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Time Class 2 Notes EVS

How Do We Define Time?

  • Time is a concept that helps us understand the sequence of events in our lives. It is divided into three parts: past (what has already happened), present (what is happening now), and future (what is yet to come).
  • We measure time using units like seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. Clocks are important tools that help us keep track of time, allowing us to plan and organize our daily activities.

Time Class 2 Notes EVS

Day and Night 

The Earth is like a big ball floating in space. It gets light from the sun, which makes it bright and sunny on one side. This bright side is called daytime. But on the other side of the Earth, it's dark because it's not facing the sun. This dark side is called nighttime.

This spinning of the Earth is what gives us the regular cycle of day and night.
Time Class 2 Notes EVS

  • The Start and End of Day

    • When the Sun comes up in the morning, it is called sunrise, and this marks the beginning of a new day.
    • When the Sun goes down in the evening, it is called sunset, and this signals the end of the day and the beginning of night.

Question for Notes: Time
Try yourself:
What marks the beginning of a new day?
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What is a Clock?

A clock is used to measure time. A clock has two hands— the short hand called the hour hand and the long hand called the minute hand.

  • How Time is Measured

    • Time is measured in hours (h) and minutes (min).
    • The hour hand shows the current hour, while the minute hand indicates how many minutes have passed since the last hour.
    • When the minute hand completes a full circle, moving from the 12 position back to 12, it signifies that one hour has elapsed.Time Class 2 Notes EVS

There are 60 minutes in 1 hour, and a day is made up of 24 hours. This time can also be broken down into hours and minutes.

What is a Calendar?

Time Class 2 Notes EVS

  • Calendar is a system that helps us organise and keep track of time, usually based on the Earth’s movements, such as its rotation on its axis and its orbit around the Sun.
  • Calendars help us keep track of days, weeks, months, and years. They help us plan and organise events, religious festivals, and agricultural activities.
  • A calendar is a table that displays the days, weeks, and months of the year. It shows all the dates and days of the week. There are 7 days in a week.

Days of the Week in Order

  • Monday is the first day of the week and Sunday is the last day of the week.
  • There are 12 months in a year.
  • There are 365 days in an ordinary year and the month of February has 28 days. But every fourth year, February has 29 days and the year has 366 days. It is called a leap year.

Months of the Calendar

  • Months are also identified by their position in the year
  • The number of days in each month varies; some months have 30 days, some have 31 days, and February has fewer days.
    Time Class 2 Notes EVSTime Class 2 Notes EVS

February is the month that can have either 28 days or 29 days.

Writing a Date

We can see from this example that 15th January 2024 falls on Monday.

Time Class 2 Notes EVS

A date is written in the following ways:

  • Date/month/year e.g. 15/01/2024                                Or
  • Date-month-year e.g. 15-01-2024                                Or
  • Date month' year e.g. 15+th January' 2024

Now try writing your birth date in your notebook using different formats.


Find the date

find the day on which the date is falling

Month and year is given at the top

Combine all of them in the form: date/month/year

Question for Notes: Time
Try yourself:
Which month has the fewest number of days in a non-leap year?
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  • Time helps us understand the sequence of events, dividing it into past, present, and future.
  • It is measured in units such as seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years.
  • Day and night are caused by the Earth spinning on its axis, with one side facing the Sun for day and the other side in darkness for night.
  • Clocks, with their hour and minute hands, help us track time, with each hour consisting of 60 minutes.
  • A calendar helps us organize time, showing days, weeks, months, and years, and assists in planning events.
  • A year consists of 12 months, and while most years have 365 days, a leap year has 366 days, with February having 29 days.
  • Dates are written in formats like Date/month/year or Date-month-year.
  • Reading a calendar involves finding the date, day, and understanding the month/year to organize and plan activities.
The document Time Class 2 Notes EVS is a part of the Class 2 Course EVS for Class 2.
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FAQs on Time Class 2 Notes EVS

1. How do we define time in our daily lives?
Ans.Time is defined as a measurable period during which events occur, often divided into units such as seconds, minutes, hours, days, and years. In daily life, we experience time through the cycles of day and night, which are influenced by the Earth's rotation and orbit around the sun.
2. What are the different ways to measure time?
Ans.Time can be measured using various tools such as clocks and calendars. Clocks measure time in smaller units (seconds, minutes, hours), while calendars help track longer periods (days, months, years). Both systems are essential for organizing our daily activities and planning for the future.
3. Why are clocks important in understanding time?
Ans.Clocks are important because they provide a standardized way to measure and keep track of time. They help synchronize activities in society, such as work hours, school schedules, and public transportation, ensuring that people can coordinate their plans and commitments efficiently.
4. How does a calendar help us organize our time?
Ans.A calendar helps us organize time by providing a visual representation of days, weeks, and months. It allows us to plan events, set appointments, and commemorate special occasions. Calendars also help us understand seasonal changes and manage long-term goals and deadlines.
5. What is the relationship between day, night, and our perception of time?
Ans.The relationship between day, night, and our perception of time is closely linked to the Earth's rotation. Daytime occurs when a location on Earth faces the sun, while nighttime occurs when it is turned away. This natural cycle influences our biological clocks, activities, and cultural practices, shaping how we perceive and experience time.
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