about bullying?
Ans. The story conveys the message that bullying is harmful not only to the victims but also to the bully themselves, and it encourages empathy and understanding as essential components in overcoming such behavior.
4. What are some consequences faced by the little bully in the story?
Ans. The little bully faces social isolation and conflict with friends, as well as feelings of regret and loneliness, which highlight the negative repercussions of their actions.
5. How can readers relate to the themes presented in "The Little Bully"?
Ans. Readers can relate to the themes of bullying and redemption in "The Little Bully" by reflecting on their own experiences with kindness, empathy, and the importance of treating others with respect.
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