Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE) PDF Download

Turing Machines

Consider the following figure:
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
From the diagram, unrestricted grammars produce unrestricted languages (Type-0 languages). These Type-0 languages are recognised using Turing machines.

Following is an example for unrestricted grammar:
S → ACaB
CaBc → aaC
aD → Da
aEC → Ea
AE → ε
Here LHS and RHS can contain any set of terminals and non terminals.

Part I. Turing Machine (TM)

A Turing machine is a computing device that can be represented as,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
From the above diagram, a TM consists of a,
It is divided into a number of cells. Tape is infinite. A cell can hold a tape symbol or a blank symbol (#).
Finite control
At a particular instant, finite control is in a state. States are divided into,
Start state (q0),
Halt state (h),
Intermediate states (q1, q2, .....).
Tape head
Tape head points to one of the tape cells. It communicates between finite control and tape. It can move left ,right or remain stationary.

Definition of a TM

A Turing machine is,
TM = (Q,∑, Γ, δ, q0, #, h)
Q is a set of states,
∑ is a set of input symbols,
Γ is a set of tape symbols, including #,
δ is the next move function from
(Q × Γ) → (Q × Γ × {L, R, N}),
q0 is the start state,
# is the blank symbol,
h is the halt state.

Consider the following TM,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
Here TM is in state, q and head points to tape symbol, c.
Let a move is defined as,
δ(q, c) = (q1, b, R)
This means, if TM is in state q and points to input symbol, c, then it enters state, q1, replaces symbol, c with b and moves one position towards right (R). Thus the TM now is,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
Now TM is in state q1,and head points to the tape symbol, a.

Let a move of the TM is defined as,
δ(q1, a) = (q2, d, L)
This means, if TM is in state q1 and points to input symbol, a, then it enters state, q2, replaces symbol, a with d and moves one position towards left (L). Thus the TM now is,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
Now TM is in state q2,and head points to the tape symbol, b.

Let a move of the TM is defined as,
δ(q2, b) = (q1, y, N)
This means, if TM is in state q2 and points to input symbol, b, then it enters state, q1, replaces symbol, b with y and head
remains in the same position (N). Thus the TM now is,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
Now TM is in state q1,and head points to the tape symbol, y.

Consider a Turing machine,
TM = (Q,∑, Γ, δ, q0, #, h)
Q = {q0, h}
∑= {a, b}
Γ = {a, b, #}
q0 = q0
# = #
h = h
δ is defined as,
δ(q0, a) = (q0, #, L)
δ(q0, b) = (q0, #, L)
δ(q0, #) = (h, #, N)
δ(h, #) = ACCEP T

Language Acceptability by TM

A string, w is said to be accepted by a Turing machine, if TM halts in an accepting state. That is,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
A string, w is not accepted by a TM, if TM halts in a non-accepting state or does not halt.

Example 1:
Consider a Turing machine,
TM = (Q,∑, Γ, δ, q0, #, h)
Q = {q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6}
∑ = {0, 1, x, y}
Γ = {0, 1, x, y, #}
q= q1
# = #
h = q6
δ is defined as,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

Check whether the string 011 is accepted by the above TM?

Initially, TM is in start state, q1 and the tape contains the given string 011. Initially, head points to symbol 0 in the input string.
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
A given transition is, δ(q1, 0) = (q2, x, R)
Then, TM becomes,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
A given transition is, δ(q2, 1) = (q3, y, L)
Then, TM becomes,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
A given transition is, δ(q3, x) = (q5, x, R)
Then, TM becomes,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
A given transition is, δ(q5, y) = (q5, x, R)
Then, TM becomes,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
δ(q5, 1) is not defined for the TM. So the string 011 is not accepted by the above TM.

Example 2:
Consider a Turing machine,
TM = (Q,∑, Γ, δ, q0, #, h)
Q = {q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6}
∑= {0, 1, x, y}
Γ = {0, 1, x, y, #}
q0 = q1
# = #
h = q6
δ is defined as,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

Check whether the string 0011 is accepted by the above TM?

Initially, TM is in start state, q1 and the tape contains the given string 0011. Initially, head points to symbol 0 in the input string.
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
A given transition is, δ(q1, 0) = (q2, x, R)
Then, TM becomes,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
A given transition is, δ(q2, 0) = (q2, 0, R)
Then, TM becomes,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
A given transition is, δ(q2, 1) = (q3, y, L)
Then, TM becomes,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
A given transition is, δ(q3, 0) = (q4, 0, L)
Then, TM becomes,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
A given transition is, δ(q4, x) = (q1, x, R)
Then, TM becomes,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
A given transition is, δ(q1, 0) = (q2, x, R)
Then, TM becomes,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
A given transition is, δ(q2, y) = (q2, y, R)
Then, TM becomes,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
A given transition is, δ(q2, 1) = (q3, y, L)
Then, TM becomes,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
A given transition is, δ(q3, y) = (q3, y, L)
Then, TM becomes,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
A given transition is, δ(q3, x) = (q5, x, R)
Then, TM becomes,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
A given transition is, δ(q5, y) = (q5, x, R)
Then, TM becomes,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
A given transition is, δ(q5, y) = (q5, x, R)
Then, TM becomes,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
A given transition is, δ(q5, #) = (q6, #, R)
Then, TM becomes,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
qis the halt state or accepting state of the TM. So the string 0011 is accepted by the above TM.

Example 3:
Consider a Turing machine,
TM = (Q,∑, Γ, δ, q0, #, h)
Q = {q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6}
∑= {0, 1, x, y}
Γ = {0, 1, x, y, #}
q0 = q1
# = #
h = q6
δ is defined as,
δ(q1, 0) = (q2, x, R)     δ(q1, #) = (q5, #, R)
δ(q2, 0) = (q2, 0, R)     δ(q2, 1) = (q3, y, L)
δ(q2, y) = (q2, y, R)     δ(q3, 0) = (q4, 0, L)
δ(q3, x) = (q5, x, R)     δ(q3, y) = (q3, y, L)
δ(q4, 0) = (q4, 0, L)     δ(q4, x) = (q1, x, R)
δ(q5, y) = (q5, x, R)     δ(q5, #) = (q6, #, R)

Check whether the string 001 is accepted by the above TM?

Initially, TM is in start state, q1 and the tape contains the given string 001. Initially, head points to symbol 0 in the inputstring.
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
A given transition is, δ(q1, 0) = (q2, x, R)
Then, TM becomes,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
A given transition is, δ(q2, 0) = (q2, 0, R)
Then, TM becomes,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
A given transition is, δ(q2, 1) = (q3, y, L)
Then, TM becomes,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
A given transition is, δ(q3, 0) = (q4, 0, L)
Then, TM becomes,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
A given transition is, δ(q4, x) = (q1, x, R)
Then, TM becomes,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
A given transition is, δ(q1, 0) = (q2, x, R)
Then, TM becomes,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
A given transition is, δ(q2, y) = (q2, y, R)
Then, TM becomes,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
Now TM halts because no δ is defined for q2 and #. But q2 is not the halt state of TM. So the string 001 is not accepted
by the above TM.

2 Representation of Turing Machines
We can represent a TM in different ways. They are,
Instantaneous descriptions,
Transition tables,
Transition diagrams.

Representation of TM by Instantaneous Descriptions
In all the above examples, Turing machines shown in the pictures were instaneous descriptions. This means an instant of a TM is shown.
Following shows an instantaneous description of a TM,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
Currently, symbol under the head is 1.
Current state is q2.
Symbols on the left of 1 are x and 0.
Symbnols on the right of 1 are 1, #, #, .....
This instant of TM can be written as,
x 0 q1 1 # # #.
Let a transition is defines as, δ(q2, 1) = (q3, y, L)
Then TM moves to,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
That is,
x q2 0 y 1 # # #.
This transition from one state to other can be written as,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

Representation of TM by Transition Table
Let a Turing machine is defined as,
TM = (Q,∑, Γ, δ, q0, #, h)
Q = {q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6}
∑ = {0, 1, x, y}
Γ = {0, 1, x, y, #}
q0 = q1
# = #
h = q6

δ is defined as,

Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

This TM can be represented as a Transition table.
Transition table corresponding to the above TM is,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
Above is the transition table representation of a TM.
In the above transition table, the entry, (q2, y, R) corresponding to row q2 and column y denotes the transition,
δ(q2, y) = (q2, y, R)

Representation of TM by Transition Diagram
Let a Turing machine is defined as,
TM = (Q,∑, Γ, δ, q0, #, h)
Q = {q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6}
∑ = {0, 1, x, y}
Γ = {0, 1, x, y, #}
q0 = q1
# = #
h = q6
δ is defined as,
δ(q1, 0) = (q2, x, R)      δ(q1, #) = (q5, #, R)
δ(q2, 0) = (q2, 0, R)     δ(q2, 1) = (q3, y, L)
δ(q2, y) = (q2, y, R)      δ(q3, 0) = (q4, 0, L)
δ(q3, x) = (q5, x, R)     δ(q3, y) = (q3, y, L)
δ(q4, 0) = (q4, 0, L)      δ(q4, x) = (q1, x, R)
δ(q5, y) = (q5, x, R)      δ(q5, #) = (q6, #, R)

This TM can be represented as a Transition diagram.
Transition diagram corresponding to the above TM is,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
In the above transition diagram, the part of th picture,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
denotes the transition,
δ(q1, 0) = (q2, x, R)
Also the part of the picture,
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
denotes the transition,
δ(q5, y) = (q5, x, R)

1. Consider the TM given in the following transition table:
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
Check whether the string 00 is accepted by the above TM.

2. Consider the TM given in the following transition table:
Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
Check whether the string 0011 is accepted by the above TM.

The document Turing Machine (TM) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE) is a part of the Computer Science Engineering (CSE) Course Theory of Computation.
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FAQs on Turing Machine (TM) - Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

1. What is a Turing Machine in computer science engineering?
Ans. A Turing Machine (TM) is a theoretical computing device that consists of an infinite tape divided into cells, a read/write head, and a set of rules for manipulating the tape. It serves as the foundation for understanding the limits of computation and plays a crucial role in the field of computer science engineering.
2. How does a Turing Machine work?
Ans. A Turing Machine works by reading symbols from the tape, moving its head left or right, and following a set of rules to determine its next action. It can write new symbols on the tape, erase existing symbols, or change its internal state based on the current symbol being read. This process continues until the machine reaches a halting state or an infinite loop.
3. What are the applications of Turing Machines in computer science engineering?
Ans. Turing Machines have various applications in computer science engineering. They are used to study the theoretical limits of computation, analyze algorithm complexity, design programming languages, develop artificial intelligence systems, and model the behavior of real-world computers and systems.
4. Can a Turing Machine solve any problem?
Ans. Yes, a Turing Machine can solve any problem that is computationally solvable. This is known as the Church-Turing thesis, which states that any algorithmic problem can be solved by a Turing Machine or an equivalent computational model. However, it is important to note that some problems may be too complex for practical computation due to their exponential time complexity.
5. Are there any limitations to Turing Machines?
Ans. Turing Machines have certain limitations. They cannot solve problems that are undecidable or non-computable, such as the Halting Problem. Additionally, they do not capture the parallelism and concurrency present in modern computing systems. However, despite these limitations, Turing Machines provide a powerful framework for understanding the fundamentals of computation.
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